
  • Syd wrote a new post 7 years, 8 months ago

    We’ve been hinting at this for some time and we’ve put the finishing touches and it’s ready to go. HobbyLink.TV’s Playing With Plamo 2017 Modeling Competition is now open.

    Check out the groups from the last […]

    • A quick question. Couldnt find it in the rules (looks like you guys even didnt add the requirement about the unopened kit like last competition) but is it ok to make a kit (orginal unopened one) using canibalised parts of other kit. Im my example. The model will be MS-06E3(unopened kit) and the part provider (joints and some parts to fix proportions of the kit) will be MS-06FS. Will it still be eligible?

      View post on

      PS. Ryan and Syd. I bet Robodaz if he wishes could put a submission today since he has insane build speed 😛

    • Finally!!!

    • So we can’t include WIP pics of a kit we’ve already built if we’ve posted a review of it? What if we remove the review? Already too late?

    • The links to the 2013 groups don’t work.

    • Whooo! So we need to start with a completely unassembled kit right?

    • Oh yes, definitely going to do this!

      Just a few questions though, would a kit received in the /r/Gunpla Secret Santa be eligible (It’s a Barbatos Lupus so there’s no doubt you guys sell it), and would sending WIP pictures to a gunpla chat in Telegram foul the no external posting rule?

    • Ouch I don’t have credit cards, so I buy kits from a guy who often order large amount of kits from hlj to sell to the locals. How can I prove the origin of my kit?

      • I’m guessing that with a good recent picture of the box and the runners inside the plastic?

    • Do we have to include the kits that I’m just using their weapons I have the parts but I don’t have box no more.

    • This is really cool. I just got one of my boxes from HLJ (after about 5 weeks in shipping, still waiting for another) I might use one of the two kits, probably the MG RGM Custom.

    • Is it me or are the links for the Begining/Intermediate/Advanced 2013 broken?

    • I am waiting for anew competition for years and now I figured, that I have no kit. The last unbuilt mayor kit from HLJ was my five star stories mortarhead and I started building it last weekend… Tough luck with that. I only have a V2 on its way since e few weeks, that might be in time. But I like it how it is. Sure my warehouse has a couple of kits, waiting to be shiped, but I had to use express shipment to be in time and that doubles my costs for them… argh.. have to sleep over this problem.

    • I’ve got a large number of planned projects, and this competition gives me a reason to start one. I’ve got a few questions:
      First: Does it need to be a single model kit, or can a diorama with a few models be acceptable?
      Second: I’m attempting to create a YouTube channel for my work. I’ll be taking video of the progress on this project. Do I need to wait until the competition is over to post any associated WIP videos, or does HLJ want some free advertising while I’m working on it?
      I’m Excited! Like I said, my backlog is pretty enormous at the moment, and this does give me an excuse to actually move forward with one of my many plans. More often than not, these same plans prevent me from actually building the kits, as I don’t have much free time to work on them.

    • A wild Ryan has appeared!

    • Hi,

      I am very happy HLJ is doing the competition again. It was a great experience last time round. I wish everyone the best of luck and can’t wait to see your work.

      If I may add a small critique. I wish you had not done the competition in this period of the year. This is study time in the northern hemisphere and April/May is exam time! Some of us who work and study are going to find ‘finding time’ very difficult. I think something like this would have been better served if done during the summer time.

      Also, I wish next time round, you pre-inform us when the opening dates for submission will be at least a month in advance. This way we will have some a grace period to think what we want to build and have enough time to order the parts/kits without loosing time.

      At this point I do not know if I will manage to finish a good project in time working only few hours over the weekend. I don’t want to rush my work like I did last time round and end up regretting it.

      I still have not decided what to do, but I will still be more than happy to watch others work on their projects.

      Once again good luck to one and all and a big thank you to HLJ for hosting the competition.


    • Does the kit have to be purchased from HLJ?

    • I need to know if it’s ok that I use one weapon from a kit (just a beam rifle) that wasn’t purchased from HLJ, would that get me disqualified or ???

    • wait, so i gotta buy the kit from hlj in order to enter?

      • I thought that Sid said threat they just have to stock the kit at hlj not necessarily have bought it from them??? I’m not sure does any one want to clarify this conundrum.

      • Not don’t think so, u just have to make sure you make the kit for hobbylinkjapan only. That mean they can’t been any photo or video of the kit your building anywhere online it must be on hobby link

    • Tod is great, but it was nice to see ryan again.

    • Please I would like to know why are only kits purchased on allowed in the competition? I buy my kits from all over the place and I have used and many others for many many years. I do not know why this is a rule now.

      I believe this limits everyone’s creativity. Because I feel like my ability to express myself with Bandai’s Gundam, or Kotobukiya, or Tamiya kits are really limiting. I would prefer to have a wider range of models to choose from.

      • The rules have been clarified to state clearly that the kit can be purchased from somewhere other than however you will need a customer account at in order to submit your final order and claim any prizes.

        HobbyLink Japan has a huge range of models. I don’t think it’s fair to say that people’s creativity is being stifled by asking that they use models that were/are available for sale through

        • Thank you Syd. I did not mean to come off as arrogant as it might have sounded. I highly and greatly appreciate it. I have been a long time HobbyLink Japan customer. Do not take my comments as being ungrateful for the opportunity and the experience that this competition offers.

          I was expressing frustrations over what I believed to be mixed up rules. I am sorry. Please do not hold that against me. I am having trouble deciphering and understanding the rules is all. I not only have HLJ models I would be able and willing to use. I am just looking and trying to do something different.

          Thank you Syd sensei.

        • Thank you Syd. I did not mean to come off as arrogant as it might have sounded. I highly and greatly appreciate it. I have been a long time HobbyLink Japan customer. Do not take my comments as being ungrateful for the opportunity and the experience that this competition offers.

          I was expressing frustrations over what I believed to be mixed up rules. I am sorry. Please do not hold that against me. I am having trouble deciphering and understanding the rules is all. I not only have HLJ models I would be able and willing to use but also my prize for 4th place runner up from 2014. I am just looking and trying to do something different.

          I am a loyal HobbyLink Japan customer.

          Thank you Syd sensei.

    • Can I use a 3rd party kit?

    • I can use already assembled models to create a kitbash and scratch

    • Hello HLJ and Master Syd.

      So yeah… a couple of questions:

      1. Can me and my wife both enter the competition (me in intermediate, she in beginner) as you know we are both fans of Gunpla and both build our own different kits?

      2.We have two HLJ accounts, however both are named after her and me as a care of in the address section as she has more time to pick up the kits at our post office and in times she cannot, i do so… Is this okay?

      Thanks for the response

    • Hi Syd, any chance we can up the image count for the submission? 8 is kinda low…



    • Hello Hlj, and Master Syd
      I have a few model and i already submit one model to this competition, my question can I submit more then one model, ths

  • Syd wrote a new post 7 years, 8 months ago

    Happy New Year, everyone! We’re back after a nice year-end holiday and we are eager to show you what we’ve been doing in terms of plamo during our days off. There are some big things in this episode!

    Check out […]

    • Thanks for the gift! guys may you always build gunpla tv!

    • Hey guys, gonna be building the PG Strike Freedom tomorrow. Do you know if you will be getting the HMM Gojulas The Ogre back in stock soon. Wasn’t able to afford it when it came out and so I missed it.

    • I have waited all year for this video and now it has finally arrived, jk. I had to keep myself entertained by watching older episodes haha. All and all, Happy New Years guys! Do you have any new years resolutions?

    • Great work as always syd, i may look to get both thunderbolt ka’s

    • Yay! A new one 😀

    • Another episode pf Gunpla TV is another episode of fun fun.

      I’m hype for Hekija. So far the hollow parts on the feet are disappointing, but otherwise it looks pretty good, i’m definitely a fan so i’ll definitely have to get one. Lunagazer too, Stargazer and Hyaku Shiki are two of my favorite MS, so I definitely have to get their baby. The Guncannon combo set is one i’m getting two of. I want both variants as they both look great. The Unicorn is something i’ll have to pass on, i’m not interested personally.

      Even though it’s a kit we’ve technically built, i’m still getting it. I’ve always wanted a Char’s Zaku I so i’ll have to buy this, I hope we get the other variant soon though, i’d like that one more.

      FM Vidar has got my hyped. Compared to the HG, it just destroys that thing past redemption. It’s got the gimmicks, less stickers and detail alone make it superior, so much to love about the kit. It’s going to be the Vidar kit i’m getting and I won’t regret it.

      The MG Psycho Zaku looks so damn sick. I love how it looks, but I will admit i’m not a huge fan of how the vinyl tubing looks. I feel like the HG did looks tubing better, but it’s not a deal breaker. I’m glad they used the Zaku 2.0 frame, it’s a great one. Sad he can’t hold his bazooka super well though. Still, i’ll have to get it, especially with how big it is.

    • Since the 1/100 IBOs are this well made, I hope they will make MGs too!

    • Do you guys prefer smaller or bigger kits?

    • Another great show. I was wondering if you could do a tutorial on how best to handle the vinyl tubing on the head, waist and leg (not the actual leg itself). Many people that reviewed the psycho zaku have commented that they ended up splitting the vinyl tube along the seams. Thanks.

    • ouch Todd you should have showed us how the pistols of the Vidar are stored on the front skirts, that’s a huge improvement over the HG

    • You could put in an entire meal on the fuel tank of that Psycho Zaku. Oh also I’ll be getting my package later from HLJ. ANyone here on the Philippines got theirs delivered directly to their home?

    • Todd, careful with that Lunagazer: an early review is not positive toward the materials used, and there aren’t any included beam saber effect parts!

      Could you see if it’s possible to combine the frame parts for the Ti Unicorn? Maybe it’s possible to show it transitioning between the modes.

      FM (NG) Vidar is ready to Attack on Titan!

    • Happy New Year, guys. Thanks for another great episode. Syd is the Gunpla Shogun but Todd has some deep knowledge as well. Much respect. Really loving all the releases from Thunderbolt and Origin.

    • Great episode as usual guys! Happy new year as well! FM Vidar looks cool, that hg zaku looks cool too, and geez, the mg Ver Ka Psycho Zaku is a monster. Where’s the new announcement video?

    • Wait did I miss something? Didn’t they say there was going to be a big announcement on the website at the same time the video went up?

      Not a fan of the Psycho Zaku I would rather buy 3 normal Zakus for the same price.

    • Well great show guys a shame i didn’t win that beaut of a suit though.

    • Hell or high water wont stop me from Plamo!

    • Been a while since i saw an episode of gunpla tv.. Been watching you previous episodes… Made me think hows ryan doing now?

    • I like the looks of the vidar, except for the color. Want to see some customs with a different color scheme

    • Love the Vidar with the exception of the weirdly arched feet. I’d definitely want to replace those with a more traditional style.

    • I have a question, but not exactly related to this episode.
      i think in December 2015 there was some announcement about RE/100 Kshatriya kit.
      Do you have any info about this release?

    • Happy New Years you guys!

      Good god, that Psycho Zakus’ Backpack :0

    • That giant backpack… Might as well used a Tresemme shampoo bottle, lol.

    • Great show guys. Thanks.
      Wow, didn’t know that the Ver. Ka Unicorn discontinued!
      That’s an interesting Zaku I.

    • That Vidar is really something. Looking forward to get mine.

    • Well, for me that back pack was the highlight of the episode!
      One of the things I really appreciate about gunpla tv is the comparisons! thank you very much for showing the differences with Zaku II 2.0. Hmmm, it was nice day dreaming about winning the Sazabi.

    • happy new years guys the vidar and zaku both look amazing

    • That Psycho Zaku looks awesome. Funny story actually. It’s in my private warehouse until I get back from Japan of all places. SO I’ve been walking around seeing Psycho Zakus on the shelves of every hobby store and I have to wait til I leave to have mine haha.

    • Thanks GunplaTV and RNG!

      I like the psycho zaku especially that shade of red but I’m not a big fan of the bulky backpack. It would be cool if they made a standalone version or better yet, the 3.0 Char’s Zaku II!

    • That Zaku is overkill. When will Bandai get sexy amd give us an MG Serpent Custom?

    • Great show guy’s and great way to start the year.
      The new Thunderbolt kit looks huge. And display room would be the only issue.
      One question do you think Bandai will bother with MG kits first the IBO line? As the standard 1:100 kits are so well designed. Still after this series I wonder where they will go from there.
      Have great year fellas and welcome back from your break.

    • I like that little red thingy hanging by that magnificent backpack.

    • what a wonderful episode. i love red gunpla.

    • Hey guys when does ibo option sets 8 and 9 go up for pre-order? Syd check out todd’s youtube channel.

    • Psycho Zaku!!!!

  • Syd wrote a new post 7 years, 9 months ago

    Merry Christmas everyone! If all goes according to plan (I think we’re batting .500) then this episode will be airing on Christmas Day for a large number of viewers. We get in the spirit of the season by bringing […]

  • Syd wrote a new post 7 years, 9 months ago

    We’re still recovering from the magnitude of plamo released in the MG High Mobility Type Psycho Zaku Ver.Ka (GUNDAM THUNDERBOLT ver.) but we’d better not get too absorbed in that and miss an episode, so Syd and […]


    • Keep up the good work.

    • I was actually waiting to buy the new HG Impulse because I already had the first HG 1/144 Impulse gundam. It would be great if I could win it.

    • Doggy gundam from seed = Gaia Gundam

    • ヽ(°∀°ヽ) HGCE! I was talking with a few friends on Discord, and a few points were made about how it was great that Band-aid is going back and covering up – I mean fixing all of their mistakes from HG SEED!

      In other observations, the origins suits are looking rather nice as always, and I am looking forward to seeing the Psycho Zaku!

      • ( /°∆°) Just came back to double check and noticed Bandai got autocorrected to Band-aid!!!

        Perhaps autocorrect should be called “autoassume”, since it rarely gets anything right!

    • Build strike looking good

    • dat RG man

    • Gaia, BuCUE, LaGOWE (from Seed), K9 Backpack (from GBF) for the animalistic MS.
      To be honest Syd wasted more time while thinking how to make the eye for the psycho zaku than he would just use the waterslide :P.

      • How do you know how fast I think? 😉

        • Well. What i meant was that getting some vinegar, saucer and a paper towel from kitchen and some tweezers and hobby knife should take less time than looking for a unused decal from other kit and trying to figure out how to use a smaller decal for the larger surface. That said it still looked very good but the whole proces should be time consuming.
          Another idea about the decal. Get some clear red and green acrylic paints (if you could get your hands or valleyo – they would be perfect for this – due to them being water based so no unpleasant fumes) and do a quick 1 or 2 layers.


    • Out of all the new mobile suits coming from ibo. Whats your favorite? I honestly love the Bael Gundam. I cant wait to see its color scheme. and i wonder if theyre going to make mobile suits for the rest of the demons from the ars groetia. as you know phenex is also one of the demons. maybe the UC timeline will tie into IBOs timeline aswell.

    • Im going to need a bigger checking acct. to make it through the year!!! So many kits….

    • I’m excited to see the Hashimal build

    • Loving the look of the Flauros. IBO season 2 designs have been really knocking it out of the park. I’m waiting on the 1/100 though since that scale is more to my preference.

    • me win… try and try until you succeed… hehehe… more power guys

    • RGs are awesome. The SEED and SEED Destiny was the show that put me back in the Gundam hobby. I liked the doglike mechs and the Astray series. Wish I could win the contest. Flauros would probably look better as a 1/100 model.

    • I have an impulse to comment

    • Oh man, the Flauros transformation is great! I can’t wait to pick one up and paint it up like the Insecticon Kickback from G1.
      Insert your own Impluse-based pun here.

    • OMG my question last week led to a DARK ABOMINATION! Fumina with the Zaku head looked like nightmare fuel ^_^

      Never really been into RG gunpla, I’m an MG or bigger scale kinda guy, but that Build Strike…mmmm. I can see myself getting all up in that business.

    • Flauros the new Gaia

    • Still really wish they sold the Build Strike with the Star Build set included as a standard kit outside of the HG. Really want to make the MG Star Build Strike but once you add the cost of the Star Build and the Pack its over $60, I’d rather get the MG Sinanju if I had that much. Really hoped the RG would be different.

    • Ore…sanjou!

      Tones of new kits and i’m excited for them all. Hashmal is going to be a beast, while i’m disappointed the inner area of the wings misses grey color when it could’ve easily been plastic and that the Pluma has hollow parts, i’m fine with everything else. I love MA’s, so i’m definitely buying that one. MG Psycho Zaku is a beast. It’s got a ton of stuff and it’s got a great inner frame. I’ve heard that it can’t hold his bazooka very well though, so that’s a shame.

      Fumina is bustiest bust and tones of fanservice, nuff’ said. The Bugu is an interesting kit, and i’m probably going to get it. Definitely needs lining, it’s just blue and it would look bland without any. I’ve actually waited quite a while for an HG Char’s Zaku I. Wanted one since Gundam-san and we finally get one from origin, so it’s going to be a great kit, definite buy. Flauros has gotten a lot of hate since Shino was confirmed pilot, but I was never turned off of it. I love magenta and I love his eye decals, adds more personality, I always loved the design and his cannons were such a turn on, and when the transformation was revealed I had to get this on my wishlist. The new Petit’gguys are interesting, I might pick them up one day but they have no priorities. RG Build Strike is what I was most hyped for in the month, while he didn’t seem to get as high of a score as other RG’s on your site, i’m still getting it. Especially with it’s gimmicks and detail, I love the Build Strike and I need to get thoughts of it for myself.

      I can’t tell if you’re sarcastic or not with Vidar. It’s plainly obvious though. XD

    • That gouf looks pretty sweet. Hope to win that impulse tho!

    • nice kits

    • may the force impulse be with me

    • I’m excited to see the figure-rise burst build

    • Looking forward to see the new Vidar 1/100. Nice show guys!

    • Damn you, RN-Geesus! I wanted the Gouf *sadface*

    • Did Bandai get Fumina’s permission to make her bust? Super Fumina’a waist may be 30% thinner, but the bust is 20% fitter. Just look at those abs!

      Think I’d still go with the LaGowe over the Flauros or Gaia.

    • I want to have the whole Petitgguy collection!

    • all those kits reviewed, thank you for those

    • IBO second season is leaps and bounds better than season 1.

    • Can’t wait for your impressions of Psycho Zaku! I am on the fence about getting one.

      Meanwhile, I am looking forward to receiving the MG Nu Ver Ka with special decals from HLJ sometime soon!

    • definitely buying a Flauros soon, it would look great with a custom color scheme.
      Also nice to win something once in a while

    • Im still waiting for the whole GAT gundam series from SEED to appear in RG. Well we will be having the gold frame amatsu so maybe blizt gundam is possible since bandai really like to reuse old runners.

    • Gundam Origin’s suits have something special! They all look so good. New and old at the same time.

    • Love the RG kit. I want them to create a new MG God gundam.

    • When will we see Helmwige Reincar 1/144 in stores?
      Really loving that MASSIVE sword it has.
      Can’t believe its the same frame as the slim Grimgerde.

    • New Year resolution?

    • Before anything else… Merry Christmas to you guys at hobby link TV…. Force Impulse I hope I win one

    • How big will it be the IBO Mobile Armor compare to other IBO kit like Gundam Barbatos. Hope you guys bring also some IBO kit as comparison or make a fight scene with it when making the review .

    • I’m really excited for the next episode.

    • The transformed Flauros looks like a Zergling.

    • Notice those holes in the Build Strike’s Shield? I bet the Star Build Strike Parts are coming soon

    • It’s pretty sad to say this, but that Fumina is one of the better gunpla related kit lol.

    • I need to get all the Origin Kits

    • Did you see Rogue One already?

    • The Zaku Fumina needs a neck but I think it would actually look cool really cool.

      MG N-666 Kshatriya when?

    • Really? After all my serious comments, it is the laughter about Syds leathal wound that made it to the show..? ;D Btw. The Strikes look better with switched backpacks.

    • Happy holidays to you all!

    • The RG was the highlight!!

    • Cool episode guys! Merry Christmas to you and New Years as well. The force is strong with us all and puns are too, but it be cool to win the Force Impluse Gundam!

    • Just bought gyancelot.. Force impulse would be great with it..

    • Great episode.. Cant wait to see the MG psychozaku

    • I still only have my original Wing kits :(, been meaning to pick up some Seed, X, and 00. Confound it 3D Metal printer costs.

    • Looking forward for the build review of Hashmal. IBO kits have a habit on part swapping/taking parts from other kit, my first though for this Hashmal shall be add-on weapon/armor like the long range booster, hence the name. “Mobile Armor” (Mobile Suit Armor). It shall be really awesome if it’s also done on the Anime.

    • yas

    • yes?

    • That mobile armor is huge, the angles in the anime didn’t really give a good idea of the scale to me but now that we see it in model kit form, it’s pretty massive! Happy holidays guys, great episode as always.

    • Great show guys, I want to get some of he Iron blooded orphans

    • Very nice

    • I must say that Bandai needs to improve the ability of the model kits to stand properly, I see now that they either lean forward or backwards, because the torso or the backpacks are too heavy, and you can’t display them as good as the older kits … my 1/100 Barbatos is always falling to the front, 🙁 SMH!and for the looks of it, Strike Gundam Full Package has the same issue.

    • Dude, really want to add that IBO MA!

    • winter sale not that attractive to me….. now just hoping to win gunpraaaaaaa

    • despite what people say about the build strike being boring I actually love the design. It’s may favorite modern version of the standard gundam colors without being to different like the bardatos. for me it’s a good combination of that classic gundam feel and a modern design.

    • I bought some kits from your site unfortunately. My aunt was going to pay for it using her card.. It did not permit using it from a diffrent country. Is there anything we can do? I tried ordering FM lupus and Vidar

      • Sorry to hear about the trouble! Please contact our customer support via and they can help you out. Please be sure to write from the email address you’ve registered in your account, too! Thanks!

    • I’m strangely excited by the fumina bust with the Psycho zaku head. What have you done?!

    • That Build Strike RG looks nice.

    • That build strike sooo beautifull already have the hg, i watt this to

    • Force impulse!

    • Good luck with the Psycho Zaku. At least it’s not as much work as the Zoids Gojulas.

    • Oh oh oh pick me pick me pleazzzzz

    • I just got the Flauros in the mail a few hours ago and I can’t wait to build it! When I first saw the MS design in color, it reminded me of the Calamity Gundam with the Aegis Gundam’s paint scheme. Is it just me or does the Barbatos’s, Gusion’s and Flauros’s combat roles mirrors the MS from the original series: RX 78-2 Gundam and Barbatos as short to mid range MS, Guncannon and Gusion Rebake Full City as Mid to Long and Guntank Long to Shelling? I now have to watch the series again to find the MS clones in this series.

    • Hope bandai will release a 1/100 Mobile Armor Hashmal.. it would be awesome.. 🙏

    • Can the “arms from the Hashmal be used on an IBO Gundam frame as legs with out modification?

    • All I want is that nice looking Flauros

      Or maybe the impulse🌚

    • The rg build strike looks nice, except for the wider legs, prefer the slim look of the rg strike. Hoping for the universal booster to come soon.

    • From Viet Nam with love <3

    • I like the Build Strike but I would have liked to see it without the leg spacers.Are they just for articulation?

    • Last minute but got some stuff off that winter sale. Whoo, anyways I like the way the Impulse looks!

    • Force

    • Christmas gift from you guys would be nice….

    • A good show as always. Can’t wait for next week.

    • The Flauros is what would happen if a Transformer and a Zoid made a baby.

    • Show us the Orge! Show us the Ogre! Show us the Orge! Another great episode and I was hoping you could do a unboxing or at least give us a glance at the Zoids Gojulas Orge kit that just arrived.

    • Another great episode and I was hoping you could do a unboxing or at least give us a glance at the Zoids Gojulas Orge kit that just arrived.

    • that RG build strike full package looks fantastic

    • already seen some amazing customs for that fumina bust XD

    • Happy holidays guys!

    • A few months ago, I bought the no grade Providence. I ran custom LEDs and everything into it. the day after I finished they announced the MG Providence. 🙁

    • nice review on the RG Build Strike with comparison the the RG Aile Strike!

    • Keep those beargguys coming!

    • Cant wait to see the mobile armour built. Awesome job guys!

  • Syd wrote a new post 7 years, 9 months ago

    It’s finally here! The monster that is the MG High Mobility Type Psycho Zaku Ver.Ka (GUNDAM THUNDERBOLT ver.)! Syd and Todd go through the entire contents of this humungous box and show everyone what they can […]

  • Syd wrote a new post 7 years, 9 months ago

    Due to an unfortunate accident with a potato peeler, Syd was unable to complete the HG Bugu; however, we make up it in this episode wherein we discuss a whole lot of upcoming plamo alongside Todd’s HG […]

  • Syd wrote a new post 7 years, 9 months ago

    December begins! This month is going to be crazy so Syd and Todd are preparing for the rush of Gundam and fighting over who will build what but before all that begins we look at the last of the November Gundam […]

  • Syd wrote a new post 7 years, 10 months ago

    Gunpla Expo was last week which meant our camera gear was getting packed and prepared for that instead of filming our regularly scheduled episode. Now that we are back to our regular schedule it means we’ve got […]

    • That Mini Merry alone made me want to win that Thousand Sunny more. hahahahaha!!!

    • ONE PIECE!

    • I just finished G Gundam and I’m having a craving for the kits now,
      This hand of mine glows with and awesome power! It’s burning grip tells me to buy more gunpla!

      • I never liked that show but I would be willing to buy some of the stupid-looking ones like the Fish and the Windmill just for the lulz.

    • Amazing Burning Build Gundam

    • Oh thousand sunny! I love One Piece!

    • AI YAI YAI!!! dat lupus!!!!!

    • Hoo boy! So many new kits! You guys are going to be busy next week!

      This year’s Gunpla expo was amazing, so many kits that I am so hyped for. We’re finally getting more love for the HGUC line with the Efreet Kai and the Blue Destiny Revive, and we’re FINALLY getting that HGUC Barzam! The giant Mobile Armor was revealed, HG Atlas Gundam and the Gundam Head MS were here, new IBO kits and the Amazing Strike Freedom. The new MG Providence looks so insanely beautiful, very excited for that one, hopefully we’ll see an MG Justice joining it soon. We’re getting a new HG Zeta, and judging from the joints/new line, i’m assuming that thing can transform, so i’m very hyped for him! Psycho Zaku is getting a lot of hype/excitement, it’s going to be a beast of a kit. The new Full Frontal’s Zaku III is one good looking MS, and the new Gundam from Twilight Axis really reminds me of the Alex. RG Astray Gold Frame Amatsu Mina is looking good, and I hope they manage to mekki plate it. Not to mention all those variants, I hope they aren’t P-Bandai. >_< Curious about the Hi-Res Wing Zero Custom, but not exactly excited, going to see how it is first, but the RE/100 Hamma Hamma is going to be awesome! HG Nightingale would be beast Todd, I support you.

      Transient Gundam Glacier looks like an absolute beast. Transient interested me, but the white felt a bit too bland, but this thing has sold me, it's dark purple colorscheme is complete beast. The RE/100 Bawoo is a kit i'm super excited to purchase, it's got a nice splitting gimmick, big n' bulky, and not to mention all that beautiful surface detail, cannot wait to buy mine. The Guncannon First Type is going to be great too, the Cannon Type MS always caught my attention, and this new realistic dulled blue looks great, and the shoulder weapon gimmicks are great ideas, I want it. I'm debating whether or not I should get the 1/100 FM Barbatos Lupus or the HG, right now i'm leaning for the 1/100, but I don't have a lot of space, and the HG is cheap, plus has more accessories with the option packs.

      The HG Geirail is one of my favorite MS from IBO, it's got minor gripes like the pure grey butt thruster and the hollow shield axe, but i'm still going to get it one day. I'm debating whether or not to get the HGCE Strike Freedom, it doesn't have dragoons for FBM, and that's kinda my main gripe with it, but it's a great kit from what I can see, so I dunno. Seems each Strike Freedom in every grade has some gripes that affect my choice for purchase. *sigh* MG Strike Freedom 2.0 with certain mekki golden parts when?

    • PIRATE KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • I love the RG line, which I picked up after Syd raving about it for so long, but I’m not a Seed fan. I’m kinda disappointed we’re getting ANOTHER Seed RG, one not even from a main story but a manga, but at the same time man I love that armor plastic. I still wish we could get some more UC RGs though. What’s your ultimate RG desire? Mine’s definately the Ez-8/RG-79G, either one I’m not picky.

    • Love the episode guys!!Hopefully more build fighter suits will come out soon, as much as I love the barbatos, I think I’m ready to move on to something else after so many.

    • Hey Guys!
      One more time Hello from Greece.
      I hope that I’ll win some time and especially a gunplay.
      Keep up the good work. 🙂

    • boat plamo. nice.

    • Sexy lupus.. Weet weew.

    • it’s not everyday that you can die from overdosing gunpla like watching this episode. i’m always on a tight budget so HG releases are always good news to me. keep up your great works guys, build them all and show us. and thanks for everything.

    • Vidar was the only one that shocked me as the naming wasn’t a demon from the ars goeta.also coincidence on the anime mentioning bael and the expo “probably showing it off. Also Boat.

      • Honestly the only reason its called a ‘Gundam’ is because it uses the salvaged Kimaris pieces, so its not one of the 72 Demon Gundam so much as its the successor to one such Mobile suit. It wouldnt exactly make sense if they had named it after one of the Ars Goetia Demons’ considering their names were all used already, and the Vidar is technically a new suit.

    • Seeing the Barbatos’ standing beside each other, you can really see that all the way up to 6th form they were just adding onto the original suit taking anything they could, you have blocky pieces right beside smooth or angled pieces, while the Lupus is Organic and really seems more demonic to me probably closer to its original War look, he has very sharp and angry features with smoother armor plates and shoulders. Anyways great show as always. Super excited for the Gold Frame RG.

    • Love the new kits 🙂

    • I’m waiting the second version of the Guncanon Gundam Origin version because it got the dual canon, might pass on for this version but I will not pass on to the RG GUNDAM ASTRAY GOLD FRAME AMATSU MINA so oh my boat please don ‘t be a P Bandai .

    • Thousand sunny!!

    • OH GOD the thousand sunny looks so awesome!

    • I WANT THE BOAT!!!!

    • Nice boat!

    • So does ‘Full Mechanics’ now mean ‘detailed NG?’

      I got the RG Strike Freedom, so my super dragoons can come off, plus I have the mechy gold. I painted the plain gold too.

    • maybe i’ll win a boat if not a gundam 🙂

    • my daughter really want that thousand sunny!she watched that kit’s review everyday in youtube

    • Guncannon can’t take much because it’s probably made by scrap parts from the junkyard. xD

    • I was so happy to see the Efreet get a HGUC. that will be a definite buy when it comes out.

    • Wow a gunpla sale as well as a new episode of gunpla tv on the same day. I’m feeling lucky, I hope that I will win the Thousand Sunny.

    • I think this has to be one of the longer episodes to date. Looking at the the advance evo line, I am guessing the selling point could be more mechanics, parts count and less sticker heavy; kind of a mix between the RG line and HGUC revive. From the picture I have seen from the expo, it looks like the Zeta doesn’t have heavy parts swapping, so I am happy about that. Apart this, Bandai is really pushing more new kits for next year, almost like they are making up for this year. All and all, it is good to expand my collection, so thank you Bandai!

    • Not sure why the grunt suits even have shields. I have never seen them block anything with it. Hell they even give the RGMs 4 useless shields in Thunderbolt.

      The Guncannon claws look like one of those arcade games that you can grab plushies but the claw is really crappy and it barely has any strength.

      One question. When will we get a MG NZ-666 Kshatriya? Bandai plz.

    • HLJ sales, my money is already flying 🙂

    • Im really diggin the gundam origin kits design. Loving the throwback to “origns”. Never had one piece ships before, didnt even know they exist.

    • Seeing all those kits plus your sale makes me…. Drool. If my wallet can just drool cash that’ll be great.

    • My Guncannon is on its way, I just love that suit in every way, but man those guys in the anime don’t know that Guncannon isn’t built for close combat.

    • i like the new classic kits. oldschool styling but new engineering.

    • Oh great episode guys so many new kits!
      I am really looking forward to seeing the RE Bawoo as it is one of my fav mobile suit!

    • The winter sale came at a perfect time for me to purchase gifts for my friends and introduce them to the hobby! 😀

    • One piece please!

    • Give me the boat and I’ll make it float!

    • I want that boat

    • Nice haircut Syd. Great show.

    • That suny go will look soo cool with my Going Merry :3

    • Thank you for reading out my long-winded comment! It made my day (along with finally getting a dead refrigerator hauled away and freeing up some space).

      It is weird to watch episodes now and realize this is like… NOW… the things you are showing/discussing are either just out or not even out yet!!! Must get used to not being able to jump online and order whatever you are working on in the show (this is probably a good thing looking at the backlog I have created).

      I would gladly take that boat off your hands (hook?).

      Cheers to all

    • i want that boat… give it to me… more power guys

    • 2017 is gonna be big!

    • so many new and exciting kits coming out

    • Again, great episode guys! will definitely check out the store for great deals.

    • I want a boat.

    • That boat looks cool

    • Waiting for new info on that new hg Zeta

    • great episode I like the Freedom gundam.

    • i really hope bandai make a PG barbatos line hmmmm

    • Geireru is sexy!

    • so sad when knowing 1:1 RX 78 will be torn down next year T-T

    • Thousand sunny shine upon me!

    • Are you guys aware of the upcoming limited edition Ver. Ka waterslide decal campaign? starting on December 16th and going for an unspecified amount of time, eight Ver. Ka kits will be coming with limited edition waterslide decals. Is HLJ going to be part of this promotion, or does this only apply to Japanese retail stores?

    • Are you guys going to be at AX next year?

    • gimme dat thousand sunny! it would be the perfect birthday/Christmas present for my brother, (my brothers birthday is Christmas)

    • Thanks guys for yet another great episode. I’m building a couple kits from IBO but I’m with Todd about the high heals. Anyway, great show. Looking forward to your review of the 1/100 ZZ Hamma-Hamma.

  • Syd wrote a new post 7 years, 10 months ago

    Bandai threw a wrench in the works when we were planning for this year’s Gunpla Expo in Akihabara. Previous years had the event starting on a Thursday morning which meant we would not go into the office that day […]

    • it seems Bandai really like PPAP these days, they have high grade, they have accelerate evolution, and ugh, a new HG line.

    • The RE/100 looks like it could be the AMX-103 Hamma Hamma, but that’s also what I thought the Bawoo would be when it was originally teased as the next RE/100.

    • Did anyone else see the gundam vual 9:28 there goes my conversion

    • Oh, a new HG Zeta!!!! Finally, I was hoping Bandai put out a new HG Zeta, because the old one is …just too old(poor articulation). I ‘ve been waiting for Zeta since they revived Mk-II and Hyaku Shiki. NICE!!

    • I can’t believe they got RG Astray Gold Frame Amatsu Mina. Please don’t be P Bandai, Please don’t be P Bandai, Please dont be P Bandai

    • Wooooooooooooooooooooah! Syd i won your HG amatsu mina, shall i take the rg too?? 🙂

    • The Providence is looking great.

  • Syd wrote a new post 7 years, 10 months ago

    Syd and Todd are back and are bringing with them a lot of little friends, or a lot of the same little friend, depending on how you look at it. And Syd brings his own ball this time.

    Kits featured in this […]

  • Syd wrote a new post 7 years, 10 months ago

    November and December will provide the crazy so we are biding our time with some different things until the madness starts. Todd takes this opportunity to talk about the newest Frame Arms kit, this being his […]

    • can’t believe I’m first to comment. i’m used to watching a video like 5 mins after it comes out and there are like 100 comments.

    • Every time syd announces a giveaway kit I get super excited but never win but than syd announce another kit its like never ending of disappointment followed by excitement every time you guys upload. Anyways good episode again guys and what happen to Ryan I miss the dude!

    • Haha, I will never win. And not even my top5 LOL-moments got read. I know, how you feel.. 🙂

    • cool ep bro

    • “dibs” -Harambe

    • You should try slapping Frame arms armour on IBo frames and vice versa

    • nice……… Harambe came thru, thank you

    • saw the new HG IBO kits for 2017. What will they be?

    • Cybaster/Cybuster? Oh yes please. I must say however that seeing a Frame Arms in action actually makes me interested in that line. I usually just looked away from it due to the frame and armor parts being sold separate from each other.

    • im not so lucky but im not so lucky and im not lucky but i want this

    • gundam horror story. dang…

    • This is a very Nice Homepage! 👍👍👍

    • let me win

    • I wonder if bandai will release actual nippers based on the Gusion Rebake’s scissors. Also hope I win that frame arms kit

    • Give me Cybaster please !! i really like super robot war kit.

    • excited to see the giant chopper! and i hope they make a 1/100 reginlaze. loving that ms design.

    • Love the show guys, looking forward to seeing more IBO kits.

    • Apparently, RNG god hates me
      Maybe Harambe can help me

      Please, let me get that Cybuster

    • been building Frame arms for a while they are awesome kits !

    • does japan have m e m e s like harambe (dead meme)

    • Dubs (comment#22) and trips (episode #222) i call upon your meme magic powers to grant me that Cybuster.
      Also mobile suit gardening and farming should be a thing.

    • how about news and upcoming kits?

    • Hey guys! I see we’re back with another episode!

      Frame Arms are really cool looking. I keep on meaning to buy one, but my money keeps on disappearing before I can buy one (I wonder why BANDAI…). I always liked the thought of inner frames, and the fact that these are compatible with them and look good as well makes things interesting. Plus, they look really good.

      Julieta’s Mobile Reginlaze is a great kit. I’ve just built mine and I absolutely adore it, and while it’s extremely similar to it, I personally think this is the better kit. It definitely looks more feminine than the Graze, especially due to the size and proportions. I also love Julieta, so I had to get this kit, and I did not regret my purchase.

    • Reginlaze looking good. ^.^

    • I refuse to “dibs” on anything…but I guess by refusing to dib I have dibbed anyway…NOOOOOOOOO!

    • Hey guy’s great episode as always.

      Thanks for taking the time to answer my question regarding the Gundam Wing kits a few episodes ago in 219. Sorry for not getting back to you guy’s till now, as I’ve been a bit busy being in and out of the hospital for a long-term illness, so I’ve only just had the time to catch up to the latest episode.

      Although my new RG Zephyranthes and Full Burnen probably didn’t help either.

      In regards to whether I’ll go for the MG or HG/RG versions of the Wing kits, I’ve decided instead to get none of them! Since I am a big fan of the Gundam series overall, there is always something else I want to build, and I have been eyeing some of the Unicorn series kits so an RG Sinanju may be in my future.

      But Syd your suggestion to try out one of the MG kits is a great idea, so if I do feel the need and can’t think of something else to build, I’ll grab a Deathsythe Hell and see how it goes. But Todd you did manage to convince me to backorder 2 of the old Epyon kits, so maybe in the future I’ll try out your idea, so in a roundabout way I’ll be doing your roundabout suggestion I guess?

      But now for something completely different, while we may know of the Gunpla Tv crews love of Gundam kits like the Sinanju, Balls, Unicorn, Balls, Gyan, Balls! We don’t know much about your favourite none Gundam kits, so if any of you have a favourite I for one would love to see it, bonus points if it requires paint and glue!

      • Those 1/144 HG Gundam Wing kits were my first introduction to the hobby and well I wouldn’t recommend getting them unless you do what Syd and Todd said to modify the parts and put them on a frame.

        I managed to find some of my older kits from 15+ years ago and They are terrible as far as detail, articulation and proportions. I will eventually buy the MG EW models even if they are different from the suits in the anime version. The amount of detail, color separation and articulation from the newer MG kids is amazing.

        • Yeah the MGs are looking to be the better option, though there are some kits that you can only get in 1/144 scale, like the Tallgeese III special in HG, along with the Vayate and Mecurius which are sadly no-grade like the Epyon.

          But considering that the kits tend to sell out quickly from what Syd said, you would think that bandai would be seeing money in dem der hills and do some updates, especially with the unique look of the grunt suits like the Leo, as they are very different to anything from other series so it might get people spending for something different.

          But of course it would be a big undertaking for bandai, as they would have to do a lot of new work compared to other lines, as each hero suit has at least 3 different versions which makes 15 unique kits, and it would make sense to update the stuff that’s only in no-grade, so we have some better quality kits, so I do doubt that they will rush into something like that.

          But I’ll still get my no-grade Epyon, as I’ve lost my kit from what was probably 15 years ago, so it would be nice to have something to mark my start in gunpla.

    • Never knew Harambe was into Gunpla. I wonder if the Vidar Gundam have those Reginlaze hands. A rapier with that kind of hand will be incredible, just like the revive Gyan.

    • Helpful tip for First-Time MG Builders: The newer MG articulated hands have joints in the fingers just below the first knuckle. In order to bend them so your gunpla can grip things properly, you can hold eac finger down to the hand and carefully push on the joint. This should prevent the finger from popping out of the hand by the balljoint — ‘should,’ but it’s not 100% guaranteed. Just be careful.

      No one really talks about this that I could see, so I thought it’d be a good tip to share.

    • Dibs dibs dibs ahahhah

    • great

    • For the comical reasons, I’ll be getting the Rebake fully city and that Bonsai plant.

    • Who else is excited for the GM ground type?!

    • Why RN-Geesus…? Why I no win? 🙁

    • That new chopper robo looks nice and priced nice. still contemplating on getting it. Nice episode guys.

      and dibs in the Cybuster. lol

    • Get in tha chappa

    • this episode no. triple ‘2’

    • Great episode guys. Looking forward to see those new December releases.

    • Holy cow! Dibs worked for once in my life?!!?!?! Woot woot!!!

      Thank you Syd, Todd, Ryan, and Gunpla TV!

      Keep up the awesome show, I am looking forward to seeing the MG Psycho Zaku next month!

    • Harambe guide me lol

    • I want to winn lol

    • I think i remember Syd making the Cybaster on Gunpla TV in a much earlier episode. Anyways great show and, love the pics of Full CIty trimming the tree.

      RNG grant me powaaah.

    • I will be receiving my Gusion Rebake Full City and an squadron of Reginlaze from HLJ today! Syd, I had a similiar idea with the Rebake and the Bonsai tree lol. When the 1/100 scale Full City comes out, have the 1/144 cut out the 1/100’s runner. Enter that in the Gunpla world cup and win! With the addtion of the Reginlazes, chunk of my Gunpla collection is mostly the Graze and its variants. Lastly I can’t wait until we see the IBO Large Mobile armor at the Gunpla expo! As always, keep up the awesome work you guys!

    • That Bonsai kit!

    • just let me win a kit ples….

    • I don’t understand the “Gmmm’s horror story pictures”! Probably I miss something of the video. I just see a model kits with a terrible work on nubs. But they all can be fixed easily.

      May I suggest a subject for the next video? Can you explain me the “logic” behind Premium Bandai kits? Some of them are just repaint. I don’t care if I cannot buy it. But some are unique kits! And I’m sad that they are only for Japan! How Bandai decide if a kit will be normal or Premium? It’s random?

    • That Graze has a pretty nice Philadelphia Eagles color scheme, I want it now.

      PS. FlyEaglesFly!

    • I’ll pray to the only God mankind has; The God known as ‘possibility’.

    • Not only were those nubs thick, the panel lines were also too thick for my taste…

    • I saw that 7-11 in Japan is coming out with some new exclusive kits. I also know you guys don’t generally cover those type of exclusives but would be cool to see anything that anyone might pick up…..heard about a PG Green Frame Astray!

    • I wanted to ask if there has been any additional info about the competition mentioned in episode 200? I have looked for groups or videos but have not found anything and I am still working my way forward through the last 15 episodes I have not seen so I may find my answer there. Apologies if I missed something obvious.

      Cheers and thank you for all the great shows!

      • Ohhhh…TWINS…ep 202 & 204… THAT’S where Ryan has been. Now I understand.

        Well, happy six months (as of today, Nov 8th) to your wonderful twins Ryan. Congratulations to you and your wife and growing family!!!

        It was exciting to see his announcement in 202 and hear Syd’s congratulations in 204.

        Carry on.

    • I want that Cybaster! loved the anime many years ago!!!


    • If only the Frame Arm Kits are cheaper. They look so awesome and so customization since its universal pegs and holes. They don’t have stickers so that maybe why… but their made in china, compared to gunpla being manufactured in japan…
      I want but I rather buy MG for the price…

    • Oh wow a super robot war kit!!! Those are hard to come by!

    • Great episode guys!

    • That Bonsai thing is CRAAAAZY!!! I like that framearm kit.

    • I’m really liking the Iron Blooded Orphans designs. The kits are also so fun to build. I can’t wait to build a Reginlaze.

    • Great show guys looks great

    • Imagine if you had to put every single leaf on a bonsai plamo during assembly.

    • (Sorry I didn’t reply earlier but you can feel free to share the horrific pictures with everyone. At some point I wondered if I should turn on the mature filter on the album since the pictures are very graphic but I decided not to.)

      Gundam Horror Story 3: Return of the Nubmarks

      I am very new to the hobby. When I say that I mean that I erased the past and to me, it never happened.

      I started last month with the RX-78-2 Ver 3.0 and I will be eventually buying the newer version of the older sets to fix my past mistakes. In the future I will post the results.

      For now I leave you with some pictures of my 1/100 Altron, 1/144 Tallgeese and 1/144 Epyon.

      Making Gunpla great again

    • Bonsai-trimming diorama…Splice of Life theme?

    • Hmm for the horror story it wasn’t as bad I expected, at least it still can be cut and sanded. I thought pulling the parts from the runner would eat away on the plastic. The 1st kits I build when I was a kid are 4wd tamiya and I didn’t use any nippers then.

      The design of the Cybuster/Cybaster reminds me of the royal knights in Digimon series.

    • Thank u guys for the great episode 🙂

    • Cybaster Kit! Great episode!

    • That Cybuster would look good next to my Spirit Possession version!

    • Haiii guys, glad to see u again this week. Bonsai diorama its cute, with Rebake Full City kinda …….. Okay. Fun episode guys. Can’t wait for the next. Hello from Indonesia…. cheers. Hope this time i can win Cybuster…..

    • pick me, pick me, pick me, projecting my psychic will the random number generator.;)

    • Huge fan of the Super Robot Wars kits. I would LVE to get my hands on that Cybuster.

    • Looking forward to seeing the Chopper and very excited about the upcoming gunpla expo.

    • great show might have to give those frame arms a try

    • Kotobukiya!!!!

    • Cybaster!!!

    • Mega Man!!!

    • Ready to get my first Kotobukiya kit!



    • Great episode.

    • Never had a Kotobukiya kit before, would love to see how they stack up!

    • CYBASTER!!!!!!

    • I love how this show is 50% informational and 50% grown men playing with robots. lol Love you guys.

    • I like the design of the new frame-arms. I almost looks like the Gustav Karl from the Gundam Unicorn/Hathaway’s Flash.

    • Haven’t tried a Kotobukiya Kit before but I would love to get that Cybaster

    • Long time fan… i pray to the gods of the random number generator and to the spirit of harambe the saviour and the gods of gunpla.. please let me win

    • That bonsai plamo! Weirdest model since infamous Zentradi Stamp from 1983 😀 ( )

    • That Reginlaze looks even better than the promo pics!

  • Syd wrote a new post 7 years, 11 months ago

    It feels like October has been a slow month for Bandai plamo but we do have some things to share including the newest IBO season 2 kit! As well, we give a public service announcement which people building the HG […]

    • I can only dream of winning free stuff 🙁

    • What an absurd name.

    • hmmmmm

    • Bandai definitely needs more MG kits with the new mobile suits that keep on coming

      • I just wish they would re-release new updated versions of the old ones. I’m also getting tired of the Unicorn blue/red/green/orange/rainbow/yellow/polkadot modes.

    • Eyy new episode! I’ve been waiting for the Reginlaze and i’ve already bought my own waiting to be built. I find it to be a superior-looking kit to the Graze and Julieta is one of my favorite Gjallarhorn characters, literally a female version of Mika and I bloody love the girl. Also helps that I find her attractive. >v>

      The Siegfrieds are still cool although i’d like to see more unique mechs from the series. We’ve seen two real mechs so far, the Draken III and the Siegfried, i’d like to see more soon! The Saiyan Space pod, while accurate is way to bland for my taste. Sure, it fits a figure-rise Vegeta in it, but the ship itself is two colors and looks kinda boring. 🙁

      Frame arms always interested me but the thing is that they’re very expensive for what they are, and that kinda prevents me from getting them. Kinda a shame, I really like the concept and their designs are beast. Oh well, one day.

      The Full City was disappointing to say the least. Way to many sitckers that could’ve easily been parts, which ruin the kit as a whole. I wouldn’t of minded paying more if it meant we had actual part separation, would’ve made the kit a lot better. It seems like each Rebake kit has some detrimental flaw that makes the kit a definite pass, which is a real shame because I really want a Rebake kit. Oh well, all we can do is hope for an eventual MG…

      The Option Set 5 is something welcome. People who are fine with everything they have from the Lupus alone will be satisfied, but for people who want more accessories, we can pay a tiny bit more for an extra set. Great idea IMO and gives us more options when it comes to purchasing IBO kits.

    • Wow thunderbolt kits… Please let me win the zaku big guns…please

    • THAT GUN THOUGH! great show guys keep it going

    • I love Thunderbolt. I hope I can win either of the two kits.

    • Thank you for telling us about the part number errors on the Gusion rebake full city manual. I have one coming my way from the private warehouse lol. I am relieved by the fact that the option set 5 has a gun for the full city.

      PS: Whoever named it the Gusion rebake full city, they must have been like that PPAP guy. – > I have gusion rebake, I have full city -> Ugh! -> Gusion rebake full city! damn!

    • HELLO….!!! IM TRAP IN GUNPLA WORLD…. Help me out by giving me those free stuff…!!!

    • I hate Gusion’s head, with that many stickers.

    • been wanting to get that thunderbolt big gun kit but space is limited. i promise to clear up a good spot for it if i win! xD

    • I want this pod… no… I NEED this pod.

    • I would buy that scissor kit JUST for the Lupus hands.

    • great

    • I don’t know why, but i really like the Gusion’s scissors.

    • I already have a rifle for shooting, can I have that big gun for fun? 😀

    • wow i wonder how big that big zaku cannon would be in mg form.

    • Here I am trying to win something! Expecially from the Thunderbolt series!

    • i have a bloody tonne of old runners. any chance HLJ can do a competition for the best ideas to use the throw away bits of the kits…….and those thunderbolt kits would be nice?

    • I would like to have that IBO poster at Syd’s left shoulder

    • Oh my I always want the big gun.

    • Is “The Todd” losing weight or it’s just my imagination?

    • those Thunderbolt kits always scare me, so many parts, I drop nought parts as is.
      what do you guys think of Crossbone Gundam winning that poll? I’m hyped at the prospect of new pirate kits.

    • Here’s hoping they make a FM1/100 Gusion Rebake Full City with a few less stickers and a few more cannons!!! Also, dibs on Thunderbolt kits!!! Dibs works right?

    • Good luck to whom win have gundam day

    • just wish I win this time

    • …this is an awesome blog. Sorry, I”m new here. Looking forward to checking out your future posts 😊

    • thunderbolt series…woohooo

    • thunderbolt

    • Balls jokes on Todd never get old

    • Thanks

    • Just Saiyan, that’s one Bug Gun.

    • All i want for Christmas is that zaku big gun

    • Hearing about Christmas, I just realized that Todd should have used his Ball guy as Halloween decoration. And maybe I can use that big gun on a pumpkin for a Halloween Pumpkin Ball.

    • great episode guys!! and do we get to see not just Todd’s balls but Syd’s Balls?! lol

    • Any news about the HG Revive Strike Freedom?

    • i love the look of the tunderbolt kits
      i have a full armor gundam and love to aim the biggun @him haha

    • Thunderbolt season 2

    • Can’t wait to see those Frame Arms built!

    • pew pew

      By the way Lupus means wolf in latin

    • Come on RNGesus, let me win

    • I love making more room for those kits and I’m loving season 2 of IBO. I really like to travel to Japan if I win at the GBWC 2016 finals. I never had Thunderbolt kits in my collection, while it’s another epic series.

    • syd the reason everybody yells at you about the nub marks is because you put yourself out on the web where everybody is anonymous so they feel no sympathy that you aren’t the worlds best builder

    • Man, I enjoy the anime but i’m not a fan of the mobile suit designs of IBO, i’ll keep building anything else but these guys. Just my opinion.
      Good episode as always, cant wait for december!!!

    • Fumina, best December release kit haha!

    • GunplaTV is a lot like Disneyland, They make dreams come true.

    • I would rather get an RG Barbatos than a Star Build Strike. ;/

    • Gunpla!!!

    • Gusion’s nippers make sense – in this show there’re no beam weapons, they use ballistic riffles and cannons and, mostly, blunt weapons. Barbatos uses maces to crush cockpits. But the 6th form wrench could also work like nippers with chainsaws, he even cut arms with it. Those gigantic nippers are meant to crush enemy mobile suits’ cockpits from both sides.
      GM Thunderbolt ver. is one of my most favourite GM designs, along with GM Sniper II and GM Striker. All Thunderbolt designs are really fantastic. Shame that we didn’t get more kits.

    • I agree with Todd, we need an HG Atlas Gundam!!

    • Looking forward to the frame arms stuff again.

      I’d love to see the big ball come to fruition. Mega ball?

      I think gusions mega sized pliers is an interesting take of the classic “claw” weapon. However, I feel it’s kinda abit too chunky and not nimble enough. You know like cause it’s so massive it looks like it’s slower?

    • Thank you for the “Heads’ up” on the Rebake full city 🙂

    • This year Christmas is on weekend, so you will feel like rest of the world who don’t have extra holidays because of that.

    • “I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass…and I’m all out of bubblegum.”

      -Ad libbed by Roddy “The Rod” Piper (played Nada) in “They Live”

    • I will never win. Tho that macross looks good.

    • I think the Option Set 5 might be usable even without Barbatos Lupis. Has anyone tried mounting the 200mm canons onto anything else? I’m also thinking of making the Shia Qan[t] a bit cattier with a tail and claws.

    • Can’t wait to see the new releases at the gunpla expo. I have started counting down the days ^_^

    • i love the thunderbolt kits! the designs look so good. Some how, the Gusion Rebake full city version reminds me of nippers! LOL.

    • I want it

    • Hey! since you guys are going back to look at frame arms again after a long while, why not go back and look at the muv luv kits as well since it has been a really long while since you last covered them. Plus recently I’ve been looking into them so some help differentiating the non scale and 1/144 kits would be nice!

    • Would like Zaku II + Big Gun MG size.

    • Now all you need is a huge tree next to the Gusion with scissor for a cool diorama. Edward Scissorhands Style.

    • Big Gun! Big Gun Number One. Big Gun!Big Gun Kick the hell out of you!

    • i also want that gundam ace gun

    • At an arcade near my house they had gunpla as prizes you could win I got enough tickets to get the zaku II + big gun and felt like I won the lottery, after I thought about it on the way home I probably could have bought it for less then what I spent in the arcade but I was my first time in an arcade since I was ten and now I keep it as a fun memory of playing video games with my friends.

    • DAAAAAYMN I am scared if Someone win that gonna be arrested by the cops for having BIG LASOR GUNS XD

    • I await Todd’s massive sayian ball.

    • I need that gun,BTW great episode guys.

    • damn i would like one of those kits

      ……….help me harambe

    • Man, you guys talking about using glue on an RG kit gave me horrible RG Zeta flashbacks. Thank god I got a chance to redo the entire kit last Christmas and that turned out fine.

      Also, I agree with most sentiments regarding Thunderbolt.


    • BIG GUN ZAKUUU! Hope I get that! Good job guys!

    • I love Thunderbolt and hope I can win either of the two kits.

    • cool ep guys

    • Funny story: I replaced my son’s Amazon Fire tablet and all amazon apps / devices come with 1-click buying option enabled for some reason (money)… as he is three-&-a-half and quite taken with my growing gunpla collection sitting behind glass, he likes to look at them wherever he finds them (in person, pictures, box art, etc). I so happened to have the Hyaku Shiki 2.0 sitting in my Amazon Cart as I debated daily (hourly, second-to-second) about buying it. I was quite surprised when we came home to an unexpected Amazon package at the door. My son and daughter argued over who the package was for and we all opened it together… I opened it only to find a Hyaku Shiki 2.0 staring back at us to which my son exclaims “IT’S THE ROBOT!!!!!”.

      Evidently he had found his way to the store app on his new Fire Tablet and 1-clicked the Shiki sitting in the cart and I have now DISABLED 1-click as I should have as soon as I set up the tablet. I debated for about 30 seconds if I needed to send it back… and now it is sitting proudly in my case.

      That will teach me to neglect children’s device settings and my email. Bad dad! Lovely golden gunpla!

      P.S. not an HG fan but must admit that Big Gun Zaku looks nice and could go well as the bad guy for my growing collection of RG suits. How you doing Random number generator?

      • That’s a frightening episode. Clearly the mistake made here was having amazon and not open on your son’s tablet. 😉

        • I must admit to using Amazon a lot to begin but I have now placed and shipped my first few orders using Private Warehouse. I love it!!

          Lesson learned! 🙂

          Now I just need to ship out my last order of hanger bases.


    • Horror Story (the aftermath)

      Since Syd wanted to know about how the end product looked like. Yeah…Not great. Nub marks is an understatement, I call these Runner marks. I can probably shave off enough extra material off this 1/100 to make a 1/144.

      Here is a 4 picture imgur album with the result.

      Gundam Horror Story

    • Booty Gundam for me 😀

    • All hail the big gun!!
      All hail the numerous shields!!
      All hail the ramdom number generator!!!

    • I want that big gun for a kit bash!!!
      Good show, but it’s geting a little predictable, it will be great next week that you will change from the same old, same old HG build, don’t get me wrong, I love gundam, I just find HG’s simple and boring, I also think that a little section about non-gundam kits would add allot of spice to the show, it would be awesome!!!
      I miss Ryan, Lindsey and Anna.
      cheers and keep up the great work, HLJ rocks!!!
      and yes, random number generator hates me…
      Go to hell random number generator!!!!

    • stop giving away kits that are allready built! it takes away from the fun.
      ( i still want them though)

    • Hey Guyssss, thanks for the show for all theses years, really appreciate it. Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really hope i can win the kit. Cheers from Indonesia…….

    • Getting my HG Gusion Rebake full city this weekend….together with the HG Hugo. Looking forward to the weekend build.
      Keep the episodes coming, guys.

    • Great episode guys! Finally it’s November! A lot of new kits are coming out. One more month to go! And December release will be even more greater! I fear that my 13th month bonus wouldn’t last for ao long.. would really like to add the zaku and big gun in my collection.

    • thank u guys for great episode 🙂

    • Looking forward to your review of the MG High Mobility Type Psycho Zaku Ver.Ka in December!

    • Thank you for making all the videos!

    • That Macross kit looks fantastic!!! Syd and Todd, keep up the good work.

    • The Gusion Rebake Full Sticky gives me heart problems whenever I open the box.

    • The Gusion Rebake Full City is a nice kit, though I wish it brought more weapons/accessories.

    • Its just me or the new gussion looks like a Gardener Gundam?

    • That full city really is something. Like wielding a massive side cutters for weapons.

    • Hey Guys! I hop I finally win something, even if its already build.

    • I want your posters. All of them.

    • I love this show, thanks for another great episode.

    • I think the Gusion’s next weapon is going to be a giant hobby knife!

    • Gundamu Gundamu

    • Great episode guys! I am waiting until IBO line finishes so I can pick my favorite. Those Thunderbolt ms look awesome!

    • Hi syd and tod.. i love ur show. Was always watching ur show before buying kits from hlj.. ur show helps us a lot.. we miss ryan.. we dont see him anymore.. keep up the good work ..gunpla/gundam will live forever

    • Great show guys. Thunderbolt giveaway?! Yes, please. I loved the Zaku I.

    • great show as always, Please count me in

    • i wonder how they’re going to use that weapon 🙂 ?

    • OMG! Thunderbolt kits!

    • Keep the Zaku, I just want the big gun parts.

    • I would definitely love to get one of those Thunderbolt kits. Come on Random Number Generator!

    • Great episode guys, havent watched in a while but i am back! Love the Macross kits and shall be receiving 1 or 2 for christmas the hype is real. If you really want all three froms set out though you can buy the non transformable version that is much cheaper there one ofr each form. see ya nect time.

    • Another great episode.

    • First hammer with original gusion,then the wrench with barbatos, now it’s scissor on rebake. What’s next saw? oh-oh the wrench already have it. Hmmm… Screw driver?

    • Pewpew!

    • Good review on the Gusion and the ms option set. Also the Thunderbolt GM is looking good.

    • For Christmas…please?

    • Thumbs up for the Yugo! OK the Gusion is pretty awesome too.

    • Great Episode! I would love to get the GM because a friend is doing a tabletop game with HG Gundam Models. I need to army some GMs for the game.

  • Syd wrote a new post 7 years, 11 months ago

    October is usually a slow month for Gunpla releases as Bandai lulls a bit before blitzing us at year’s end. But don’t worry, we still have plenty of stuff to talk about including a new Titanium MG kit! Bandai […]

    • First!!!!!!!

    • I think it would be neat to see you guys do a vlog-like video of how one day of working at HLJ is like.

    • Hope I win Bumblebee

    • bumblebee……….!!!!!!!!

    • i want that bumblebee!

      Hi Syd and Todd 🙂

    • To be honest, seeing a transformer that can’t be transformed is really weird for me
      But hey, if you give it for free for me, I’ll not complaining

      And also
      G1 transformers are superior than michael bay’s transformers

    • well damn bumblebee that would go well with my optimusprime

    • Looks like a good gimmick of Hugo maybe considering buying it into my collection of IBO gunpla. Setsuna bust looks badass but still waiting for Fumina bust haha

    • First TFS NICE!!! I wann it

    • After hearing about how to choose what gundam to paint what not to paint I would definitely want to do a custom Barbados lupus or full armor thunder bolt gundam!

    • It never occurred to me that there would be Transformers model kits, and please don’t remind me about Christmas I’m just a poor gunpla builder.

    • no god hand nippers? buy the gusion rebake full city…

    • IBO Season 2 MS are so cool!

    • I’ve been wanting to get that kit for a long long time…

    • *buzz buzz* I win? *buzz buzz*

    • Great show, guys!
      keep up the good work!

    • Woah, wanted this bumblebee since the last time you showed it! I hope It’ll restock sometime

    • It’s not gunpla but would love to win that Bumble Bee ^_^

    • That bumblebee is from the dmk series right?
      That is awesome, the proportion is better than a transforming one,
      But its really hard to find one
      Plus, its a bit pricy for me..
      Hope i can win it

    • I hate the design of Transformers in movies!
      If I win that bumblebee I know I will modify it to make it more “cartoonish”. Not a complete redesign (who has time for a work like that) just removing, adding, reshaping parts to make it more “cartoon”.
      The way it should be since the beginning in my opinion.

    • Looking forward tot he rest of the Chopper kits to be released, i just want to build the big ass Chopper.

    • SWEET LORD !!!!
      well I dont really have top 5 moments . but I have one favourite moment and that when syd was playing with his gunplas in the box and the saber fight was good too ….. that whole Episode was amazing

    • You go guys!

      You could totally make a mixed psychoframe Unicorn if you wanted to with that kit, but due to the pricing, the “meh-ness” of the MG Unicorn, and the fact that there are no ungergates…yeah i’d rather buy me a PG.

      I was really hoping the Full City fixed the problems that the original Gusion had, with it’s bad color separation, missing color apps and extreme reliance on stickers. While it does have better color separation, it’s done completely through stickers, so I think this will be a pass for me sadly. Oh well, lets hope a Full Mechanics of this will come to existence.

      At first I wasn’t really sold on the Hugo, but over time, the uniqueness of the design slowly slowly started to grow on me, probably beginning with that unique eye design. While the kit itself isn’t amazingly impressive, it seems to be one of those MS that focuses on it’s main function over anything else, that being raiding ships in space, so having claw feet for tearing apart hulls like a bird is a really attractive quality IMO, probably going to get this in the long run and put it on an action base, swooping in with feet deployed.

    • The amount of stickers on the Full City does not impress me. I suppose it helps Bandai keep the kit cheaper, though, which it probably needs with the size and mass of the Variable Scissor Armour.

      It was cool seeing the new MS’s in action, including the Hugo. And now they’ve unearthed two new suits, I’m looking forward to the reveal.

      I’d like you to know I’ve started building the MG Gundam the Origin I got through the SUPER SUMMER SALE!!! The different scale that allows for all the gimmicks certainly gives a different experience from the HGs and RGs I’m used to building. So far I’m enjoying it.

      I don’t paint all my gunpla, but when I do I do custom paint jobs.
      No, I honestly also do some touch-ups. The only one for which this isn’t true is the RG Trans-Am Raiser, because anything I did would only ruin the gloss paint job.


    • Christmas is coming, but until it’s here i can’t wait for the black Friday sales that you have in store for us, and after that the winter holidays sale 😀

    • Christmas is here! May you always build gunplaTv!

    • great

    • Another great episode, Syd and Todd. Also, I was really surprised to hear my own comment in your episode! Thanks for the shout out and I will send you guys pics of the cake and the toppers when it’s all set up.
      P.S.: my better half actually suggested we use them when I showed her which petit bears were released lol

    • Love the new kit form ibo but hate those stickers on the new gusion. Also why bandai make one kit with two spyco frame i think its just plastic waist. However would love that bumblebee

    • oooh bumblebee

    • bumblebee bumblebee bumblebee!!!!! i tried to get it twice but it was impossible fingers cross!!, good show as allways ppl

    • Beeeeeeeeeeeeeee…………………….

    • Thank you guys for the answer about customizing kits. I have another question. Actually I prefer playing with my kits rather than just displaying them. But then I cannot resist the look of my RG Exia, whose armors keep popping off and not so suitable to play. Do you think gluing the armor pieces onto the frame would make a good replacement for a toy figurine? I really love kits as they are cheaper and the RG line looks marvelous.

    • Just built an MG Freedom 2.0, which I got from HLJ, and painted it up, Customizing a kit has always come from inspiration for me. If I dont have inspiration I dont paint.

    • Bumblebee would make an awesome early Christmas gift!!!

    • Those balls jokes never get old…

    • Bumblebee would be awesome

    • Love the new kit from IBO and great episode.

    • win!

    • I will win !!

    • Bumblebee!
      Thanks for the episode, great as usual

    • Hi Syd and Todd, great episode! As a one piece fan, I am so getting the Chopper Kit!

    • now that hugo was quite interesting, did todd bust out he’s PUN’S when he said “there HUGO” in that hugo review.. ? HHHHMMMM…..another great episode guys, looking forward to that mg titanium finish unicorn hope i get it as a gift for myself this coming christmas, keep up the good work sensei steve and todd

    • Not long until Pokémon is out :3 The Nintendo Switch looks pretty cool, too

    • sweet ep guys

    • Unfortunately, future Setsuan is all silver and glowy according to the movie. T.T

    • This time it is less talking, more winning. (o0)/

    • Now this would be a challenge to fix up a Takara Bumblebee into a car. Give it a nice paint job while I wasn’t a fan of the live-action series. I’ll this piece of plastic a chance.

    • Bzzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzz!

    • Want to hear a horror story (spooky Halloween)?

      Back when I discovered Gundam model kits I was about 13 (about 15 years ago) and it was the Gundam Wing HGs. I didn’t know much about the hobby so it never occurred to me that you would have to use cutters and then sand/trim the excess. I would just bend and pull the parts off the runners.

      Just wondering, is there any information about new versions of old kits, like the Alex or the Physalis?

    • great show guys

    • Hello guys from Greece.
      My New favorite moment from now on will be the “Boldy Setsuna”:)
      I’ve been watching you a couple of years now and i hope that I’ll win a Kit
      because here are too expensive to buy and I want to start building.
      I also hope that one day Gunpla will be popular here too.
      Continue the good work and I wish one day to meet you up close.

    • most interesting thing in this ep is giveaway prize.

    • Bumblebee!

    • Interesting giveaway prize. My kid would be crazy about it.

    • I want the Bumblebee. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can I have it?


      I am a die hard transformers fan and even took the time to watch the original transformers G1. The kit looks great


    • hmm, interesting transformers kit

    • I don’t have any Transformers!

    • Me no win anything

    • A mobile suit to surpass metal gear

    • I wonder what will come into existence first: Metal Gears, or Mobile Suits/Armours?

    • RNG Gods please grant me favor, also great episode guys

    • Bandai needs to stop milking the Unicorn Gundam and its 48 color variants and variations and give us the kit that we need and deserve. MG Char Zaku II ver. 3.0!

    • I so so soooo desire the Titanium Nu Gundam. I think I may have watched the episodes that featured it a few too many times. Don’t you scratch that beautiful runner Syd!!

      As an owner of 2 MG Unicorns I shudder at the thought of trying to care for a Titanium version of that polystyrene grenade.

      Anyway – I am only up to Ep 164… and like knowing that a major character dies on a show I love but not WHEN it happens… I am wondering when Ryan gets off’d & replaced. It’s like back when I cared about The Walking Dead but FOR REALS.

      Cheerio plastic masters.

    • That Bumble Bee sure looks great.

    • Great show guys, I discovered your show a few weeks ago and have been watching them from episode 1 and have now reached episode 70 – good to see your nail is no longer black Syd!

    • Bumblebee would look great sent down under for our coming summer. The bright yellow would match the sunshine on the steps of the Opera house

    • fortunately for the real setsuna,he doesnt change appearance anymore because of his bond with the els

    • That hugo looks like a mobile suit from Reconguista. By the way great episode as always, looking forward to the review of the rebake full city.

      I hope I could win that bumblebee for my birthday. ^_^

    • Poor setsuna, losing his hair…

    • BUMBLEBEE!!!!And my comments was read!!!!

    • Ore wa GUNDAM DA!!

    • What a funky suit.

    • Bumblebee, transform and roll out!

    • me win bumblebee… 😀

    • I’ll take that bumblebee off your hands.

    • Hope you’ll review the One Piece Chopper Robos ,including the merge Giant Mecha Chopper.

      Another Rebake, based on the stickers, its face was entirely stickers this what i don’t like on previous Rebake but what i like with the Rebake was it’s Gimmick and now on Full City is it’s Weapon (Shield/Scissor).

      And oh, Bumblebee! You Go (YUGO/HUGO) with me.

    • Do you guys watched Transformer when younger?

    • Transform and roll out!

    • hello from the Philippines! question : do all 7-11 stores in Japan sell 7-11 1/144 gundam kits or are they only available on specific places, perhaps in Akihabara? are they sold like regular items or only in special occasions? is it possible that HLJ will include them in their online catalogue?


    • Bald Setsuna, that was too funny! I like the Yugo just because it’s so different. A suit starts looking like a suit after awhile, and this was a great change of pace. Me Likey.

    • completely understand bringing the yugo badge with you when you move, i kept the cam (my name) part of the badge from a camira i owned and wrecked as a teen through multiple moves

    • I never win anything, random number generator hates me.

    • I am looking forward to the next Transformers movie in 2017!

    • Hopefully, I will win that Bumblebee.


    • Can’t wait to build the Metal Gear HUGO!

    • Too bad Ryan is not there to rant about Michael Bay’s Transformers again.

    • let me win once. hehe.

      please show if you have some old gundam kit. 🙂

    • Hey Sid.

      So I must say that I actually started watching Gunpla TV since the beginning at around the start of October this year. I am on Episode 59 but I decided to watch the most current episode for this very reason. Giveaways. I love the show and I guess I will find out what happened to Ryan and welcome Todd . Anyways I do remember you building the bumblebee since I saw that around a week or two ago…Cool kit and hopefully I can get my hands on this. 🙂 I will continue to watch the episodes and hopefully get through them all. Its a bit tough to find the special episodes that are not numbered sometimes.

      Anyways sorry for the long message but keep up the great work.

    • up

    • I want that bumblebee too!!

    • that is some excellent camera work you have this episode.

    • Hugo is kind of strange but refreshing considering how most the other IBO kits look essentially the same

    • Awesome episode! Thanks, guys!

    • Love Hugo.

    • Great episode.I want the bumble bee to go with the mg Tallgeese ew I just ordered.

    • Great episode guys! Replying to the viewer’s comment, Gunpla to be is like building with LEGO and art combine together. Before I pick up any kit, I try to imagine what mods I might make on it or how to make it better. Gunpla is Freedom!

  • Syd wrote a new post 7 years, 11 months ago

    We’ve got the High Grade Barbatos Lupus built and ready to be reviewed as well as the two newest, music-making Petitguys. We also talk about the just announced December Gunpla releases!

    Kits featured in this […]

  • Syd wrote a new post 7 years, 11 months ago

    We are back in the studio after attending the All Japan Hobby and Model show and so we begin Episode 218 talking about what we saw there and what got us excited. From there we move on to show everyone the latest […]

    • Scramble gundam has one of the worst MA Modes ever

    • I would get that qant if the green matched the blades a bit more.
      also first!

    • Definitely looking forward to getting the shia Qan[T] looks like a solid kit and love those nekko-sama ears. Sooo awesome👍

      • I’ve built it, it’s really good, and the fact that it reuses parts from both the HG Qan[T] and HG Transient is pretty impressive. Certainly a worthy buy, be careful with the “claws” though, there is a part in there that can break when toyed with.

    • OOOOOOOOOOOO i want all the releases!! Every moment is a good moment on Gunpla TV so keep up the good work!!

    • one of top moment in gunplatv is when Syd broke the kit from anime nobunaga the fool, and he can’t quite finish the armor for it. hehe

    • I’m still on the fence about getting the Shia Quan[T] and the Scramble, I should flesh out the number of 00 kits in my collection first

    • Seems bad but i really dont like those kits…personal taste but i cant really figure out, scramble first look sooo better with the funnels parts and not those wings..bandai What! XD

    • Hoo! A new episode of Gunpla TV is finally here! Time to stop building my Gundam Astraea and start watching this!

      I would’ve been more excited for the GM Sniper II if I didn’t already buy the Robot Damashii, oh well, i’ll just continue hoping for a GM Revive. The Lunagazer is something i’m gonna LOVE on the other hand. I love the Hyaku Shiki, and I love the Stargazer, so this is right up my alley, please make a Stargazer Revive Bandai, we need one. Bandai just seems to be wanting to expand their audiences recently, I don’t get this either, Gunpla is very successful, and the audience is already supportive and interested in all new releases, so why appeal to other audiences if they won’t necessarily be interested? I’d get it if they released one or two kits and they sold like free candy, but they made entire lineups and it’s taking away from our Gunpla releases, please Bandai get to work on the new MG’s! 4 releases a month is not going to satisfy!

      The new Petit’gguys are amusing. I like how they have new instruments and accessories as well as a color difference, people are going to eat that up. The HG Barbatos Lupus definitely has better OOB presentation than the previous HG Barbatos, but i’m still going to wait for the 1/100 for perfect color separation and that sweet, sweet panel detail. Pretty sure the Frame 4 was used on the Astaroth Origin IIRC, can’t remember 100% though.

      Unlike a lot of people, I actually really like the Scramble Gundam. The alt mode is lazy, I agree there, but then again IMO, Gundam are made for function over flair, and while that may not apply for build fighters, it still works and that’s kinda what matters in the end, although it’s kinda obvious that this was just an extra cash grab. Nothing really special about the kit besides the design. I’d only really pick it up if you really like the design (which I do). The Shia Qan[T] is my favorite MS from Island Wars, Shia is a great character and I loved the Portent (my second kit). So I had to jump on the Shia, and it’s great. It’s definitely a buy for anyone who is interested, I especially love how Bandai implemented the parts of both the Transient and the Qan[T] into one single MS, now that’s what I call impressive. I never got into the Beargguy, and especially not the Beargguy P, probably going to pass on this one. If I ever get one, i’m getting the Beargguy F for the Petit’gguy. XP

    • Where is Ryan, didn’t see him these couple episodes, Btw, when i was browsing for pla plate tutorial, i accidentlly came through your old gunpla tv episode, eps 68 if I’m not mistaken, and….. seeing You guys doing gunpla tv pose, that was hilarious, I Dare You to do that again.

    • That Scramble Gundam looks sweet in Mobile Suit mode… Let’s just not talk about MA mode. Opinions on the OVA episode aside, it’s a pretty rad mixture of the Zeta and Destiny Heine, if I had to pick. Awesome episode as always guys, gotta tune in every week!

    • Please review the figure-rise dragon ball kits even though it’s not gunpla.

    • Thanks for the inspiration guys; I finished my own take on a petit guy in black tri star colors. GUNPLA is freedom!

    • Wow RE DiJeh… I want plzzzzzzz

    • Awesome episode! The Scramble Gundam looks pretty cool, just not that gawd awful flight mode and not to mention is kinda bare bones compared to the other HGBFs :/

    • man i would love to win that dejeh 🙂 anyways good show as always ryan,syd and todd 🙂

    • i would like to win 😀

    • The new master grade Gm sniper II is cool plus I would like to get some of the new RE kits

    • I like the Deejay! I hope I win it. Pump up the volume DeeJay!

    • Yeah! Condorman! A hero of my childhood. I will nerver ever forget them driving in this kind of guipsytruck and as the bad guys in their black Porsche appear, he pushes a button, the seats slide down, they find themselfs in a futuristic cockpit and the next you see is the condorcar driving out of the front of the truck. Not as crappy as the old badman, but a must see if you like this kind of stuff.

    • i am building a custom mostly scratch built custom gunpla, and i like the look of barbatos and will borrow [arts from it to make my own unique model, great show guys stay awesome

    • It’s funny Todd brought up girlfriends and gunpla as my wife and I just built her first HG, the Gusion. She affectionately calls it “Fatty”. I am the luckiest man ever.

      PS: My favorite Gunpla TV moment has to be Syd’s crazy stop motion dance party from way back in the day.

    • destiny + heine colors + zeta = scramble gundam.

    • never had a re 1/100 before, maybe this will be my first?

    • give me that… i want to win.. 😀

    • nice kits

    • Gunpla tv and coffee, nice morning

    • I am a wizard!

    • Well, you can’t say Bandai isn’t trying to expand their audience. o.o

    • Syd was all like “Hey Todd, build those boring kits while I’ll go and build the new awesome Barbatos”. Nice show guys.

    • Runner Gundam frame 4 is from Gundam Astroth Origin kit. If you guys still wondering where it’s from haha. Hope you guys can have good sleep after this. Also gonna get that Shia Qan[T] , it’s sooo cute. kinda happy it’s not P Bandai like super Fumina Titan version, arghh so mad at you Bandai and Happy.

    • Hope the random number generator picks me!

    • Hi guys, today I have a little story for you:

      For a quite some time I wanted to write to HLJ support something about having an open order from 2013 with one item still being unavailable/backordered. I feared that one day they may change that to “discontinued” and cancel my order. That would be really bad.

      But what a surprise email I got last week – after 3 years they finally managed to get that missing item (HGUC 0080 Series Decals #1)! And what’s even better – I found out that 0080 Series Decals #2 (which I ordered in 2013 too but was canceled and put as discontinued) is in stock! So I swiftly grabbed it so it can join his brother waiting in the warehouse 🙂

      PS.: Now I feel a little bit sad because I always wanted to reach that 10th anniversary of having a item “backordered”… so maybe next time 🙂

    • I believed frame 4 was used on the Astaroth Origin and Barbatos 6th form. By the way, have you guys ever heard of the song “Rollover DJ” by Jet? It was the first thing I thought about when you guys brought out the Dijeh and now I got that song stuck in my head, haha.

    • I enjoyed the PG Unicorn build.

    • The Top 5 moments of Gunpla TV moments:

      5: When you guys said PG Unicorn/Banshee was on sale and I went and got one!
      4: Todd’s ball guy LOL
      3: Sid’s custom kits! They all look so cool and special (I like the Shin Musha the most than Thunderbird sinanju)
      2: First couple episode where Sid goes around showing warehouse, explaining kits, and tutorials. Very good to recommend when someone has interest in gunpla and want to learn a bit more before jumping in.
      1: Every time new episode comes on I get little excited and stop whatever I am doing to watch it! I wish it was more regular like once a week but I know you guys are doing this for us even thou you all have busy schedule (maybe not Todd since his Customizing his balls! JK)

      Anyways that’s my top 5 mostly just wrote down what I think when I think about you guys and gunpla TV. Well I love you guys keep up the good work and see you on next episode!!

    • Nice vid as always; loving the clear effect parts on a lot of the build fighters kits like the Qan[T], wish they would do more of that with MGs even though I do love HG kits all the same.

    • In my humble opinion I think the Scramble Gundam transformation lacks imagination.
      The best moments on gunpla tv, for me, are when Todd starts making silly puns, that’s just priceless.

    • Awesome episode, and you just reminded me how much I need the Dijeh haha. I love the designs of Zeta era kits, definitely my favorite UC series.

    • Great episode. Thanks, guys!

    • Syd if you`re a fan of old-school rock listen to a song or 2 from Steel Panther ( I recommend Death To All But Metal and If You Really Really Love Me ) They are a parody group.

      P.S I can`t be the only one who is NOT excited about the MG Psycho Zaku, right ? Lol

    • hihihi

    • MG GM Sniper II is going to be my first kit of the year. And first Master Grade in a long time.

    • Great show as always guys, I’m hoping to win that RE 1/100 Kit that your giving away 🙂

    • Shia Qan[t] gets all my ‘yes.’
      I’ll also be getting the BTF Full Saber to use with it.

    • A new episode. It must be a dream or something. I can’t wait for all the new IBO kits to come out and to see them on the show.

    • I’m wanting to get into perfect grade kits what would be a good one to get thinking of the unicorn,banshee,00 raiser or astray red frame

    • Wiiiinner

    • The scramble is pretty disappointing imo and the flight mode is the most random decision ever aside from the age 2 double bullet.

    • waiting for more HG IBO kits to be release and see how they do

    • Great show, horrible sound 🙁
      I was watching this with headphones and sound jumped from left to right and back with different volumes, that got me little dizzy 🙁

    • DIJEH Khaled!!
      I’m sorry, I’ll leave

    • Yoh! DIJEH! Drop the bass :3

    • I win this time yes?

    • I think the bearguy would look great painted as a fallen angel with horns and a pitchfork…….. great show hurry up next week so we can see the lupis in all its glory.

    • 1. tutorial for the hi nu gundam ver.ka video of the HGUC Neo Zeong
      3. Tutorial for priming gunpla of the hi nu gundam ver. ka
      5.the tutorial for the full armor gundam ver.ka

    • Setsuna getting busty as well. He looks like he needs some Beargguy love in his life.

    • you guys forgot the HLJ plug lol support and buy kits from HLJ! watched the new IBO season and flags are raised. did you raise yours?

    • I can’t think of a top five off the top of my head but the one moment that stuck with me was the time when Syd was going to give Todd the Graze Ian and Todd already had it built. Syd’s reaction was beautiful.

    • Favourite moments on Gunpla TV are usually the Face Palm Gundam moments, or whenever you guys say “That’s what she said.”

    • IBO is back, my wallet will run dry again…
      The scramble gundam is a disappointment of a zeta.

    • Come they told me
      Pa rum pum pum purple and drum
      A new born King to see
      Pa rum pum pum purple and drum

    • Took a while for a new episode to show up. Hope there would be more MGs to be regular released. Too much p-Bandai stuff going on.

    • Great episode guys!

    • Honestly I don’t have it in me to type out a full on non beggy comment, so I’ll be straight.


    • great episode, I need a RE in my collection.
      I enjoyed the how to video watching Syd try to paint outside and it looks like he is spraying into the wind..

    • todd appearing in the dream in 200th anniversary was best moment

    • good episode again

    • Another Petitegguy and Beargguy for my collection!! woot!! love the show guys! cant wait for the Barbatos Lupus review 😀

    • Love the look of the Scramble Gundam. I feel like there should be more Orange kits. Great episode dudes~

    • I can’t say I have 5 favorite moments… there are way too many good puns for me to choose from !

    • The new kits look so promising! Do you think we’ll get an HG RX-78-2 Origin type?

    • Bear guys. Bear guys everywhere

    • Where’s Ryan? A dedicated segment perhaps? “Ryan’s Ramblings” haha definitely makes the episodes more lengthy.

      That scramble Gundam’s MA mode… Perhaps an acquired taste.

      I kinda like the figure stuff though, including the busts. I feel it kinda give us a chance to “build” and paint our favourite characters. I do believe that well painted, can look absolutely amazing. Very rarely can you get to paint anime figures unless its resin (extremely toxic and expensive) or those military ones.

    • i miss the days when you guys used to do tutorials and show us what your building on the show like ryans tank and the gundam themed car. please do more stuff like that instead of just telling us your going to build a kit take it home and have it fully built next episode. why can’t you guys do more stuff like the tank where you make up your own colour scheme and give us regular updated on the show on how it’s going. don’t get me wrong the show is still great and even though i don’t have a favourite moment i loved it when you used to use the joke DOES IT TRANSFORM?!

    • Pink guy’s hot, sticky sweet!

    • Favorite Gunpla TV Moment: Episode 200; Syd was having a Gunpla Tea Party and Todd wasn’t invited 😀

    • Would love an RE/100 kit added to the collection!

    • Waiting for more HG IBO kits to be release!

    • yeah. we need more MG.

    • They’d already mentioned and featured the other MG’s kit. I wish MG Gn Sniper II followed by MG Leo or MG Kshatriya..

    • sweet ep like the design of the scramble

    • I like cakes and gundam! Not together, just on there own

    • I must get the Beargguy P for my daughter’s birthday!

      I have a question for Syd (or anyone really) about how you determine / chose which kits to paint and which to just build/line/decal. I realize its a bit different being exposed / have easier access to so many kits; but how do you decide which ones to dedicate the time and focus to painting up all nice?

      I just finished my first painted build (sanded nubs, masked where appropriate, painted inner frame & armor, etc) and now that I look at the thing on my shelf… it seems like it would be criminal to not do the same for any future kits. Despite this I am over-eager and want to enjoy the build process without all the fuss but don’t want to ‘waste’ a kit by not dedicating myself to it fully. Catch-22 – curious how you or your colleagues decide from kit-to-kit.

    • Top 5 lol’s (from what I have watched)

      5. Syd taking new apprentice Star Wars style
      4. Gettin’ two dudes to ride each other – Scott about Kamen Rider
      3. Ballgguy
      2. Ryan looking at anime lady bits in the warehouse ‘IT’S NEVER A GOOD TIME’
      1. Puzzle TV, Cosplay TV – two princesses (got me in trouble at parent/teacher event – thanks!)

    • IBO S2!

    • Scramble gundam looks really disappointing.

    • I would love to win the RE Dijeh to pair up with my MG Hyaku Shiki 2.0!

    • Hey mr. Dijeh.. please play my song.. 💃.. i want that Dijeh..

    • Scramble Gundam looks oddly plain and weird at the same time.

    • image not available …

    • This dijeh’s gonna play a happy music

    • My favorite moments were the when you did your “How to” segments. Panel lines, washes, painting, decals, damage etc. Kind of wish you guys would do some more of that stuff.

      PS: You guys should feature some the new Votoms, Macross, and other kits that are featured in the other articles on this website. The pictures are nice, but I’d like to also see videos.

    • Diggin’ the Lupus, especially after watching the newest episode! Seems like a great kit, just like its predecessor.

    • The Dijeh looks awesome!

    • HI GUYS,

      Another nice episode! and I would suggest to add a segment on your show. that title would be Guess that Pilot? it’s where you have silhouette of an Gundam pilot at the beginning of your show and the answer would be later on plus that pilot biography or character details…

      I love the IBO on Anime and its Gunpla, I have couple of IBO kits on HG looking forward to complete IBO kits on HG and owning some MG’s.
      I have already watch the first episode of Season 2, some new Characters and would like to see how this new characters played out on season 2, Though I shall miss Biscuit…
      More power on your show and keep on building and reviewing Gunpla.


    • There’s a hurricane outside and I’m just sitting here building Gunpla. #Priorities

    • Cool!

    • Hey guys, thanks for giving us a look at the new kits that were released, while I’m a bit meh about the Scramble, the Shia Qan[t] caught my interest so I’ll have to get that some point down the line.

      As for my favorite moment, that would have to be when Todd showed off all his Gyans, all those puns really were Gyantastic even if Syd had to make some effort not to eye roll, plus its nice to see someone show his enjoyment of any hobby, just keep an eye on him Syd if he starts talking to them…its never a good sign.

      Now I was wondering you guys Syd and Todd could help me with something, I was wanting to pick up kits of the EW ver main suits of Gundam Wing (Wing Zero, Heavy Arms, Deathscythe, Sandrock, Altron and Epyon). But in the 1/144 scale I prefer (thanks to RG and space) I’ve heard the kits are a bit old and really need updating, especially the Epyon (my first ever Gundam kit actually!). I wanted to know in your honest opinions if the MG 1/100s difference in quality is enough to make an exception to get them in the bigger scale, or that I should wait for a bit and see if bandai releases some updated kits, thanks for the help!

    • Hello guys!

      I don’t really have a best moment because at almost every episode you’ll start saying funny things by combining words and staff so its always funny for me.

      Keep up the good work. 🙂

    • been waiting for ep 218 some time, love it

    • Couple building is not limited to Nobel and Bearguys only,man.There are tons of other options. Top 5: The Gundam kiaris trooper and Graze Carta rescue vid,The Ball Guy vid, The Gyantastic vid,The Bearguy preetty Yandere advis vid(the bit sold it), The Fumina Bust vid(for PLOT)

    • The best moment was when I was announced as the Dijeh contest winner in episode 219 of Gunpla TV.

    • cant say i like the new build fighters design but it is still fun to watch, season 1 was definitely better tho

    • I’m gonna get my QANTA a girlfriend!!!!

    • Ballguy is love, ball guy is life

    • Dijeh bring down the house!!!!!
      or the TITANS.. whatever..

    • Ready for the new IBO season.

    • Top 5 Gunpla TV moments:
      5. Ballguy
      4. Episode 200
      3. Early Gunpla TV tutorials
      2. Covering Hobby events
      1. Syd showing off his customs

    • Sid -vs- Todd Build-off! My money is on Todd (ง’̀-‘́)ง

    • Here are my Top 5 Gunpla TV moments in reverse order…

      5) Episode 200 – the live-ish give aways was exciting
      4) Syd and Scott tallgeese tutorial/build off
      3) When Ryan, Todd, Lindsay and Anna were introduced to the show.
      2) Seeing the HLJ Warehouse for the first time – Heaven does exist on earth.

      Honourable mentions: Episode with the mystery box giveaway – What’s in the Box!?, Episode with alternative to what you guys might be doing if there were no gunpla – Puzzle TV, Episode with Ryan introduction Todd as the tame gunpla building (Top Gear reference).

      1) Winning a kit built by Syd that was used on one of the shows – This hasn’t happened yet so fingers crossed.

    • Most Favorite funny moments is Gunpla TV episode 200. Todd’s First day! LOL. this guy is really funny! just staring at the gundam boxes. :P

    • The episode 200 was of course one of my top one, especially with the Syd x PG Unicorn skit, lol.

      And the live build of the big sasabi, where all the japanese ppl started joining in since you guys were first with showing off the kit.

    • Another great bear show. 🙂

    • My top 5 favorites.

      5. Todd’s Ball Collection.
      4. First appearance of Todd.
      3. Syd building the Full Armor Gundam Ver. Ka.
      2. Syd and Ryan building the custom build with the Sinanju body.
      1. The Review of the RG Sinanju.

  • Syd wrote a new post 8 years ago

    This episode of Gunpla TV is a little smaller than normal as we go over some simpler models. Don’t worry, there are some surprises. For everyone!

    Kits featured in this episode:

    – 1/144 HGPG Pandagguy
    – 1/144 […]

    • we need a pandaguy now

    • Great review guys!!!….that mikazuki is damn hot!..

    • A man has no nipple

    • Great episode guys. I’m sure my two little girls (4 and 7) will love their petit pandas once they arrive. The white and brown petit bears aren’t anything to write home about, but eh, just adding to the collection. The petit ball guy looks awesome! I wonder if there will be any more astray lines coming in the future. My student loves the red astray and he now has an SD and MG (both from moi), and he just got the PG. I referred him to you guys on YouTube for him to learn more about how to build his models better.

    • That Petit Ball Guy needs to be on sale! Great job on the kits you guys!~

    • This episode was amazing! I was almost in tears at the custom Bearguy reveals, that was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. Awesome work, in particular the Bearguy with Makino Naka’s head was particularly hilarious, theough the Ballguy is one of the funniest and coolest little customs I’ve seen in a while.

    • Amazing episode guys! you just inspired me on that custom. Hoping that Gunpla TV will be making a competition.

    • Ball is love, Ball is life~

      But seriously though, we need more Balls.

    • leave a comment in order to win … so i left one 🙂 great episode guys 😀

    • ahhh man my zgok poster is gone, i have wanted that for ages.

    • Wytre replied 8 years ago

      Never had a quebeley and would like to have one so please! RNGEEZUZ PICK MOI

    • The Pucchi Ballgguy made my entire week, I’m excited to see the Beargguy P built.

    • Petit Ball’gguy is best Ball! Todd winrars this episode.

    • The Ball-guy brings the 180 mm cannon for extra “firepower” during “exercise”

    • Oh man, that Ballgguy is awesome Todd!

      And Syd’s bust-shenanigans had me in tears. xD

    • Todd did a good job on the Ballguy, I think he took the time to fill in the holes where the arms were.

      I’m working on a Ball Zero Custom myself. I’ll be sure to post it here when I’m done!!

    • lemme win!lemme win leeemeeeee winnn!!!!

    • Hey guys, thanks for another great episode! I can’t wait for season 2 of IBO.

    • Give away Figurise bust Freya and Makina please. They are so cute haha

    • I want an Amuro bust </3

    • Great episode guys! This is what get me through Monday! I want that MKii please!!

    • Great episode guys 🙂 so greatful for the weekly giveaways! You guys are the best ;)

    • Gunpla is freedom. Gunpla is expensive.

    • That custom ball guy is legit!!! So original!

    • Nick replied 8 years ago

      Excellent work on the Petite Ballguy Todd. I worked on a Gyanguy recently and I’m currently working on a Petite Goufguy to go with it.

    • jeel replied 8 years ago

      let me win

    • dANDS replied 8 years ago

      Nice ep. guys…that petit ball guy custom is hilarious hahaha…

    • Kutal replied 8 years ago

      Nice show guys, thanks lord u spice custom freedom on petit :P, keep going!!

    • Loved the unveilings of the customs, had a good laugh.

    • Funniest episode in a while, keep it up guys!

    • those bumps on Mika’s back look less like AV and more like tumours

    • BNuts replied 8 years ago

      Bears and Busts, only on GunplaTV!

      Mk-II, please.

    • It his cloo that indoor

    • More panda for me

    • popoy replied 8 years ago

      Great Episode guys! each episode is getting shorter. It’s not the same without ryan. That ball guy looks awesome!

    • shika replied 8 years ago

      i want a revive kit of revive revival.

    • mk II hope

    • Winner winner chicken dinner

    • yes gimme the luckeys ples….. ples?

    • i watch your spam
      /syd (spam police)

    • that was scary when the puchi ball guy is suddenly out from chacha brown box. But it was funny and cool too. I could never thought of any reasons why people would buy these bearguys. Now I know it’s because they can become busty bearguy haha.

    • Jeeg replied 8 years ago

      I would like to see Amuro Rey with the helmet and Char (both with the helmet or with his classic hat and googles) in this line of busts!
      Crossing my finger for them!

    • nice ep i think i need some more bear guys

    • What do you guys think of a crossbone gundam series possibly being animated?

    • ZeroG replied 8 years ago

      Episode is short and sweet.

    • Karyu replied 8 years ago

      I have a request. Every week/episode, Tod and/or Sid should bring in a custom to show, whether is for the episode or a old custom from the past. This could help give us the viewers some inspirations.
      Tod’s BallGuy is shockingly amazing, but where is the other one?

    • Hope there are more Female Figure-rise bust in the future, wanna mash them all in Super Fumina to make a Girl Group. Hopefully you can make a review on that Strike Interceptor Kit from Active Raid since you reviewed the Elf Sigma last time

    • Finally we saw one of Tod’s Ball!
      But where is the other one? lol
      And as usual I’m ready to loose the RNG.

    • Was going to buy an Rg mkII, but the other RG is really tempting, ended up buying RG zeta.. wasnt dissapointed..
      HGUC line is certainly interesting, but the price is unbearable compared to an ibo, or age series that’s kinda an turnoff for me

    • omg i died laughing at todd’s ball reveal! Really great job man and good to see some balls in here lol
      Anyways keep up the good work!

      P.S. I hope I win any revive kit as I always wanted one but never got around picking one up so it would be good to compare with the old

    • Great show guys can’t wait to see what new stuff you guys will reveal yet

    • A great episode as always! 🙂 Both giveaways are great (although I prefer the AEUG colors for the Mk.II)! I hope that I’ll get picked for the giveaway. More power to you guys.

    • great episode guys as usual, that ‘puchiballguy’ was crazy to see but it worked surprisingly well.

    • Hubyx replied 8 years ago

      Looking forward to see that Scramble Gundam. Great show!

    • Oh the posibilities with the bears… Gunpla is freedom!

    • Rob replied 8 years ago

      Great to see you guys being creative! Keep up the good work!

    • More MG’s when?

    • Puchi Ball guy is too good to not be a official set

    • The BallGuy was great!

    • JAY3 replied 8 years ago

      the ballguy must be canonized! pls bandai!

    • JAY3 replied 8 years ago

      the ballguy must be canonized

    • Oh shit xD. The freakshow reminded me of “Martian Attacks!”, when two of characters in that movie got their head swapped with dogs.

    • Can’t wait for more build fighter kits to roll out!!

    • Lola ballguy is life… All seriousness great episode as always I look forward to your next episode, great job

    • This episode is rated 18+ or just very japanese

    • Zyphr replied 8 years ago

      Ball, havent seen that in a long while. Great episode as always guys!

    • that was an amusing episode.

    • WizR replied 8 years ago

      hey guys

      a couple of episodes ago you were talking about all the wonderful parts of kotobukya kits, it turns out I lost some of them on my Saber tiger, you wouldn’t be able to tell me where or how to get some spares ? Also got the same problem with the instructions manual ..

      Cool episode as always !

    • Man this was a funny episode. I really want that Fumina bust!

    • Great review. love the design of the mark 2.

    • Is the reveal of the Puchi Ball Guy in the top 5 Gunpla TV moments? Awesome custom? Syd swearing? How unexpecting Syd was? lol

    • I am in love with that Pucchi Ballgguy. I have 3 members of my family doing 3 different things while I was watching this episode and they all stopped what they were doing when that was revealed. Way to go Todd.

    • Great episode guys and I hope to see more! I actually started watching Macross Delta because of these figure-rise bust. Well, that is my weekend gone.

    • Great episode guys I love the Ballguy

    • My body is ready for these new gunpla.


    • You make me moist syd.

    • one of the best episodes in my opinion! i couldn’t help smiling and laughing all the way to the end. thank you Todd for that surprise Puchi-Ball Guy and Syd for the creepy Puchi-Busty Guy! one of the best surprises ever in the show. hoping to see more of these in the future, though not constantly coz then it would lose the surprise aspect haha 10/10

    • The Petit-guys are great for customizing!

    • those figure-rises are quite impressive. the colouring on them is pretty awesome.

    • That ballguy. Great episode

    • I’m really jealous of Todd. Before I was married I had quite the collection of bots and a big condo to set up my huge display. Now that I’m married with a son I’m living in a smaller rented apartment and most of my collection is in a storage locker. Just curious. How many ROBOT kits (completed) does Todd have in his 2nd bedroom?

    • esc1a replied 8 years ago

      Nice mascot bearguy collection !!!!

    • Winning one of those HG will certainly REVIVE someone’s spirit ! 😀

    • This episode has been about nothing but busts, bears and balls. XD

    • Nice video guys. Like the kits.

    • Oh that Todd! Always full of surprises. Looks like the ball’s in your court now Sid.

      Speaking of MG’s, I wonder with the release of the Freedom 2.0, if there will be more of a flood (or a constant drip) of 2.0 MG’s; especially from the Gundam seed line?

      • Yeah, they are reviving a lot of stuff (which is great!), from HGs to MGs. I would like to see a MG Guncannon 2.0.

    • Love The Petite Ball Guy ver. Todd! 😀

    • that bears are so adorable..

    • Seeing that Ballgguy has inspired me to make a custom MS where the head and limbs are all Balls

    • Mark replied 8 years ago

      when will i win?.. more power guys

    • tod need to build another 9 ballguy and make a diorama of ballguy-shark-nado XD

    • This is my favorite episode so far, It made me laugh so hard. Great episode guys. :3

    • Azrel replied 8 years ago

      All these puchiguys!

    • GunplaTV! Now with more ball(s) and nightmare fuel!

    • That ball custom was pretty dope.

    • Too many kits not yet build in my room… but I still want MOAR!!

    • Great episode it could have been inBEARable…

    • That milky custom make me laugh so hard >_<

    • You killed me with those combinations. XD

    • would love to have the mk 2 or qubeley. i’ve wanted them both for ages but can afford them.
      love what you did with the petit guys

    • Nice episode. I really liked what tod did to the bearguy

    • The smaller kits matter too! Anything for another episode of Gunpla TV!

      The Figure-Rise busts are still interesting. I hope we still get Chara Stand plates as well as personally I prefer that but it’s definitely something to be interested for. I wish Mikazuki had a shirt option like Fumina however…funny how they did that for Fumina but not Mikazuki…I wonder why. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

      …Did you just say Mikuzaki? XD

      The Beargguys are quite cool too, the Panda’gguy is the only one I got. As interesting as they are though, I find that they are a tiny bit pricey for how they are. They really don’t have much articulation, and aren’t your “normal Gundam”, i’d rather get an Ex-Standard kit. >_.<

      Makina Petit'gguy, this episode is just so great.

      *sees the "bust"*


      Stickers look like an absolute pain, i'm might get that kit one day, although I dunno where to put it.

      I really like the Scramble Gundam, colors, design, everything. It gets a lot of hate for it's transformed state, and I can definitely see why. It's just a Mobile Suit lying down with some wings up, yet I don't mind it very much as i'm a fan of anything that transforms, and although it may not look very good, I don't think the alt mode is what designers have in mind very often when designing a mobile suit. As long as the main MS looks fine, i'm fine.

    • White Milky Bear guy….why….

    • Really enjoyed this episode, them surprises really cracked me up!

      Can you guys take a look at the Kotobukiya Frame-Arms-Girls line of kits?

      I am really interested in them but they seem to be so hard to get a hold of.

    • What an adorable episode!!!! Gunpla is freedom!!!!

    • More Bearguys, wonder have someone got a Bearguy family collection.

    • Balls will conquer the world, nay the UNIVERSE!

    • IPod replied 8 years ago

      HG Balls and the MG Psycho Zaku fuel cylinder…
      pretty sure there’s a term for that;
      all meat, no potatoes?
      no comment…

    • Nice four kits for a giveaway. What are you thoughts Syd and Todd and speaking of Bearguys, BANDAI announced a Bearguy with Black and Green colors which would be creative for you to parts swaps on those busts. What are your thoughts a given name for the female bust that was shown in Ep. 217?

    • Pandagguy is miffed because Ballgguy be creepin. Ballgguy was sad because he was left out of the group photo. In the end Ballgguy won, Makinagguy new best… #SizeDoesMatter

    • Thats a cool custom petit guy did you use the hg ball for that head?

    • Love those petit’gguys…

    • I love the Scrambles color scheme, It would stand out in my collection. Great episode guys!

    • Jimmy replied 8 years ago

      It would be nice if Bandai decided to have the petitgguys come with robot mounts like they did with the Keroro models.

    • Very interesting episode! Hybrids has evolved in GunplaTV!

    • Love the ballguy! Nice episode, keep it up!

    • The shark mouth Ball-headed Petit’guy is killer!

    • Can you just send me the petite ball’gguy? please. that is sweet. the gundam MK-II would be ok too.

    • Very disturbing episode, can’t take my eyes off the ball and the bust….

    • Busty Bust Figure-rise Bust indeed!

      and gotta love the Puchigguy.. i need more of them! :3

    • Welp, I know what I’m doing with one of my HG Balls and a Petit BearGguy now. Thanks Todd!

    • You are doing the Lord’s good work my friends!!!

    • la k replied 8 years ago

      good show

    • My Makina just arrived yesterday and I think it is a really nice model. Similar to resin garage kits, it still needs some work to putty and paint properly…

      PS.: Incidentally it arrived together with HGBF BearGuy F which comes with it own Puchigguy so I may try that head swap mod too! 😀

    • Love HLJ and love 1/100 kits

    • Awesome episode! Thanks, guys!

    • nice episode with pettiguyssss

    • Love to see an f family panda style??? Also I see Nicholas cage I think leaving las Vegas I see quibeley I think mallard!!!!!! Great show as always guys…. Pucchi ball guy is life

    • Bee replied 8 years ago

      Nice kitbash, lol…

    • Loved seeing the Ballguy, you did a great job on it Todd. Can this be a reoccurring thing every week where Todd shows off his custom Balls? Maybe even bust out Face-palm Gundam again when things get out of hand? Lol

      Great episode guys, looking forward to seeing the Scramble Gundam next week.

    • Darn, those Macross busts aren’t as good as I thought they’d be. Oh well 🙁

    • Comment for the contest! C’mon Syd! Let’s let Ryan Brexit himself, no offense but it seems like he phones it in while Todd actually loves Gunpla. I could be totally wrong, but I’m with Todd, Todd for President, he should be the full time co-host with you Syd!

    • what a fun bear show. 😀

    • So many bears, so little time…

    • hehe xd

    • It’s time for me to finally win a MK-II titan to match with my MK-II AEUG!! or not

    • Hi aMazinG meatbags!

      I have binge watched two shows in my life (BSG, Lost) but never thought I would do so with a friggin’ Youtube show/channel.

      So, congratulations… THANK YOU… and very, very, well done. I salute Syd, Ryan, Todd, Luke and all the rest on a wonderful show.

      I am up to episode 68 (and now working both ways with 217, 216 and counting back so I eventually meet in the middle) and loving the evolution of the show, the extra bits from hobby events and the one-off episodes like #50 and puzzle/cosplay/papercraft TV (I laughed out loud at the ‘two-princesses’ comment while secretly watching during a parent-teacher event – whoops).

      I started gunpla in April 2016 when a 2015-in-review of the MG line auto-started after watching something about transformers (I looked up transformers due to buying one for my son and wondering how the line had progressed since I was a kid).

      I bought an Exia Dark Matter MG and RX-78 Origins MG the next week and have not stopped since (14 built – 12 MG, 1 PG, 1 RG) and 15 waiting on a shelf (12 MG, 1 PG, 2 RG). I am painting my first kit right now (Jesta MG) after moving past the panel lines and markings and cannot wait to share it with the world.

      Hobbylink and Gaijin-Gunpla along with r/Gunpla are my only online destinations anymore and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such a welcoming community and extensive resource for what has been a very trying time in my life the past 6 months.

      Cheers to all and keep up the wonderful work,

    • Finally getting caught back up on episodes! Keep up the awesome work! Going on the Beetlejuice theory… Qubeley. Qubeley. Qubeley!

    • Great work guys!

  • Syd wrote a new post 8 years ago

    A somewhat subdued episode compared to the more recent Gunpla TV episodes we’ve put out recently. We’ve got a couple cool kits to show off but more importantly, we’ve got the info for the November (and some […]

    • Love the IBO kits! Waiting for season 2!

    • Jimmy replied 8 years ago

      Loving the Frame Arms vibe from thses IBO kits and their low price points make them a little easier to collect.

    • Rob replied 8 years ago

      I’d love to fill out my HG IBO collection. ^.^

    • Just got started building the HG Barbatos 1 (Form 1 still looks better than all others). The Astaroth Origin also looks great! Can’t wait for the new kits to come out.

    • RAISE YOUR FLAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Looking forward to the new IBO!!

    • Zyphr replied 8 years ago

      The frog gusion. i want dat hammer, it looks badass. Hyped for the revive strike freedom, do you think bandai will continue to make sword impulse revive? It wouldnt make sense to stop at force impulse and blast impulse

    • Super excited for the Psycho Zaku!!! And Syd being in Japan will you be following the World Cup of Hockey and the upcoming NHL season?

    • BNuts replied 8 years ago

      The last time I was… actually this is the first time I was ever this early.

      HGCE Strike Freedom Revive doesn’t look like the Super Dragons separate or anything. Other than that, it looks SO much better than the original HG.

      It would have been nice to have Fumina’s hands out on her Figurize Bust. She could be holding her GP Base and the Star Winning — and no, Ryan, she’s never worn a maid outfit in the show.

      First it was the ‘Hi-Resolution’ Barbatos. Now it’s the ‘Full Mechanics.’ I wonder how it differs.

      Shottie? Is Astaroth Origin secretly Sarge from ‘RvB?’Red Team’s well-represented in ‘IBO’ with the Grimgerde as well. Good luck getting that Graze back to Todd’s desk before he gets there, Syd.

    • Kutal replied 8 years ago

      Aiming to gushion rebake 🙂 and hopping the origin Astaroth arrive to work in it, great show as allways!

    • I really wish astaroth was in the show, its a really cool design

    • Would love to win. Great show guys. Keep them coming.

    • great show as always wonder what is the next RG kit

    • I’m too poor and too much of a coward to tackle a master grade! I want a real HG Zeta!

    • Can’t wait for the MG Psycho Zaku in December, that thing will take my whole shelf, it’s so huge!

    • Awesome show,
      Like always Todd make my day jajaja
      Waiting for Second Season of IOB
      Pleaseeeeeeee give me the Gusion Rebake o the other jajaja

    • Karyu replied 8 years ago

      Hand the Gusion-Rebake over!


    • Why not leave the panda guy and Mikazuki bust to the ladies? I’m sure hey would love to see a cute panda and a shirtless guy with a six-pack 😛

      Also, ‘Fumina’ is just a name, but the kanji for her name reads out as ‘2-3-7′, which are the numbers she uses for all her kits’ model numbers in the anime.

    • Hubyx replied 8 years ago

      I want that Astaroth Origin!!!

    • not gonna lie, seeing what the Astaroth origin can do now has changed my outlook on it. Thank you Syd senpai!

    • Already pre ordered my Psycho Zaku. The price tag is heftier than I thought it would be. I was expecting a price point close to the Full Armor Thunderbolt Ver Ka. Thoughts?

    • I saw both kits while volunteering for an anime convention in the states. The two look real good as they still are in the Season One. The Banshee shall welcome the two kits in his collection.

      What are your thoughts on a RG F91 and Berga Giros?

    • That Astaroth origin is a monster, hope you could build the Oscar II Strike Interceptor from Active Raid

    • Great episode, the Astaroth origin is one nice design

    • wow that zaku is big also is that the first ver KA zaku kit?

    • Wow! Astaroth origin is so cool!

    • Gimme!

    • esc1a replied 8 years ago

      Another great eps.!!

    • Great episode guys looking forward to more bust reviews!

    • Hi

    • I pray that I get that green bulky guy. Nice episode. I love a video loaded with HG kits.

    • PM replied 8 years ago

      Great episode guys looking forward to more reviews!!

    • Thanks for the showing of the Psycho Gundam that box looks like size of a MG kit. I really want that but I am worried it might look a little off compared to the RG Zeta Gundam kits that have been released. Man I’m going to have to buy it anyway.

    • Great episode and the Astaroth origin is one nice design.

    • IBO second season is coming!!

    • I win now yes?

    • Ooooo that Astaroth Origin looks tempting. Hope I win a kit ofc.

    • IBO giveaway? Oh, my flag is raised all the way, baby.

    • gusion rebake is love <3
      plsssss gimme that kit!!!!!!!

    • Too many bust for the figure-rise bust…bust everywhere…

      And mikazuki is topless

    • Gusion rebake is love!!

    • Can’t wait for IBO season two, the anime and the kits that are going to come with it. First IBO MG soon? Maybe…

    • You can never go wrong with giant robots and shotguns, love the Astaroth Origin, even with the giant blocks hanging off its shoulders. Great episode guys.

    • Too many people wanting the figure-rise bust for the bust. Also, the Psyco Zaku backpack looks like a freaking satellite.

    • I love it

    • jeel replied 8 years ago

      I want me some rebake! 🙂

    • Wytre replied 8 years ago

      It would be cool if I get the rebake while baking stuff haha

    • Can’t wait until both the new IBO and Gundam build fighters anime to come out and the kits that will follow.

    • That Fumina Figurerise BUST! Anyway, looks like it’s another year without MG Char’s Zaku II 3.0…

    • I wonder Bandai will someday produce Master Grade IBO Kits..Anyhow Another Great Episode guys!

    • shika replied 8 years ago

      great show again. let’s bake some cakes…

    • Can’t wait for all the new kits, got to save up for Psycho Zaku

    • yipeeeeeeee

    • First time commenting here so let me know if I’m doing it right… Just came across your channel/blog and thought I’d leave a comment for an entry in your latest video. I assume you guys didn’t see the new IBO stuff as you were filming? “Full Bake City” is officially the best Gundam name ever.

    • i really want that psycho zaku. nick cage films, leaving las vegas surely had to be one of the better ones.
      rebake me

    • (SCSI is pronounced as skuz-ee)
      Fumina was at the start of GBF-Try a competent female main character which is rare in a Gundam show and then Pixiv exploded with revealing artwork of her. As the show progressed her character faded and her breasts were growing at a ridiculous rate.
      In the final episode the show returned to its more wacky roots and Minato Sakai, a rival who loves Fumina made the Super Fumina as a tribute to Fumina in a building contest. Judges be judges, Fumina be angry, gunpla is freedom and an all-out gunpla battle ends the season.

    • Can’t wait for the inevitable Astaroth Origin/Astaroth kitbash and for that matter, the IBO Chimera Gundam

    • I want the RE/100 Bawoo!!!

    • BossG replied 8 years ago

      Love watching the show. Hope I win this time. All the best guys.

    • This elf sigma is neat! like the head.
      great episode as always 🙂

    • So, it’s either the Psycho Zaku or the Steam sale…

    • Wow the Astaroth is so Red

    • Matt replied 8 years ago

      The Lupus design looks really interesting, might have to pick up the 1/100! Anyway I’ve l aways liked the Rebake, wouldn’t mind wining the HG for free 😀

    • A new episode of Gunpla TV is another portion of my life put to good use.

      MG Psycho Zaku HYPE. There is no way I can afford this until the far, far future, and even if I had that cash, i’d spend it on the Sazabi Ver. Ka instead. Still, you get a LOT of stuff on this, and I always loved MS with tones of guns, because you can’t go wrong with more guns. The MS itself looks amazing, it’s detailed, has those frame covers, has all the weapons it could possibly need, and has tones of thrusters for space mobility. This has got to be one of my favorite MS ever, and i’m probably going to get both the HG and the MG Ver. Ka one day.

      The HGCE Strike Freedom Revive was to be expected, same could be said with the lame gold. I don’t mind it on the Strike Freedom as much as on the Hyaku Shiki as it really doesn’t show much of it. Only the joints and some small areas, probably going to get the MG though. The Transient Glacier looks really cool. The deep sea green mixed with the clear dark violet is a really awesome looking combination, and instantly makes this kit a must buy for me. I expected the next RE/100 to be the Bawoo, as it’s a really respected MS and with the proportions, I knew this was it. I’m probably going to get this and the HG in MP colors, so i’m really looking forward to this release as well! The early type Guncannon is another must buy, I always loved the “cannon-type” MS, and this guy is no exception. The simple, realistic navy blue colorscheme is also a great touch, did I mention my favorite color was blue?

      Clearly Bandai is spoiling their fans with the Fumina bust. I mean, multiple arms and a removable jacket plus…the real “bust”. I could already see the shelves being filled and emptied of this Figure-rise bust quickly. The new IBO kits have my attention for sure. The Geyreal takes the cake as my new favorite Graze, and maybe even my favorite IBO MS in general, very hyped for that one specifically.

      Definitely getting the 1/100 Barbatos Lupus, the HG’s just miss too many color apps for me to deem satisfactory in my standards. Plus, it looks extremely detailed with all those lines, and since I love panel lines, this is going to be a great kit for me.

      The Elf Sigma is no MS, but his design and colors call to me somewhat, maybe i’ll do a bash with a Gunpla using this guy one day. That head looks like it would go really well on an HG Sinanju.

      Ever since I saw it, i’ve always been hyped for the Astaroth Origin. While the Astaroth already looked really cool, the origin takes the cake. The sharp, sinisger, angular design combined with that red colorscheme makes this kit look like an actual demon, which is very faithful to it’s name origin (ha). The weapons are also really awesome, a shotgun, sword, and a sledgehammer?! Yes please! It’s fight mode is also something really cool, there’s just so much this kit can do! Stickers seem like a bit of a pain, but it’s totally worth it. Hoping we get a 1/100 though, color accuracy is always a good thing.

    • These new kits that are coming out keep getting better and better.

    • I miss the MG line.

    • all this hype for the new orphans season……… im still waiting for ryans falcon to be finished

    • raime replied 8 years ago

      may you always build Gunpla TV! early christmas present please!

    • Love the idea of figure rise bust just waiting for a character I want. How do we still not have Char or Amuro!

    • the rebaked cake … or the frogman ….. hummmmm … who knows ?
      ps : I got the parts from the Tod top gear giveaway …. and boy did my family teased me enough !! TOOOYS we paid 2 dollars for 2 sticks “the lance and the axe” and my grandmother thought that Japan was hiring me XD XD XD

    • thats i what i like about gundam ibo, its not like gundam build fighters try fun happy time, its dark and action packet its more realistic. ps i just cant wait for ibo s2

    • i think the other astaroth was better i liked the asymtrical design the elf sigma looks good too

    • Great episode as usual.

      The Astaroth has a Sinanju vibe to me or maybe its just because it’s red and has a really nice silhouette.

    • Jeeg replied 8 years ago

      I loved the bawoo since the first time I saw it. It was before the “internet” on a Hobby Japan magazine and it was a scratchbuild model.
      Too many years are passed to get an “high quality” version of it.
      I don’t understand Bandai logic sometimes! The Bawoo is lots more beautiful than other kits but they wait years to do it in Bandai.
      Some other mobil suit are ugly but they have several different versions…I don’t understand why.

    • STOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!! It’s hammer time! 😀

    • You guys better not “Bust” your balls building all these kits for next week. Next week’s episode is probably going to have a 18+ rating because of that topless Mikazuki bust, haha, jk. I am still kind of on the fence on picking one up, so next episode will help me decide if it is worth it. Keep up the great work and I look forward to the next episode!

    • Great episode as always!

      PS: If the RNG gods allow me to win anything, I want you guys to sign the kit box. And to make it interesting you have to use your non-dominant hand. With one of those big fat kindergarten Sharpies.

    • hope for regular gusion

    • I really like the IBO kit designs, but i’m still mad at bandai for giving nearly all new 1/144 kits cruddy hands.

    • Man having a psycho gundam would be great, for a minute i thought you were giving it away! That would be a dream come true 🙂 Great episode as always guys.

    • Not enough shotguns in the Gundam universe; just the Kampfer and the Astaroth Origin.

    • I really like the Astaroth Origin. As always, good jobs on the show

    • Kinda glad I didn’t go for the Super Fumina competition, because Ryan keeps fiddling and breaking kits XD I saw those parts breaking off! Also I ordered one recently, so getting another one would have been daft.

      Hoping for the Rebake (despite the stupid name) if I win, because the normal Gusion just looks daft. Well, unless it’s that one guy who turned theirs into a Blastoise, that was kinda awesome.

      Looking forward to the GNT-0000 00 Shia Qan[T] (because Shia’s kits are kinda awesome). Tempted to modify it, but kinda afraid of possibly breaking it (I’m not as clumsy as Ryan, but still…).

    • IBO season 2 hypuuuuuuuuu

    • Love ibo! Excited for the English dub. Hope to win a kit!

    • Great show guys can’t wait till i get able to build some gunpla and make my own customs again. And i dont understand you people would buy a bust of a anime character it’s just wierd

    • I really want that gosion

    • FUMINA?! I need her! :OOOO

    • I’ve been buying those Macross Busts…darn them and there amazing singers.

      It never occurred to me tho, that Bandai must be streamlining all across the board with the way the kits are being built.

    • Can’t wait for new season of IBO!!! Good job guys. Enjoyed watching this episode

    • So many kits, so little time… I am Gundam

    • la k replied 8 years ago


    • Can’t wait for IBO season 2!

    • Wahooo! Can’t wait for season 2,I made the crazy decision to start watching Season 1 while visiting Tokyo recently and came back with a rather crazy PsychoGundam sized addiction to Gunpla! Thank God I found you guys though, I’ve brought about 15 kits so far and am not stoping yet!

      here’s hoping we get to see that shotgun in action, if they write Astaroth into season 2

    • The Astaroth Origin is like the Swiss arny knife of Gundams. Hell, it’s even got the right color scheme.

    • I just recieved my package from HLJ! It came with the clear file with the Gundam Gusion Rebake on it! Thanks guys!

    • That Zaku… is totally a PSYCHO!!!

    • Rebake my gushion

    • Zach replied 8 years ago

      I need one of those IBO kits man

    • Man, I can’t wait for the Guncannon Early Type that’s coming out in november…

    • You guys are awesome I’m subscribed to you on Youtube I enjoy your vids keep up the awesomeness 👍😃

    • waiting for IBO season 2

    • popoy replied 8 years ago

      Great Episode once again guys! Hope they will incorporate the mechanics in HG to MG so we can also easily swap parts in MG scale kits.

    • free kit? why not?

    • So disappointed that I didn’t win the Super Fumina. Now I need to come up with different cover story to explain why I got it to the wife. 😛

    • IMO, National Treasure is definitely Nick Cage’s best movie B|

    • Would love to see Ryan’s finished “Falcon”, Syd’s “Qubeley custom”, and well, I guess Tod could show his balls… ahem, RB 79’s I mean.

    • gusion rebake!!!

    • Azrel replied 8 years ago

      That astaroth origin looks awesome!

    • At first I though Astroth Origin can transform into a plane or jet mode, a little disappoint but it’s still look awesome.

    • Hey guys, love the show, been watching, on youtube, for awhile now and it’s got me collecting gunpla again after about a 10 year hiatus.

      I’ve really been enjoying the RG line and now i’m looking to get my hands on a few Mg’s.

      Anyway, i’m a really big fan of IBO, super siked for the 2nd series and i would love to get my hands on some IBO models.

      Thanks HLJ for all the useful hints & tips and a special thanks for inspiring me to dive back into this amazing hobby again.

    • Nice episode as always!
      And ready to loose the RNG as usual.

    • another great episode. But please guys give away kits that aren’t built already. Building them is the most fun part.

    • double dose of Gusion!!!

    • This Elf sigma is so cool!!

    • ryc03 replied 8 years ago

      Slight correction. Before the previous haitus, the “Figure-Rise” name was used on both “MG” and a HG equivalent, called “Figure-Rise 6”. They are 6 inch tall models, and includes franchise such as Tiger and Bunny, Accel World and Kamen Rider. Unfortunately the line ended before it even got the recognition it deserves.

      Since then the Figure-Rise seems to have evolved into the “Sprukits” of Bandai US, focusing on Halo and DC superheroes, and venture again into both “MG” (called level 3) and “HG” (Level 2) scale, which again seems to have failed before it took off as this year there is no new info regarding releases.

      Looking at what is available now under the “Figure-Rise Standard” flag, it seems the future might be brighter. Using the Dragonball franchise should bring this line the attention it deserves. Which I hope will means the line will last longer, Because I want more Active Raid gears be released as kits!

    • That Asteroth Origin looks sick!

    • Thank you for making all the videos!

    • Thanks, guys!

    • Waiting for my shipments ^_^

    • Would like to win 1 of the IBO kits.

    • Syd, Ryan, and todd, please do the Dab!

    • some mobile suit started to look like sci fi movie alien / hybrid / mecha suit. XD

    • Nicholas Cages best films have to be Con Air and the Rock!

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