
  • AoAkumaFart posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 10 months ago

    hey guys, I was working on my Sinanju Stein decals and I ripped a few… 🙁 is there a place where I can get replacement decals?

    • You could try Samuel Decal. They have a wide range of decal sheets. If not, you could always scan the decal sheet that is printed on the last page of the manual and mail it to them. They can print it out for you no problem

    • You’re welcome. Glad I could help. I don’t know about that. You could mail them with your question. Maybe they won’t, as some costume orders end up in their catalog. Good luck

  • mikem107 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 10 months ago

    so i was testing my paint using grey primer underneath with taymiya ts racing blue, brilliant orange, and pure white both the blue and the white look stunning but the orange is really dull is this because i used a very dark primer and will using a white one make it more vibrant?

    • It’s possible. It normally depends on shade of the color itself, plus the coating. If it’s a particularly bright color, a single coat can appear darker then intended. Just give it another coat, and if that doesn’t solve your problem, then it’s an issue the paint. Either you managed to get a bad batch, or the paint you’re using is too translucent.

    • I had that problem twice in the past. Not with Tamiya spray cans, but an other brand. The paint cans probably got frozen and the pigments starts shifting. At first I thought I didn’t shake them well enough. The last quarter of the can the color was fine. The first three quarter the color that came out was a lighter and duller version of the paint.…[Read more]

  • Howl013 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 10 months ago

    hello guys! I just want to ask for pointers in detailing a gold plated kit. I want to give my Hyaku Shiki the details it should have like in some parts of the shoulders, side and front skirts but I’m scared that if I mess up it will completely ruin the kit. can someone help me? thank you! 🙂 <3

    • I’m assuming you mean to panel line(and possibly weather) the kit. Very easy problem to solve. Just get top coat the kit with a gloss coat that wont dull or over power the shine of the gold. basically, get varying degrees of gloss coat, and test them on the empty runners(or any extra parts). keep track of which is which, and you’ll know which…[Read more]

      • in terms of painting touch up the nub marks by just adding like a dash of gold paint to it to cover up the nubs and for the other stuff thats not gold just paint it i dont think u need to panel line the gold at all so dont do that and use a very very very very very thin coat of gloss coat onto it yea u need to protect the gold but do a very thin coat

        • thanks but I don’t really need to touch up on the nub marks. luckily for me the under gates worked like a charm for the most part. but panel lining the gold on appropriate places like on the front skirts, side skirts, forehead and on the shoulders would make it look even better than just plain gold all over.

    • thanks for the tips…might try the gloss top coat cause I want to add the appropriate lining and detailing.

  • mikem107 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 10 months ago

    also do i cut the parts from the runner before building it and paint it or is there a easier way because then the parts are not numbered?

    • cut first and build it and then take it off again..to make things easier gut the male connection 45 degrees to hinder breaking any parts. if you dont wash your runner then prime it first..the paint wont chipped easily…if you read the manual carefully its easy to assemble it back without knowing the parts number

    • depends on what you want out of your kit. if you want it painted but you don’t want to spend a lot of time on it then you spray on the runners and do touch ups later. pretty much that’d be the quick and dirty method. when you want paint with a perfect finish and no touch up work, or as little as possible, you gotta do it in pieces, What I…[Read more]

  • mikem107 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 10 months ago

    i have more questions about spray painting some gundam :3 im painting the new blue frame mg and i was wondering if i was to use a metallic blue would i also need a metallic white and yellow or will it look fine with only one metallic color?

    • The best extra finish if you would paint it black gloss and then metallic silver and last is the clear blue..you would not get metallic blue but you would get a titanium finish

    • When you’re wanting a true metallic finish, sadly metallic paint isn’t the answer. The reason for this is because metallic paints are actually just a regular paint color with metal flakes in it. The best way to so, is like described above. Use a good silver paint, notably a silver chrome, and then go over that with a clear blue/green/red/etc. This…[Read more]

  • Zaku 90's posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 10 months ago

    i want to ask about a side cutter how shape it is? for 1 you can use for how many kits? how many type of it? from the start until now i never use 1 i only use the nail clipping. can anyone answer this? thank you!!!^^

    • A bit hard to understand some one what your saying, but i may have the gist of it.

      By shape, I’m assuming you mean the shape of the cutting head. All side cutters have the angled side, which leads into the cutter edge. The other side can either be flat, or curved. Flat style cutters will let you get as close the piece as you can when removing…[Read more]

      • Sorry for my English, it is hard to understand right? But thank for understand. I start my hobby in gunpla for around 3 years ago and it is hard to buy the tools to use in my country because it didn’t have a gunpla shop in here, so I use some replacement for the original tools to use. Now I understand clearly about the important of the side cutter…[Read more]

    • There are many types of side cutters, which make it difficult to explain.
      Some brands state the hardness of the blade, the higher the number, the harder the blades, the longer they stay sharp, therefor the longer the lifespan.
      Other brands state how sharp the blade is, again, the higher the number, the sharper the blade. This will not give you the…[Read more]

  • thebanshee13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 10 months ago

    does anyone no how to cancel a payment on a preorder for gentei kits idk how is it just return for order because im trying but it wont

  • Christian posted an update in the group Group logo of Gunpla for beginnersGunpla for beginners 9 years, 10 months ago

    So has anyone here used Tamiya Compound and know what to do with it and how to use it to it’s full potential? (´・Д・)」

    I know that it’s a polishing compound.

    I read somewhere that you apply it to the spot that has been sanded and then afterwards you can use things like Gundam Markers on it.

    Any info is appreciated! (^人^)

  • OniMun posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 10 months ago

    So has anyone here used Tamiya Compound and know what to do with it and how to use it to it’s full potential? (´・Д・)」

    I know that it’s a polishing compound.

    I read somewhere that you apply it to the spot that has been sanded and then afterwards you can use things like Gundam Markers on it.

    Any info is appreciated! (^人^)

    • It’s basically a rubbing compound, like those you would use on an actual car. Think of it as like a liquid sandpaper. It’s purpose is to remove marks on a surface, and leave it looking better then it previously was. This video should help you out.

  • Nene posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 10 months ago

    Does it matter on what type of enamel brand I use for an airbrush? I have Testors right now but I’m not sure if that the recommend brand to air brushe gunpla?

    • i srsly dont recomend testor as it is the crappiest paint ive ever used in my life time of gundams it killed my panel lining it takes forever to dry and its not that cheap its a pretty small bottle and its a pretty small bottle of thinner too id recomend tamiya enamels or modelmaster but if u want u could use other different painted like laquer…[Read more]

      • Can you buy tamiya, Mr . color or model master at any hobby store? Or is online the only place where to get them here in the U.S.?

        • i think almost everyhobby shop out there sells tamiya paint mr color however im not too sure buecause mine does not becasse certain hobby shops dont sell em becasue they cant make money off it it really depends on location and wht they sell too but for the most part modelmaster tamiya humbrol vallejo aclad theyre usually well known in hobby shops

      • Just so you know, Model master is made by Testor.

        If you’re going to use testors paints, Model master for your air brush, as its a bit of a different composition, and the standard testors for brushing. Testors paints aren’t bad at all, everyone just has their own preferences. However, don’t stick to one brand of paint, because all of them do…[Read more]

  • Skez77 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 10 months ago

    this isn’t exaclty a gundam related question. but i was wondering if anyone knows if Gundam Markers will work on any LBX kits, or other kits in general.

  • mikem107 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 10 months ago

    So ive built about 13 mgs and one hg now ive decided its time for me to step up my modeling game and start spray painting my models starting from now so the next model i am buying is the hi nu gundam ver ka i have all the paint necessary but im now i have a few questions.
    how many coats of paint do i need?
    should i paint the parts whilst there…[Read more]

    • The amount of coats depends on the paints you use and the colour of the plastic. For example, white paint will only need about 2 coats on white plastic but if it were to be painted on blue it may need 3 to stop the blue coming through the white. As a rule of thumb keep applying thin coats until you’ve got a solid colour.

      I like to paint pieces…[Read more]

    • I always spray the parts individually, when spraying on the runners, you’ll be left with gate marks, these can be touched up by using a brush, but will never the less leave indications on where the part was on the runner. Or you have to be willing to sand those area’s down, taking a lot of time, and if not careful sanding of paint on certain…[Read more]

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