Happy New Year everyone! After a bit of a break the Gunpla TV crew returns! We break in the new year with a quick look at the new Action Base 4 and 5’s that were released recently. Just how do they stand up compared to the previous Action Bases? Watch to find out!
Kits in this episode:
– Action Base 4 Clear
– Action Base 4 Black
– Action Base 5 Clear
– Action Base 5 Black
– 1/100 MG GM Command (Colony Type)
– 1/100 RE/100 Guncannon Detector
Hey there Todd and Lindsay I have a question do y’all sell gunpla parts if so how may I order them because some of my gunpla are missing parts and I need them to replace?
Hi! We don’t sell parts by themselves, but if you’re a customer of ours we may be able to help you get replacement parts. You can read more about that here in our Help Center: https://support.hlj.com/hc/en-us/articles/200981734-Replacement-or-Broken-Parts
Fate the Great
Incase if you can’t get the replacement parts and you have a copy of that specific piece. (same piece on both legs as an example)
You can try using resin to copy it.
Third and fourth options would be to contact Bandai USA and/or Bluefin, the official US distributor for Gunpla. I’ve read anecdotally that people were able to get replacement parts through those channels, with the caveat being that it takes a long time.
Fate the Great
Get well soon Todd.
Happy New Years!!!
I’d love to get me one of those new action bases!
Keep up the good work!! 😀
I would love to have the store credit. I hope u pick me to be the winner. Keep up a good work guys
Happy New year indeed! Hopefully we get more MGs of 00 series and I do really hope I can win the 2000 yen!
sorry to hear about your leg
It’s funny but a friend of mine is quite unlucky or would you say lucky when it comes to broken legs and Gundams? Two times he has bought PG kits he has broken a leg or foot some way or another, giving him some nice downtime to build the kits.
Dave M
Gunpla = Giant Voodoo dolls haha.
Get well soon Todd
If you’re an anime fan (and who here isn’t?) all this talk of stands will remind you of something else. Get well soon, Todd, so you can stand.
So the newly-announced Megami Device magical girl looks pretty ridiculous, but I could see people getting it for the effect parts alone.
Ahmed Yassin
was it the same leg as the lamp tod?
also stay away from the figure bust from now on XD
Finally bandai gives a claw base, man I needed one. Hopefully I win the credit so i can get one, and something for Saint valentine.
Shame about your leg, hope you get better soon. Glad to see the show back as well. Cant wait for more new kits to come this year.
These action bases are awesome! Definitely look like they can help save base space and possibly have multiple gunpla on one stand almost!!
Gaelio Zabi
Happy New Year! Do you guys have plan for Lunar New Year?
Hope you’ll recover soon Todd. Was waiting for the stand reviews before my last order. Ended up ordering a few of the smaller stands when my private warehouse items reached the time limit.
I wan’t that credit! 🙂
Faiz CES
AB4’s 3 hexagons look way better to support MGs than AB1.
Btw, get well soon Todd.
Really interested in these new actuon bases, can’t wait to try one out. Sorry about your leg Todd.
Happy New Year everyone ! cant wait for the new kits this year,hopefully i am able to get more kits! Hope u get well soon tood!
The action base 4 looks great!
These new action bases look fairly decent. I like especially that they’ve cut a lot of the bulk and mass of the original 1 and 2, making for a simpler, less cluttered look. The one thing I wish these had is a support beam to keep the lower bar from collapsing onto the base. I doubt the hinge at the base of stand will be able to hold up for very long under significant weight.
Stellarium Celestia
A new one? Yippie!
I feel ya bro, I once broke my arm at the backyard of my house. Maybe if you had one of those action bases to raise you instead of a chair you’d be fine.
Happy New Year guys!! Hope your leg feels better, Todd 🙂
Aww poor Todd, hope you get better soon buddy, thanks a lot for bringing us another episode despite your injury. Please take it easy if you can. ^^
The action bases really look awesome. Very stable and sturdy with their locking mechanisms, and love their adaptability to connect and use extra arms and stuff, definitely a welcome upgrade to the existing stands, glad they exist.
The MG GM Command looks great, simple release, but a great kit nonetheless. As a GM fan, this Command is definitely one to pick up.
I would love to see a 2.0 Version of the GP01!
Feel better!
Sorry about your leg Todd. Hope it heals up fast.
Would be love to see that GM’s review..
I hope you make a speedy recovery Todd! The new action bases look pretty cool, though I wish it had a third locking mechanism in the middle hinge.
I really like the updated designs that the Action Base 4 and Action Base 5 provides for RG and MG kits.
But my question is why hasn’t Bandai made an Action Base for PG kits?
For an episode revolving around stands, I thought it was very helpful and informative. I like how Todd compared the old ones with the new ones. I am definitely looking to get one as it can pose more than just my Gunpla collection!
On a side note.
That right hand of the Megami Device does not want to stay! XD
Get well soon Todd! This was a nice episode about stands. My collection is lacking a sense of height outside of my bigger kits so it’s definitely helpful to know the difference between them.
I hope I win this time so that I can use it to try those action bases. hahaha
Neon Wave
If building a leg lamp is an omen for you leg getting broken, then avoid making arm lamps, or any Gunpla part into an appliance. Just to be safe.
Bingo Bot
Sorry, Todd! Thanks for the episode. I was afraid Lindsay had been stolen away for that other show -the one about snack riots, penmanship and noodle shop crawls. Relieved she’s still with us. Bases are always cool and the GM Command looks outstanding.
I never win stuff because I have bad luck. LOL
I want those new clear action base
Dave M
Not as bad as Todd’s 😛
Start the year with a “Break a leg” quote.
Hope you feel better soon!
Money, get away
Get a good job with more pay and you’re O.K.
Money, it’s a gas
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash
New car, caviar, four star daydream,
Think I’ll buy me a Fine model kit.
Wishing you a quick recovery, Todd!
great to see you guys are back. really liking the new stands. also GET WELL SOON!!!
Not a fan of those HG action bases because depending on the suit and the pose it is usually too top heavy and it might fall over. I like the standard MG ones.
El Zaku
i hope i can catch a break and get that store credit to get one of these new action bases.
Was this joke funny?
If “break a leg” means “good luck” and I want to wish Todd some luck on a speedy recovery, do I tell him to break another leg?
So can the bases latch together into a solid piece?
Hope you feel better, Todd. I’m glad Toy Tengoku is back. Great job, Lindsey.
I know that actors will say, “break a leg” just before a performance for luck but I don’t think Todd should have taken it quite so literally ^_^ Talk about going above and beyond the call of duty for Gunpla TV. Anyway, I would like to wish Todd a speedy recovery. Looking forward to the next episode ^_^
Sorry to hear about your accident, Todd. Wish you better luck this year.
Happy New Year!
Happy new year and hope you’ll get better soon Todd. Just a quick question, I won a prize in a december episode, did you already contact me and I missed your message or you haven’t yet?
Todd still has a few people left to contact. He’ll be in touch!
GhosT Quanta
Happy new year guys! Hope you get better soon Todd.
what are your thoughts on the new announcements for he HG Leo and RG tallgeese. I know I’m definitely getting those 2 when they release.
Just put some tamiya cement and plaplate and you’ll be good! In all serious, get well soon Todd.
Dear Todd, wishing you a speedy recovery!
Get well soon Todd!
I wonders, does Action Base 4 come only with higher size accessories for bigger models or it also includes smaller accessories from Action Base 5. I would rather put RG Strike Freedom on AB4 then 5, since with all weapons, fangs, etc it just take too much space.
Can you guys explain what the hlj bargain box is?
wonder if i m too late to win the prize..
can’t wait for the RG tallgeese! please do a review on it.