
  • drAInbAmAgE posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 6 months ago

    Ok folks, need some opinions on color scheme. I got the amazing MG Sazabi Ver Ka last week and i have been holding back on the build until i figured out a color scheme for it….

    [Read more]

    • i actually had once tried the colour scheme of banshee where i painted the frame, horn,yellow parts metallic gold and the red two shades of black and it kind of turned out quite well

    • although your colour scheme is not too bad as well, hope it turns out good

  • masterDS64 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 6 months ago

    Howdy, got yet another question!

    So I got the 1/100 metal gear rex on pre-order…the black version, then I realised…

    How the heck do DO panel line this!?

    Yes, I’d like to retain its originals colors, don’t think typical grey or black would work…would I have to make a custom enamel wash color/white?

    I’ll just be glossing then matte’ing the…[Read more]

  • masterDS64 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 6 months ago

    Howdy y’all, this is something I’m planning to do…assume the pilot is puru or haman as for why I’m using the miss sazabi kit (gotta say its better looking than the original…

    [Read more]

    • …and incase you have a hard time telling the silver bits apart from the gun grey the silver is currently on the head crest, vents and inside the cannon on the waist (the outside needs consideration as well, i thought purple but unsure if too drab :S) and the neck piping.

  • ebe-a51 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 6 months ago

    Gday all.

    I have a MG X10A Freedom (my 1st gunpla build ever) and it ran into a problem.
    When I got it, after washing the sprues, the first thing I did was to ‘protect it’ with Tamiya Semi-Gloss (TS-79).

    That’s where, I believe, the problems began.

    I was using the gundam panel liner pens to do panel lines, however, the pens died really quickly.…[Read more]

    • the problem isn’t actually that you sprayed the semi-gloss it’s that you didn’t let it fully cure, it may have seemed dry but that’s not good enough and that’s why it clogged your panel liner.

      now then the pencil lining can work aswell what you should do if you’re gonna spray a top coat over that is to do light quick sprays at a bit of a distance…[Read more]

      • Funny thing is I let it sit for a full day before starting construction. I build my gunpla very slowly so I take time and get every piece right. Even after 2-weeks in, the tips on my gundam panel liner pens were failing (by then I had completed the head and torso)…

        Cheers for the info that with enough spray-distance, the semi-gloss should still…[Read more]

        • no problem and not just the distance make sure you don’t lay the paint on too thick all at once, just a light misting really, just make sure that it’s not thick enough to run mostly.

          as for the tips well not sure why you’re having so much problems if that’s the case but what I’ve sometimes done is dip the tip into some paint thinner and rub it on…[Read more]

  • gundamkhan posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 6 months ago


    I have recently purchased strike gundam pg and have seen this awesome paint job someone has done.
    Can anybody give me some advise on achieving this finish , keeping in mind ill be using spray cans .
    I m not expecting it to be as good but i think it looks sooo good i would love to give it go.

    This is the…[Read more]

    • I don’t really see a problem here if all you want is the finish, it’s a simple matte finish, however I suspect you’re after something more than just the finish. What I can see is that he used a silver on the inner frame, and seems to have colored the armor in sort of a real grade style, with two tones on the white, there’s probably some…[Read more]

      • Thank you very much for the reply!

        Yes it was more the colours used that i really liked . As i have only painted one or two kits i wasnt sure if they had simply painted the grey inner frame silver or done something tricky .Again thanks for taking the time to reply and if you have tips on painting my pg the would be much appreciated !

        • well I wouldn’t say they didn’t do anything tricky, just on the chance that they actually did, but for the most part it seems a rather straightforward build. one thing though is they do seem to be taking some time to paint at least a few details, like the blue on the hands, don’t have the kit myself but two colors on the back of the hand piece is…[Read more]

          • Steve thanks again mate .
            After your encouragement im going to give it a go .I have yet to paint an inner frame i have previously only painted ext armour . With curing would you suggest waiting 1 day between coats or do all coats in one day then leave to cure before putting together? I dont usually do the inner frame because i was lead to believe…[Read more]

            • what I usually do is paint each layer let it dry (possibly not cure but atleast dry to the touch) do the next layer, and so on, till I want to do panel lines or add a second color, then I let it cure before moving on. as for the inner frame the layer isn’t that thick, there really isn’t a problem painting inner frames except right at the joints,…[Read more]

              • Great ! I have always wanted to try taking my kits to the next level , but was stressed about “ruining ” them . Definitely going to give this ago so thanks again n i might post some pics if it comes up good !

                • think we all have those worries, but ofcourse if you don’t try you can’t succeed. and for the most part paint can be taken back off if need be so you don’t need to worry too much.

                  anyways good luck, have fun, and don’t get discouraged if things don’t turn out the way you want them right away.

  • Hello friends.
    Someone tells me some tutorial or tips to paint the inner frame of MG?
    I intend to make my first customization in OYW RX 78 …
    Waiting for the tips!

  • gundamslave posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 6 months ago

    Hey dose any one know anything about a new perfect grade besides the blue frame

    • Hi…bit late but there was no information, latest big kit is the hg neo zeong which is priced as a pg but size wise its bigger, and the blue frame was an onloine exclusive with a bazooka rather than a chromed katana so…yeah, not much on the pg front im afraid :S

  • masterDS64 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 6 months ago

    Howdy, odd question…

    Now I’ve recently completed a hg silver bullet, and I got a few PAINT related questions as I used this guy as a test subject…

    *main body and the blue ish parts are stickers top coated in matte
    *Used acrylic paints to minimize sticker useage and to accent it a tad
    *matte finish was from a spray can

    Not sure how in the…[Read more]

    • Forgot to add, the paints were all tamiya, clear green and chrome silver, was using acrylic over acrylic wise, I used 2-3 coats of silver before 1-2 of clear green and just one of silver would pull the silver off even after an hour :S)

      • how you did things seems to be fine and I would not matt over anything that’s meant to shine, matte will kill that.

        For the silver peeling off, did you put down a primer first? also paint isn’t fully cured even if it seems completely dry, and can take a lot longer than an hour, infact depending on your climate a full day might not even be enough…[Read more]

        • …I don’t use primer (YET) but if it helps under where the silver was it was bare plastic matte coated.

          It was a kinda cold day for the climate (although i added some coats the next day which was warmer but bare in mind neither were extreme nor did i take note of the temperature).

          Would the scopes be ok as they are now, or should I gloss…[Read more]

          • well the problem with not using primer is that primer is actually specially formulated to stick better, or in other words to prime the surface, hence the name, the topcoat you’re using as a base coat is not and so just like the silver paint it can be rubbed off sometimes.

            As for the scopes if it already has a nice gloss to it which it probably…[Read more]

  • ThatAsianBoy posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 6 months ago

    Anyone here know what kind of paint i should start with? I wanna use Gaia color but what kind of thinner does it use and what are the primary colors? I feel like Tamiya would be good to start with , but what primary colors should i get to start with?

    • Depends on what the paint is, tamiya comes in many kinds, acrylic enamel and lacquer, I use acrylic which works with water…but advised to use acrylic thinner (I got it mixed up, there is water based acrylics but I don’t think this tamiya is :S)

      Not sure about the gaia paints, once you find out what they are you can use the appropriate thinner…[Read more]

    • can’t recommend a brand really, that’s sort of a preference thing and whether or not they have the color you want, and well sometimes it’s just about whatever you can get your hands on. As for colors well “Red Madder” if your kit has red on it especially if it’s a Gundam suit then it’s probably that. Other than that Bandai seems to like “navy…[Read more]

  • gundamslave posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 6 months ago

    Im kinda conflicted on what pg to get I have the aile strike and 00 raiser and just got and finished mk2 titans . The two pg that im stuck between are pg wing zero custom and the zeta gundam which should I get and which is a better build

    • couldn’t really say about build quality they’re both pretty old kits, they’ll be closer in quality to the mk2 than the other 2 you have, and honestly I’d just go with whichever is your favorite.

      That said I have done the wing zero custom but haven’t done the zeta yet and what I can tell you about the wing zero custom is, there is an LED, actually…[Read more]

      • The Zeta also has LEDs in it, unlike the Wing Zero custom, though, it has small ones on the edges of the wings, one on the tail fin/stabilizer, one in the head and one awesome LED built into the beam saber. All of these bar the beam saber seem to need their own wiring though.
        This is just from the reviews I’ve read (I’m yet to save up and get this…[Read more]

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