
  • Cleaned up the parts and snap-fitted everything. Painting up next.
  • Syd wrote a new post 7 years, 7 months ago

    We have a big episode for everyone showing new kits in different grades and talking a bit about handling those frame covers on the MG Psycho Zaku Ver. Ka Thunderbolt kit. We also talk about the just announced […]

    • That Barbatos Lupus Rex look awesome

    • That astaroth origin would be nice. I always like the way you guys go over multiple kits each episode.

    • at times i like solid kits, at times i like flashy kits, guess the only solution is to buy them all

    • Putting all the weapons on the ship is so dumb but amazing at the same time. They really made the most out of what they could fit in that one package.

    • New episode means new fun!

      The stand campaign is interesting, I might get one if I can. I’m very excited for the HG Atlas, it’s going to be awesome. I’ve always liked the MS and it’s certainly a unique design and has a lot of display options, super excited for it. I’m likely getting the new Origin because it has more stuff and I don’t have the old Origin yet, so this is a pick up for me. I’m also picking up the regular Char’s Zaku I. This one is more like the standard Zaku I and has a better colorscheme so i’m definitely getting this one. Not a big fan of the Lupus Rex, so I probably won’t get one. Bael on the other hand looks awesome, i’m very likely getting one. The new option set seems to be something I will get if only for the Landman Rodi, still nice to see conversion kits, these are sweet. The new Petit’gguy is interesting with it’s smaller teddy bear, so I can have some Bear-ception with the Beargguy F, which is nice! I’m very excited for the Amazing Strike Freedom, which is a shame that others don’t share my sentiment, because i’m a fan of how it looks, especially with that red frame. Super Fumina is a joke that still needs to die and me no gusta. MG Providence looks amazing and i’m super excited for it, it would look great with the freedom 2.0, don’t think i’m getting the limited version though. RG Astray Amatsu Mina has got me super hyped. RG Astray Red Frame one of the best looking kits out there IMO and this thing looks great as well, I need one. I’m a fan of Macross Delta so i’m definitely getting the new Draken III.

      Not too interested in the Figure-Rise standard DBZ kits but my friends might be. I need a Rouei, I was a big fan of the MS and the Hyakuren was a nice little kit, so this has definitely got my attention. I wasn’t a huge fan of Helmwidge Reincar’s colorscheme at first but it grew, the mustard plastic is not that great looking though.

      The BB Senshi Barbatos Lupus initially interested me, however seeing the Mobile Worker and Isarabi molded entirely in grey without any color at all turned me off, it was disappointing but eh, oh well. I’ve got the Robot Damashii GM Sniper II only a week before the MG was announced, so I unfortunately did not share the hype for the MG, but I still might get the White Dingo version, and the kit itself is quite impressive. I’m also definitely having the GM Ground Type, been waiting for the HG and Bandai finally delivered, and it doesn’t disappoint. Definitely getting this guy, he looks very good and it’s nice to see another MS get a new HGUC kit.

    • If I won that Astaroth I would be compelled to buy a second one to make them symmetrical, fingers crossed for the Origin form then.

    • finally, new episode! that was a lot of stuff covered in this episode. awesome job guys. now, can i have the 2 astaroths, please? xD

    • I want to have a complete collection of the IBO series but Astaroth is the only one I can’t get. I wish I could win this one. Seriously, IBO is the first series that really got me into Gunpla.

    • Can’t wait to buy the GM Sniper 2. Really great looking kit. And of course wouldnt mind winning those astaroths!

    • damn nice episode again, XD a good watch while building the kit for the competition

    • nice ep loving that gm sniper would like to win

    • I need the Astaroth Origin so bad

    • Gundam sephirotthhh!!

    • Oh the nostalgia! This episode made me want to watch MS 08th Team all over again. Long live the Universal Century!

    • tried to buy those 2 kit. but sold out :/

    • This sniper kit is really nice. I hope for the Red Astaroth.
      Also a quastion.
      Syd, what is your favorite grade of gunpla? I think that you have answer that before but I don’t remember. TNX!

    • That red asteroth tho ,its finished in my area


    • cant wait for the Barbatos Lupus Rex, or lets just say… the B-REX..

    • Great episode guys, the new IBO kits coming soon look great, tough choice to decide to get IBO or thunder bolt kit.

    • give me my astaroth

    • Love the new kits 🙂

    • Maybe one day Todd will get a promotion, and then he will get build the cooler HG kit. But not today.

      Also, one of the shoulders on the SD Barbatos Lupus is upside-down. Whoops.

    • That GM Sniper looks tasty. Not so sure about those colors though…

    • I could use a spare asteroth

    • That GM Sniper is really crying out to be modified heavily. I’d love to get one of these.

    • roll on march atlas astray gold frame and providence oh yes. dam you randon number generator god. please guys is there any truth about bandai being able to sell star wars kits outside japan again soon

    • Thank you Gunpla TV, you guys are the best.

    • It’s IBO hype, hope to win any of the two Duke’s of hell… Nice episode, always love it if the episode is more than an hour, more content more gunpla… More power,
      Hope I win!!!

    • Thank you Gunpla TV, you guys are the best.

    • I love the Astaroth, the assymetrical design I find really appealing and I love the sword. Still haven’t gotten my hands on the origin version because theres been so many kits, but I’d love to get my hands on one.

      Can’t wait to see that Providence Gundam in action when it comes in and gets built.

    • Wow so many gunplas this March and 2 IBO giveaway. Great episode!

    • Trying to win again. Not a great comment but…you know…i just want to win!

    • I like variation IBO kits.

    • Ooohhh Bael Is Coming

    • i would love to have my very first IBO Gumpla, as much as it bould be Astaroth. that left arm is sexy as super fumina

    • Thanks for the tutorial. Don’t have that kit, but good to know more techniques.

    • I think my gunpla have started fighting each other.

      I woke up this morning and my MG Zaku was mising an arm (it was on the floor, still holding it’s gun), my RG RX 78-2 had fallen over, my RG Zeta had dropped it’s beam rifle and my MG Wing ver. Ka had fallen off it’s action base…

    • Great show guys! Thanks for the reply.

    • Thanks for the episode gunpla tv! May you always build

    • Great long episode guys, great for listen while working on my entry. Todd, GM ground type’s abs joint was used on the HGUC RX 78-2 revive. Helmwige Reincar reminds me a bit of reinhardt from overwatch. It just need to replace that sword with a hammer. Hammer Down!

    • My body wants that Astaroth.

    • GN Sniper seems so cool. not sure if I like the color scheme tho

    • Great Video, i watch you guys on Youtube and then pop over here so I can maybe win some Astaroths! Also, time to save for March with so many cool releases.

    • Welp time to not win another HlJ giveaway.

    • dat sniper! The detail from your tutorial was incredible. hope to win this year!

    • Thank you for the prize.

    • Great episode. Not a SD collector but you guys manage to make even that interesting. GMs are always cool. Todd has a cool take on the kits….a nice counter to Syd. Great team. Thanks guys!

    • RG Amatsu Mina?!? I hope someday there will be an MG version, since the only 1/100 is NG.

    • Oh RNGesus. Bless me like a “asteroid” hitting “gaia.

    • I am looking forward to getting my hands on the gm sniper 2

    • Astaroth Origin, please. And please ensure all parts are functional so I can repair that damage. Need that Sarge Special.

    • I actually heard people bashing on that new Fumina kit, as it looks a bit outrageous to them, haha. Personally, I’m just not in fond of the weird face, the Bust Fumina looks nice though imo.

    • I wouldn’t mind having a third Astoroth

    • Been awhile since I’ve seen one of the giveaways i was interested in…lets give it a shot.

    • I would like an Astaroth. Thank you!

    • BANDAI! I sincerely hope that the Woundwort gum candy figure isn’t another teaser with nothing to show for it. You and I both know that it’s one of the most popular MS designs out there still lacking a kit. Do us all a favour and work with Dengeki Hobby to get an actual kit made instead of forcing us to rely on fix-pose resin models!

      • Same here! I’ve been itchin to get that Woundwort Gundam kit,hope Bandai released her as HG 1/144 first before rising up to MG 1/100 soon because the resin kit version her is not pleasing enough for me!

    • The build strike didn’t really catch my attention BUT that new Astray is looking like a MUST buy. 0.0

    • I wish i had more time to build Gunpla…University take all my time!

    • Love that Helmwige Reincar! can’t blame Sid for taking it for himself, definitely gonna get one myself when I get the chance 🙂

    • I was never a fan of the designs of the UC Federation grunt suits, but that GM ground type looks really cool!

    • MG N-666 Kshatriya when?

    • Keep the cool reviews! Hope to win 🙂


    • the GM Sniper II is going to be a must buy for me.
      Strange how you bring up Sephiroth. I’ve actually started to replay the original FFVII again on the PS1.

    • The Astaroth kits look pretty cool.

    • Thanks for the shout out guys that really took me by surprise ha ha.

      Loving the new Barbatos Lupus Rex, will definitely be getting one soon !

    • Ooh Astaroth Origin….

    • i want the gunpla girls doing a review of the puchi-puchi guy.

    • Very nice! I like Astaroth, the Origin version is so much better, though.

    • I like both versions of the Astaroth. Would be nice to have them both. Also that GM Sniper looks amazing!

    • GM Sniper for the win

    • nice show guys. 🙂

    • Sweet! 2 Astaroths. Btw Todd placed one of the shoulder armour on Barbatos Lupus wrong lol.

    • newbie at plamo here. .but i find it interesting. .so very informative video. .tnx guys

    • looking forward to Barbatos lupus Rex review.

    • oh I almost forgot, how do we know that HLJ has successfully received our photos for the final entry? all I have as proof is a computer screen shot of the line “Your message was sent successfully. Thanks”, is it enough? thanks in advance.

    • Cool

    • I like to win one of the Astaroth.

    • Super Fumina!

    • great job guys, I’m looking forward to seeing all the competition winners.
      I just had a few questions, you said that if your model looks too good for a beginner then you might get moved up to intermediate, I’m just wondering will you let someone know before the end of the competition for is this done when you are judging?
      I would also like to know if there is a rule against using a logo from another franchise for example is I were to paint a super-man “S” on my shield would that be a problem?
      Last thing have you ever had it where the person who wins the model give away doesn’t want it?

    • It’s the year of the GM!

    • Both of the Gundam Astaroth looks nice, but I prefer the red one.

    • the astaroth origin will be mine ,all mine!!!!

    • Pick meeeere

    • The SD DX Isaribi looks cute. they gave a free Barbatos with it how cool Bandai is that from giving us a free Barbatos

    • love when they made a long episode.

    • I really want to see a Sephiroth inspired Astaroth now.

    • Astaroth! Have the blue one already, please let me win the red one.

    • Astaroth!


    • I want it!

    • the 1/144 HG Helmwige Reincar looks kind of ugly, but at least it has a big sword which makes it automatically cool in my books.

    • Astaroth and its Origin form, pretty much like Two-Face looking at himself on a mirror.

    • UC Line best line ever. 🙂 I am kinda new to this site (just discovered it) It is cool that we now have a facebook-esque site for Plamo Builders.

      Also, question… can we use pla plates in the intermediate category?

    • I was suprised how small the gm snipers box was

    • Sorry if asked before

      Hello HLJ and Master Syd.

      So yeah… a couple of questions:

      1. Can me and my wife both enter the competition (me in intermediate, she in beginner) as you know we are both fans of Gunpla and both build our own different kits?

      2.We have two HLJ accounts, however both are named after her and me as a care of in the address section as she has more time to pick up the kits at our post office and in times she cannot, i do so… Is this okay?

      Thanks for the response

    • Great Video! Can’t wait for the master grade Providence Gundam but still waiting for the master grade Legend Gundam.

    • Loved the episode, guys! Trying to plan my next HLJ order soon!

    • Thanks for the tutorial, it really helped ^_^

    • I wish the prize was a KOS-MOS version 4 figure, but any figure of her is more than welcome.

  • If anyone has a question or seeks clarification of rules please contact us through normal channels rather than posting essay-like comments in the Groups. We will answer them. It’s great to see so many people joining in the competition and the flow of updates into the groups and we don’t wish that to be hijacked by lengthy debates over what some…[Read more]

    • Please tell us in the next episode whether we can submit another entry if we think the latter is better, and how we can confirm that HLJ has successfully received our final works, perhaps by email. Thanks.

  • If anyone has a question or seeks clarification of rules please contact us through normal channels rather than posting essay-like comments in the Groups. We will answer them. It’s great to see so many people joining in the competition and the flow of updates into the groups and we don’t wish that to be hijacked by lengthy debates over what some…[Read more]

  • If anyone has a question or seeks clarification of rules please contact us through normal channels rather than posting essay-like comments in the Groups. We will answer them. It’s great to see so many people joining in the competition and the flow of updates into the groups and we don’t wish that to be hijacked by lengthy debates over what some…[Read more]

  • First problem encountered with this resin add-on, thanks to resin shrinkage, the forearm covers no longer snapped into place properly, and the thruster flaps didn’t close a…

    [Read more]

  • Evening spent test fitting the resin parts on my Sazabi.
    The fit isnt the best, will take some sanding to sit well.
    But I’ll be damned if that isnt impressive looking.
  • My base kit arrived today, 2 days to get the the UK and then 5 days for customs to release it to me, gotta love our speedy customs service XD
    This will have a resin conversion fitted along with a couple of leds, added surface detail and scribed panel lines, and a new weapon unit fitted.
    Let the test fitting commence.
    • I have this model. I have been terrified to build it in fear of ruining it. Can’t wait to see what you do with it.

    • this is actually the third one of these I own, had to buy it direct from hlj to be eligible 😛

    • 3! (Uncontrollable drooling)

    • Man that’s a lot zeon kits there. Yeah I need to finish my own sazabi. It’s an amazing kit already and findin ways to improve it will be a challenge in itself. I can’t wait what you’re going to do with this one.

    • Only 5 days in customs? I’m from Poland. One of my last packages (from November 2016) spent 3 weeks in customs. Sent on 2nd of November reached Customs on 8th and was delivered on 29th. I needed to call them many times and they were always saying that they will send it right away.
      But fortunately that was one time, usually takes up to 3 days.
      Good…[Read more]

    • I’ll count my 5 days as lucky then 😛

  • @syd Why is there a “racial purity test” for this competition?

    I do not understand at all the decision made to have this mixed messaging of what kits we are and are not allowed to use and whether they came from or not.

    If your intention was to create a completely closed ecosystem where no kits, but those bought from, would be e…[Read more]

    • why not just message syd directly instead of posting this in all 3 competition pages?

    • I think most of what you said is correct semantically, but I think you are reading too much into it. They have set up restrictions to ensure that the contest is aimed for their clients and as you said this is ok. They have also realized that these restrictions, are in effect, restrictive for the advanced category so they added a clause to allow…[Read more]

      • When I said “racial purity test” it’s an analogy to what is generally regarded to be a negative thing. If you can’t understand simple abstract thinking then I really can’t help you, but I know you understand me. I think your comment and one other from another member in the Advanced Category actually understands what I’m talking about.

        Anyway, I…[Read more]

    • I found the rules very clear. For someone who is versed in rules and laws and have friends in this field, you made quite a few assumptions on HLJs behalf that cannot be used in any court ruling. The categories were clearly meant to classify skill which in itself cannot be logically quantified. Completely scratch building a kit truly could…[Read more]

      • I am not taking HLJ to court. I am just noting the inconsistencies in the language and regulations of the competition.

        I am noting it because as a participant of the previous competition these new rules did not apply. The inconsistencies arise from the fact that they just copied and pasted the same rules as the ones from 2013/2014 and then added…[Read more]

    • I could honestly go at length about the ridiculousness of this rule that it has to be a kit that is sold or was once sold in the past at HLJ.

      Not only does it hurt my personal ability to enter with kits that I find extremely interesting like those from Games Workshop, Reaper miniatures, and Privateer Press. It also stops some RIDICULOUS EXAMPLES…[Read more]

      • “I could honestly go at length about the ridiculousness of this rule that it has to be a kit that is sold or was once sold in the past at HLJ.”

        It’s not ridiculous. It’s a perfectly reasonable rule.

        “They want a completely closed off competition then they have that right.”

        Yes they do. Does HLJ have to explain and list all their reasons for…[Read more]

        • The same goes to you kid. In fact, I can pretty much sum up all of my thoughts on you with a simple eat shit and die.

          If you don’t have any problems with the rules then you can easily stay the hell out of the conversation.

          Do you think HLJ and HLtv needs you here to defend them? Do you think that Syd and the crew need you here representing for…[Read more]

  • @syd Why is there a “racial purity test” for this competition?

    I do not understand at all the decision made to have this mixed messaging of what kits we are and are not allowed to use and whether they came from or not.

    If your intention was to create a completely closed ecosystem where no kits, but those bought from, would be e…[Read more]

    • The contest is called Playing with PLAMO. Even with the statement “a creation all your own that has never been seen before,” it’s CLEAR that there must be a plamo at the core of a submission.

      As for requiring kits to be available at HLJ at any time, it’s a reasonable rule given the proliferation of KOs.

      • I’m sorry I’m having a hard time understanding why you are trying to explain what the name of the competition means. I know what the competition means. I do not know why you’re explaining TO ME what it means.

        I won 4th place runner-up in the 2013-2014 competition for a price of 8,000 yen. So explain to me why you think you know more than me?…[Read more]

        • I have no idea why you’re calling it a “racial” purity test.
          What does race have to do with anything?

        • And just a word to the wise, you’re coming off as holier than thou saying things like “So explain to me why you think you know more than me?”

          • Richigo I have much respect for you and your work. Your submission to the 2013/2014 competition was amazing.

            I did not even submit my entry to the Advanced Category in 2014. I submitted my entry to the Intermediate Category because I saw models like yours and others in the Advanced Category and I did not believe I could hack it at that level.

            I…[Read more]

            • yeah I deleted those comments because they weren’t helpful or productive, apologies for that 🙂
              I entered in intermediate in the last comp and got bumped to advanced just like you 😛

        • “In fact both the scratch-built car before mine AND my own submission itself would both be ineligible from competing this year because of the added rules.”

          Who cares? This is a completely new competition, with a new set of rules. Everyone else seems to be fine with these rules. We are fine with restricting the competition to kits at are widely…[Read more]

          • I care and I have a problem with these rules. That’s why I made these posts. If you don’t care then feel free not to care to yourself and keep it off my post.

            I have problems with not allowing certain kits. The kits I’ve mentioned are not obscure; they just don’t interest you. In fact I’ll put it to you this way…

            Ultimately, if you have a…[Read more]

    • I am curious what kit or kits or scratch building do you have in mind are affected by the rules they set out so much that made you.
      Its clear to me that these rules they set must have affected your choice or choices of builds greatly for you to look into the rules this much.

      • It sure has. I had several in mind and none of them are available on HLJ. In fact that was my entire strategy. To build and model something no one else has. Something not even similar to what everyone else has.

        I build mecha, and I build planes, and I build tanks, and I have built cars as well. Nobody else here will ever build and post from…[Read more]

    • Incredible skill and portfolio aside, I find an issue with impossing restrictions. Restraint and restrictions are part of what makes incredible and inspiring art work. Beethoven composed the ninth symphony, one of the most iconic works of not only music but of art in history. What makes it more amazing? He was virtually tone deaf while composing…[Read more]

  • @syd Why is there a “racial purity test” for this competition?

    I do not understand at all the decision made to have this mixed messaging of what kits we are and are not allowed to use and whether they came from or not.

    If your intention was to create a completely closed ecosystem where no kits, but those bought from, would be e…[Read more]

    • I agree with your reason that they want to promote their company, and it is completely fine. As for the unclear rules, I believe does offer scratch build materials.
      So I guess nothing is wrong then.

      • I didn’t say they don’t offer scratch build materials. I know that HLJ offers many things including scratch built materials. That is besides the point. I can go to my local art supply or hobby store, and buy all the materials for scratch building. Someone building a completely scratch built model can use materials from various sources. How does @Sy…[Read more]

        • In the most recent Gunpla TV episode, Syd confirmed that the materials can be purchased anywhere, they only needed to be available on

          • Again this has nothing to do with my post. You have failed to understand the internal hypocrisy and illogical inconsistencies arising from these new rules added on top of the 2013/2014 rules and category description.

    • Racial purity rest?

      It’s their competition. They want you to use their kits / supplies to win their prizes. It’s their promotion. Seems pretty legitimate to me. And I agree with it.

      I’m a side note, please don’t refer to basic modeling promotion rules as racial purity tests. It is offensive and really doesn’t make sense either.

      • If unclear rules is ur issue, contact HLJ staffs/ read FAQs. They have made stuff much more clear in the FAQ page. Stifling creativity? not sure about that. HLJ does sell huge selection of scratch building materials. Besides, read the FAQ page on 2017 page. U are allowed to use kits NOT BOUGHT FROM HLJ but U WILL NEED TO OWN A HLJ ACCOUNT.

        p.s.…[Read more]

        • I think I can grasp a bit of Mangy’s frustration/confusion. The root of this problem is not the scratch building or using an HLJ kit, etc, but the use of poor diction to describe the “mentioned” judging criteria. The term “completely” was probably implied as 100% of the kit is built from non preexisting parts (i.e. literally building it from the…[Read more]

          • You are the only one who has hit the nail right on the head. You’re exactly right. You understand my frustration and confusion considering I was already thinking of what I would be modeling and painting. It is absolutely semantics but it’s also about being both contradicting and inconsistent within their own rules.

          • I’ve already mentioned this but think of the ridiculousness of not allowing limited edition mail-order Gundam kits.

            Like say from the website Gentei Kits.


            These are exclusive Bandai Gundam models that are available only if you order them by mail and available only in Japan on a one by one ordering basis.

            HLJ does n…[Read more]

            • The base kit needs to be available on HLJ for purchase.
              Since the listed kits are originally a “P-Bandai” they will be considered illegal because they are not available at HLJ. However, it is not against the rules to alter another kit to resemble a P-Bandai. For example, HG IBO Iok’s Reginlaze is just a recolor of HG IBO Julieta’s Reginlaze. You…[Read more]

            • For eligibility, the competition states “The first photo posted should be of the model kit box you intend to build.” This is done so the judges can confirm, what kit you are building and is the available for purchase. This is why they also have at least 4 work in progress photo, as a reference to check if you are not cheating. If anything, the…[Read more]

  • Testing testing

  • @syd Please clarify again. I do not understand why the rules are completely sideways and different this year. I need to begin building and modeling my kit.


    I don’t know why you keep going back and forth on this question. It’s mind boggling because last competition in 2014 we had…[Read more]

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