
  • Nene posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 11 months ago

    I need help to decide how I should paint my gundams? Should I spray paint or just put on enamel paint?

    • personally i think spray painting is better becasue its faster and doesnt take as long plus if your a noob at hand painting you can really see the brush strokes on the gundam and thats no good to me in my opinion

      • Alright I will try it out then, Thank you. Also do you know a good video on how to spry paint your gundam?

        • well just normal spray cans u just put the parts on a stick then stay like a few feet away and spray it in short little bursts
          for airbrushing though if thats wht you want id suggest youtube videos from ghost of zeon other guys like them

    • Hi @Nene. In episode 12 of GunplaTV Syd shows the basic techniques of spray painting. Maybe this will come in handy

  • thebanshee13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 11 months ago

    @baimao heres something i made four years back the colors kinda coming off becasue i didnt repaint it and top coat it but ill get that done when im not as busy
  • Baimao posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 11 months ago

    Hi guys, i would like to know what kind of materials is best for making a moon surface diorama. Currently I thinking of purchasing foam boards, polystyrene foam.

  • Jaberwak posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 11 months ago

    Got my hand on a cheap Sazabi ver Ka. So a quick questions to the people who build one. Are there any tricky parts during the build? Did anyone tried doing the led mod on a sazabi?

    • My only problem I had was keeping track of all those pieces. Oh and be careful around the wrist armor. My Sazabi took a shelf dive and cracked the piece in half. Luckly it’s on the inside and still stays on. The hands can be a little finicky too. It feels like mine don’t like to stay connected to the arm firmly.

    • how much for the sazabi and where???????????
      i bought two sazabis and there are no problems to it with mine except for the hands i guess painting it though if you want to stick to the original scheme is tricky if you dont have the right colors at ur hobby shop but other than that its a pretty damm good worth kit id build sazabi ten times over if i want to

      • Well got one for 76$ (that included shipping) it should arrive in two days. It was kind of impulse buy since i just bought MG Ex-S.

        • wow 76 is a good buy whered u get it online or at a store

          • Got it online. Bought it from a user that had to quit the hobby but still had some unopened MG’s. Sadly im way in a RED cause he had some sweet prices and kits. Like Z 2.0 for 40 usd and so on. He would even give me bigger discount if i bought more of his kits.

    • i build mine with no real issues to report. the hands not feeling like they are in place is something that Syd talked about on gunplaTV and as long as you seat the polycap in the wrist properly the connection is very solid. I did and hand paint color swap and there were not many difficult parts of the build. are you planning on painting it? i…[Read more]

      • Ill think about painting it. Right now the kit will go into the backlog since i started to finally paint some of my old kits (current project Gouf Flight type – right now im removing the seam lines)

      • Actually for mine, the issue with the hands is not because the polycaps are not seated properly, but because the polycaps are too shallow and moving them too much will cause the hand to pop out. I can make him hold his guns and he can carry them still some what (the sheer weight and size is too much for the polycaps themselves to handle) but…[Read more]

        • i built two and for both i had issues with the hands the only other thing i felt fustrated was the joints in the legs and hips connecting them i want to mod it and make it like the sinanju legs but no idea how to

  • thebanshee13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 11 months ago

    black firday comin up anyone know THE sites to buy for cheap gundams?

    • Last year HLJ had a HUGE sale on all gundam kits for Black Friday so they may do something similar this year.

    • Yeah HLJ probably had the biggest sale from what I recall. I also remember Barnes & Noble had a pretty good coupon along with membership discount though they don’t really carry much.

  • Kazzu posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 11 months ago

    This is not exactly a gunpla modeling question but its still related to gunpla. What do you do with your gunpla boxes? do you keep them or throw them away? i’ve been keeping all of mine but im running out of room to store them.

    • I actually keep mine too, but only the lids. I sort of disassemble them so they get flat. Then I store them in a large PG box. This way I’ll have all the boxes, yet they take little room to store. Oh, and I throw the bottom sections out

    • So far kept all of my HGUC and RG boxes fully 3D as it’s nice to see them all lined up in order. As for MGs I have about half of them 3D and the other half just the flattened lids like @teetee580 ‘s ones.

    • Have all of mine stacked in a closet, but quickly running out of space. Half the kits I build, I end up putting back in their boxes.

  • GhosT Quanta posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 11 months ago

    For some reason I can’t attach any files anymore if I want to post something.
    Anyone got an idea what I should do?

    • Some people post links to their photo’s for the time being. However, there is a post in the Completed Models section about 17 hours old. It seems that the problem has been fixed

  • drAInbAmAgE posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 11 months ago

    Hey fellow builders, question time again.
    So i might have painted myself into a corner with this one. Im working on the FA Unicorn Ver Ka and since it is a clear kit im looking to do water slides. I think my RG Strike Freedom came out fairly well and i really like the contrast of water slides on clear plastic. The issue is that Bandai (to the best…[Read more]

    • i no samuel decals do a pretty good jobs replicating water slides for u u an try them or you can buy two sets of unicorn gundam ver ka decals water slides and prob combine it with decals from sinanju to get the fuel tank decals

  • CrazyPipo posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 11 months ago

    Hi guys! It’s me again. Thanks for helping out with painting last time 🙂

    I have been spending more time painting the details on inner frames. I have been using Gundam marker to draw on it but it is impossible to get into tiny spots/corners.

    What kind of paint should I use? There are so many kinds out there and I’m not sure which is the best…[Read more]

    • While it may seem odd, a common use with gundam markers is to press the pen tip into a tray to extrude paint, and then use a brush to apply the paint. I say it seems odd cause normally you’d just think “it’s a marker filled with paint, so why use a brush?”, but if you want to get into those tight spaces, or not mess up painting small parts, you…[Read more]

    • Acrylics and enamels are the most common sorts of paint to hand brush on plastic models. Though acrylic is the most common these days, it has some flaws to it. The biggest is that it is not as durable and strong, but safer in use.
      Enamels are really strong and almost scratch resistance. The drawback is that they take a much longer time to dry.…[Read more]

  • How can I paint these rubber parts (pipes or power conductors) without the paint coming off? I just tried priming them but it was no good bc when I bended it. The primer…

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    • you need a flexible paint. latex paint should do the trick. ive never used latex on gunpla before but it is a flexible paint so it should flex without cracking. nice doga btw, looking very sharp

    • Latex paint will work, but you may not get the desired effect you want if you intention is to get a metallic look. If you want them to look more metallic, I suggest getting some after market metal detail parts.

  • awesomesauce posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 11 months ago

    Hello everyone. I would like to know if there is any difference between these two pair of nippers.

    • There are a few differences. First being the length. The 115 is 115mm long. The 120 is 122mm long. Then there is another difference, which is the sharpness of the blades, the lather is the sharpest of the two. It’s ranked a 5 in sharpness. It even has a stop at the bottom of the swivel point so the blades don’t make contact. And lastly, the first…[Read more]

  • wldeyoung posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 11 months ago

    Original GM Color?

    Going to start working on my HGUC GM and to my surprise when I opened the box instead of seeing white I saw more of a blueish color. On the box art it appears more white and when I went back to watch the original anime it seems to vary depending on the scene. Was wondering how you guys treated an original GMs color scheme.

    • I always think of the GM as white like it was in the anime. Even though if I look back at the promo images and line arts it’s mint green, I always think of it as white like the gundam.

    • It’s Off white and Red. Basically, you want a VERY light ghost grey, and a orangish red. Those are your main colors. Just make sure that your ghost grey has the appearance of neither white nor grey.

  • Does anyone know the specific functionality of each part of a gundam ? I’m building a MG geara doga and I really wish to know the purpose or functionality of the Yellow pipes that go around the waist and in between the hydraulics of the legs and arms. Like what’s suppose to be in them? Im assuming not cables or liquid cuz if they get damaged in…[Read more]

    • well everything on a machine is of some importance unless it’s completely cosmetic so it’s kinda like saying “if the head gets chopped off then what?” anyways those are power cables. and if they get cut then whatever they’re powering either shuts down or has lowered responsiveness if there’s an alternate power feed aswell.

      • For a minute I was like -well that’s poor engeneering or construction- bc why would u leave such things (cables) exposed, specially being a suit with so much armor but then again maybe it’s a strategy to lure enemies and then, Baaaam! I was just really curious bc I didn’t know what color to paint them.

        • not gunna lie lukenotskywalker its better to not criticize the way they desgined it lol its a gundam sorry to say this to all my gundam people but gundams arent real lol theyred sifi anything can hapen

          • well there’s a bit more to it actually, the Zaku is supposed to be a cheap mass produced unit, so something like exposed cables helps keep this idea but they’re not all that vulnerable they’re kept rather close to the body so really if you’re close enough to hit them you’re close enough to finish the job too. also it looked cool and that’s why…[Read more]

    • Thank u for remind me that it’s all sci-fi, I was about to go insane. But even sci-fi has some kind of explanation of “Why of things”. But anyways thanks Steve for the info and no that wasn’t sarcastic. Exia had external cables???

      • yeah you can see them from the shoulder armor to the side of the upper arms. it’s only in the first season Exia has them, they’re seen on the shoulders, after that the tech evolved and it wasn’t needed anymore so repair II and onward don’t have it. and unlike the Zaku it’s not armored. also on the exia repair, they’re missing because 1 arm is…[Read more]

    • The vast majority of the technology in UC timeline of Gundam is based on real world tech and principles. The space colonies are actually Modeled after the O’Neill Island 3 concept that was purposed back in the early 70’s(but thanks to the cold war, was shot down. Also, do some research into Gerard K. O’Neill. He’s a brilliant scientist who’s…[Read more]

      • Very nice thank u so much. I’m off to paint them bronze or gold but maybe bronze since I might paint the thrusters gold I did so for the ones of the bottom of the feet (or whatever the actual term is)

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