
  • apollosspear posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 1 month ago

    hi, i am working on a M4 Sherman diorama and i am at the weathering stage on the tank. this is the first time i am weathering a model and i want to use some black oil paint to do the wash. i have seen it thinned with mineral spirits. can i use lacquer thinner instead (i have clean strip)? and how will this affect the paint job? i have a coat of…[Read more]

    • Whatever you do, don’t use a lacquer thinner for the job! It will eat trough the future clear and effect your paint job. You could also use a turpentine to thin the oil paint.
      You could also thin down an enamel paint with lighter fluid, enamel thinner, white spirit or benzine and clean up with the same agents. I find enamels best for doing a wash.…[Read more]

  • McG posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 1 month ago

    Hello, i’ve been wanting to try panel separation but I’m not sure how to go about doing it. I think I have an idea but can’t seem to find a tutorial on it.

    By panel separation I mean modding one armor piece into 2 to show frame details

    I’m thankful for any help or suggestions thank you

    • Separating the panels can be done in two ways. One is with a hobby/photo edged saw and carefully cut the piece following the panel line. The other way is using a panel line scribing tool. I recommend the one from Tamiya. Just keep scribing in the panel line until the parts are separated.
      The hard thing to do is to keep the panel lines open. You…[Read more]

      • Thanks a bunch, I appreciate the feedback. These are some awesome tips, and I’ll definitely give this a shot.

  • thebanshee13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 1 month ago

    recently i picked up the unicorn gundam code 852 version
    even though it is a stunningly beutiful kit, its not undergated so obviously i want to at least hide the nub marks alittle bit by adding a dash of gold on the nubs but my problem is what kind of gold would be close to the gold they have on the unicorn???

    • I’ve looked up some pictures of the “Hong Kong” Ver.Ka. Unicorn and it looks like a very light “gold” plating.
      I would try a dot of silver and a tiny drop of clear yellow, not the normal mix of yellow and orange.
      Before i knew of this mix, I used normal clear yellow on top of silver and it turned out really light instead of a, if you will, deeper…[Read more]

    • It looks similar to the gold on the Hyaku Shiki, maybe you could try to flat coat some regular Tamiya Gold leaf or Gold gundam Marker on a spare piece or empty runner from the 852, then see how the close the golds look.

      • Actually @teetee580 the gold is darker than u think its more of a hyaku shiki gold i thought that too when i saw it but i was wrong
        Although trying it on the runner or something is a good idea to do thanks guys

  • I have recently gotten into gundams. I have assisted my kids putting some kits together but have only assembled one my self. I know this is the MG section and wanted to ask if HLJ would be getting the MG 1/100 FA-78-2?
    If not is bandaionline a safe place to order it from?

    • The MG 1/100 FA-78-2 is an online exclusive, so unfortunately HLJ won’t sell it….
      I did some digging and found that bandaionline isn’t a good nor safe online shop.
      They claim to be in business since 2013, but the site is only registered since January 2015.
      It is also confirmed that a few persons placed a preorder, where billed accordingly and…[Read more]

    • I can second Iceburn’s recommendation for Mandarake as well. I’ve bought from them (mostly exclusives) for a long time and never had any problem so far. It could be a bit pricey though. And not all listed items on their site is really still available. Sometimes it’s already sold out, so they have to double check first. The latest I’ve got from…[Read more]

      • yeah i know what you mean. they’ve got a 3-day item stock check before you can even pay for them. Prices are a higher than genteikits.com but they sometimes have old exclusives and they are way better than the last option which is ebay.

        latest item i got from them was a Astray Noir and Ver RM Striker Packs

  • Leonidas_prime posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 1 month ago

    Im about to start hand painting and im gonna use a clear coat spray paint as a primer.Should I use a matte or a gloss?

    • I also use clear coat as primer for my kits and hand paint details. I usually go for matte because I want to take away the plastic shine from my finished kit. I think the slightly textured finish brought about by matte coat also gives better adhesion for my acrylics (Vallejo model and/or game color) But that’s just my personal preference and observation.

    • If I may ask, why not use a normal dedicated primer? They are deigned for that specific job.
      But if I had to choose, I’d go for the gloss one. A matte leaves a “gritty” finish which may come trough in your paint job. On the other hand, a gloss clear will leave the same effect as clear plastic, the surface gets really smooth, so I see no really…[Read more]

    • You really should use actual primer. Clear coat is intended to protect paint, and will not adhere to the bare plastic as well as primer. the only time you will normally be painting on top of clear coat, is when doing panel lines, washes, highlighting, etc. after which you’ll clear coat over that.

      However, if you are set on not using primer,…[Read more]

    • In my case, I don’t have enough time to use an actual surface primer and color the whole kit. (I don’t have an airbrush either even if I had the time, so I can only hand brush the colors in.) So I use the clear matte to protect the decals and I use it as “primer” before I paint small details. Since I deal primarily with MGs, the color is almost…[Read more]

      • I would just go with washing the parts, because in the long run, it’s going to save you money as you’re not having to use as much clear coat on the kit. It’ll take more time to complete the kit, but saving money always equates to more stuff lol.

        • Haha! You have a good point there. More stuff is always better. 🙂 Anyway, I only use hardware-sold acrylic sprays on my kits to save. I know many people prefer those made for model kits like Tamiya or Mr. Hobby, but the hardware type I use is good enough for me.

  • OniMun posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 1 month ago

    Hi guys, I’m looking for a file set that would help me remove nubs. I’m working on HGs and RGs if that helps. I also pain the HGs but, not the RGs. Would you happen to recommend a great file set (brand and model)

    Please and thank you!

    • I’m currently using the Tamiya Basic File Set (Fine Double Cut). I find these come in handy for really big nubs or when sharpening a blade. The only down side is I have to use sand paper after using them. Even tough Tamiya states them to be “Fine Double Cut” they still are rather coarse
      In other words, they remove nubs really quick, but expect to…[Read more]

  • Kethrenan posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 1 month ago

    Hi all I was just wondering if there is anyone on this site that is capable of doing a kit bash using the back piece of a 1/100 HG Amatsu and putting it onto a 1/100 MG Blitz…

    [Read more]

    • wht kind of blitz are u aiming to use the original ng or the mg
      because mg i no there is a nebula blitz

    • actually if ur shooting for mg
      then use then buy the nebula blitz theres an adaptor to the back of it im not 100% sure but it should somewhat fit because the mold if for the blitz and there proportions are the same
      so i think applying alittle putty and to connect it to the back of the mg should be fine and then add paint
      if u want to go even…[Read more]

  • Leonidas_prime posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 1 month ago

    Hey guys, so I am waiting for my MG F91 harrison custom and I want to put it on an action base but I noticed that an action base 1 would be really big for it and I was wondering if it would fit on an action base 2 since it personally would look better on one because of its size and take up less space. Are they compatible?

    • Despite being a smaller MG, the AB2 wouldn’t be able to hold its weight very well. It would work, just not very safely.

      • Thanks for the feedback!Looks like I may have to find a different method to display him in an efficient manor, or take my chances with weight distribution.

        • Action Base 2 is made from two connected Isosceles trapeziums, so you could increase stability by adding two more from a second Action Base 2.

    • If it helps, I tried to mount the MG Victory Gundam (a bit smaller than the F91) on an AB2 but the base itself came apart too easily. While the arm was plenty strong, I would’ve needs to add more bases to the existing 2 in order to have it stable.

  • Hello Q/A group I am new to the group and have completed (straight builds) 9 HG models. I am thinking about making a resin copy of a model or two. I would like to know 1) if you can make a resin cast of the polycaps and 2) what type of resin casting would be best to use to achieve the same feeling of the polycaps? Thanks in advance for any info…[Read more]

  • Shinn Tendou posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 2 months ago

    Hi! I have a question regarding of MG Gundam Exia reg ver. and I’m currently building it, and I have a problem on it’s hatch, it won’t stay closed, can you suggest something so that I can solve this matter? Thank you.

    • As I don’t have the model itself and not exactly sure what the reg ver. is, I’ve looked at the instruction manual for the MG Exia Repair and my guess is that maybe the innerframe part of the cockpit hatch isn’t “clicked” in all the way. In the manual it states that you should get a sound when it clicks into place.
      Another thing that I can see from…[Read more]

  • Leonidas_prime posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 2 months ago

    Anyone know where I can find water decals for the re 100 mark III?
    samuel decal doesnt have them and the ones on ebay are poorly done and incomplete

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