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Gunpla TV

Gunpla TV – Episode 243 – Mega Size Unicorn! HGBF Ninpulse!

A mountain of new Gunpla arrives including the ginormous new Mega Size Unicorn! Todd and Lindsay take a look at all of the new releases as well as the latest hot new kit in the Build Fighters lineup, the HGBF Ninpulse Gundam!

Kits featured in this episode:
1/48 Mega Size Model Unicorn Gundam (Destroy Mode)
1/144 HGBF Hyper – Gyanko
1/144 HGBF Star Burning Gundam
1/144 HGBF GM’s Counterattack – GM / GM
1/144 HGBC GM GM Weapons
1/144 HGBF Ninpulse Gundam
1/144 HGBC Ninpulse Beam

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Level 75 Marketing Mage. Editor, admin, and occasional code monkey. Stand User in her free time. Though she does build kits when time allows, time doesn't allow often. Her favorite lines are Hasegawa's Mechatro WeGo line, Meng's World War Toons Pinky line, and weird miscellany like Platz's bonsai tree kits. In general, if it's a detailed miniature that's too small to be useful for anything other than taking up space, she'll probably love it.


  1. Looking forward to the Gyanko and Unicorn

  2. Let’s see how many models bandai will make from the GM’s counterattack ova episode thing so far I count 8 including P-Bandai.

  3. Wow never realized mega-sized kits were that big

  4. I’m excited for the Mega Size Unicorn. I expected the box to be bigger actually!

  5. That is one huge Unicorn. I kinda want to build one, even though I have the PG…

    Hope to see Lindsay build some Frame Arm Girls in the near future, as I am looking to buy one and see what they are like.

    Great show as always, love the banter you two have.

    • I have Innocentia. Great articulation, although she doesn’t come with any gear. The thong is weird for me, so I painted over it. There are some small parts that are tricky. The build experience is both familiar and new to gunpla builders. It’s like building a larger figma.

  6. aw man Todd you should have let Lindsay build the Unicorn, white nub marks are so much easier to clean

  7. Mega size is cool, but I wanna see a new PG! An updated PG RX78-2 2.0 would be sweet!
    And I’m on board with more koto kits, specifically the frame arm girls and Megami device kits.

    Bugu-wugu-wuga, I’m the boogeyman.
    Waka-waka-waka, now I’m Pacman.

  8. This week truly had an impressive haul. The GM/GM seems to be an amazing kit based off the Leopard Da Vinci’s frame parts. The whole versatility, plain design, many heads, hard points and weapon set makes this kit the ultimate army builder, huge potential lies within it and I can’t wait to get at least 4.

    The Star Burning is a design I really dig. It’s agile, bulky, and has a nice balance of unique quirks that I really like. Sad the rifle is white, but otherwise it looks like an awesome kit.

    I unironically like Hyper Gyanko the most. I always liked the Gyan, and I feel this design feels the best integrated. I also like the loadouts of the Gyan on this, so I will more than likely be picking this one up.

    The person who made Super Fumina is Minato Sakai, Tateo Sazaki is Gyanko’s little sister.

    I want the Mega Size Unicorn because it’s big, and I love the Unicorn. It will push me to buy more Mega Size, and it’ll be a fun experience.

    I always liked the Ninpulse, I love the colorscheme, gimmicks, fighting style and japanese motif. It was a must have the instant I saw it and the kit looks promising asides from the hollow parts on the cape.

  9. Todd you didn’t mention any of the new announcements from this past week. Like that sweet looking MG RGM-79SC Custom. I was almost sure this would be a P-Bandai kit when I saw it but I guess Bandai doesn’t hate its customers THAT much.

  10. another gunpla to add to my wish list

  11. to be honest i prefer the Megasize line then PG. its cheaper bigger and easier to build.

  12. I wonder if BanDai will ever do an RG G-Self

  13. Ow my Gundam …This Unicorn goes to my wishlist
    …When will Bandai ever make a Sinanju Mega size?

  14. man that Mega Unicorn is so big it scares me

  15. Ohhhh… The Opening of ceremonies of the 1:1 scale Unicorn Gundam will be on my birthday! =]

  16. That mega size Unicorn sure is big.

  17. I love the new intro but I can’t help but notice the white balance is a little off on the newer videos lately, the yellow hue is too strong imo.

    It affects how the color of the model kit looks on the video vs real life.

    But all in all great job keeping the show running guys, I’ve always love watching this show while doing other stuffs. It keeps me entertained.

  18. Great job guy keep up the good work

  19. hello hello

  20. To Lindsay, please review frame arms girls.

  21. Yay, finally got my first mention on Gunpla TV ^_^ Looking forward to Lindsay’s build and review of the Gyanko.

  22. Woot! I won! Finally some luck in my life 😀 Thanks guys! <3

  23. The reveal that the Odaiba Unicorn statue will be able to transform, whether the transformation is full or limited, definitely caught me by surprise. I can’t wait to see it completed.

  24. My closet is full of HLJ shipping boxes. I use them for storage but now my closet looks like a small HLJ warehouse, I’m scared to open it anymore for fear of releasing the Kaiju… or worse!

  25. Lindsay should build 2 kits per episode. I Hope I win the hguc Bugu

  26. Wow mega unicorn V fin!

  27. Great job and keep up the good work

  28. Those GBF just don’t do it for me. Can’t think of a single one I’d like to get.

  29. Glad the show is back keep up the good work

  30. You mean the mega-size Unicorn doesn’t transform? I am disappoint.

    Lindsay, I’d like to see your build skills.

  31. You two are rocking it! It’s great to start to see you two develop a rhythm, it really helps draw the viewers into the episodes. Keep up the excellent work.

    Also, do you think if I say BUGU three times it’ll appear? Like when you say Beetlejuice three times he appears. Let’s find out. BUGU, BUGU, BUGU!

  32. Where there’s a Unicorn, there’ll be a Banshee (hopefully).

  33. Don’t know what this Bugu thing is, but it’s no Zaku boy!

  34. If that Unicorn really transforms then I need to get my butt to Japan at some point soon.

  35. Its Sakai Minato who made Super Fumina
    I think Sei Iori made Chinagguy
    and it was Gyanko’s Brother who made Hyper Gyanko

  36. You should just have the mega size unicorn hold the ninpulse as a gun its so big

  37. Sad to see the OG Gunpla TV crew gone, but you guys are doing an excellent job!

  38. Bandai is really pushing the Unicorn now! The mega size Unicorn is truly a sight to behold. I plan to get the mega size purely because it’s so tall and that it’d be just so AWESOME if I can make a diorama with my 1/144 kits. Something like the mega size Zaku scene in Build Fighters!!

  39. Keep up the great work! Would love to get the mega size unicorn in the future!

  40. Lindsay builds a kit! Have fun. Another great show. And yea, it would be nice to see some kits besides Gundam. Sweet review of the 1/48 scale Unicorn beastie, Todd. Cheers.

  41. Dang, mega size unicorn. What a feat

  42. My megasize is already on the mail! 🙂

  43. Super Fumina, Chinagguy and now this Hyper Gyanko… the best thing that happened to gunpla since polycaps 😀

  44. Way to not be a gentleman, Todd! I’ve got an episode idea. Syd did several episodes where he picked his favorite/best MGs. Why not do a Top 10 MGs Ver.Todd?

  45. The 250th episode is coming up. Any big plans? No spoilers, please.

  46. waiting for a 3rd party led light up kit for the mega-size unicorn then i will definitely get the kit! i’ll get to see the new Gundam Base Tokyo and the new 1:1 Unicorn statue this October!

  47. Cool to see Lindsay spot on with the weapons name!
    The nimpulse looks ok but I was disappointed on how it performed on the ova.
    Todd, hope you have fun building the giant.

  48. Hey hey bubu gimme dat bugu 🙂

  49. Awesome videos as always! Hope to win

  50. Be careful of the gyanko stickers tho!

  51. In the 2 previous videos, u both looked a bit tense together and I believe it affected the fun factor of watching them. But in this video it seems u r comfortable n it was real fun to watch. Keep up the good job.

  52. Multi-company kit-bash (e.g. Bandai+Hasegawa), please?

  53. Great episode by the way, can I win a Bugu? Please….

  54. Omg omg mega size unicorn 🙀Wen was this released and will there be a led unit 🤔🙃🙏

  55. I loved when Lindsay talked about the dollfile and Todd’s confused reaction.

  56. Aaaand ANOTHER unicorn gundam kit. Like we don’t have enough of it. Over saturated!
    Looks neat i suppose.

  57. Megasize isn’t dead Ryan!

  58. I’d also vote for more non-Gundam kits. Would love to see a build of a Max Factory Dougram kit.

  59. I want that mega size unicorn!

  60. I’ve always wanted to that Bugu. Blue, nice details, great articulation, and that cool mono eye MG gimmick.

  61. nice review!

  62. Nice Show!! Which other series you guys of Gunpla TV, like the most??

    Just an info in case I won the prize, I’m from south of Brazil.

  63. Nice show. Cant wait to see how unicorn turns out

  64. Just like Lindsay said:

    “I had to try”

    So did Todd, when asking for Lindsay to put on a cosplay. HAHAHA!

  65. This is no Zaku, boy!

  66. I might get the Ninpulse just for that star shield thing.

  67. i assumed mega size was a little bigger than pg. 1/60 1/48 not that big a difference……i was wrong.

  68. Now we need footage of the 1/1 Unicorn.

  69. Boogie Knight Gundam 2: Electric Bugu-lu


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