
  • Quasar posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 7 years, 2 months ago

    Found a way to conveniently store my Fumina arms.
    Nipped off a runner, a bit larger than the width, and just tucked it in.
  • Gundam Medic posted an update in the group Group logo of Gunpla TVGunpla TV 7 years, 3 months ago

    Is there gonna be a new episode with Todd and someone any time soon? It’s been SIX weeks since the Hobby show episode. At first I figured it was because you guys were busy busy busy along with not really any gunpla kits being released. But now there have been some kit releases and still no episode. I really enjoy the episodes, and even though I…[Read more]

  • GlennCauley posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 7 years, 3 months ago

    I need PDF instructions for this kit:
    FineMolds 1/72 IJN Midget Sub A-Target “Sydney Bay”

    Please help!

  • HanzoTanmay posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 7 years, 3 months ago

    I have Just Paid for Shipping on Hlj and later realized my State / Province Name is Incorrect. I Dropped the mail to HLJ team to Correction but no Response. now its Showing order cannot edited .. i fear it will be Returned to them again if they ship it.. Please HELP

    • Our customer service staff can only respond to messages during business hours, which unfortunately don’t include the weekends. It’s now Monday morning Japan time, and so the team is hard at work getting through the messages received over the weekend. You should have a response soon — thanks for your patience!

    • Thank you for posting this! 🙂

    • Oh, looks like I didn’t make it on time, since mine is not there. I’ve received a confirmation, though :$

      • I’ve just checked on your entry so I could get an answer to you — we’re very sorry, but it looks like your completed entry was received after the deadline. We did receive an earlier submission from you, but because it was incomplete, it was not accepted.
        If I’m not mistaken, Todd and Syd replied to every submission we received just to let the…[Read more]

        • Oh, I see. I knew something went wrong with the first one, because my browser had some errors, that’s why the form was incomplete. I kept trying with different browsers until I finally did it, but it looks like it was too late…

          Thanks for confirming that for me, and count me in for the next competition!

    • Can someone tell me why my entry is not featured. Did I break a rule, is the work just bad? I just need to know for my sanity. I did the Poe Dameron version of the 1/100 FA Tunderbolt Gundam. Please, please give me some feedback.

  • Thanks all for all the viewings and feedback. it’s definitely a long journey for me. it paid off in the end. It’s a big surprise I got bumped to the Advanced catagory and came 2nd. Thanks HLJ for organizing this great event. It’s an eye opening experience to see the outstanding works from talent all over the world.

    • looks like i got bumped up too. considering that i had little experience with painting and LEDs i dont know whether to be pissed or happy that it made the cut

      • Yes you did. saw u entry in the advanced group. .. I love your led mods on the macross ship so much. so well executed. As u say.. not easy to pull it off with this small scale. I would love to get this kit too.. so much details!.. fun to see it coming to life

        • cheers mate, the only thing i can recommend if anyone is going to try something similar is to have a good supply of tiny drill bits and use epoxy glue for the fibre optics. model glue and super glue eats the stuff, and you wont know until you go to test the lights

  • Congrats to the winners!

    Java, I think your build is Amazing!
    There were so many good ones here. It was so much fun seeing things come together.

    • Hehe between Java and Beork I would tend to Beork, if it is about the main figure. But Java made a really sweet dio out of it.
      And yes! It is always extremly sattisfying to see WIP and chat about thechnics and solutions.
      Just browsing pictures and get some inspiration. The best, if you need a break on your own build.

      • I prefer Java in general because theres much more skill and vision involved. His finishing is a bit rougher, but that makes it more artistic in a a way.
        I on the other hand am techically less gifted and in principle just rebuild stuff others have done with some changes because I just dont have the same pieces.
        Not saying I mind getting 2nd of…[Read more]

        • You both used different technics.. and the handcraftet armor of Java is epic. I But I love your alien-style design.. it is just porn. It is so elegant and unique .. thats pure art. Javas design is more classic.. humanoid.. You win in creativity. And the .. may it be simple.. finish just fits and feels right… its my personal opininion, cause I…[Read more]

          • Well, its not my design, is what I’m saying. It’s based on a Kobayshi design and another modelers build thereof.
            Ah well, in the end the discussion doesn’t matter, taste and such I guess. I appreciate you liking it ^_^
            Did you see Javas build after this his entry?

    • No, not his entry, the other mech he built recently, I think its on facebook at least, not sure if its here too.
      Just mentioned it, as its awesome

    • Thank you very much ArchFluffy, sorry I did not reply sooner I just could not sign in for a few days to answer you. You did some sweet work yourself on your plane, you should be proud of it.

      • No prob, Java.

        The cat soldier in you entry cracks me up! It’s just great! 🙂

        Yeah, I love my 321Zero. Getting some attention from my fellow builders makes me pretty proud too. 😀

  • Congrats to everyone, specially to those ones who ended on time (y)

    In my case, if you want to look the album of my Freedom gundam 2.0, here’s the link

    Hola a todos,Les comparto el álbum de lo que trabaje para el concurso Playing with plamo 2017 organizado por HobbyLink…

    Freddy Alarconさんの投稿 2017年3月22日(水)

    Greetings to all and i wish you the best

  • Who did you root for in advanced? My list:

    Java – creativity. you owe me a beer.
    Moldrunner – for trying new things, not another gunpla.
    Ronin – for mod skills.
    Enrico Asa no Hoshi – if the build was finished in time.
    eil doelz – weathered and rusted truck diorama.
    Beork – Kitbashing.
    Lambo & Minarto – amazing car building & modding skills
    One or…[Read more]

    • I rooted for Java, because I really liked the work.
      Other than that… all the same to me ^_^

    • I was sincerely expecting to see your Flanker among the top winners.

    • Some of em are really a supprise to me.. Where for exapmple is fluffys 3 2 1 Zero … ? Or your Jet?
      sure I am kinda disapointed and it is not up to me and I won´t hurt someone, but what on earth makes the Mosquito topping them? Ok its brushwork, but .. don’t get it.
      And sadly the announcement was not even worth a show? I think without Sid…[Read more]

      • Thank you, Moldrunner. You made my day. An I’m going to call it my “3 2 1 Zero” from now on 😀

        • Hehe see.. I like Anna, and the other girl.. sorry, I cant remember the name.. from Toy Tengoku. I saw almost every episode of them, but If the where taken in charge for judging the entries, I feel sorry for them. Scott, Luke and Brian,should be able to judge the quality of a build. Yeah Tod und Sid for sure. Even if they might be not the pro…[Read more]

          • Rest assured, I didn’t judge — and didn’t want to 😛 Syd, Ryan, and Todd judged the contest. Luke and Brian haven’t been with us for a while now.

        • Hehe sorry,for rantingn I appreciate your comment. Java and Beork really deserve it to win. But than I see bare plastik weathered with Tamiya weathering makeup as a winner.. really…. come on..

      • I actually really like the Mosquito, was expecting It to score as the best of intermediate instead of a Bradley. It’s a nice looking, elegant plane and the kit is nice to look at. I am quite surprised it got bumped to advanced tho, mostly due to the category guides.

        • The Breadly is amazing. All detailed and a nice finish. It is a worthy winner. Compare it to the finish of the tank dio at the advanced category…..

          • Yeah gotta agree with that, the Bradley is a superb build. And the dioramas, well I really enjoyed seeing a French tank in there, it’s so rarely to see them being appreciated, even more a diorama of those years, found it interesting, but I see where you are going.

    • Haha this thing is driving me crazy. The more I look at that build, the more angry I become…. Is this really a big gun? You know it, when you see it? Take the framework of the canapee.. nothing is masked.. nothing is clean.. That covers not the best of their entries. It is like….,lits so many, lets come to an end. Very very sad. People put…[Read more]

    • I was rooting for Java, the amount of imagine and vision you had to have to take a pile of junk and make it into the Mecha that he did was amazing. Everyone did great and the posting activity was great from all. Can’t wait for the next one.

    • Your Flanker was very good. 🙂 There was so much going on with it!

    • Thank you for all the replies and support.

      It’s refreshing to see that some people are still objective, un-business-oriented and un-political. I know very well what is going on with Russia & USA. But what does that have to do with me? I’m not even Russian. lol. I don’t even know what the Russian words on the Flanker D mean.

      It’s art. Judge it…[Read more]

      • Beork deserved a win as well. The other incredible gunpla builds didn’t get a mention. They were clean, but modded and painted a different color scheme.

        The kitbashed hybrid bike in intermediate someone did might have won if he submitted his work. Don’t think he did.

        The biggest surprise is the #1 Advanced PG build. Yes, it’s very detailed, but…[Read more]

        • I tried to stay put, but i have to agree with this rant.

          I was not expecting to be on the top 3 by any means, but seeing the winners it kind of annoyed me. When i submitted my entry i thought about putting it on intermediate, but according to the rules, they can change the category if needed…for a second i thought “well, my entry doesnt even…[Read more]

      • Though Syd isn’t physically present, he was a preliminary judge on this. We’re sorry you feel this way, though. 🙁

      • Hmm otaku, what makes you think it is a matter of the origin of its original?
        Hehe then the Zero would be the winner ^^

    • My main complain is that both the category rules and the of judging criteria seems to be all over the place, and the lack of video really does not help on that behave. Are they looking for a clean build, an interesting one, a complex one? Does scale matters? Does realism matters or just artistic sense?

      • I understand how hard it must be to judge, after all we have both gundams, land vehicles, planes and ships all competing with each other, and most of the winners rightfully deserve their place, man there are some amazing kits in there, did you see that metal gear? an what to say about Beork’s uh (is it a gundam? looks amazing tho), but yeah some…[Read more]

      • We’ll have a video a bit later. Because of the volume of entries, judging alone took longer than expected. We focused on judging first to have the results to everyone by Wednesday. Unfortunately, if we had added the video at the same time, results would have been further delayed.

        • That’s great, looking forward for it. Thanks.

        • I think everybody would gladly understand a further delay. Looking st the circumstances. And patience is one of a modellers strength. I really thought Syd would leave after the contest. Never expected him to leaving everything behind and this task to his unprepared colleagues…

          • We had many modellers eager to post their photos online, and didn’t want to keep them waiting any longer, but we will have a video — hopefully within a few days. Though Syd isn’t physically present, he was a preliminary judge for this competition, with Ryan and Todd’s help.

    • Thanks for including my name in your list! I really wanted to compete with you, Beork, Java…
      I’m also not satisfied with the results, there are some winners that I don’t get why they are there and some great entries that surprisingly didn’t place. I was not expecting much from my entry, after all, I made just about 70% of what I was planning (I…[Read more]

    • Syd might have put a lot of trust in his second man or third man being the judge, since he’s not present at the office. He might have skimped over the winner list and photos, but he may not have seen all the WIPs. If he has, he would not be happy with the results. Because we LIVED the competition. Literally. We know every nook and cranny.

      I could…[Read more]

    • I haven’t been able to sign in on here for a few days that’s why I’m a bit late but I do think that Moldrunner should have won a place and also kaminoan.

  • Congratulations to all winners!!! Had a lot of fun, was my first time participating.:) Ready for next year.
    Un salut a tout les partiicipants francophones.Bon boulot les gars.

  • Congratulations to the winners, to participants and my friends and big up to my winning friends
    @zenkuro pépouze :p bravo chéri-chéricoco
    @ Sergio solo

    Well done !!!!

    Et à toi aussi mon petit Rémy! La prochaine fois on fera mieux 😉

  • fuggers posted an update in the group Group logo of Completed Gunpla/ModelsCompleted Gunpla/Models 7 years, 4 months ago

    well here’s the outside pics from the other post
    • You see the colorseparation a bit better, but I am sure its not the real truth. Especially with shiny finishes it is hard to catch it

    • the white gold highlights are hard to see with pictures too. i thought the kit was too garish with bright gold. also the blue tint silver on the piping and underframe doesnt really pop out in the photos…..ah well its been posted enough.
      onto the next kit, cant say that im enthusiastic.
      that was a fun build and i dont think there will be many…[Read more]

    • Another winner in the contest in my book.

    • Try Sinanju MG.

    • It is not that massive, but sure same in style. If you like complex mechanics in a build, you really should have a look at a HMM Zoid. The details of those Koto-kits always blow my mind.

    • the sinanju’s were sold out when i did my last order and the postage to Australia is horrendous. i was hoping for a re-release of the yamato 2199 kit but its been over a year and even with the new series nothings come up. maybe i can sneak another order when the missus is away. zoids are interesting but not really my thing but i have a bootleg…[Read more]

    • Candy mountaiiiiiiin!!

    • I like this alot. it looks very nice.

  • Modelers — your winners are announced!:

    Playing With Plamo 2017 – The Winners

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