
  • Syd wrote a new post 5 years, 11 months ago

    The Playing with Plamo 2017 Contest Entry Submission is officially closed and we’ve got a lot of great stuff to sort through on our way to awarding all these prizes. Thanks to everyone who entered and made this […]

    • Whaaaat??!! Nothing will be,the same.I missed Ryan already, how shall, I live with that? But I would do the same..;-) Wish you the best!!

    • Best of luck Syd on your travels. It has been really fun watching you as host and seeing you talk star wars and gunpla and so on.

    • Thanks again guys for hosting the contest. I like my entry so much that i just placed an order for another model hehe. Nice to see Ryan back! And OMG!!! Syd, the second you said “how to say thsi”, i called it, hoping it wouldnt be the case but unfortunatelly it was. Sad but hey, great to know you’ll be having fun and visiting new places. Godspeed my friend. You encouraged me a lot on this awesome hobby!

    • Syd and what he made gunplaTV is arguably responsible for many modellers (addiction) hobby becoming what it is today, certainly the case for me.

      Appreciate all the hard work and time you put in mate it’ll be sad to see you go but its more then earned and i wish you luck and hope you enjoy your adventures, if you’re in the very bottom of aus ever drop on in.

      hopefully you drop back in from time to time, after all whose spare room full of kits are were going to comment for

    • Wish you the best Syd. It was this show that introduce me to gunpla model.

    • crap….. if we get the sports car will he stay?

    • How will the future gunpla tv look like? Todd alone?

    • Wish you all the best Syd, good luck on your next adventure.

    • Hi Syd. I’m happy for you! Wish you all the best for your holidays!!

    • Syd feels like that crazy uncle you see at family reunions who you really get along with because they are into the same weird hobby as you are. It will be sad not to see him here as often. A big part of why I got back into the hobby after forgetting it even existed for 15 years was because of Gunpla TV.

      Best wishes to you and to your family.

    • Syd, we are sad to see you step down from GUNPlA TV, especially because you and GUNPLA TV were a huge part of why I got into GUNPLA. That being said, as a father of 2 myself I can completely understand. I do however have a few questions about your announcement. Are you still going to be with HLJ? And it kinda sounds like you would still make the occasional appearance, is that possible? As for the future if the show, I am still excited and optimistic for it’s future, Todd has really grown into a comfortable presence as a host. It also sounded like Ryan might return more frequently to the show which would be great. We’ve seen the banter between you and him develop over a long time, and the same between yourself and Todd. I can’t wait to see how it develops​ between​ Todd and Ryan (or whomever). Best wishes bro!

    • “That’s what SHE said…”

      Wil be sad to see the end of an era, Syd IS Gunpla TV, but such things have to be done. Besides, Todd will do just fine I think, and it will be nice to have Ryan back in the show also. Hopefully, with his experience, if there is time we’ll get some in-depth content from Todd with guides on customising and painting gunpla (i.e. he will demonstrate how to add a BALL to a kit, you know it, I called it). Safe travels, have fun, and good luck to Todd and Ryan 🙂

    • Goodbye Syd! Hope your vacation is a good one, and that you get to do everything you want to do (And maybe build some Gunpla on the side)!

    • Damn! My heart just sank a little bit,best of luck Syd.

    • Damn it Syd. This is seriously depressing…

    • So I can expect to review my entry after May 23?

      Well, Syd, I hope you enjoy your travels, and you’re right you should do it while you can. Question, though: will you continue to blog your reviews and such on Gaijin Gunpla?

    • Damn bro. we will miss you man. but yeah family comes 1st

    • I’m following you since episode 1…so…thank you for all. Be happy!

    • First robert184, now Syd, HLJ does have a lot of people that leave me long lasting impressions. Wish you well with whatever you’re doing Syd.

    • Well Ryan best wishes, you will be missed, and Syd Never Leave us

    • Noooooo Syd! Watching this i could tell you had something bad to say, but this is something even i didnt expect. You always seem so happy and excited when the new kits come in and you get to open them up and build them, I never expected you to leave like this, but i suppose we all have to leave a legacy at some point.
      With Ryan and Todd as the new hosts with guest appearances of Anna and Lindsay( I’d assume) I suppose it wont be an incredibly large change but you will very much be missed by model builders everywhere.
      May the Force be with you, and always remember Gunpla…is FREEDOM!

    • Sad to see you leave Syd. I wish you the best of luck!

    • good luck syd and all the best to you and your family.

    • The next episode of HLTV should be “The Best of Syd” showing a bunch of outtakes and funny moments through the show’s history.

      Then at the end Syd takes off his HLJ shirt and leaves it on the table. And as he is walking out of the HLJ warehouse we see that he has a full back tattoo of the RX-78.

      Ok, maybe not the last part but a best of episode would be cool.

    • good luck Syd and to your future endeavors. they said that the happiest persons on earth, are the ones who invest on travels.

      Go travel the world Syd, and collect that 7 dragon balls!!!!….. 🙂

    • have a good time off Syd, hope we’ll see you pop back sometime later!

    • Thank you Syd for showing me the world of Gunpla! Please do an episode with Ryan and Todd before you leave!

    • Thank You for all those years with Gaijin Gunpla, and Hobbylink.tv. You will be missed. But I hope show will still exist and will be others to continue what you have started. Good luck with the things You want to do.

      PS. So can we apply for a position in HLJ.com? 😉

    • I couldn’t even finish watching. Sad news for us but want the very best for Syd, who made Gunpla TV what it is. I like Todd a lot and respect his knowledge, humor and love of the hobby…at least we still have that. Ryan is really not a builder but still a nice guy. Again, all the best to you and your family, Syd, and thanks for making Gundam cool again for me after all these years away from the hobby.

    • Good luck Syd, enjoy yourself and don’t get into too much trouble 😉

    • Syd, I waited until today, May 4th, to comment. May the force be with you. Thank you for all the tips and for bringing popularity to gunpla and to plastic modeling in general.
      Promise to come back and do a “The Last Jedi” review special though.

    • I’ve had a blast watching everyone on Gunpla TV since the first episode, but Syd will always be the face of the show (no disrespect to Ryan and Todd). Thank you to everyone who’s built models and given us insight into those builds. This show is always fun to watch, and I’ll never stop.

      Be safe, Syd, and have fun.

    • THANK you Syd!!! May the force be with you!!!

  • Syd wrote a new post 5 years, 11 months ago

    Bandai has made April a lean month so we only have the High Grade Vual Gundam to show, but does that mean that next month’s Shizuoka Hobby Show is going to feature a lot of big reveals? Possibly. Be sure to watch […]

    • Yeah, new episode!

    • Been busy with building my gundam for Playing With Plamo competition, glad to finally have the time to catch a new episode.

      Kinda sad I missed the zeta givaway.

      Looking forward to the Shizuoka Hobby Show coverage.

    • Gundam Vual is my favorite design from the IBO line-up!

    • YES! Waterslides!

      So, here’s a question for you two – at some point Bandai have to stop releasing PG Unicorn variants and actually release an all-new PG. If you had to put a bet on it, what would you LIKE to see as a PG release, and what do you think would in reality be more likely as the next new PG release? I would like to see a Sinanju Stein, but I reckon it would be something more mainstream like a GM or a Barbatos.

      Also I am calling it now that Todd says “Ball” ^_^

    • Kamille Bidan is the pilot of the Zeta Gundam, since he was a boy but Kamille is supposedly a girls name he ends up shouting “Kamille is a man’s name!” a couple times during the series.

      Anyways cool Vual, and looking forward to the Evolution Zeta. Great show as always guys.

    • Am I the only one that feels like they should have released a few more kits in April instead of trying to overload March? Anyway I finally got a Freedom 2.0 and I have to say it looks amazing in person just on the runners. I can’t wait till finals are over.

    • I built the previous HG Zeta a while ago but ran into trouble assembling the legs as the lower leg assembly had both sides almost identical which lead me to glue two sides from the left and right legs together, only realising my mistake when I began assembling the second leg. With this in mind, I’d be interested in seeing how the leg construction of the new kit differs with the 2003 version.

    • Ewww a partsformer, how loathsome, well it still looks cool though, if only it transform.

    • Might not an active month but new episodes are always nice.

      I already bought, built, and taken review pictures of the Gunpla Evolution Project Zeta, and it’s a nice kit. It’s definitely the most sturdy, articulate Zeta we have, but the excessive stickers kinda put a hamper on…well…everything, still happy we have it though. I was kinda disappointed on how little “new stuff” was done after all the “Evolution” advertising, the torso was the only new innovation I really saw with the arm joints, and I still feel it could be perfected more, especially since it’s a little finicky and could break under pressure, with the tight tolerances not helping. Still though, it’s a new Zeta, and I think it’s the best Zeta we got so far, so i’m glad to have it.

      The decals are awesome, these will go well with any IBO kit I might pursue in the future, especially the Ryusei-Go ones, I aim to get all 3 and maybe 4 units, so I gotta get there.

      Vual is an awesome design, i’ll still have to pick it up despite the problems i’m hearing because I just can’t resist not getting such a good looking MS. Stickers are annoying but hey, it’s an HGIBO kit, expected them. I just love this design too much, with the repair aesthetic, colorscheme, and design.

    • Finally the waterslides are back!

    • I was already super excited for the new Zeta, but even more so after seeing the runners. That kit can’t arrive fast enough!

    • no one beats the granddaddeh

    • i wanna see the the full city in 1/100

    • For Playing with Plamod, if i used Gundam Marker to replace some sticker, what category should i apply? Thanks!

    • Help a guy out! I have another custom HG planned, but I need that Skull Weapon to complete it, and no one has it for under $20.

    • Decals! Thank you Bandai. Vual looks good. Like the darker colors. Thanks Todd and Syd!

    • I think the Zaku 2.0 is perfect as is. The only way they can do a Zaku 3.0 is to include higher detail like more panel lines and more color separation. I would love for them to improve many of the older mobile suits like the older GMs with a better frame and articulation.

    • Reading the dates the kit was released makes me feel old. Its like, wow I remember when that was new.

    • From the tsunami of kits to a dry-spell. I don’t know which one to get sad about(My wallet crying due to it being sucked bone-dry or the crying due to over-spillage)P.S. To the competitors vying for the top prize in the Playing With Plamo Competition, Good luck and may Akihiro’s nippers be with you!(Can’t enter due to study reasons) P.S. Tod actually got my name right its pronounced with the j as in jungle.

    • My Seven Swords is almost ready 😛

    • I love thew new Gundam Decals! I wish they would make more for RGs especially ones like the Sinanju since it has a glossy finish that makes the stickers show up more.

    • That Vual could probably looks so much better with minimal effort, matt spray it, then some easy dry brushing and decals.

    • Damn, always wanted a zeta 2.0! Then you whip it out and i was like (woah)

    • Someone from my elementary school, who I haven’t seen in years but saw on the bus, told me he has a MG Zeta in his closet, but never built it. So, who knows? If I win this one, and buy off his, I’ll have two MG Zetas.

    • Wish I got me that zeta. The new revive that isn’t called revive now looks really cool though.

    • The box art of the new HG Zeta is so cool!!!

    • That Vual looks great. I’m glad I’ve been a big fan and kept more up to date with the Gundam franchise.

    • Can’t wait to get the Vual!

    • Waterslides are the most fun part of building a modelkit to me. Glad the “dry season” is over.

      Ill see myself out.

    • So uhh..this might have been asked before, but BANDAI did tease a ZZ Gundam Ver. Ka. coming sometime this year. Any news on that? 🙂 Great show as always guys!

    • oh my zeta!!!!

    • needs a matte top coat and it would look amazing! Out of the box, black looks a little too plasticy

    • Great show guys can’t wait to see what comes out next

    • Really enjoying the show. I look forward to every episode each week. I can’t wait for your Shizuoka coverage. Keep up the great work gentleman.

    • Great show as always. I love the vual, cant wait for new anouncnents.

    • Can’t wait for Shizuoka!

    • ZETA GUNDAM awesome… Nice show guys so sad because Syd is leaving the show… I’ve been watching this show since episode 1…

    • Wait… Proportional Accuracy and the Greatest Range of Motion in HG History!


      Yup, we be in the quiet before the storm boys. Shall we all chant: Shizuoka, Shizuoka, SHIZUOKA!!!

    • So great that we’re finally getting decal sets again!

    • great show. 🙂

  • Syd wrote a new post 5 years, 12 months ago

    We had the MG Providence Gundam last episode and now it’s time for another stellar kit. Actually, a few of them. Is Christmas in April?

    Don’t forget that the Playing with Plamo 2017 Contest is in full-swing. The […]

  • Syd wrote a new post 6 years ago

    In this episode Todd is probably a little too excited talking about the newest Option set while Syd finally finished the MG Providence Gundam and brings everything out for all to see.

    Don’t forget that the […]

    • shika replied 6 years ago

      Wonder if MG justice will be better than RG counterpart?

    • Nice episode keep up the good work. and that MG RX-78 origin is one of the best.

    • I want the next RG to be ground gundam. Then the fragile mess that will be the unicorn that then would only not be in RE 1/100 as the only active line that it doesn’t have at least 1 version.

    • Would love to have another Origin Grandpa and make it into its prototype form

    • You know what would be nice a totoro gundam


    • Dave replied 6 years ago

      I like the Origin and I love MG’s!!

    • The Providence looks really good. I really want to see how the Bael looks in its 1/100 form, wasn’t a fan of the 1/144 HG unfortunately.

    • MG Origin looks cool

    • Origin Gundam!

    • Cant wait for the HG UC Tristan Gundam

    • That origin looks sassy. Sassy grandaddy. Me likey.

    • great reveiws guys

    • The man rodi definitely looks better with the new legs but now the arm color looks off lol, and whoah o.o mg RX-78!

    • MG Origin Guntank please Bandai

    • Haven’t had any Grand-daddy kit in my collection. The origin would be great

    • Im so hyped for a landman rodi

    • Beork replied 6 years ago

      That origin kit would look great on my son’s shelf 😛

    • vhal replied 6 years ago

      would love to get that origin mg

    • HGUC Tristan seems to be reusing the old HGUC Alex mold, can’t say i’m not skeptical about that. Love the design, but i’m not super confident the kit’s going to live up to modern expectations. MG Justice is looking awesome, now to debate whether I want this or the RG. The HG Dantalion is what i’m the most hype or here, the design is so sick, and while i’m scared for color separation due to it being an HGIBO kit, the design wins it for me anyways. Fumina fanservice needs to stop, the new Petit’gguys are interesting with their signs. Schwarz Ritter is looks absolutely sick, the lame gold is lame, but the design is an absolute winner, I want one. The Ground Gundam S looks epic, that beam effect makes me instantly interested, now I want to see it colored. I’m extremely hype for the Barzam, I really love the design of Barzam, and this HG looks awesome. It’s nice to finally have one, and I definitely want one. The new chara’gguys are interesting, i’d like to see more though.

      The RG gold frame Amatsu Mina looks completely killer. Even with the lame gold, even that looks passable-ish due to the multiple shades, and that’s my only problem done with. The accessories are epic, the gloss black is beautiful, the detail is super well done, and the design is extravagant, this is a must buy for me. Super Fumina fanservice needs to stop. Already got my own FM Bael WIP, and it’s looking to be an awesome kit. I’m so happy with the stand, it’s such a great addition and i’m happy I own it. The Origin Special Ver. just replaced the original Origin (heh) on my wishlist. They’re adding 2 LED colors, a poster, and a new v-fin, all on the original already awesome MG RX-78-02 Origin? Wishlist prioritised to the max.

      The Option Set 9 looks awesome, i’m extremely happy they gave us green Landman Rodi legs, that means non-painters can already get the Landman in brewers colors. Not to mention the other stuff like the Scharfrichter Geirail parts, Graze Ground Type parts, Rebake rifles, and a nice bonus for a Barbatos Lupus Rex Repair, that’s awesome. MG Providence looks like a beast, the detail is nice, the presence is huge, and the articulation looks awesome, the waist joint scares me though. Probably going to get the regular version, the stand is awesome but the price is a bit high for that and decals I won’t really use. Nice to be given the option though,

    • Hi! Nice episode. 🙂 I would like to have an RX-78-2 Origin because I still haven’t got any Grand Daddy since i started building Gunpla. And what better way to have it than winning it from HLJ. 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • sya replied 6 years ago

      RNG god, please bless me

    • RNG god, please bless me too.

    • *insert cat meme*
      I really should buy the RX-78-2 Origins Gundam

    • Love the Gundam origin, super excited about this one, fingers are crossed. Love you guys! Thanks again.

    • Is it about time for some new 00 MGs? It’ll be a decade this year since the anime first aired. I want a MG of my favourite gundam, Virtue!

    • gunpla is freedom!

    • If they keep pumping out these charaguys I hope we get some of the older gundam characters, would be hilarious to see deadpan heero yuy as one.

    • No more IBO series !!! I hope for season 3 or they should keep up with the manga. I want to see all the gundam frames in the IBO gundam series. That HGUC gundam tristan looks interesting.

    • Loving Gundam thunderbolt. Looking forward to some ass kickin mg’s this year. Also if I win the origin kit it’s my first rx78 kit. Fingers and toes crossed………..

    • Wish Bandai make a mg origin char’s zaku 2

    • the chara guys are horrifying.
      I want so see one with your faces photoshopped in 😀

    • I want that origin kit please pick me pick me

    • Mic replied 6 years ago

      Love gundam! Love you guys too!

    • Kur0 replied 6 years ago

      that dantalion gundam is from IBO side story manga if i am not mistake..

    • That MG providence looks like a beast, I have to go get one myself soon too!

    • The schwarz is strong within the Providence.

    • PM replied 6 years ago

      Great episode guys and providence looks awesome

    • Now that Bandai is focusing on SEED again, I hope to see a RG Providence.

    • Jeeg replied 6 years ago

      Finally I see a few new mecha designs that I really like! That ms from a side story of IBO it’s very interesting! Strange but cool at the same time.
      What could be the next Rg? Only Bandai knows it. Since now the Rg series is 90% Gundams! So I really want to see some Zion design.
      For example…the Dom Tropen! wow! And Rg Dom Tropen Ver.Ka! Wow!

    • Those providence shoulders.

    • I am looking forward to getting the providence

    • The option sets may make me buy a Man Rodi

    • tgy10 replied 6 years ago

      I love master grades

    • Great show guys. I dont think a demon would enjoy being called Dandelion, but whatever. Providence looked great.
      I havent seen an episode of Origin yet, but the RX is looking good.

    • T.rey replied 6 years ago

      The origin looks great

    • So now all we need is an MG Legend Gundam and I’m pretty sure the Seed fans will be extremely happy.

    • this episode felt shorter than normal. DAT providence though.

    • The Providence looks like something that came out of Zeta

    • Im just getting started with the mg line. I have the mg rx78-2 oyw version and im waiting on the mg zaku 2.0 i orderd from you guys. I have only built one mg and im in love with the mg line.

    • Hubyx replied 6 years ago

      Great episode guys!

    • raime replied 6 years ago

      Just in time for my birthday! Thanks gunpla tv may you always build..

    • I like Gundam Origin. After school special. The Swartz is strong with this one

    • I hope we get a new PG announcement soon.

    • Realy looking forward for the next episode. it will b epic!

    • That providence gundam is awesome! Is there going to be a new MG strike freedom in the near future?

    • Awesome! My favorite gundam is Providence. I hope it gets an RG soon!

    • My MG Providence Gundam is on it’s way I can’t wait to start building it!

    • Great episode guys. I’m looking forward to that RG Gold frame!!

    • Zyphr replied 6 years ago

      Very interesting choosing to go with Amatsu mina for rg

    • Thanks for the origin guys !cant wait for my money to get more kits

    • gimme that RX78-2 Origin… I demand it!!! hahahaha

    • March has been a crazy month for gunpla. I’m enjoying seeing all these kits.

    • That Barbatos shoulder thing with the Man Rodi legs looks really stupid. No wonder the idea was dropped.

    • Great episode guys, hope I win this time.

    • A real grade Zeong would be pretty rad.

    • Hopefully they’ll make more and fuller conversion-kit esque option sets in the future!

    • The RX78-2 Origin would make a good looking GM. Im on a GM buzz with the ongoing comp.

    • Two thumbs up for MG RX-78!

    • I like to win !!!

    • I loved all the IBO kits that have came out so far but I gotta be honest I’m ready for something new. Kinda happy it’s over lol

    • Just received my order from HLJ, will work on it from the contest.

    • Excited to get my premium edition MG Providence Gundam from you guys. Much love and support. I’m new to buying kits online and the first one I bought from you guys was the MG Psycho Zaku Ver Ka had no regrets with it.

    • Epang replied 6 years ago

      Origin gundam ftw!

    • hope I win

    • I don’t know about anyone else. But I want Bandai to release a Mg Kshatriya and a Pg Nu gundam. Than I would be a very happy gunpla builder.

    • Syd:”I’ve seen your ball”
      If taken out of context,very good “material”
      In all seriousness though, MG line seems to follow SEED main suits.Does this mean a SEED Renaissance?Foes this mean another SEED RG?
      *Shrug*Who knows
      Let the nippers keep on nipping and the empty runners keep on piling,

    • Gmmm replied 6 years ago

      If I win taht MG Origin I would probably kitbash it with the RGM-79C I have around.

      I don’t care too much about SEED but the fact that the Providence has a ton of extra parts makes the kit seem more appealing to me. Im still crossing my fingers to see if they do more grunt suits since they released the GM Sniper. Stark Jegan and the Aqua GM.

      Still working on the contest entry. Panel Line scribing is the scariest thing I have ever done to a kit (being the first time I do it).

    • These option sets are really cool, sadly they’re only for HGs. I’d love that would allow me to turn a regular 1/100 graze into Carta’s Graze Ritter.

    • BNuts replied 6 years ago

      I’m looking forward to seeing how the FM Bael differs from the HG version. I’m also anticipating whether that Astray Gold can stand up to her hype. But it doesn’t look as if they fixed Fumina’s issues with the new version. Ouch!

    • Oh man I could really use a new MG kit. I haven’t done one in over a year 🙁

    • Excited to see how the 1/100 Bael comes out, because honestly…the 1/144 looks pretty lame. Also Strike Freedom and Destiny 2.0 when!?

    • I’m surprised that you guys did not mention that the Gundam Tristan is using parts from the HGUC 047 Gundam Alex. A lot of people are upset about the use of old, recycled, parts limiting articulation and a cheap cop out on Bandai’s end. Also, the P-Bandai Zaku III Custom from Twilight Axis is simply a re-color of the Zaku III Custom that came out 20 years ago and this too has angered some Gunpla fans. Is Bandai simply getting lazy? What are your thoughts about this?

    • There are two suits Bandai keeps over looking for RG: GM and Gouf.

    • Still never built the grand daddy, would very much love the opportunity to do so 😉

    • I hope I win i always wanted the original gundam. But knowing my luck i wont win.

    • When are we going to see a 3.0 zaku
      And a PG sinanju
      Seig zeon

    • RX-78-02 MG! I’m also excited to build an RX-78AL HG. How many RX-78 MS are there?

    • Bee replied 6 years ago

      Great show, really tempted to get the Providence Gundam ^_^

    • oohhhh, MG Origin Gundam! i want, pleeeeeaaaaaassseeee!

    • MG ORIGIN LOOKS AWESOME!! Hope to win! Also keep up the awesome work!

    • An RG Nu Gundam is too obvious. Seeing as they’ve covered a unicorn, build fighters and seed kit and that we’re already getting an MG ZZ. There’s only one logical solution, RG Neo Zeong. But srsly an RG f91/ crossbone/x
      /god Gundam would be great

    • ace replied 6 years ago

      Now im really gettin my hands on that providence, hope to win the give away…thanks guys!

    • the providence looks really sweet the detail is awesome i think i might get one

    • i hope we also get the amatsu mina in mg.

    • Theeey’ve got…a power you cannot seee with your eyes.
      Theeey are…feared by nubs, loose joints, and large stickers.
      Nooothing…will ever take them down!
      Gunpla lies on their sie ie ie ie ieeeeeeeeede!

    • Origin!

    • Azrel replied 6 years ago

      I’ve been wanting to make a HG version of the ground type graze!

    • Very nice!

    • Looking forward to the Tristan.

    • I hope I win that kit, but if not I guess I’d just have to buy the special edition. Still waiting for an MG Char Zaku origin version. BANDAI PLEASE!!!

    • I have the MG Providence (special version) in my Private Warehouse. This video is just teasing me to have it delivered already. I am only holding off because i am waiting for the MG Freedom 2.0 (Dramatic Combination) to restock so i can have them delivered together. (Any word on a restock coming soon?)

      Oh also, you really upped the ante there Master Syd. MG 78-02 Origin Ver. Now that is even more exciting to work on. Maybe my lucky stars will smile on me now. Thanks for the videos guys. The reviews really help me plan ahead on what to work on, on kits i have already ordered.

    • The next RG should be the Blue Destiny Unit 1 because why not.

    • Oh no, now I really really want that RG Nu Gundam! Even though I imagine those fin funnels beeing really finicky. :’D

    • I want to work on Gunpla, but Zelda Breath of The Wild is eating up 99% of my free time lately!

    • I sure wish I can get my hands on that ver. S2 gundam. 😀

    • anyeo replied 6 years ago

      ORIGIN !

    • Can i win something?

    • Wanna see the busty Fumina!!!!

    • love how they molded the option set in color (partially). also GIVE ME THE MG RX-78-2 PLZ I DON’T HAVE ANY MGs!!!

    • Do you guys think will we ever see a gusion remake full city 1/100 scale? Fall maybe?

    • Origin!!!!

    • Good episode

    • RX78 to go with my mg char zaku!!!

    • well, i would like to win.

    • love the providence but hope i win the origins.

    • Just wanted to mention that those IBO-stickers that came with the 1/100s are same that came with the IBO-stand campaign you had earlier this year. There were also C and D stickers which had the Seven Stars and Turbines logos.

    • Is it just me or these Bearguys are getting weirder and weirder?

    • providence looks pretty sweet.. Can’t wait for the time u guys giving that away.. At the meantime.. I am cool with getting the orgin.. 🙂

    • fjz95 replied 6 years ago

      Todd keep your hands off Fumina

    • Jimmy replied 6 years ago

      I’d love a grandaddy gundam, never had one.

    • Question about the plamo competition my sister doesnt have a credit card or any means to shop online so when he wants stuff from your site she does it on my account and she pays me. so i was wondering if she can enter the competition.

    • Afterschool moral of Gunpla TV: Inclusiveness because Gunpla is freedom!

    • But of course we’ll forgive you Syd if you don’t put it together right!

    • love me some RX78-2, I was hoping you guys will do a tutorial on chisels. Well keep up the great work

    • pt25 replied 6 years ago


    • I already have the Origin but it would be pretty cool to win it for my friend. He’s a big RX-78-2 fan. an’t wait to see the Bael. Looks great and was pretty cool int he show. Too bad we won’t be getting a 1/100 Kimaris Vidar?

    • That MG Providence is a BEAST!! I’m looking forward to getting mine and waiting on the MG Justice Gundam to finish up the Seed Gang! I really hope they announce the RG Nu-Gundam at the hobby show. Imagine the possibility of an RG Sazabi after that~ It would be MASSIVE!

    • looks like i’m gonna get that MG origin kit..
      nope. wait…imma win it instead!

    • I am wondering if the Mg Justice is also using the Freedom 2.0 frame.

    • Oh, really like that Rx-78-2 Gundam. Can I have it?

    • ak786 replied 6 years ago

      I’d love to have that RX-78-2 Origin. Come on random number generator!


    • You guys are awsome! Can’t wait to see the RG Amatsu Mina built up!

    • Hope they make an mg legend now.for those who dont know the legend gundam is the upgrade of providence like freedom to strike freedom or justice to infinte justice

    • Hope I win that 2015 MG Gundam The Origin RX-78-02 model!

    • I dare ya giving away grandpa! 😛

    • cjb19 replied 6 years ago

      Another great episode

    • nice. for a gundam fan i never built a rx-78 maybe i need to.

    • If only Bandai gave some love to the Stargazer. That’s probably the the only Seed MG I’d buy.

    • I Like the Origan:). Love the retro look of it. If i win it would be my 1st Master Grade Kit:D

    • Great show as always Syd and Todd, I would love to win The Grand Daddy RX-78

    • AMURO!!! great episode, curious as to where you guys get your Gunpla posters, I’d really like to get my hands on a few.

      -PG, Anaheim CA

    • A little sad to see that the providence needs help standing up.

    • Thank you for making all the videos!

    • Wile I was submitting my kit my computer froze so I wasn’t sure if it sent. So I resent my submission just in case, hope this doesn’t disqualify me.

    • Great Show, Started to watch from the begining now I’m at episode 178, and wanted to check out if you still habe the give away. I hope I can win this kit.

    • Now you didn’t hear this from me, but I wager the new RG is a Shining Gundam to commemorate the upcoming Olympic games. Y’know the one they’re making 1/1 RX-78 walk for?

      What do you think the chances are of bandai launching a 1/100 RG or MG+ line? I want to make complicated things, but I get intimidated by the 1/144th scale.

    • Really, really, really hope that Bandai is gonna do something about the lack of Gundam 00 MGs. Hopefully we get accelerate evolution gundam 00 kits (not Setsuna’s) or even FLAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGSSSSS

    • Soo I guess I’m not winning this one either?

    • So many goodies, so little time…nice work, fellas!

  • Syd wrote a new post 6 years ago

    March has brought a change in weather and a whole lot of great Gunpla releases. In this video we’re going to unbox the newest Real Grade kit, the 1/144 RG Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu Mina!

    • This kit looks sweet and shiny!

    • Hey Syd, I preordered mine back in January but its now on Backorder, will I have to wait till it gets back instock? I have some things in my private warehouse that I wanted to ship with it.

      • Syd replied 6 years ago

        We have multiple distributors supplying Gundams and the product doesn’t always arrive from them all on the same day. Likely the remainder are coming today and the orders will be filled. Thanks for your patience!

    • Super Fumina, out the door to do more shopping, apparently. RG Gold Frame is a beautiful kit. Shiny black, like the Bandai _____ _____ kit (rhymes with “Darth Vader”)and red and gold looks so good. I need to build another RG. Thanks guys.

    • Show Fumina unboxing next please haha. Like the black glossy Gold Frame armor. Just the gold frame hoping it will glossy like armor but have to see the end product 1st to consider it as a must buy or not.

    • awesome, this kit looks amazing, with the exception of the pointy aladin feet, I was wondering, if I buy this kit, are there enough parts to build the Normal astray feet?

  • Syd wrote a new post 6 years ago

    We showed the MG Providence in an unboxing video already so we won’t get into that here — which is good, because Syd and Todd were too busy disagreeing over who would get to present the newest kit from Gundam […]

    • I’m excited for the next RG announcement on April 2017 in gunpla expo Japan

    • hi there,

      Looking to that Atlas Gundam and HGIBO Bael, im really going to get that kit in addition to my 1/144 kit collection.

      More power to the show and happy building to all.

    • shika replied 6 years ago

      Oh, bael. Kinda hate that mcgillis guy

    • Origin is SWEET! Wouldn’t mind getting my hands in that kit. Also I am trying out panel wash but I’ve been having some troubles. Any tips and tricks?

    • The Atlas Gundam is pretty darn cool! It would be pretty awesome if we did get a 1/100 MG ver. KA of it.

    • hello!

    • amazing strike freedom looks good, but the red frame just takes away the appearence i think
      i wonder how long will the world would really have a real local type gundam

    • the strike freedom has the beam sabers on the side skirts (on to of the rail guns, and thank you for the side by side pic 🙂

    • If I cut my hair, Hawaii will sink!

    • Do you think the Atlas gundam belives the earth is flat

    • Hitherehowareyoudoing

      The MG Providence looks really good, although the Freedom waist joint scares me a bit. I personally want the regular one, because while the ZAFT stand looks really good, I don’t think it and the waterslide decals are enough to make me want the special edition more, plus the original has one of my new favorite boxarts. Option Set 9 is gonna be great, tones of kitbash potential, and I really like how you get Landman Rodi legs in color OOB, i’ll have to buy that one day.

      I absolutely love the Amazing Strike Freedom, the shiny red frame looks really unique, and I love how so much of the suit is integrated so uniquely. The bulkiness and the sheer weaponry make me a fan.

      The HG Bael looks good, and it does seem like a pretty neat kit. However i’m holding my breath for the FM version because I want that stand, and I want to display a Bael with my Grimgerde.

      HG Atlas looks awesome, a huge shame the subarms aren’t white though, they really could’ve been done with all that white plastic, ahh well. I really like all the gimmicks and stuff the Atlas is capable of doing, and it’s functions make it look really damn sweet. People are complaining about it’s stickers but it’s not like other HGTB kits didn’t have any, i’m quite satisfied honestly, just wish those subarms were white…

    • Jeeg replied 6 years ago

      Sometimes I fell old!
      I see the Atlas and I think….meh…weird…ugly feet…ugly front skirt, etc.
      I should be happy to see something different but instead I always complain about these new strange designs.

    • I think the new rg kit is going to be the unicorn Gundam I put my money on it and I would really like to build a origin kit and a Pettit guy

    • BNuts replied 6 years ago

      Amazing Strike Freedom looks more promising than I’d originally thought, but it’s also more expensive than average.

      I may get a Bael, I haven’t decided.

    • rg dynames will be nice

    • That bael gundam is soooo cool and the atlas has a ton of gimmicks can’t wait it to be implemented in the upcoming anime

    • Best Review of the Year !!!
      Great job on Gundam Atlas review… was enjoying it so much…LoL…
      Good job Syd & TB your Gundam Atlas pose looked crooked ;)…
      can’t wait for your Gundam Providence MG review
      the Best Show IMO…

      ohhhh… and don’t forget to give me that Gundam Local Type Origin!!!
      and I’ll donate that “petite guy” to my neighbour..hahaha!!!

    • Guys, Barbatos,Flauros,and Bael have the same frame right? Therefore:easy kitbash!

    • I lost it at the ball in the Atlas’s chest.

    • feng replied 6 years ago

      heyy my birthday just passed hope that local type will not too…. plss be mine .. nice review by the way

    • cool ep atlas looks cool want that local type and petitguy for customs

    • That rail gun definitely needs some color. Right now it looks like a really long Nerf gun. Still can’t decide if I want the Atlas or not. I’m still on the fence.

    • I’d never though i would hear my name on the previous episode :P.
      Love that HG atlus, it reminds me of a rubiks cube 😛

    • HG Atlus looks pretty unique for a Gundam!

    • I wonder how an RG Barbatos would look like.

    • cool to see the Atlas’s gimmicks working out!

    • I like that Amazing Strike Freedom

    • I wish there were SD versions of thunderbolt suits!

    • March is such a great month!
      Just waiting on 1/100 Bael (my playing with plamo entry!) release to ship my private warehouse which includes the Providence Premium and ms option 9 and gusion rebake (more guns for Akihiro!)
      Can’t wait for your build and review of the providence!

    • The Atlas Gundam is a creative design, I hope that BANDAI does have the funding to mass-produce such a kit. It would be bigger than the Double-Zeta, Unicorn, and the Nu-Gundam. I love the design of the origin kit and the bearguy would look cute for a center piece.


    • I loved the Full Armor Gundam but I hate the Atlas Gundam! I just find it extremely ugly!

    • Hope to win the gundam local type. Also wondering what new master grades will be coming out this summer.

    • Fumina is waifu. Loving the new kits that you guys are showing off.

    • HEy guys of all the newer kits what ones are you most awaiting?

    • Hubyx replied 6 years ago

      Waiting for my Providence to arrive!!! 😛 Great episode guys.

    • The Atlas is growing on me, especially after seeing what the HG kit can do with his skis. The cockpit ball reminds me that I don’t own any Ball kit in any form and really should. Mass produced Balls helped the Earth Federation win the one year war after all.

    • Gmmm replied 6 years ago

      Am I the only one that thinks the Atlas looks dumb? So how long do we have to wait for Todd to do a kitbash and attach both of the Atlas’s skies to the ball?

      MG Kshatriya when?

    • The “unboxing episode” and now this. Beam cannons are go! “Born in the Bael,” Atlas throw down! Great show. Origin rules. Thanks Todd, Syd, Ryan (directed by…), and Luke (chop chop…).

    • Surprised about the ball being part of the Atlas.


    • After seeing how much the hassle the HG Atlas can put up, I don’t think I want it anymore.

    • I’m so tempted to buy an Atlas, but I already my closet full of kits I haven’t built yet.

    • The Atlas reminds me a lot of Patlabor.
      Maybe they took design cues from it.

    • Can’t wait to get my own bael, also good show guys

    • Congrats to Ronin on winning the Gouf. Representing the Advanced Modeler group!

    • Great episode guys! And hey I won the 1/144 Freedom!!! thanks a lot; can’t remember the last time I won anything!

    • I love the Show! When I get home from school it is a great wy to unwind and stuff. 🙂

    • Ordered Atlas! It looks great, hope to get it soon

    • Atlas the”ball gundam”. Seem like a big week next week.

    • A little disappointed that the globe joints on the Atlas don’t spin around 360 degrees. Maybe in a future MG?

    • raime replied 6 years ago

      Loca for local

    • Since you both built the HG Atlas Gundam, what is your take on no polycaps? Do you wish they used some? Or is the kit just fine without them?

    • Man, that Atlas is packed! Railguns are always a good weapon to have in your mecha models.

    • Need a comparison of the 1/144 ball to the Atlas Cockpit

    • I have my fingers crossed, thats a nice looking mobile suit! Thanks for another great episode!

    • I wanna win

    • bael and atlas look so good! amazing strike… not so much.

    • OOOH!!! that atlas looks pretty awesome. love unique kits like that. and local type for the win!!

    • i wanna win some kits in the holis!!

    • Have you guys considered reviewing some of the snacks that are on HLJ? I would like to try some Japanese snacks, but could use some recommendations.

    • At first I hated the Atlas. now I’m in love with it. MG please!

    • great show as always

    • Dave replied 6 years ago

      Really love the show, you guy’s helped me into this hobby and I appreciate your time very much. Keep up the great work! Atlas is great!

    • Give me the chocolate

    • I can’t deny the Atlas is simultaneously the dumbest and coolest Gundam I’ve ever laid eyes on. I love it coming in with it’s Armored Core looking rail gun on it’s stupid river rafting raft backpack. It’s absurd in all the right ways.

    • PM replied 6 years ago

      Great episode guys and i don’t like Amazing Strike Freedom.

    • la k replied 6 years ago


    • Will this be the winning comment? Yes!

    • atlas looks like he belongs in G gundam, pretty nice though. i would certainly enjoy that origins kit and my son that petit guy.

    • Amazing SF is amazing!

    • Jimmy replied 6 years ago

      It’d be cool if you guys show the Love Live figurise busts.

    • Great show. Keep it up

    • Really love this show! its allways great to build something while watching the show . Keep it up!

    • Next MG is Justice Gundam. I’m not sure how I feel about it. From the CG model we saw of it, the details are nice, but I’m not the biggest fan of the design itself, and the RG has better proportions in my opinion.

    • The Atlas Gundam looks like a pretty neat kit I’ll need to get that at some point. Looking forward to the MG Providence Rau Le Creuset is one of my favorite Gundam villains and one of the few good characters in Seed. I always wondered why the Gundam Local Type has the price it does it doesn’t come with much but it’s a good looking High Grade kit.

    • I like the Atlas but without the funky sled/submarine system thingy.
      Looks really good by itself. Kind of interesting the ball core it has for cockpit.

    • Me want that Atlas , At last me will buy that Atlas

    • Atlas Gundam is very interesting, but it requires a lot of works to make it awesome, sigh…

    • Hope i win that HG Local Type from the Origin line. I have started collecting and painting that line. It will be awesome to paint and mod that kit a little bit and post it here in hobbylink.tv. 🙂

    • Is there any news of more MG Origin kits?

    • All hail the Atlas lord of the Ball master race. Also Syd’s love of RGs inspired me to try to build them all. All I’ve got left is the Strike Freedom, Strike, and Skygrasper. Time well spent.

    • Man that is one sexy box art for the MG Providence! I have a question regarding the plamo contest and I’m hoping it won’t be too late. If I’m entering one of those Macross kits that can transform, do I need to submit pictures with it in the 3 different forms or is it OK to stick with one? I’m asking because I’m afraid that if I transform it after all the decal work, the Waterslides might get ruind.

    • Have a question for my fellow commenters mostly.
      My backlog has grown huge between zoids and gunpla.
      How big is yours?
      How do you deal with it?
      I try to build faster but cant stop myself from painting all the details.

    • Atlas!!!! Almost completing my collection of the thunderbolt kits 🙂

    • I drew you guys some fan art, where can I submit it?

      • Syd replied 6 years ago

        Send an email to questions@hlj.com saying you’ve got some Gunpla TV Fanart and they’ll let me know and then I’ll contact you about where to send it. Thanks!

    • Bear guy me!

    • More strike gundam!

  • Syd wrote a new post 6 years ago

    It’s here: The newest MG kit the 1/100 MG Providence Gundam and its Premium Edition counterpart! Let us show you what’s inside!

    Kits featured in this episode:

    – 1/100 MG Providence Gundam
    – 1/100 MG Providence […]

    • OH MY GOD!


      Haha thanks for the early unboxing vid guys. I cannot sit still since watching the video.

    • awesome as always

    • Great to see a couple new MG kits. The normal version’s box art is incredible. ZAFT has wizards in engineering but the Providence also looks great. Water-slide sheet is the closer on this one. Thanks Syd and Todd!

    • “Tear of joy”

    • Rau le Crueset’s final suit! The only thing that I still wonder though is what was his end game?

    • That box art would make a fine poster. I love how the base looks too.

  • Syd wrote a new post 6 years ago

    Tearing themselves away from their new favorite thing, Syd and Todd switch modes and present the newest Iron-Blooded Orphan kit while oogling the just-released HG Atlas Gundam!

    Don’t forget HobbyLink TV’s […]

    • milk that cow

    • Nice wrist action there Todd hehe.

    • Mhmmmmm

    • I see you’re pretty good at milking Todd. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    • No more GOUF-ing around! Finally shipped my stuff out of the private warehouse for the competition, but I don’t know if my bank account can handle the 1/100 Bael and the RG Amatsu Mina. T_T

    • I want the GOUF and Freedom!!! I would love to get some free stuff. Very new to all of this, started watching the first few episodes and I was hooked. I have seen all episodes up to the 150’s, as well as the most recent 3 episodes. I ordered the MS option set 9 from you guys to turn what will soon be my second kit into the Landman Rodi which I think is one of the coolest mobile suits around. I already have some nice metallic orange for the custom painting required.

    • I’m a recent fan of Gundam, it’s always been been in the background during my youth but I never really delved into it until the release of Gundam IBO. Since then I’ve been thrust into the model kit community, watching a variety of gunpla videos and constantly researching about them. As a result of getting into the franchise late, I was immediately appaled by the Zaku designs, favoring lead mobile suits instead. Until I watched Gundam The Origin Films and picked up an Origin Char’s Zaku II and amongst the kits i’ve purchased its my second favorite. The Origin line seems to have so much quality making me appreciate even the designs I used to dislike. I’m intrigued by several kits in the line and that Gouf is amongst them, I should probably get my hands on one.

    • The kit roll out for March is looking pretty nice, especially the Atlas Gundam.

      Question for the two of you: who are your favourite characters in the Iron Blooded Orphans anime?

    • Gmmm replied 6 years ago

      This episode was a bit empty compared to the others. I guess not all of them can be winners and you guys need some downtime between massive releases. I just want to know what other MGs will come out this year. Hopefully we can get a Stark Jegan a GM-III or the Loto.

    • I actually like the new Kimaris Vidar… not as much as the Vidar tho!

    • I really like the look of the Atlas Gundam, for sure I will get this kit.

    • nice frame arms girl poster

    • I do much prefer the original Kimaris over the Vidar. Though with all the Kimaris forms, it’d be cool to make a combination with the best parts.

    • PM replied 6 years ago

      Can’t wait for the new HGUC Zeta and RG model.

    • Carlo replied 6 years ago

      hi todd

    • Cannot wait for the new announcement on the new RG number 25

    • This is me commenting, waiting to win

    • ZAKU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • A pleasant start of the flood has come,this is but a trickle of what is to come… My only regret is that I can never get close to the 1/1 scale RX-78-2,a huge blow to my gundam-fanboy-dreams.*cries pathetically*

    • Jchmx replied 6 years ago

      The Design of the Barbatos Lupus Rex is to compensate for Mika’s fighting style of punching and ripping things apart indefinitely. That is why the arms are reinforced so they don’t break apart like what happened in the Hashmal battle. Also the yellow claws were added for this reason. The toes are questionable as I really don’t know why they were given yellow parts but the Tail Blade was added for more versatility and seems to work well with the AV (Alaya Vijnana) System. I really don’t understand why the Rex was given the small shoulder armor, which is why in model form the Barbatos Lupus Tekkadan shoulders work a lot better. Overall for me it’s not a bad design, but a fusion of the original Lupus with the Rex would look a lot cooler in my opinion. Also thank you for presenting the Kimaris Vidar, it looks really sharp and will definitely be getting this kit hopefully soon along with the Bael.

    • LOL I’ve asked three times already but I’ll try one more time. Have you guys decided on anime expo yet? I would love so much to see you guys again.

    • rg unicorn definitely coming.

    • Beork replied 6 years ago

      Gouf! Gimme!

    • i want an mg atlas gundam…. and that would be my first thunderblt kit

    • I kinda need that proto gouf in my life… but i dont have any cash right now 😛

    • any of the two will be nice to have

    • Everything’s about that Zelda Breath of the Wild lately and I can’t complain, it’s a fun looking game. If only I could get it. :'(

      I really like the new version of Char’s Zaku, i’m probably getting both because while they’re different, they’re also similar and I love how both look in their own rights. Non P-Bandai variants will always be a big plus for me, we need more of them nowadays. I love the Amazing Strike Freedom, it’s a neat idea, and it’s a neat looking MS, i’ll definitely pick this one up, love the design, and love how it reuses the Strike Freedom parts, I dig it. HG Bael seems like a neat kit, I especially love the shoulder emblem, but i’ll have to wait for the FM Bael to get my taste of the first demon. Atlas is a must have, I can’t see why people are hating it’s stickers, I think Bandai did a good job already and it’s not like other HGTB kits aren’t sticker heavy, they even have more! Nevertheless, I really want to have have this new HG Atlas, it speaks to me in a way I like and I can’t miss out on this one.

      The new Kimaris Vidar is a mixed bag for me, as a Kimaris fan i’m obligated to buy it since I have the HG Kimaris and will get an HG Trooper, but it’s quite different. The color shade is off, the coloring itself is weird, and has some serious stickers. Still, i’ll get it because it’s a unique design and I do like it.

    • Not a fan of the new kimaris, I thought the Vidar was better looking and totally agree that they’ve taken a step back in design.

    • Only a matter of time for that MG atlas. Great show as always guys.

    • raime replied 6 years ago

      Arigato syd, todd and ryan! May you always build.

    • Bah, everyone knows that the Gouf Custom is the only real Gouf 🙂

    • BNuts replied 6 years ago

      Looks like Ryan is all about that Atlas.

      I think Vidar and Kimaris Vidar are different enough to get both. But where Vidar is much better as a 1/100, KV probably won’t get one.

    • shika replied 6 years ago

      yeah, new video.

    • SEELE replied 6 years ago

      Looks like Atlas also has fairly good color separation.

    • Lol gawd imagine doing the milking cow action in a public place xD

      Anyways hate that Kimaris Vidar, so ugly. Super sad that the Vidar was just a stand. Now the Amazing Strike Freedom looks pretty rad, and hope its backpack doesn’t have a ‘bird’ gimmick :/

      Great episode!

    • I cant wait for a MG ver ka Atlas

    • all i see is a kimaris wearing black pants, i prefer trooper, with kimaris vidar’s shields
      jesus yamato give me that freedom please

    • I can’t help but smile and laugh at the Kimaris Vidar’s drill knee. It certainly is something different that we’ve never seen before.

    • Jeeg replied 6 years ago

      Iron Blooded Orphans kits always have something weird in them!
      Probably Bandai is trying to be innovative. They are trying to do something new everytime and they risk a lot!
      For example the feet of the Vidar….did you see them? How weird they are?
      Is it now better a common “old style” foot of a Rx78?
      Sometime is better to not look for something strange at all costs..or you get lots and lots of weird kits like the IBO line or the Reconguista line.

    • Frame Arms Girls are nice.

    • Definitely not todds first time with that action

    • I like the kimarus in all ways and forms but each form always comes with a hamartia that ruins it for me, the first form and it’s onion head, the trooper had butt too big, the vidar had his hacksaw feet, and the kimarus vidar and his pointy toes, it’s like someone at bandaid is trying to mess with me

    • I like the kimarus in all ways and forms but each form always comes with a hamartia that ruins it for me, the first form and it’s onion head, the trooper had butt too big, the vidar had his hacksaw feet, and the kimarus vidar and his pointy toes, it’s like someone at bandai is trying to mess with me

    • The Kimaris Vidar could use a bigger lance.

    • Ronin replied 6 years ago

      great show. i’d love to have my hands on that gouf. I like those Origin mobile suits.

    • what is your favorite gundam series?

    • I kind of wonder how the hell did all the Kilmari’s designs approved. They all use ph***c weapon that just gets bigger with each new version….
      And about the Kilmaris Vidar being the odd-one in the bunch. I think different color scheme would make it look better.Like the legs in its default Kilmaris color and no yelow accents on the offwhite.

      PS. Cant belive Todd didnt fight for Atlas. Its TODD B. version afterall ^^

    • In comparison, The vidar looks cooler than the Kimaris Vidar, plus in The Kimaris Vidar I think you can split the heels and the toes to make it flat so it can stand in flat surface

    • first kimaris, the kimaris trooper, then vidar, but then we go to the kimaris vidar. really wished to have seen what the vidar trooper looked like. oh well


    • Waiting for the payment notification for the RG Gold Frame. Then it is time to clear out the private warehouse along with the Atlas. Syd “saving” that last sticker sheet for last was a bit mean. Really was hoping there won’t be any yellow stickers for the Atlas.

    • Gouf gouf gouf!
      A nice classic ms

    • Great Show guys Building a SD for the contest wish me luck

    • I personally really love the look of the Kimaris Vidar, to me it looks like a mashup of all of the villains Mika has already faced/killed.

    • Dat gouf!

    • i want the freedom

    • popoy replied 6 years ago

      hopefully bandai will make a 1/100 full mechanics on the kimaris vidar. next release this march would be awesome can’t wait for my premium providence please release it faster HLJ. waiting for it. that freedom though. want to have that hg kit..

    • I really prefer the look of the Vidar over the Kimaris Vidar. I think Vidar might be one of the best looking suits on IBO. I think they would have had more success going with a more upgraded Vidar look. The Kimaris Vidar feels a little to Frankenstein monster for me.

    • Joe replied 6 years ago

      Todd reminds me of George McFly in 1955 from Back to the Future.
      I mean that in the nicest way possible.

    • Zyphr replied 6 years ago

      You really gotta love those origin kits. Old mobile suits but updated with modern mechanics.

    • Looks like Gali Gali likes chickens…

    • Great episode as always guys! Todd’s face tho when Syd didn’t hand him the Atlas.. PRICELESS! Can’t wait to see the completed model!~

    • Hubyx replied 6 years ago

      Looking forward to see those new releases. Great episode!

    • Can’t wait to see that Amatsu. Wish it was gold played, but hey still looked awesome from the pictures I’ve seen.

    • Gouf reminds me of the meme “you dun goofed”. xD

      But back to the 1:1 Unicorn. You guys should totally bring out an HG, MG and PG scale and take a family photo for them once it is ready!

    • The kimaris vidar look cool
      Great video as always

    • fuz replied 6 years ago

      really looking forward to the mg providence hope to get it when it comes out. It will be my third kit not counting the one I built in the late 80’s.

    • Hey Guys, great show as always! I’m looking forward to getting the 1/144 HG Gundam Vual in April which coincides with my Birthday! Great looking kit to add to my IBO Manga Gundam collection. Just a suggestion for your show. How about showing us some other Gundam related products that we could use for our kits like new decals, custom parts and so on. Just to keep us moderate gundam fans up to date on such stuff.

    • Danny replied 6 years ago

      Come on Syd there’s no need to fight over kits just pull Seniority, That’s what they do at my job all the time,lol.

    • Man, Vidar look really good and mean, like I wouldn’t mess with that guy but then it turn into Kimaris, Steppe down in my opinion.
      What do you guys think of the Nintendo Switch?

    • Vidar Kimaris looks great!

    • Vidar is best kimaris

    • Looks A cool kit to customize that Vidar Kimaris just didnt really like that feet , need to change it to make it badass

    • planning on buying the gundam Vidar

    • Gouf for the win! Great show as usual. Todd “Mr.” Brown had a good line up…those Kimaris space boots are crazy. Origin Zakus and the Atlas are must haves…thanks, Syd!

    • fjz95 replied 6 years ago

      Just built the Kimaris and now there’s a cooler one

    • not sure how i feel about the kimaris vidar i think its one of those one you need to see in person

    • Looks like they did a fairly decent job with ratio of plastic / stickers for the yellow on the Atlas Gundam. Looking forward to the build to see how it turns out. I would like the Gouf but if somehow I get selected for the Strike Freedom please redo the selection for it. I want nothing to do with Kira Yamato but I do like Rau Le Creuset so looking forward to the MG Providence coming out.

    • That Gundam Bael looks very NICE!!! I will def pick up the 1/100 … not to much of a fan of the 1/144, but 1/100 lots of potential 😀

    • Can’t wait to get my hands on those new kits. Also now that Bandai Star wars Kits are being sold in the U.S.. are you guys going to bring them back on to the show?

    • Kur0 replied 6 years ago

      i like vidar more than kimaris vidar..

    • Azrel replied 6 years ago

      I wonder why they didn’t incorporated some of the weapons and design of the Vidar to the Kimaris Vidar.

    • This video is great because i liked the evolution of the kimaris. It is also great that the atlas is coming because i enjoy thunderbolt a lot.

    • I dun goofed didn’t I?

    • Very nice! Strike Freedom would be great

    • Another episode another time i wont win anything.

      Though i am curious about the comparison of both strike freedoms.

    • The kimaris evolution walk

    • Seems like everyone wants the mech, not the pilot.

    • la k replied 6 years ago


    • NFI replied 6 years ago

      Earth Is Flat. Fight me.

    • I won a prize? Finally. After years of trying. Thanks.

    • So excited for the MG Providence! That Gouf I want!

    • Is that supposed to be a blue “Kimaris”? Get that weak thing outta here.

    • While we are on the subject of posters in the backround: I have always been wondering where one might get one of those?

    • Hope they make another thunderbolt MG soon. Keep up the awesome work!! 😀

    • Hopefully I can get an entry done for the competition once finals are over.

    • I hope there won’t be a 3 year year wait for an MG Atlas Gundam

    • I hope bandai make AOZ kit, like woundwort.

    • pt25 replied 6 years ago

      so many zaku… so many kimaris…

    • With IBO Season 2 coming to an end. What is both of yours favorite kit from Season 2?

    • Yay I finally won a kit. I will cherish it as an artifact of Gunpla TV history.

      You see, the trick to winning is to talk about Frame Arms Girls…

    • I still prefer the normal Vidar :/ totally didn’t expect it to get that bulky when they remove the camo, usually its the other way around.

    • Love the show. Am soooo tempted by the 1/144 scale kits; especially the RG range for which I am generally curious, but I have only 1/100 kits. Mixing the scales…. nnngghhhhhhh, not sure how that would look on my shelf. That new RG Astray Gold Frame may push me over the edge though. Looks soooo nice!

    • Another Char Aznable MS, the collection is growing…. And, I kinda hear syd said orgy kits?

    • New TB kits!!!! Order has been out through 🙂

    • That Frame arms girl poster reminds me, I need to buy some frame arms girls.

    • Ron replied 6 years ago

      The Kimaris gunplas are great, each form different than the last. Whereas Barbatos hardly changes in each form. The anime shows that Kimaris is overhauled to better fight in a specific battlefield while Barbatos is overhauled because it sustained heavy damages. I think the anime shows the disparity in wealth and resources between Tekkadan and Teiwaz versus Gjallarhorn and Gaelio. It also shows how weak Gaelio is as a pilot. In season 1 he insulted Mikazuki for having an ancient mobile suit and when he couldn’t win against him (Mikazuki) he brings out Kimaris and thinks he would win. The second season has Kimaris changed greatly to fight faster and with more maneuverability. Kimaris Vidar also shows Gaelio’s weakness, he has to rely on the type-e einz brain machine just to stand on equal footing with Barbatos and Bael.
      Great gunpla they are.
      On a side note, Kimaris Vidar is not showing in the hlj website, is it just me or what?

    • Gia replied 6 years ago

      aawaaa my eye’s my eye’s,O switch. does that cow have horns?

    • Time to build a Nintendo Switch and play a Kimaris Vidar!

    • informative as always for a gundam noob like me

    • Jiloo replied 6 years ago

      Sometimes I miss Brian because he loved to show more different kits.
      I would love to see some more non gundam related kitson the show, too.

    • I like the crazy “ski boy” gundam.

    • the Kimaris Vidar looks better in anime, the model itself not that well sculpted and coloured. I wonder will they ever produce a 1/100 version.

    • i now have every 1/100 of galios suits except kimaris vidar. perhaps if i bash them together.
      Wish hes also get a full mechanics

    • Can’t wait for 1/100 Bael

    • kimaris vidar. gross. get that outta here! I don’t wont that in my house!

    • Plamo plamo Everywhere!!

      Thank you!

    • I kinda operated under the assumption that the Kimaris was just the frame and the armor was mostly interchangeable. Since we’ve seen that they can identify gundams by their reactor output maybe the camouflage was masking the reactor output? Maybe I’m trying too hard to rationalize giant space robots?

    • a Gouf with Kimaris Lance.. it would be awesome

    • Great show guys. Im curious for the IBO kits do you prefer the HG or 1/100 versions? In terms of gimmicks and maneoverability the 1/100 seem much better, but they also seem flimsy in comparison i guess?

  • Syd wrote a new post 6 years, 1 month ago

    Just a reminder that the Playing with Plamo 2017 Modeling Competition on HobbyLink TV is well underway!

    This week’s episode features a couple of Iron-Blooded Orphans kits one of which includes a first production […]

    • Gimme

    • And the winner for this week’s giveaway is ….. Me !

      Going back to the episode, not a big fan of that chicken feet on Julia’s suit. I’d probably pose it in flight mode on the stand when I get it.

      Look way cooler that way

    • Lucky lucky me! May you always build gunpla tv!

    • New episode new fun!

      I’m personally very excited for the new HGUC AE Zeta, i’m very curious to what’s special about it and what Bandai have done with this line. I’ve always wanted a Zeta but they all had a certain problem or more that kept me from jumping on it, and as a person who doesn’t mind partsforming, this one is likely going to be the one for me! I’m very excited for this one and can’t wait to see how it is! I want the Gundam Vual so bad, it’s asymmetry, it’s black and purple colorscheme, and it’s alien-like design, I love the way this looks and I have to have one, no questions asked.

      The new pink Petit’gguy is interesting, i’ll probably get one just for Bear’gguyception, and because I do like the shade of pink here, so i’ll likely own one for myself. I like the way the Kimaris Vidar looks, but I really don’t like the colorscheme, not a complete turn off, so i’ll have to think about getting one of my own! I’m likely not getting that Freedom 2.0 special set though, i’m not a huge fan of the busts, and I don’t really want one, so the normal one will easily do for me.

      While I wasn’t initially a fan of the Lupus Rex at all, it’s definitely growing on me when I look more at the FM, and i’ll have to consider getting one eventually if this keeps growing, and this kit looks great. Reginlaze Julia also looks pretty sick, i’m a huge fan of the way she looks and i’ll have to get that kit for myself too! I can’t deny Julieta’s MS, and that kit specifically looks great, just wish a few of the parts weren’t hollow, but it seems that Bandai have been doing a lot of that recently, which is a real shame.

    • Hoping to see the new kits that come in March!

    • might have to get a lupus rex now.
      ZAKU I me

    • For the PLAMO Competition will a smart phone camera work? Or do I need to get a camera?

    • March is making my wallet cry.I’m probably gonna set up my kidneys up for

    • that would be the MG Wing Fenice Rinascita Todd 😀

      Initially I thought of Wargreymon after looking at Lupus Rex

    • Zaku? Did… did somebody say Zaku??? *gasp!* ZAKU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      P.S. How is Ryan? I miss him

    • Waiting for new RG and nice episode.

    • Gimme!

    • I’m really not sure which barbatos I want. I want the 6th form for the mace, because I can turn it to the original anyway. but I kinda like the lupus too.
      … but I hate duplicates.
      what do.

    • that FM Lupus REx looks awesome, hope i can one for myself

    • the more they bulk up barbatos, the more i appreciate its 1st form, ironic. and have you guys heard about the new 1:1 scale unicorn gundam in odaiba? could it be the promotion for a rg unicorn?! that would be awesome

    • Finally ordered my 1st Perfect Grade, a PG Unicorn and guess whats announced this past week, a 1:1 scale Unicorn.

      Still a bit disappointed that it doesn’t seem like we’ll be getting a 1/100 Full City, at least not any time soon.

    • If I had to pick my favorite series, it would be Zeta because of Kamille “a man’s name” Bidan and Quattro “definitely not a Char” Bajeena. I also really enjoyed the original Gundam 0079. Where these old shows lacked in animation quality they more than make up for with their old-school charm with some unintentional comedy.

    • Nice kits todd and sid i love the barbatos lupus rex….. more power to hobbylink tv!!!!

    • A big problem with the Rex is that Mace-sama. It’s so big, but the joints in Rex’s arms aren’t stiff enough to hold it up. The shaft is also flexier than it should be. At the moment I’m favouring the HG Lupus, for price as well. Bandai had better come out with an improved final version, or I might get the Bael instead (although HG or FM I have no idea).

      Also, that poor, unfortunate Helmwege, standing by until the very end. They could’ve at least had him use the Shock Horns.

      I’m looking forward to seeing what the judges think about the Playing With Plamo entries. They all look awesome! I do not envy the judges their task.

      According to ‘Flying Witch,’ the fox says ‘woof!’ Time to put that whole thing to bed.

      Does that poster mean there’s a ‘Frame Arms Girls’ OVA anime?

    • hope i win the zaku……….

    • Great show guys love it, really want to get more plamo now. put a papa guys stache on a 1/100 barabatos

    • Hey guys, good episode. I was wondering if the HMM Gojulas The Ogre kit from Kotobukiya was a limited release, or will it be available once more at a later date? keep up the good work and remember, “gunpla is freedom… Strike Freedom. hahaha”

    • ACCELERATE EVOLUTION YEAH!!!! Bandai always finds new ways to explode our minds and guys you are awesome with these gunpla collections you have and of cousre the giveaways.

    • Accelerate evolution – this year , revive – last year ..

      — i think there is still 1 more barbatos form for this 2nd season IBO.

    • i’ve been re-watching reginlaze julia in ibo and never noticed the claw arm thing.

    • Something tells me it won’t be the last Barbatos. Great show guys!

    • I’m very excited for the new HGUC AE Zeta. Also I heard that the 1/100 Rex has some loose limbs rendering it from holding its giant mace is that true?

    • Oddly enough I like the original Barbatos better than the other since its proportions are the closest ones to the RX-78.

      RIP 1:1 you will be missed. Not sure how I feel about it being replaced by the Unicorn.

    • I’m excited to see you build that new Kimaris, i think it’s the first kimaris thats really spoke to me if you don’t count the Vidar

    • Really surprised that even the 1/100 Lupus Rex don’t come with yellow claws. Thought only the 1/144 was like that. I wasn’t interested in the Reginlaze Julia until watching this episode.

    • 2 things
      – wile i was pre-ordering the mg providence i noticed its under high grades instead of mastergrades your site has a few little mistakes like this.
      – lastly i hope i win

    • Is that a Frame Arms Girl poster!?

    • I’m digging the proportions of the 1/100 rex compared to the HG counterpart. Keep up the good work guys! HLJ fow life!

    • Hi Syd,

      I’d like to submit more than 8 pictures for the Playing with Plamo competition. Is there any way this can be made possible?


    • I honestly don’t like the Lupus Rex’s and Kimaris Vidar’s looks.

    • Kimaris vidar honestly looks like a downgrade. When they said take off vidars camo, i was like what camo? If anything, kimaris vidar is teh camo and vidar is the final variant. i forgot the person but there was one guy who made an awesome representation of kimaris vidar. Much more sleek and more menacing.

    • Is Anime Expo a go for you guys this year?

    • I wish there would be more variants to kits other than the Barbatos! Since the Mg ZZ Gundam ver.ka is coming, I hope there will be an MG Tryon 3. MG versions of the Beargguys would be awesome too because there is a pretty old MG Acguy!

    • As much as I love you guys, I was struggling to get a good look at that Frames Arms Girl poster the whole episode! “Move more to the left, argh cmon!”.

    • Todd’s favourite series is Build Fighters?! Yay! I’m not the only one 😀

    • You guys are just awesome!! Missing Ryan not being on the show! BRING HIM BACK LOL.

    • Really liked Build Fighters it was just fun.

    • I can’t wait for gumdam Providence and the rest of the march release kits.

    • Other than working pistons I don’t really see what Bandai can do to make an MG Barbatos feasible

    • Rex means king in latin… As a huge fan of Jurrasic park (original movie still the best one by far), I find it hilariously odd that I only now just learned that. and on a Gundam show no less

    • Kira Yamato is the best pilot!

    • That Reginlaze Julia has a really good design.

    • I love Zakus!

    • Nothing against the IBO anime, but I hope to see less Barbatos gundams with this, it never appealed to me xD

      And also, THE AWESOME NEWS ABOUT 1:1 SCALE UNICORN AAAAAHHH!!! I was sad to see RX-78-2 go, but this is a great compromise!

    • I have to agree, big feet are better. Things with big feet less trouble standing on their own then small feet.

    • Who is sexy?

    • rex looks sweet

    • I don’t think we’ve seen the last of the barbatos. at very least they’ll probably go back and make forms 2-5. also GIVE ME DAT ZAKU PLZ

    • Nice episode. Would love to see that Zaku I show up on my doorstep. Origin is great. Todd’s Barbatos collection looked good. 6th Form did tried to stage dive but missed the edge of the table. Syd managed to get me to like the Julia. I do like the black and white color scheme. Looks good. The Vual looks like that donut shop employee who fell in the vat. All good. Thanks guys!

    • All hail the HGAE Zeta!!! Just finished building my MG Zeta 2.0.

    • Hi guys, nice to see all the 1/100 Barbatos together! regarding julia long legs, pretty interesting pigeon feet and way to stand! ha!

    • Another great episode guys!Love the Barbatos Lupus Rex Design. Its like a hybrid of Gundam and Evangelion. Also love Reginlaze Julia, hopefully Bandai release the 1/100 version.

    • la k replied 6 years ago

      Looking forward to the new Zeta.

    • Beork replied 6 years ago

      Reginlaze is pretty sexy

    • Another great episode. Still not sure about the Reginlaze, maybe it is the character who pilots it that is pushing me away from getting it.

    • The 6th form collapse was so perfectly timed after that deadpan joke it almost looked planned.

    • Zaku!

    • i need to make the reginlaze look omre like a chinese dragon. perhaps some red

    • Can’t wait for the new HGUC Zeta gundam…

    • You guys are showing off fancy new kits while I’m sitting here building an HGUC GM… I’m gonna use this kit to practice modifying proportions and painting.

  • Syd wrote a new post 6 years, 1 month ago

    For this week’s episode of Gunpla TV we have two kits to show with very different looks but we had a lot of fun with both.

    Be sure to check out the ongoing Playing with Plamo 2017 Modeling Competition on […]

  • Syd wrote a new post 6 years, 1 month ago

    Last week’s episode turned out to be pretty big but I think we may find a return to normalcy this week with our HG Iron-Blooded Orphan kits. They may be small but they stir some strong emotions. That’s my lead in […]

  • Syd wrote a new post 6 years, 2 months ago

    We have a big episode for everyone showing new kits in different grades and talking a bit about handling those frame covers on the MG Psycho Zaku Ver. Ka Thunderbolt kit. We also talk about the just announced […]

    • That Barbatos Lupus Rex look awesome

    • That astaroth origin would be nice. I always like the way you guys go over multiple kits each episode.

    • at times i like solid kits, at times i like flashy kits, guess the only solution is to buy them all

    • Putting all the weapons on the ship is so dumb but amazing at the same time. They really made the most out of what they could fit in that one package.

    • New episode means new fun!

      The stand campaign is interesting, I might get one if I can. I’m very excited for the HG Atlas, it’s going to be awesome. I’ve always liked the MS and it’s certainly a unique design and has a lot of display options, super excited for it. I’m likely getting the new Origin because it has more stuff and I don’t have the old Origin yet, so this is a pick up for me. I’m also picking up the regular Char’s Zaku I. This one is more like the standard Zaku I and has a better colorscheme so i’m definitely getting this one. Not a big fan of the Lupus Rex, so I probably won’t get one. Bael on the other hand looks awesome, i’m very likely getting one. The new option set seems to be something I will get if only for the Landman Rodi, still nice to see conversion kits, these are sweet. The new Petit’gguy is interesting with it’s smaller teddy bear, so I can have some Bear-ception with the Beargguy F, which is nice! I’m very excited for the Amazing Strike Freedom, which is a shame that others don’t share my sentiment, because i’m a fan of how it looks, especially with that red frame. Super Fumina is a joke that still needs to die and me no gusta. MG Providence looks amazing and i’m super excited for it, it would look great with the freedom 2.0, don’t think i’m getting the limited version though. RG Astray Amatsu Mina has got me super hyped. RG Astray Red Frame one of the best looking kits out there IMO and this thing looks great as well, I need one. I’m a fan of Macross Delta so i’m definitely getting the new Draken III.

      Not too interested in the Figure-Rise standard DBZ kits but my friends might be. I need a Rouei, I was a big fan of the MS and the Hyakuren was a nice little kit, so this has definitely got my attention. I wasn’t a huge fan of Helmwidge Reincar’s colorscheme at first but it grew, the mustard plastic is not that great looking though.

      The BB Senshi Barbatos Lupus initially interested me, however seeing the Mobile Worker and Isarabi molded entirely in grey without any color at all turned me off, it was disappointing but eh, oh well. I’ve got the Robot Damashii GM Sniper II only a week before the MG was announced, so I unfortunately did not share the hype for the MG, but I still might get the White Dingo version, and the kit itself is quite impressive. I’m also definitely having the GM Ground Type, been waiting for the HG and Bandai finally delivered, and it doesn’t disappoint. Definitely getting this guy, he looks very good and it’s nice to see another MS get a new HGUC kit.

    • If I won that Astaroth I would be compelled to buy a second one to make them symmetrical, fingers crossed for the Origin form then.

    • finally, new episode! that was a lot of stuff covered in this episode. awesome job guys. now, can i have the 2 astaroths, please? xD

    • I want to have a complete collection of the IBO series but Astaroth is the only one I can’t get. I wish I could win this one. Seriously, IBO is the first series that really got me into Gunpla.

    • Can’t wait to buy the GM Sniper 2. Really great looking kit. And of course wouldnt mind winning those astaroths!

    • damn nice episode again, XD a good watch while building the kit for the competition

    • nice ep loving that gm sniper would like to win

    • I need the Astaroth Origin so bad

    • Gundam sephirotthhh!!

    • Oh the nostalgia! This episode made me want to watch MS 08th Team all over again. Long live the Universal Century!

    • tried to buy those 2 kit. but sold out :/

    • This sniper kit is really nice. I hope for the Red Astaroth.
      Also a quastion.
      Syd, what is your favorite grade of gunpla? I think that you have answer that before but I don’t remember. TNX!

    • That red asteroth tho ,its finished in my area


    • cant wait for the Barbatos Lupus Rex, or lets just say… the B-REX..

    • Great episode guys, the new IBO kits coming soon look great, tough choice to decide to get IBO or thunder bolt kit.

    • give me my astaroth

    • Love the new kits 🙂

    • Maybe one day Todd will get a promotion, and then he will get build the cooler HG kit. But not today.

      Also, one of the shoulders on the SD Barbatos Lupus is upside-down. Whoops.

    • That GM Sniper looks tasty. Not so sure about those colors though…

    • I could use a spare asteroth

    • That GM Sniper is really crying out to be modified heavily. I’d love to get one of these.

    • roll on march atlas astray gold frame and providence oh yes. dam you randon number generator god. please guys is there any truth about bandai being able to sell star wars kits outside japan again soon

    • Thank you Gunpla TV, you guys are the best.

    • It’s IBO hype, hope to win any of the two Duke’s of hell… Nice episode, always love it if the episode is more than an hour, more content more gunpla… More power,
      Hope I win!!!

    • Thank you Gunpla TV, you guys are the best.

    • I love the Astaroth, the assymetrical design I find really appealing and I love the sword. Still haven’t gotten my hands on the origin version because theres been so many kits, but I’d love to get my hands on one.

      Can’t wait to see that Providence Gundam in action when it comes in and gets built.

    • Wow so many gunplas this March and 2 IBO giveaway. Great episode!

    • Trying to win again. Not a great comment but…you know…i just want to win!

    • I like variation IBO kits.

    • Ooohhh Bael Is Coming

    • i would love to have my very first IBO Gumpla, as much as it bould be Astaroth. that left arm is sexy as super fumina

    • Thanks for the tutorial. Don’t have that kit, but good to know more techniques.

    • I think my gunpla have started fighting each other.

      I woke up this morning and my MG Zaku was mising an arm (it was on the floor, still holding it’s gun), my RG RX 78-2 had fallen over, my RG Zeta had dropped it’s beam rifle and my MG Wing ver. Ka had fallen off it’s action base…

    • Great show guys! Thanks for the reply.

    • Thanks for the episode gunpla tv! May you always build

    • Great long episode guys, great for listen while working on my entry. Todd, GM ground type’s abs joint was used on the HGUC RX 78-2 revive. Helmwige Reincar reminds me a bit of reinhardt from overwatch. It just need to replace that sword with a hammer. Hammer Down!

    • My body wants that Astaroth.

    • GN Sniper seems so cool. not sure if I like the color scheme tho

    • Great Video, i watch you guys on Youtube and then pop over here so I can maybe win some Astaroths! Also, time to save for March with so many cool releases.

    • Welp time to not win another HlJ giveaway.

    • dat sniper! The detail from your tutorial was incredible. hope to win this year!

    • Thank you for the prize.

    • Great episode. Not a SD collector but you guys manage to make even that interesting. GMs are always cool. Todd has a cool take on the kits….a nice counter to Syd. Great team. Thanks guys!

    • RG Amatsu Mina?!? I hope someday there will be an MG version, since the only 1/100 is NG.

    • Oh RNGesus. Bless me like a “asteroid” hitting “gaia.

    • I am looking forward to getting my hands on the gm sniper 2

    • Astaroth Origin, please. And please ensure all parts are functional so I can repair that damage. Need that Sarge Special.

    • I actually heard people bashing on that new Fumina kit, as it looks a bit outrageous to them, haha. Personally, I’m just not in fond of the weird face, the Bust Fumina looks nice though imo.

    • I wouldn’t mind having a third Astoroth

    • Been awhile since I’ve seen one of the giveaways i was interested in…lets give it a shot.

    • I would like an Astaroth. Thank you!

    • BANDAI! I sincerely hope that the Woundwort gum candy figure isn’t another teaser with nothing to show for it. You and I both know that it’s one of the most popular MS designs out there still lacking a kit. Do us all a favour and work with Dengeki Hobby to get an actual kit made instead of forcing us to rely on fix-pose resin models!

      • Same here! I’ve been itchin to get that Woundwort Gundam kit,hope Bandai released her as HG 1/144 first before rising up to MG 1/100 soon because the resin kit version her is not pleasing enough for me!

    • The build strike didn’t really catch my attention BUT that new Astray is looking like a MUST buy. 0.0

    • I wish i had more time to build Gunpla…University take all my time!

    • Love that Helmwige Reincar! can’t blame Sid for taking it for himself, definitely gonna get one myself when I get the chance 🙂

    • I was never a fan of the designs of the UC Federation grunt suits, but that GM ground type looks really cool!

    • MG N-666 Kshatriya when?

    • Keep the cool reviews! Hope to win 🙂


    • the GM Sniper II is going to be a must buy for me.
      Strange how you bring up Sephiroth. I’ve actually started to replay the original FFVII again on the PS1.

    • The Astaroth kits look pretty cool.

    • Thanks for the shout out guys that really took me by surprise ha ha.

      Loving the new Barbatos Lupus Rex, will definitely be getting one soon !

    • Ooh Astaroth Origin….

    • i want the gunpla girls doing a review of the puchi-puchi guy.

    • Very nice! I like Astaroth, the Origin version is so much better, though.

    • I like both versions of the Astaroth. Would be nice to have them both. Also that GM Sniper looks amazing!

    • GM Sniper for the win

    • nice show guys. 🙂

    • Sweet! 2 Astaroths. Btw Todd placed one of the shoulder armour on Barbatos Lupus wrong lol.

    • newbie at plamo here. .but i find it interesting. .so very informative video. .tnx guys

    • looking forward to Barbatos lupus Rex review.

    • oh I almost forgot, how do we know that HLJ has successfully received our photos for the final entry? all I have as proof is a computer screen shot of the line “Your message was sent successfully. Thanks”, is it enough? thanks in advance.

    • Cool

    • I like to win one of the Astaroth.

    • Super Fumina!

    • great job guys, I’m looking forward to seeing all the competition winners.
      I just had a few questions, you said that if your model looks too good for a beginner then you might get moved up to intermediate, I’m just wondering will you let someone know before the end of the competition for is this done when you are judging?
      I would also like to know if there is a rule against using a logo from another franchise for example is I were to paint a super-man “S” on my shield would that be a problem?
      Last thing have you ever had it where the person who wins the model give away doesn’t want it?

    • It’s the year of the GM!

    • Both of the Gundam Astaroth looks nice, but I prefer the red one.

    • the astaroth origin will be mine ,all mine!!!!

    • Pick meeeere

    • The SD DX Isaribi looks cute. they gave a free Barbatos with it how cool Bandai is that from giving us a free Barbatos

    • love when they made a long episode.

    • I really want to see a Sephiroth inspired Astaroth now.

    • Astaroth! Have the blue one already, please let me win the red one.

    • Astaroth!


    • I want it!

    • the 1/144 HG Helmwige Reincar looks kind of ugly, but at least it has a big sword which makes it automatically cool in my books.

    • Astaroth and its Origin form, pretty much like Two-Face looking at himself on a mirror.

    • UC Line best line ever. 🙂 I am kinda new to this site (just discovered it) It is cool that we now have a facebook-esque site for Plamo Builders.

      Also, question… can we use pla plates in the intermediate category?

    • I was suprised how small the gm snipers box was

    • Sorry if asked before

      Hello HLJ and Master Syd.

      So yeah… a couple of questions:

      1. Can me and my wife both enter the competition (me in intermediate, she in beginner) as you know we are both fans of Gunpla and both build our own different kits?

      2.We have two HLJ accounts, however both are named after her and me as a care of in the address section as she has more time to pick up the kits at our post office and in times she cannot, i do so… Is this okay?

      Thanks for the response

    • Great Video! Can’t wait for the master grade Providence Gundam but still waiting for the master grade Legend Gundam.

    • Loved the episode, guys! Trying to plan my next HLJ order soon!

    • Thanks for the tutorial, it really helped ^_^

    • I wish the prize was a KOS-MOS version 4 figure, but any figure of her is more than welcome.

  • If anyone has a question or seeks clarification of rules please contact us through normal channels rather than posting essay-like comments in the Groups. We will answer them. It’s great to see so many people joining in the competition and the flow of updates into the groups and we don’t wish that to be hijacked by lengthy debates over what some…[Read more]

    • Please tell us in the next episode whether we can submit another entry if we think the latter is better, and how we can confirm that HLJ has successfully received our final works, perhaps by email. Thanks.

  • If anyone has a question or seeks clarification of rules please contact us through normal channels rather than posting essay-like comments in the Groups. We will answer them. It’s great to see so many people joining in the competition and the flow of updates into the groups and we don’t wish that to be hijacked by lengthy debates over what some…[Read more]

  • If anyone has a question or seeks clarification of rules please contact us through normal channels rather than posting essay-like comments in the Groups. We will answer them. It’s great to see so many people joining in the competition and the flow of updates into the groups and we don’t wish that to be hijacked by lengthy debates over what some…[Read more]

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