
  • drAInbAmAgE posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 11 months ago

    Basic idea of what ive been bouncing around as a paint scheme on my nu. the coloring program is kinda limited but its a good general guide for the colors. The blue will become pink. the yellow will become silver and the off white will become a green similar to the green psycho from inside the nu ver ka. lemme know what u folks think.
    • Do you plan to make the psychoframe light up? I think this color combination will look really great!

    • i do plan to use white LED’s to illuminate the psychoframe panels. the white seems to make the green plastic look better than green LEDs that ive tried so far. ive done some experimenting and ive got some good plans for this build.

    • reminds me of the karaba colors that lupes did lol looks nice though

    • It will be a very original scheme. if it works out anything like your sazabi ver ka. it will be a very impresive model.

  • kissarmy8193 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 11 months ago

    Hay all. I need a bit of help. Today I took out my airbrush for the first time. When I started spraying I got these air bubbles on the piece. I’m using a Vallejo acrylic primer. How do I fix the problem?
    • Is your airbrush new or used ?
      genreal advices:
      -clean the airbrush before first use if you bought it used
      -give the primer bottle a good-long shake before using
      -thin the vallejo primer a little (with vallejo thinner): few drops of thiner every 4 ml primer is a good starting point

    • I’m sorry, but I have to disagree on that last note. Never ever thin down the Valleo primer! This is where things turn really sour.
      It almost looks to me like there is a foreign substance in the airbrush that mixed with the primer.
      One very important thing, do you have a moisture/water trap on the compressor? It looks like they are water…[Read more]

    • thats the “fish eyes” problem wht happens is when ur painting as the paint comes out of the airbrush the paint is drying before its hitting the surface of the paint. wht is ur thinning ratio for the acrylic primer that could be the reason

    • are actual bubbles forming when you spray the paint? if so then it maybe something as simple as you holding the airbrush too close.

    • Thanks everyone for the help. I believe it will be a mix of a new airbrush, not being cleaned first. and holding it a bit close.

  • Christian posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 11 months ago

    Would anyone happen to know what the brand of the nipper and design knife in the picture is? I thought it may be Bandai but, I was told Bandai doesn’t make tools.
    • The nipper seems to be a “Wire-Art Nipper 125mm” from “God Hand”. Item number WAN-125.
      The design knife looks to me like the “Olfa Art Knife” by “Olfa” item number 10B.
      I found them on a site that is not HLJ… So in respect of them, I can’t give you the site on this page. Would you like to know though, please send me a PM

    • Wow ok thank you!!

      In your opinion, which is better? These tools or Tamiya branded tools?

    • You’re welcome.
      I’m sorry, can’t give you my opinion, since I never used both of them myself. As far as reputation, the God Hand nippers seem to be the best in the market today. But as for me, the Tamiya ones are fine. The most important thing with nippers is, the cheaper they are, the less long their life span will be. A dull nipper doesn’t cut…[Read more]

    • Hmm alright. Thanks for the help. 🙂

  • Baimao posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 11 months ago

    Does anyone know what kind of paints that would achieve deactivation mode of Destiny Gundam on a MG scale? I’ve asked one of my mates that I would need three types of grey(light, medium and dark). Thanks in advance folks.

    • I’ve searched the well known site that has the manuals translated in English, but the P-Bandai stuff isn’t on there. Sorry. I’d suggest picking out colors that you like the most in representing them. Or try to match them via pictures from the anime or pictures from a model. Good luck!

    • well I don’t know the exact colors they want, there are common color selections that Bandai uses across their kits, you’ll see them pop up a lot and based on those colors I can tell you the likely choices. frames are almost always 90% Neutral Grey, 10% black, that’s the most likely frame color for Destiny. the parts that look black are just…[Read more]

  • drAInbAmAgE posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 11 months ago

    Fresh pot of coffee, gundam unicorn playing as white noise, and i am ready to crack open this FA Unicorn. I have heard there are a few slight nuances with this kit though so im looking to compile any issues that people ran into while building it. Mainly so i am aware of them as i build and hopefully i can remedy them in the process. Its the gunpla…[Read more]

    • Is this your first MG Unicorn?

      On the OVA version, I remember that they changed the legs so they could bend a little bit further. I am not sure if the changes made it to the version you have. If you have extra leg, chest, and head pieces, then they made the update.

      It is a pretty straight forward build. The stickers on the horn and V fin kinda…[Read more]

      • This is my first MG Unicorn, in fact my first unicorn period. I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled for the extra parts that would indicate the updated parts. Im planning on using water slides for the V-fin although i have had some nice results with sharpie on the clear parts for a nice effect. I did some detailing on the pilot with orange and red…[Read more]

        • if i were u i hate the look of the v fin on the unicorn as it doesnt really match well in my opinion i have built a few unicorns and every unicorn i build would panel line the v fin into the colors of the psycho frame along with inking in the face mask too if ur familiar with gunpla inoichis z’s unicorn i think those unicorns are the best with…[Read more]

          • Thats something i will have to look into along with trying to find a sharpie to match this blue-green psycho frame. i did some detailing of the cockpit while watching the anime and used some lime green on the edges of the seat. impossible to see when the kit is complete but im a sucker for complete detailing of kits.

            • in my opinion a dark psycho frame color looks nicer on the unicorn becasue the armor is white and u have a dark color on the inside to show off it contrasts nicely so wht i would do for ur psycho frame instead of using sharpie go get a clear green tamiya spray can and paint up the psycho frame itd look nice as for the v fin if ur interested take…[Read more]

              • only thing is the armor on this kit is clear not white so there is that. also getting a hold of tamiya here in the states is a bit of a chore so it might be easier to match with sharpie.

    • I honestly haven’t had any problems with the unicorn and I’ve built the OVA version and the Banshee. The build itself is a bit complex but nothing too tricky there. The final result in Destroy Mode has finicky ankles and the waist lock likes to come loose but I find that they’re pretty easy to work around that. The only other issues are just the…[Read more]

      • so by finicky ankles do you mean the armor parts like to slide around or that they don’t hold pose/weight? Would you recommend a stand for this kit? im planning on just a simple standing pose since this kit is going to eat up some serious shelf space. plus all the weapons…all those weapons…

        • By finicky ankles I mean that there are a whole lot of swivel and ball joints inside of the ankle which makes them quite hard to pose and prone to collapsing. I can get the regular Unicorn and Banshee to stand and pose with no problems but I think that with all the weight from FA it may be good to get an action base. That or you may want to leave…[Read more]

          • gotcha, well then it might be in my best interest to get an action base for it. it might be time to look for a display case as well since my desk is running out of space on short order.

  • Blackneko posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 11 months ago

    Anyone know any tutorials for Autodesk Inventor to make a Gundam head, because i want to 3D print it, for fun since I’m its my last year of high school, so want to make the most of it when teachers allow the whole to play around with the 3D printers

  • CrazyPipo posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 11 months ago

    Hi guys, I have a question regarding painting.

    My next project will be an HG Wing Gundam and I’d like to turn those yellow parts into a shiny gold (think Hyaku Shiki or Akatsuki). What is the best practical way for me to achieve such a color? I don’t have any fancy airbrush. I have been eying over those metallic spray paints but I’m not sure if…[Read more]

    • gold metallic spray is pretty dull so sorry dude u use an airbrush for that kinda shiny gold

    • Just airbrushing alone won’t give you effect you want. Metallic spray paints also don’t give you an actual metal finish, just a sparkly one. What you want is something similar to Krylon’s premium series, or any other series of paints that actually give you the metal sheen, without sparkly bits thrown in.

    • There are two ways to go about it….
      #1- If there aren’t a lot of parts that need to be painted, a more cost effective way is to buy the Valleo Liquid Metal set. This set consists of 4 different paints; Silver, Bronze, Old Gold and Gold. The Old Gold is a color between Gold and Bronze. These can only be painted with a brush. And unlike other…[Read more]

      • just to add to that a bit, you should also clean your parts thoroughly and give them a good sanding with a very high grit sandpaper, to get the smoothest cleanest surface, which will in turn give you the best results with either method. won’t garuntee a perfect shiny gold but it’ll get the best out of your paints, for a true gold you need to get…[Read more]

        • Electroplating can be done on plastic. I recently have seen a video with Adam of MithBusters on YouTube. He has a life size Endoskeleton of the Terminator. It is chromed in the same way as they chrome metal parts for cars and it’s fully plastic. They spray a highly copper based material on it first in order to run an electric current through the…[Read more]

          • that’s cool wasn’t sure, but yeah wasn’t really expecting anyone try it. Though if they did that’d be the way to get actual mirror finishes. Kinda extreme but now that I know it’s possible I wonder if I’ll ever see anyone go that far.

  • Oli8all posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 11 months ago

    Hello fellow modellers, my question today is regarding displaying my models. I would like to ask where i can get a small display case for my recently completed MG Destiny Custom Build, i was thinking something around 40 cm higher around 30 m wide and about 20cm length, it doesn’t have to be that size but that’s just to put a sense of scale to it.…[Read more]

  • gunpla guy posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 11 months ago

    Hmm i wonder if i should get a delta kai or a nu hws. Anybody tell me pls?

    • delta kai is newer nu hws is older depends id go for delta kai becasue its newer and kinda cooler i dont really like fat nu gundams that much

  • Merc posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 11 months ago

    Hello everyone. So I ran into a strange problem while trying to paint a MG Epyon EW. I primed the parts a few days ago with a 2x coat white primer and tried to put a clear gloss top coat on today but the top coat seems to be eating the primer. They are both the same brand and model of primer/clearcoat. Am i doing something wrong or does this…[Read more]

    • i dont know why that happend but first off why are u top coating primer you shouldnt be doing that lol it should be prime, paint, then gloss coat

      • Well i wanted to paint the parts white and the primer is the same shade of white as my paint, so when i tried to airbrush the white onto the part i couldn’t tell where i had hit and how thick it went on so i figured i could just hit it with a gloss top coat to get the desired effect.

    • well primers and topcoats just like paints come in acrylic enamel and lacour, and just like paints lacour will eat through enamel and acrylic and enamel will eath through acrylic, and even if it’s the same brand, you have to make sure it’s the same type or atleast not being used in the orders that eat through each other.

      What I suspect happened…[Read more]

    • don’t want to discourage you, ofcourse aiming to be competition worthy is a great goal but if you’re just starting with paints don’t be too critical or expect too much it takes time to develop those skill all the same I wish you the best.

  • kissarmy8193 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 11 months ago

    Hi all. I’ve bought the PG 00 Raiser. It doesn’t come with a stand as stated on the HLJ page. But on of the pics show the 00 Gundam and the 0 Raiser on the same stand but separate. Does any one know where to buy a PG size stand? thanks.

    • The stand came only with the first orders as I’ve heard somewhere on the web. I believe it was by Rrobbert184. I’m also searching for a stand for the PG Astray Red Frame, though not that hard. I’m sure the PG Sky Grasper came with a stand. Maybe an option would be ordering these parts via genteikits? I don’t understand why Bandai doesn’t make them…[Read more]

      • A real bummer. It’s one of the two things I dislike about the PG line. But I did manage to find a stand on Ebay for PG size kits. It comes with multiple adaptors like the stands for HG and MG. A bummer as well that my strike freedom and skygrasper stand don’t fit the O Raiser.

  • Ravingmad8 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 12 months ago

    So I picked up the Earth Defense Forces Main Battleship kit from the Space Battleship Yamato anime series: I’ve never seen the anime but like the design of the ships and thought it would be fun to build one. My question is, on the side of the hull there is that pod with the red center. What is that? Is…[Read more]

  • thebanshee13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years ago

    sooooo guys im wondering if the detron stickers for the pg unicorn is the same as the decals for rgs right?

    • That will be cool

    • As Syd mentioned in episode 157, it will be the same as RG stickers, so yes.

      • so no water slides then 🙁 i really prefer waterslides

        • Yeah, me too! But I’m sure Bandai will bring them out in a few months after the release. An other way to get them is via www, As I’ve picked up a few times, if you scan the stickers, he will print them for you in a high quality. Better than one could do himself, at least, that’s what I’ve heard….

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