
  • 1/144 F-15 ACTV Active Eagle (Muv-Luv) by Kotobukiya – Available from HobbyLink Japan

    Muv-Luv’s F-15 ACTV Active Eagle is all assembled. See how it looks!

    As usual, all you need is a good pair of plastic n […]

  • Syd wrote a new post 8 years, 3 months ago

    We’re back with more Plamo for you! Todd shows off a Thunderbolt HG kit for the second week in a row and Syd talks about the new Graze Kai from Iron-Blooded Orphans, and what it can do.

    Don’t forget we will be […]

  • 1/144 F-15 ACTV Active Eagle (Muv-Luv) by Kotobukiya – Available from HobbyLink Japan

    The new model from Muv-Luv, Boening’s F-15 ACTV Active Eagle, joins the shelf party in plamo form! Let’s get active and se […]

  • Hey, guys!
    Just finished assembling my very first gunpla model.
    Bandai RXF-F91 model from the mid 90’s that I have had in my closet for a VERY LONG time.
    Panel lines and decos…

    [Read more]

    • Well, beter late then never, hahaha.
      Seriously, a big welcome to the hobby that is Gunpla and thank you very much for sharing and showing us your first model! I hope you enjoyed your first build and many many many more will follow. If you need any help and/or advise, please let us know. There is always someone here willing to lend a hand!
      May I…[Read more]

  • Syd wrote a new post 8 years, 3 months ago

    Syd and Todd come packing the heat in this episode. Well, Todd does. Syd tries to heat it up but can’t decide how to do it. We also talk about all the new kits that are coming in August.

    Kits featured in this […]

  • Syd wrote a new post 8 years, 3 months ago

    Ryan, Todd, and Syd all have something they are excited to show on this episode of Gunpla TV. We also talk about the newest RG which is available for preorder now as well as our plans for Anime Expo! We also […]

    • everytime you guys update my heart skips a beat of happiness!! Love you guys and keep up the good work!

    • I like the design of the valuable pod gyan head on the revive gyan! Only wish the colors matched.

    • Freedom

    • The Valuable Pod is just here sitting unopened waiting for the revive Gyan. AND THE SHOULDER PADS WON’T EVEN FIT. The hell are you now Gyan? Too cool for late 80’s-early 90’s fashion?

    • After the review of the Quanta, compared to the HG, the RG seems only slightly better than the HG.

    • great show guys!

      long post… I was wondering how common the error that Kakarot197 had with his Gyan sholders.. since where wasn’t any mention of it…. it wasn’t common.. great display of all the 1/144s!

      Both the RG Quant and Sinanju looks great! too bad they are just a little too small for my eyes. =(

      I finally got all my spring sale and Freedom 2.0 haul in and now a Summer sale!!! Curse you guys!!!! looks like I will have some stuff in my PWH to be shipped with my Full Armor TB.

      Have a great Tuesday! laters!

      • Ohhhhh yeah… Top Gear 3.0 . Sure it’s not as great at Clarkston/May/Hammon.. but if you go back and watch any of the first 2 seasons from the last series…. its was pretty meh too..

        lets just home they pull it together sooner than later…

        ok, laters, for real this time.

    • Love the RG Sinanju. Now what should I do with my un-built HG Sinanju …

    • I got a freedom revive version already, Well adding two will not be a problem for a trio :p

    • I need some freedom
      Freedom for my people
      I want some freedom

      For my people
      Freedom, freedom, freedom
      Freedom for my people

    • Thats one Gyantastic Episode

      You can use the Ballden arm Arms, it has an adapter that can make the old arm compatible with the HG revive torso

    • Give me Freedom!

    • freedom !!

    • Hi guys,
      Thanks again for putting up a great show.
      Wow, what a wonderful letter. Me too started 35 yrs ago. My first gunpla was the 1/144 RGM-79 GM (Could get the RX-78-2 back then because it was so popular and sold out in seconds..LOL). After 30+ years, a my buddy re-introduced me back to gunpla. I was hooked. 2013 was my first time purchase gunpla from you guys. 90% of my gunpla also comes from you, so THANK YOU for providing the service and products to me. One of the online model group trying to do a Bandai Group build, starting Jun 1, 2016 to Dec 31, 2016. I’ve a list of my favorites including the RG Sinanju to build. By any chance I may posted them up in you site that would be great.
      Thank you again.

    • I just got the MG Freedom 2.0 at my local Comicon. It lives up to all the hype you built for it Syd!

    • I just caught up in the backlog of episodes I had, So many cool kits out, can’t wait to get some more

    • Hey guys! Love the quanta design and have been wanting to get it since the 1st MG came out. Anyways, WHY NO 00 KITS BANDAI?!?!?!

    • Loving Gunpla TV as usual, just can’t get behind the new theme intro tho. Sounds like something from the Speed Channel from 10 yrs ago. Here’s to winning anything cause you lucky bastards are obviously used to winning!

    • Freedom! This episode got me remembering the time when I discovered hlj. Hlj taught me the differences between gunpla grades. Hlj looked like a sketchy site back then. I think it was when I was 9 yrs old and I’m 19 now haha

    • That RG 00 quanta look nice

    • Pretty punny title I see. Really looking good forward to the rg sinanju after building my hguc sinanju. I can see why the small parts of the quant can be finiky.


    • nice episode as always…. and there seems to be no problem with the Gyan’s shoulder part… now I can wait for my Gyan to arrive with ease…

    • cannot wait for rg sinanju u convince me of buying the oo qan t

    • Gyan Revive Hype!

    • Nice

    • I have watched the latest top gear. It seems good but Chris Evans seems a bit shouty for my liking.

    • Great episode guys, love the look of the sinanju RG having some new gimmicks. However I believe that the RG line is getting watered down a bit. Compare the newer ones to the first few kits like the RX-78-2, MkII, Zeta and GP01s which had a lot more armor separation and required much heavier panel lining.

    • I’m so excited to see you guys again at AX. I will be working at the Robots4Less booth this year.



    • I need to win those 2 freedom kits @.@ just finished building the 2.0 and what a beast that kit is! No polycaps is the way to go!

    • They may take our lives, but they’ll never take our FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • that rg sinanju man, cant wait for that.

    • everybody cant wait for rg sinanju, while i cant wait for the new red astaroth and mg zaku thunderbolt!

    • I like the look of the new gyan.. much more sharp and doesn’t look goofy..

    • cant wait for rg shinanju. just hope those gold parts come of the runners nice and smooth.

    • Any episode where Ryan gets to talk about zoids or star wars is a great episode.

    • Love the fact how Todd prepared for this episode. I wish he would do it whenever its possible from now on. Also about the new Gyan head. True the visor looks better but the head spike is way worse (yeah i know safety reasons…. bla bla bla). And about old kits. Not all of them are bad. I strongly recommend Todd and everyone else building Z-Type Zaku ( I think thats the best old kit (by old i mean from the 80’s) – I’m building and modifying it now and im having a blast.

    • I refuse to watch the new Top Gear, I’m just rewatching all the old episodes. I need to get an Amazon Prime membership to watch Top Gear’s true successor 😀

    • That liger.

    • wish the local hobby shops had zoid kits also i cant wait to buy 2 of thems sinanjus.

    • Looks like there’s plenty going on with the RG Sinanju to make up for the lack of armor color separation. I can’t wait to see what it looks like with all the RG stickers applied.

    • please syd lemme win!!!

    • nice Gyan family 🙂

    • that mp shield liger is the same size of kittens. wonder how they would react to that.

    • This episode was excellGyant!

    • So many Gyan puns, you guys were on fire! I love it! xD

    • Awesome episode as usual guys. Still dying to see the MG Full Armor Gundam Thunderbolt both on the show and in my house eventually.

    • This weeks show was Gyantastic folks. Currently working on the MG Sinanju at Syd’s recommendation and Im super impressed. Thanks for the awesome recommendation.

    • I love topgear soo much..
      But i dont think it’ll be the same without the trio

      Ill be getting my rg qant soon
      Really looking forward to it

      Yikes.. 2 freedom..

    • give me FREEEEEDOOOOOOOOMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Double Freedoms all the way across the sky!!

    • Syd, it sounded like you were having some mic trouble while talking about the Qan[t]. I’m thinking of getting it for one of my nephews as an introduction to the RG line. Would you recommend it?


    • Dat Quanta thou ….
      makes me salivate <3

    • that liger looks awesome but those freedoms are amazing 🙂

    • I’ve been waiting and checking the channel every week in anticipation for this episode to come! And right into the action I have to say that the Shield Liger looks absolutely beast. I love how the parts just work in tandem to make it look realistic while it’s walking! But this week what i’ve really been waiting for were the Gundam reviews, because I am literally on the edge for both the RG 00 Qan[T] and the HGUC Gyan Revive. Right off the bat I was both surprised and pleased of the Gyan party. My initial thoughts were “Holy crap all these puns…” but my later thoughts included things like “Typical Revive articulation? That was a needed update!” It’s a bit disappointing that the Valuable pod doesn’t work with it, oh well, I guess I’ll just get the regular HGUC Gyan if I wanted a Gyan Vulcan, and I can’t help but think that that was Bandai’s plan all along, so they could continue selling the old Gyan kits. Still, it’s earned a place on my wishlist. For the RG Qan[T] though, i’m still a bit on the fence. I want to get it to have the Exia, 00 Raiser & Qan[T] because Setsuna is awesome. But the kit just doesn’t really scream to me to buy it. (Syd, do you think I should also get the HG Virtue, Kyrios and Dynames because Gundam 00?) But I do like how it looks with the bits on the shield, I dunno…

      But holy crap does that guy have a lot of Gunpla! My dream is to be able own that many kits and more when I grow up! It’s a big dream, but one that I want to follow. Gunpla is love, Gunpla is life!

    • The walking zoid was awesome! Winning two Freedom is awesome too.

    • FREEDOM! Times 2

    • Can’t wait for the RG Sinanju…

      Here! TAKE MY MONIES!!!!

    • Hi Syd and Ryan! Great show! Shield Lifer is my favourite zoid from the series! Loved seeing it in action!

    • Great episode! Bandai is really spoiling us with the RG line, with so many awesome kits coming out…

      Can’t wait to get my hands on the RG Sinanju.

    • Freedom! One of my favorite Gundams along with its sister suit, the Justice!

    • Great episode! Love the new RG 00Q !!

    • First time commenting on the Hobby Link TV site. Syd, Will there be a live build of the RG Sinanju? and Ryan, saw the first episode of the new Top Gear and vowed never to watch again. It was awful.

    • Awesome episode, can’t wait to get my Quanta!

    • Great episode guys! The Qan[t] looks awesome! Can’t wait for the RG Sinanju!

    • Just finished building and painting my Crossbone Gundam Ver Ka. and was deciding what to get next. Now I have 3 hard choices, 00 Quan[t], MG God Gundam or save up a bit and finally get MG Deathscythe Custom to go with my Wing Custom. Really hoping they finally put out an MG Heavyarms Custom at some point. I’m assuming it hasn’t because of weight issues with the double Gatling Guns.

    • I wish I could go to meet you guys…

    • can’t meet you guys at anime expo cuz I’m a student in another country…. well agn hope to win…

    • I need some freedom…

    • Great episode!
      Can’t wait for the RG Sinanju!

    • Rg qan(t) best. Thanks for the wonderful show u have put up. Hope this will carry on for many years.

    • Zoids, I still have a few of these from my primary / elementary school years. A few of the wind up ones and one motorized (the transport snail).
      ExtravanGYANza should have included the news of the upcoming HGBF Gyan kit. Speaking of new kits, so excited about the RG Sinanju. Was about to order the MG. But when saw your show coverage, I knew I wanted the RG instead.
      As for Top Gear, I dunno. It just feels weird without those three.

    • Another great episode guys and keep up the awesome work. I am so stoke that RG Sinanju will be released just in time for my B-Day. In addition, I saw at the Expo pics that there was a small plaque with a P-Bandai release of kit; do you guys have any speculations on what it will be?

      As for Top Gear, I saw a bit of the new show and it doesn’t have the same spark. The two host, Chris Evans (not Captain America) and Matt LeBlanc, feels like they are reading straight from a script and as a result the chemistry is flat. It almost seemed forced and and for sure more tamed from before. Perhaps they need a third cast member to change up the dynamics, but mind you it is too early to speculate.

    • That gyan’s level of detail kinda reminds me of RG quality or a RE 1/100.

      They definitely did a phenomenal job with it.

    • This episode was GYANtastic! Great episode as always guys. I am in love with that shield liger. I may need to cave in and get one myself. I actually had a few month break from doing anything with plamo, and now I have about 11 kits in my backlog. Including the new MG Victory Two Ver Ka. Can’t wait to start this. Your video on it got me hyped. Anyway, thanks for keeping me entertained with each new episode!

    • New top gear sucks .. :,(

    • Nice chap, waiting to see the glossy finish of the Sinanju and check the dust on it 🙂

    • Hey! That’s pretty good!

    • Splendid episode as always!!!

    • Good ep and review of rg qan t

    • No color separation for the RG sinanju???????? those are sad news for me, You broke my heart, that was the RG kit that I was waiting for,and I love the color separation on the rg kits, but with no color separation, for me it’s nothing but a glorified HG… I’m really, really sad of learning that, I guess I’ll cancel my preorder…

    • i’m in the minority who doesn’t care much for the Sinanju… i’d rather have the Sinanju Stein. something about all those pointy things at the edges. it’s not the same vibe as the spikes on a lot of zeon suits. that’s just me tho. i wish the Stein had a monoeye though… too expensive to buy the red Sinanju just for the head lol

    • I’m not even a fan of the sinanju design, but arghhhh, that kit looks freaking awesome!!!

    • Great episode as always, the 00 Quan-bracket T bracket looks pretty amazing; it’s been ages since I watched 00 and it’s always a little hit of nostalgia whenever these RG’s come out since they’re usually from older series. And you can tell that Bandai spent that time engineering an amazing kit every time.

    • Great show guys!….regards and keep the good job!

    • RG sinanju???!?!?!?!?

      How about clone trooper model kit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • That Liger is looking goooooooooooood!!!!

    • The hype for the RG Sinanju is real! I honestly cannot wait until the kit is released. Hope to see you guys at Anime Expo!

    • Oh Top Gear 🙁 Apart from Gundam, cars are huge in my life sure check out my profile pic to see what a sensible (not) 24yr old car fanatic buys for his second car.
      The show made me cringe the whole way through watching it, Chris Evans really annoyed me, He doesn’t know squat about cars which you can tell by what he says about the cars he is reviewing and his shouting. Matt leBlanc just seemed way too stiff and felt like he was only there for the pay cheque. I know old Top Gear was scripted but at least they made it feel that it wasn’t. The funny thing is the could make the show 10 times better by replacing Chris Evans with Chris Harris who is doing a Top Gear spin off after the main show. Harris is a youtuber, that guy knows his cars and he can drive!
      ***P.S. I don’t comment on episodes where the kit being given away is one I wouldn’t want because someone else may be dying for it so should this comment win please give the kit to someone else, I came here for the Top Gear rant :)***

    • Love the Gyans!

    • i actually re-watched the gundam 00 a wakening of the trailblazer movie recently! i was wondering when the rg quan[t] was coming out.

    • Been looking forward to the RG Qan[T]. Great review.

    • #Gyang

    • Dear syd,ryan and todd.. Thank you for making gunpla tv happen. I Enjoy every episode and has been a fan for a long time. I just wish you can also come to our country for expos or anime events. Wish i could meet you all. Keep it up. You inspire us to inspire others

      • By the way .. when you were building in live stream then todd suggested a perfect grade ball joke… he just read my message.. and i was flattered that he noticed it.. dont blame him syd hege more power to ur show more love andmore gunpla to us all

    • Gyanko would shed a tear!

    • Great Show Guys !
      Always a Gyantastic Good Time!!!!

    • Oh my double the freedom

    • Man I wish I could go to anime expo 🙁

    • good episode

    • wow! 206th episode.. nice episode guys.. if the rg sinanju comes out please do a live video building it syd! pls! pls and pls! can’t hardly wait for it to come out!

    • I’m really digging that masterpiece zoid. I just purchased the highend master model liger zero from HLJ and love it.

    • DynamoJoe, you da real MVP!

    • Great show, wish I could go to expo…

    • McCloud! No it’s Wallace, get it right! Great episode guys, although why did they start a new brand with Revive when they were already doing so with the HG[enter universe here]?

    • Argh!!! way too many Gyan puns!!! Great episode as always.
      Thanks for the little history insight, I had no clue older gunpla kits were that… simple.
      But damn that Qan[t] looked fragile, hope I’ll be proven wrong once I get my hands on it.
      Sinanju HYPE!

    • I feel like I need to comment aGyan lol

    • It’s the Gyan-pocalypse!

    • Once again very informative episode guys, keep up the good work. I’m a long time Youtube viewer, first time hobbylink commenter.

    • Double freedom!

    • Is it Gyantastic or Qantastic? 🙂

    • I would love to win those two Gundam models for my wife 🙂

    • Hey guys, that Sinanju looks amazing. Might be the first RG I ever pick up. Keep up the amazing work.

    • Wow, the Liger is amazing! What a nice letter from Dynamo, you guys deserve the praise. Thanks again for another great episode.

    • Aww syd almost looked moved to tears by that email.


    • Wow I might buy the quan[T] Kit just for that sword!

    • How many kits are too many…

    • I spent 20 minutes attempting to think of a good ‘Gyan’ pun, all i could think of was ‘Gyan’k you for the episode 🙂 Loved the Zoid,my dad thought it was amazing and was asking why my Gundams couldn’t walk like that. 70 comments for the last episode…. im sorry Syd i think it was the Heat Metal.

      For Freedom for Justice for DESTINY!

    • Keep up the awesome work!! Hope I can save up enough money to go to California and visit the Anime Expo and see you guys one day 🙂

    • kool ep guys

    • Great episode guys, and you can never have enough sinanju. Definitely one of my favorite suits.

    • what a gyantastic episode!But Ryan’s Liger is the highlight of the episode.

    • can I have some freedom, please? 😀

    • That’s a sweet looking Shield Liger! I hope Takara Tomy gives us the other ligers…if not the entire Zoids franchise itself!

      *I’m looking at you Death Stinger and Berserker Fury*

    • Syd a Liger is the child of a Male Lion and a Female Tiger, and will only occur in captivity because Lion and Tiger habitats don’t cross over each other. CONVERSELY if the Parents of the cub are a Male Tiger and a Female Lion, then the resulting cub is known as a Tigon instead.

      Also on another note I wonder if the Tigon was the inspiration for the name of the Tryon 3 in anyway, because after all according to Meijin Kawaguchi GUNPLA IS FREEDOOOOOOMMMM!

      “This comment is not sponsored by Meijin Kawaguchi the 3rd or Kira Yamato, all mentions of and use of the term gunpla is freedom has been my own use and not forced upon me by any outside party, regardless of if it is true or false.”

    • The rg sinanju hype is real!!!!

    • I can remember trying to build the motorized Zoids EZ-016 Zaber Fang kit with my dad around 13 years ago when I was 9 (I watched the anime and wanted it). Didn’t go to well as I had no patience for dealing with it when the parts wouldn’t stay together (my dad also has no skill with model kits which I knew from previous endeavors). I don’t think it was ever completely together but it was enough for me at the time. however it didn’t stay that way for long. It is now in pieces mostly lost some where but with a remaining few the head, left front and back leg parts and the all important motorized torso still in my possession. I always wanted to put it back together some day if I found the rest of it (very unlikely to happen).

    • RAGE ON GUNPLA!!!!

    • great show guys. 🙂

    • We asked and Ryan delivered, well done. Now waiting for that delicious RG Sinanju…

    • That Liger is slick! It’s like a housecat you don’t have to clean up after! Also… Double Freedoms would be really nice to have…

    • Awesome episode.

      Of course now I have to watch a favourite movie of mine ( Still Crazy ) due to one of the songs in it. SCREEAAAAAAM FREEDOOOOM!!!!!! Damn Bill Nighy’s a great actor.

    • Nice episode. I love what they’re doing with the revive line. Hopefully they’ll do the Wing Zero Custom and the Deathscythe Hell Custom revive, although the later as an RG would be awesome. Thanks again for a nice show.

    • Great episode guys! Never enough Gyan, can’t wait for the Gyancelot!

    • That was an awesome episode guys. That Shield Liger is a beast (yes, pun intended). I hope to see more reviews and you guys have brought me back into the Zoids fold. I haven’t been interested in them since it came on Toonami years ago when I was a child. I’m looking forward to building my first kit soon. Good luck to all of you and to Ryan with the kids!

    • another great episode guys. looking forward to the RG shinanju, especially since i might be able to get one soon. giving away twin freedom’s? thats nuts

    • The RG Qan T looks so much better than the HG

    • Gunpla is FREEDOM!!!!

      My RG 00 Quan[T] is on its way from you guys, can’t wait to see how it stacks up next to the excellent RG Exia and 00!

    • Great episode! RG 00 Quan[T] looks great! but I guess I’ll still buy the MG.

    • Aw yis

  • Shack posted an update in the group Group logo of Master Grade DiscussionMaster Grade Discussion 8 years, 4 months ago

    Not sure if it’s been posted previously, but here’s link for the MG Thuderbolt Gundam, since it isnt on the main page yet.

  • Syd wrote a new post 8 years, 4 months ago

    Bandai just released the newest kit in the Real Grade line, the 1/144 RG GNT-0000 00 QAN[T] and Gunpla TV couldn’t wait to show it to you and lo and behold we brought it to you in a Live Event.

  • Angelizer posted an update in the group Group logo of Kotobukiya FanclubKotobukiya Fanclub 8 years, 4 months ago

    a few pics of my latest Kotobukiya kit, the White Glint with VOB.
    bellow is the link to the complete gallery
  • Syd wrote a new post 8 years, 4 months ago

    Seems like we’ve waited a while for another RG from 00 and finally it’s here! The RG Qan[T] is a fan favourite and now gets the Real Grade treatment. Here we unbox the newest kit for all to see!

    Kits shown in […]

  • My Jackie Stewart Tyrrell is starting to take shape. 🙂

  • Syd wrote a new post 8 years, 4 months ago

    In our first episode back after the 2016 Shizuoka Hobby Show, Syd and Todd talk about all the Bandai Plamo they saw there and Ryan has some things to share. We also have an important announcement to […]

    • First !!!

    • As much as Astaroth look really good, why I do get the feeling that Barbatos will not be showing as much as in season 1?
      And regarding FA-78 Ver. Thunderbolt Ver. KA, when will you guys show off the glory of the kit? since the kit is available for Pre-Order now at

    • I cant wait for a 1/100 scale Astaroth!

    • Nice video as always! I wonder, so what is the difference between the Original GM Thunderbolt and the Anime version? I can’t really tell.

    • First Congrats for Ryan and good to have you back.

      LA Expo… Oh man I would like to join but in LA… =,=!
      That’s too far…

      For the RG Sinanju, I Guess I would like to have that. But I am more interested if Bandai made RG for Unicorn or Full Armor Unicorn Full Transform in RG Teehee. But I guess Full Armor Unicorn will be in P-Bandai.

      Anyway Great Episode as always! 😀 Keep going till 300 eps. 😀

    • Congratulations for the twinsyou, Ryan!!!! We’re very, very happy for you!! 🙂

    • I’ll be at Anime Expo! I’ll also be entering the regional GBWC there. Hope to see you guys, take some pics with you guys, and not confuse Hobby japan’s booth for yours this time! 😀

    • Possible RE/100 Queen Mansa? let happen Bandai, let it happen.

    • The only reason I will go to anime expo is you guys!! I’ll probably bring you guys some in n out animal style fries..

    • Gundam Astaroth is awesome! I hope there’ll be a 1/100 version!

    • great show, cant wait for RG Sinanju

    • Awww, Syd! You remembered my comment on ManowaR but you forgot to add it to the list? Now I’m sad… lucky me, I have the new DOOM OST running right now, so I’ll manage. But now I feel like I deserve some kind of compensasion, you know? You’d better remember, this time, or I’ll have HeatMetal count up your sins!

      Good episode, it’s good to see Ryan survived.

    • I know this is late but Congrats Ryan on your twins!

      Cant wait to get my hands on that RG Sinanju gotta love dem mechy parts

    • I think Todd was referring to the Spinner Rodi. Still waiting for Bandai to announce a kit for that….

    • I think the next RE will the Bawoo and I think I’ll get that Astaroth…

    • Can’t wait to see the Gyan and Zaku in the next episode. Sieg Zeon!

    • Congrats, Ryan.

      Someday Bandai will figure out a way to make a long, flat buster sword look not quite as silly. Do we have hope for RG Quanta?

      The new Doom mashes the Nostalgia Button.

    • The new ibo Gundam looks awesome

    • I feel like Bandai had a hard choice deciding whether the Hyaku Shiki or the Unicorn would be the 200th HGUC.
      One one hand the Hyaku Shiki is “type 100”, a milestone in its own name.
      On the other hand, the 100th HGUC was the very first Unicorn, I wouldn’t complain if we got the same kit 2 milestones in a row 😛

    • Maybe that yellow look better in person than it does on TV but I have to say that I am not a fan of it.

    • will you do a live build of new figurise dbz?

    • Great show, cant wait for RG Sinanju !!

    • Yay! Ryan’s back on Gunpla TV! 😀

      I have been really waiting for that Gyan Revive for far too long, I need that thing. I wish I could go to the Anime Expo, but 1. Have to revise for Exams, 2. I live in Hong Kong, and 3. I’m saving that money for Gunpla (BIRTHDAY RG SINANJU HYYYPE).

      Todd, it’s not a Man Rodi, it’s a different mobile Suit called the “Spinner Rodi” and I want a kit of it. ;-;

      I actually prefer the asymmetrical look as opposed to the symmetrical look, it’s what makes the Astaroth Special. I like the design of the Thunderbolt GM, but i’m sorta debating whether to get it or not due to the hollow parts and static arms. I assume it’s to save money but it’s a bit of a turn off.

      I’m a huge fan of Kamen Rider, and that kit would seem cool, but I would have nowhere to put it. XD

      Still hoping I win it though. <3

    • I can’t wait for the RG Sinanju to come out!!!

    • Hey can you tell me figure rise standard size is mg figure rise or figure rise 6 ?

    • Multi-pass… 5th element.
      Pre-order link for RG Sinanju please.
      Welcome back Ryan. Congrats again.

    • Yay, Ryan’s Back!!!

      Two of the first songs I learned to play on guitar were Fight for Freedom and Metal Daze by Manowar

      Can’t wait for the RG Sinanju, it gives me hope for an RG Unicorn in the future

    • Well, you’re really pick a great prize for next week Gunpla TV episode, Syd

      Because Kamen Rider W got a new Cyclone Joker SHFiguarts in Shinkoucchou Seihou line yesterday

    • Really cool episode!
      I got a question, when will the RX-78-4 and RX-78-5 get restocked?
      It has changed from April restock to June restock
      Can’t wait to get hold of it~~~

    • HEATO, METARU! MAXIMUM DRIVE! I just had to do that, sorry.

      Congrats to Ryan!

      And speaking of the Astaroth, I hope the unnamed kit at Shizuoka is the upgrade of Astaroth…

    • Great episode guys! and gratz on twin boys Ryan. Also, Todd your not the only one! I think your version of Astaroth looks better than the one bandai printed out! I still love you Mr.Bandai dont be angry with me!

    • Congratz to Ryan for getting the 1/1 PG Boy Twin Set. Surprise to see a build fighters version of the Astaroth at the Shizuoka already!

    • I need to have an Efreet Schneid!

    • I’m packing heat with metal.*cops arrive*

    • Great show as usual and glad to see Ryan back! I can’t wait for later today as I will be getting my GM thunderbolt and the Astaroth in the mail for a long weekend of gunpla building. I would love to meet you guys in LA; however, I don’t have enough spare holiday days left after booking my for a trip to Europe(insert crying face here). I will be there in spirit.

    • Haha welcome back Ryan. How many years will it be for the Ligar. I gave up seeing the Falcon finished, and now since Ryan v2.0 and v2.1 having a screaming contest at your place, this will also take while. But great to have you back in the show. Talking about the show, if you are going to do a livebuild Syd, when will it be announced? Would love to join.

    • Congratulations Ryan! Great video guys! The Astaroth looked interesting. I can’t wait for the RG Sinanju, it’s going to be fantastic. Kamen Rider Heat/Metal, awesome 🙂

    • Great episode as always guys, Symmetrical Astaroth was actually awesome, show off some more ideas Todd! Congrats Ryan get them the same clothes no variations, your wife will hate it 🙂 Anyways wish i could see you guys at the show but im unable to attend *Sigh* Have fun, and Sieg Zeon!

    • Oooh! I spy a Kamen Rider Double, Heat Metal! I’m really up for that, but only because I know someone else who’d really like it as he’s a massive Double fan. Looking forward to the 00 Qant next episode, it’s pretty awesome!

    • great episode! awesome work Todd. love the custom work and info on the Astaroth symmetry, you’re very considerate. can’t wait for the future releases!

    • Can’t wait for that RG Qan[T]

    • Congrats once again, Ryan. Hope you can manage your time with work, family, and DOOM.

    • HEATO! METALO! may you always build GunplaTV!

    • Hi guys,
      Great show. Thanks. Wow, an hour long.. nice.
      Can’t wait for the RG Sinanju….


    • RG sinanju is so sweet. Want!!!

    • Great show, can’t wait for the RG Sinanju…

    • The Original Version of Astaroth! Only on Hobbylink TV!

    • Still no MG 3.0 Char’s Zaku II… The dream is dead, isn’t it?

    • Glad to see that your back Ryan, it felt a bit strange to only have Syd and Todd on the show, and make sure to take care of yourself you sounded a bit tired near the end.

      However Todd, Syd, you guys are really trying to take it out on my wallet, 2 HG Astaroths for a “complete look” version. And your talk of putting the Thunderbolt Full Armour Gundams backpack on the GM, made me think of a mash up with the Full Armour Gundams backpack, the Powered GM Cardigan, possibly the Powered Arms Powereder option pack and some miniguns from the Heavy Arms or its custom form, for the Full Armour Powered GM Cardigan All Arms ver.

      But I’ve got the Exia and 00 Raiser RGs coming from you to do first, which I guess I’d better do before doing something crazy.

    • Kamen Raidaaaaaaaaaah

    • thunderbolt kits are full pack, cant wait to see them in MG ver.

    • Wow!!! I really like this episode that when Tod show us what he do with Astraroth!!! It is really creative and new to me!!!! Thank you for showing me how to play with gunpla properly….!!! XD

    • Cannot wait for RG Sinanju

    • Glad you have you back Ryan!

      After watching the Thunderbolt anime I really hope they do an MG of the psycho zaku, He kinda felt more like the protagonist than the FA.

      You guys should go to a con on the east coast of the US, Gencon or Pax!

    • Congrats on the twin! todd should really praticing the lines. both of you got responsibility now.. one on the twins and one on the lines.. hahahaha :-p

    • Just gotta say…cant wait for that zaku origin!!




    • I wish I could go to AX, but I don’t have enough money to go to, let alone enough to take a trip within my own state right now. Maybe I could do some Gunpla commissions. I hear those bring in good amounts of money.

    • sweet ep guys super excited to get my hands on the Gundam Astaroth

    • I like the Thunderbolt designs, that GM is really good looking for a grunt suit!

    • Welcome back Ryan, good luck with the twins. Can’t wait to see the gyan in action. I’m also excited for build fights as well Todd, those new kits look ace.

    • Great show! welcome back Ryan and congratulation. =]

    • I have noticed that lately every new mold for HG kits have lego-style peg hands instead of trigger fingers. The hyaku-shiki is the revive I’ve been looking forward to since they first announced them but from the pictures and videos I’m very disappointed that Bandai might be using the cheap style hands on it. what are your guys’ thoughts on the hands?

    • Awesome episode!!!

    • love your videos,you guys inspired me to start building gunpla.Heres to another 200 videos!

    • I’m waiting patiently for RG Sinanju preorders to go live so I can spend my hard earned dollarydoos

    • Hi Syd ryan and todd, First of all congratulations to Ryan on the twins. I just like to commend you all for the effort you excerted in each episode. You gave me purpose in life. I was suicidal before. But when I watched your videos.. Every episode I have watched has enticed me to build more and more gunpla. I am building for 4 months now and have built 10 hg’s, 2 Mg’s and 1 RG in my possesion. Looking forward to build a PG. Now I am happy and met new friends who shares the same interest. the hobby saved me.. You guys saved me.. and I am grateful to you ..more power to your show Hoobylinkjapan. GUNPLA TV ROCKS!!

    • Thank you for making all the videos!

    • Speaking of videogames, have you guys played Overwatch yet ?!

    • For real! You guys should come to Shanghai, China. Check out the gunpla expo during ACG comic fair!

    • !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Great episode guys ^_^ can’t wait for the unnamed HG from the Iron-Blooded Orphans Gaiden side story, and that RE/100, so many kits so little time

    • Karen Raidaaaaaaaaaah

    • Nice kits!

  • Syd wrote a new post 8 years, 4 months ago

    Beaver Corporation is a company within Japan that imports some of the finest military scale model kits from around the world. In this video we check out their booth at the Shizuoka Hobby Show.

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