Skull Leader

  • Anime-Mun posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 2 months ago

    Rethinking a concept here, I’m wanting to know if anyone has tried to kitbash the 1:144 Victory Gundam with any standard size model as a build? The reason I ask is I’m considering using it as a basis combined with the AGE-2 to build upon a transforming build for the refined design of my concept model Gundam Malibu. I was originally going to have…[Read more]

    • Looking at the polycap designs I think that the Age-2’s waist should work with the victory. If it doesn’t fit you can cut down the waist peg to fit the victory’s chest polycap on.
      The fore arms would be very difficult to attach to the Age-2s upper arms unfortunately as they have very different connections.

  • I was looking to build an mg, any suggestions on something cheap but good all round (articulation, sturdiness,lining options, etc.)something a bit more current preferably. Thanks in advance! 😀

    • mg freedoms a prettty good choice in my opinion cant go wrong with it its pretty cheap. or you could pick up wing gundam proto zero i think that was pretty good it wasnt hard to build either

    • The more recent SEED mgs like the duel, buster, blitz and strike RM are all very good kits in terms of both cost and quality.

  • JXTRGunpla747 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 2 months ago

    A full guide on hand brushing tamiya acrylics?
    and also how to preshade with a brush?

    • Just search on YouTube….
      There are so many tutorials to find for someone who wants to search…
      Mokanaman there has some MrHobby and Tamiya hand painting guides.
      Greenday0050 has a big tutorial on pre shading. Done with a airbrush, but can also be done with a hand brush if you follow Mokanaman’s advise on how to hand brush

  • Blackneko posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 2 months ago

    What are the difference between Tamiya Clear ( Flat) spray and Mr super Clear (Flat)?
    is there any difference?

    • well they’re different formulas ofcourse but beyond that not too much , Mr Color does however also have a UV Cut line which is supposed to protect your paints from UV exposure and thus preserve the color longer, I like using that stuff but can’t really tell you if the UV Cut thing actually works but it makes me feel better.

  • Blackneko posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 2 months ago

    Can anyone help what type of tamiya paint should be used for Drybrushing

  • thebanshee13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 2 months ago

    does anyone know where u can get tamiya enamal thinner in new jersey

    • I guess nobody knows… But you can use white spirits or lighter fluid for diluting enamels. Much cheaper and easier to come by. There is even a tutorial by TheGhostofZeon on YouTube on how to

  • RedVal89 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 2 months ago

    I finish painted my kit, now I wanted to proceed to panel lining ( and after panel lining is decals), I just want to clarify that after painting , what should be going first, clear coat then paneling then clear coat, then decals then final flat coat? or clear coat all the way? or flat coat all the way? because I’m wondering about problems with…[Read more]

    • First apply a gloss clear coat on the paint job. A gloss is smoother for better flowing panel lines and more dense and harder making it safer to remove excess paint from the panel lining.
      I can’t stress this enough: don not use a water based acrylic for this like Vallejo or Model Master.
      Best to use a alcohol based one like Tamiya or Mr Color.…[Read more]

      • thanks 🙂 how about I made a mistake by spraying flat coat to the paint job, can I spray clear coat over it?or how can i remove (flat coat) it?

        • I never tried it… But flat clear has a milky sheen to it. This is because there is a little white pigment in there. So my guess is no.
          The only way to take of the flat coat without ruining your paint job is to sand it of, which can take a lot of time…
          If you don’t worry about your paint job, you can leave it over night in oven cleaner, windex…[Read more]

          • ok thanks again, but does removing clear coat over night in oven cleaner, windex, or window cleaner with amonia or clorine can damage the plastic? but if not, i will try this . . .

            • You’re welcome.
              I’m sure chlorine won’t damage the plastic. I’ve seen it with my own eyes.
              The other options for taking the paint off are tried by Syd, so he says on GunplaTV. It also won’t effect the plastic

    • Thanks man, this will really help me alot!!!

  • Does anybody know how to customize a weapon/ make a weapon?

    • You start off with drawing the design of the weapon that you want to make or draw a basic design of how you want the customized weapon to look like and then from there, break everything up into simple shapes. For example for a bazooka, a large round tube and some pla plate for details and for creating parts such as the handle, the attachment…[Read more]

  • thebanshee13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 2 months ago

    can someone pls help me figure out how to do a panel line wash i mixed up the enamel and the thinner and then i use the thinner to wash out the excess paint on the sides but the problem is the paint underneath the pieces are also coming off after it but im using tamiya acrylic paint and i top coated it with a semi gloss coat before i add the panel line

    • The problem is the thinner you’re using to wash off the excess is too strong. Probably also too strong for thinning the enamel paint. Then when you are applying the wash this may start to dissolve the clear coat already…. Then by using the thinner to wash the excess you’re taking away all clear coat that wasn’t dissolved and also the paint. Real…[Read more]

    • Are you using an Acrylic gloss?

      Also, don’t use a semi gloss if you’re going to do panel washing, use a full gloss. You want that top coat to be as smooth as possible to let the wash flow quicker and more freely. this will also aid in the clean up. I would also suggest that you give the top coat time to cure. While you only need to wait for it…[Read more]

      • yea im using acrlyic semi gloss over tamiya acylics

        • What brand clear coat? There are two kinds of acrylics. Water based and alcohol based. The water based is the weakest one.
          A lot of model builders swear by Tamiya X22. It’s alcohol based.
          Just change your thinning agent. What you’re using right now is just too strong for your clear coat! Trust me

          • im using modelmaster acrylic semi gloss coat im not sure if its waterbase or alcohol based whts the difference anyways

            • I did a search on the internet and found out that MM acrylics are true water based.
              According to Mokanaman on YouTube Vallejo clear coat acrylic is the weakest off all he has used. This is because it’s also a real water based acrylic. He swears Tamiya acrylic clear is the best.
              So accordingly MM acrylic is really weak. Probably the weakest of…[Read more]

  • DuelGundam89 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 2 months ago

    Well finished construction on my zaku 2.0 but cant get the weapon to stay in the hand, i dont want to have to use glue. Any ideas.

  • Blackneko posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 2 months ago

    Need help on this one. what kind of spray paint to achieve a realistic sword because I’m painting Exia’s GN swords trying to make look like a sword not some light grey coated paint

    • silver leaf should do the trick thats wht i did

    • And apply 2 coats of clear gloss on a metallic paint

    • Krylon makes a spray paint that should work really well(I use it myself). It’s their Premium original Chrome. They make other paints like it as well(brass, silver, gold, etc), all made to resemble metal when totally dry. They come in these skinny cans, and normally cost a bit more then normal spray paint(in terms of volume), but they’re worth it…[Read more]

  • thebanshee13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 2 months ago

    so i tried to start an order for parts from gentei kits and i made an order like early june but they never confirmed for me its my first time using this service is it supposed to take forever for them to confirm the order so i can pay for it

    • from my experience the response time is usually quite fast, although i have never done a parts order. Not sure if that makes a difference though. Toss an email out there to confirm if the order was received.

  • brypla posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 2 months ago

    Just wanting to ask this question, anyone here have any advice how to swap the cloth like piping on thunderbolt series zaku to the normal zaku type piping

  • DuelGundam89 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 2 months ago

    Ok im working on the F type zaku ll mg 2.0 and i thought the pipeing was supost to be eaier its just as much a pain. I thought it would be loose and you just trim the pipe pieces off and they would slide ,but no i have to force them down to the poi t im afraid ill break something. Is this just me or is it normal for the kit

    • It’s normal. It’s cased by the fact that the harder plastic pieces your “sliding” onto the internal pipe are molded on top of a softer plastic(or the softer plastic is molded into the Harder plastic. I don’t work for bandai, so i have no clue which way they do it). Though the two wont bond to each other, if you look at the space where the harder…[Read more]

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