
  • masterDS64 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 11 years ago

    Howdy, now I got a hg doven wolf, amazing machine…problem is like an idiot I tried to fix a jammed incom WHILE FULL WEAPONS OUT, resulting in a broken antenna (front one that sticks out forward).

    What I need help is, options, I could order a replacement part (but where do I go, im trying one place but its not on their list and no response so I…[Read more]

    • okay as a user of these guys (I’m cheap, & i’m brutal on equipment) 4 is your best value but I would reccomend 3 for the beginner. 4 has to many options & can easily confuse most begginners.

      both 3 &4 have pressure and moisture traps included which are a must imho. and to start your really only going to want a .3mm brush. it will be your staple.…[Read more]

    • Thanks a lot! your a life saver… that was really informative and helpful.

    • I was thinking of putting up a question for a beginner airbrush, luckily found yours first 🙂 but I’m from belgium and I pay in euro’s. So what currency are those prices in? I’ve no idea what KT is xD Definitly interested in that 3the set though 🙂

      • 1 to 3 is USD, while 4 is Canadian $. you said your from Belgium so, try to search here ebay.uk or ebay.be since your from Europe you might be able to get a free shipping .

        • Thanks 🙂
          did already check ebay, couldn’t find the same set on ebay.be but did find it at ebay.uk but there it’s actually with shipping just a bit more expensive.

          • Sadly it will be. as that vendor selling that brand on El-cheapo brush is based in california. but they are based in california US, and to date have gone HLJ level of customer service. When i had a part break 1 week after purchase, theyrushed me said part without question

  • ZakuYuubari78 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 11 years ago

    I’m gonna start custom painting for my own gunpla soon, so I wanna ask, how long should I wait for the primer to dry so i can start painting, and after that the top coat?

    • first off, time depends on what your using. So read your labels. Most products should state dry time, cure time & in case of non arasol paints it’s type.

      Acrylics dry/cure the fastest, Laquers the slowest, while laquers are the hardiest (resistance to damage ie scratches) with acrylics the weakest.

      your paint conditions will also affect…[Read more]

  • johann cleveland posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 11 years ago

    okey how do i upload movies that i have edited.

  • Llaramys posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 11 years ago

    Hey guys, so I have a bit of a problem with my HG Sinanju. For some reason, the plastic is very brittle (not sure if this is just my problem or it’s a problem with the kit) and parts are literally snapping off randomly. I’ve had both pieces connecting the wings to the backpack snap on the same night, as well as the peg for the shield attachment,…[Read more]

    • I am not sure about the quality of the plastic that HG Sinanju have because I dont have one. Try using plastic cement I think that should work. When applied it somehow melts the plastic and re-bonding the two parts together. Unlike some super glue that just holds the parts together. Hope you get what I mean. 🙂

      • ill look for some plastic cement and give it a try, thanks for the advice 🙂

    • Nick replied 11 years ago

      Sorry to hear about it :(.
      My HGUC Sinanju is frequently posed and only the shield connector has broken because my cork-board that hangs above my desk fell on top of it.
      Possibilities I can think of for why it is breaking:
      Did you paint your Sinanju? Some paints apparently weaken the plastic, which could result in what you’re seeing.
      The only…[Read more]

      • Well, my kit is painted in some parts, but nothing major, only the commader’s fin, the red knee parts and back of the ankle parts that slot into pegs, nothing that should affect the quality of the plastic. It is a legitimate kit, im actually pretty careful about that, but thanks for the advice, i know the counterfeits get pretty close…[Read more]

        • I believe what Nick was getting at is that some paints themselves can weaken the plastic. So are the parts that are brittle painted parts or unpainted parts? Even if it’s not much paint it can be an issue, in addition to that I’d ask if the parts that are breaking were at one point painted then had the paint removed, cause the thinners that you…[Read more]

          • The painted parts where nowhere near the pegs that were breaking and they were the only parts id painted, it’s actually why I’m so confused ^^; specifically, the peg holding an arm to the chest and both of the grey arms holding the wings to the backpack broke, and the painted parts were just the knee caps, immovable red parts slotted in with just…[Read more]

  • GAML posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 11 years ago

    I’ve ordered the RG GP01 Zephyranthes and the Full-Burnern kits waiting for those to arrive. Also ordering a RG Zeta kit tonight as well while picking up some panel lining markers. I realised I’d like to have some touch up markers on hand while building these kits. So any advice where to find the correct or best match Gundam marker color numbers…[Read more]

  • t-pain posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 11 years ago

    hay guys i need help, so i am build the MG red frame and am at the part with the chrome blade and i dont know how to cover up the nub mark on the blade to make it look like the rest of the blade so if any one can help i would thank you

    • There’s a Chrome Silver Gundam Marker made by Bandai and also from Tamiya available in the market. You can use that to touch up the nub marks. Although I am not sure if its available in your local hobby shops. 🙂

    • I forgot about the marker. You could try that, or possibly a very very light dry brushing of chrome paint. I haven’t had the chance to deal with this issue myself, so I’m curious to know what you decide to do and how it turns out. Good luck.

    • don’t know if it’s possible to completely hide such things one of the problems with gloss finishes and even worse on reflective surfaces is that you can’t really do touch ups but that said I’d use either an alcad 2 silver or a mr.color super metallic silver, there’s a few choices in each and they’re as far as I’ve heard the closest to an actual…[Read more]

  • masterDS64 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 11 years ago

    Howdy, Im partially building a nu gundam ver ka and for the first time I decided to go use some decals, problem is as some may know they’re water slides D:

    While I had some practice using paint I’m not at the point (nor have the eye to) pick out all relevant paints to make him then go decal him to death, what my plan was JUST doing the shoulder…[Read more]

    • Best thing that works for me and a lot of other peeps –
      1. gloss coat
      2. apply decals
      3. top coat (gloss or flat)
      Decals should be good and protected. 🙂

      • Does the kit need to be washed before the first gloss, or will it be ok, just making sure

        • Yeah it doesn’t hurt to clean it. I usually clean the parts on the runners before I start. I know some people that don’t clean at all and they have no issues too. It eventually comes down to personal preference.

  • TheIrishLizard posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 11 years ago

    Hai guys, I was thinking about spray painting a kit or two, but there doesn’t seem to be any model shops within 3-4 hours of here, so I’m stuck with normal spray paint. Will that do the job? Also, should I spray on the runner or paint each individual piece?

    • I heard standard Krylon for plastics spray paint works well and you’ll want to paint each individual piece so your not left with spots where the runners were cut off afterwards. just make sure you keep it organized so you know which piece is which.

    • @TheIrishLizard
      Be careful with the spray paints you see in the hardware stores. Some of them contain highly concentrated thinners. Some thinners can soften the plastic or even worst melt it. I agree with @Storm , Krylon spray paints is a good alternative and more cheaper than most of the hobby spray paints sold in most hobby shops. You may also…[Read more]

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