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Author: Syd

Gunpla TV – Episode 125 – RG GP01s – MG 3.0 Discussion – MG Geara Doga – Facepalm Contest Winners!

MacGyver would have been impressed with how Syd and Ryan took some elastic bands, a radio, and some wires, and put out a video of the MG RX-78-2 3.0 sample kit, which we received from Bandai. Before that we had an entire episode featuring other cool stuff which was all lost when the camera gave up the ghost. Well, now we’re going to show it here in this ‘jumbo’ episode, #125. We ...

Gunpla TV – Episode 124 – Gundam MG RX-78-2 3.0!

No, you didn’t read that title incorrectly. Ryan and Syd were in the studio just starting filming for episode 124 when in walked HobbyLink Japan’s big cheese, Scott, carrying some plastic bags stuffed with something very special; a sample kit of the upcoming 1/100 MG Gundam RX-78-2 Ver.3.0! Syd and Ryan decided in that instant to make episode 124 be a preview of the August release kit ...

Gunpla TV – Episode 123 – Gundam GP01/Fb – The Rack – Votoms – Which Ma.K?

In this episode of Gunpla TV Ryan shows off one of the most interesting aspects of the PG GP01, the ‘rack’. While Syd brings the Votoms kit back out and builds the bottom half. Then Syd and Ryan argue about the costs of model kits. Help Ryan decide on which Maschinen Krieger kit to build next.

Gunpla TV – Episode 122 – More PG! Perfect Grade RX-78 Gundam GP01/Fb And Gundam Astray Red Frame

Both the big guns come out in this episode of Gunpla TV as Ryan shows off his nearly completed PG GP01, while Syd does likewise with his PG Astray Red Frame. We show the hands, LED assemblies and even go into (too much) detail talking about Red’s Gerbera Straight. Kits featured in this video: – 1/60 Perfect Grade RX-78 Gundam GP01/Fb – 1/60 Perfect Grade Gundam Astray Red Frame

Gunpla TV – Episode 120 – Votoms – Macross VF-1A/S – Gundam PG GP01

There’s some cool stuff in this week’s episode of Gunpla TV and I’m not talking just plastic models. In addition to Ryan’s Perfect Grade GP01, the unveiling of Bandai’s 1/72 VF-1A/S Valkyrie (Hikaru Ichijo), and Syd showing off Votoms for the first time on the show, we are also having a contest! Yes, that’s right, you get to win something! Gundam Facepalm Captio...

Gunpla TV – Episode 119 – AGE-2 Double Bullet – More PG!

While launching the new and improved, and totally cool, HobbyLink.tv Ryan and Syd still found time to work on their respective Perfect Grade kits. In this episode Ryan is moving up with a completed skirt and a newly-started torso while Syd talks about how different his Red Frame is from what Ryan is building and discusses how Bandai has evolved their PG line. Don’t forget this weeks question...

Gunpla TV – Episode 118 – The New hobbylink.tv – Custom 1/100 MG Tallgeese I EW

We’ve got a special episode of Gunpla TV this time around as we discuss the brand new hobbylink.tv which takes our site to the next level, becoming more of a community for all Gunpla lovers (and of course everything else associated with hobbylink.tv). So don’t hesitate, sign up now and join what’s sure to become one of the best hobby community sites on the web. Details can be fou...

Gunpla TV – Episode 117 – Gundam Aile Strike RM – PG GP01 – SD Comp Winners!

We’re back after our little excursion to Shizuoka, or The Shizz as we like to call it. And we’ve got some of those new kits from Shizuoka here in the studio with us. Ryan also discusses the start of his adventures in PG land, while Syd talks about the MG Aile Strike RM. And offers up a little Omake for those who are paying attention because hey, it’s his birthday and he can do st...

Gunpla TV Live at Shizuoka Hobby Show 2013!

The Shizuoka Hobby Show kicked off this past Thursday, May 16th and we were there! We took in the Bandai booth, along with those of other distributors, who had some new plamo to share with the world. We specifically look at kits from Gundam, Macros, Yamato 2199, Evangelion, Valvrave, Ma.K, Cyber Troopers and Virtua On. Kits featured in this video: Future non-Gundam Plamo! Upcoming SD! New MG! High...

Gunpla TV – Episode 115 – What is RG (Real Grade) Gundam?

In this episode of Gunpla TV Ryan introduces the audience to what he has planned for his next kit, and Syd explains about the Real Grade line of Gunpla kits finishing off with the newest, the RG Destiny Gundam. Kits featured in this video: – Real Grade, Baby! – 1/60 Perfect Grade RX-78 Gundam GP01/Fb – 1/72 SDR-04-Mk.XII Destroid Phalanx

Gunpla TV – Episode 114 – RG Destiny! MG Jesta! Drybrushing Demo!

In this episode of Gunpla TV Ryan wants to show off his newly acquired dry-brushing skills while Syd fawns over the MG Jesta while the anticipated RG Destiny makes a (somewhat surprising) visit. Kits featured in this video: – 11/144 RG ZGMF-X42S Destiny Gundam – 1/144 Valvrave I Hito – 1/100 MG Jesta – 1/72 SDR-04-Mk.XII Destroid Phalanx Be sure to check out the lineup of H...

Gunpla TV – Episode 113 – A Brief History Of Gundam UC MG Kits – 1/100 MG Jesta

The release of the 1/100 MG Jesta introduces a new type of kit to the lineup of Gundam UC Master Grades, so we thought we would dedicate this episode to all the great MG UC kits including all those Unicorns, ReZELS, and Sinanjus! Check out the entire lineup here Also, check out Bandai’s complete lineup of Builders Parts. Kits featured in this video: – 1/100 MG Jesta. – 1/72 SDR-0...