
  • thwalker13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 8 months ago

    So, I’ve been sick for the last few days. And I haven’t been able to get online at all. So I’m a bit behind, but I’ll try to catch up.

    I haven’t heard anything back from GS&M, I’d say because of the holidays. But I’ll update all of you as soon as I do hear something.

    So, the Kampfer Amazing is slated to release January 9th. I have mine…[Read more]

    • So that’s where you’ve been, haha. Good to see you’re feeling well now.

      How about the 20th of January? Make it the official start date, but the actual start can be whenever the participants start de-nubbing the kit. End date will be around March 20th, but it’s the same deal, just a formality that the participants can choose to aim for.

      • i agree 100% with dlinker. good to hear you’re well again thwalker, got mine preordered too, waiting for it and one other to release before i ship it

    • Thanks guys. I’m glad that I’m finally feeling better as well. It’s been a rough/busy last couple of days.

      But I like that idea Dlinker. I think that would be the best thing to do. It’ll also hopefully give everyone enough time to finish up any kits that they are currently working on. Hopefully the forum will be up and running before then and we…[Read more]

      • Phew, you’re back. I was a little worried there.

        I haven’t been able to think much about the group build as of now. Things have been really busy here. I’ll probably just attempt to paint it with the airbrush. A set starting date is a good idea. Hopefully the forum will be up by then. It will be much harder to do the build here.

        • I’ve been trying to nail down all aspects of my color scheme for it. But I think that January 20th is a good date to shoot for. Hopefully the forums will be back up by then. If not, we might have to push the date back until it’s fixed. Cause I really don’t want to try and have the build here.

    • Question: when do the Star Build Strike and the V2 Roll out?

  • Kenico posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 8 months ago

    Well fellas, after 3 days of meticulous work of what goes where and what would do, and more importantly some serious surgery to the backpack, the Loftwing Gundam is Done! Essentially its the lower waist, Torso, and legs of the Shining, the Arms and Head of the Perfect Strike, and the backpack is the Shinings, but we took the Wings Backpack and…[Read more]

    • This is for something completely different. For those who had been reading my requests on what was the best Styrene Sheets (pla plate) thickness for beam saber handels, I recalled Asterisk saying 3.00 mm was my best bet, anybody that can cooberate this and give me some advice on this matter Im open to suggestions.

    • also, what’s a sheet cutter? is that another word for a traditional wire cutters or are they something completely different?

      • I think you mean sheer cutter, it is similar to a wire cutter but more “fine”. Cuts extremely close to the plastic, most of the time I don’t need a razor blade to cut away nub marks.

        • Ah, thanks JMuss. Anyway, what i’m trying to do is make some custom Melee Weapons for my kits and i’ve been trying to find the right thickness to the styrene plates and according to Asterisk, 3.00mm is my best bet, anybody else agree or is there antoher thickness I should be looking at?

          • That should work fine. You can always sand it if it’s too thick or layer on another sheet if too thin.

            • Thanks d, Turns out 3.0 mm Is perfect and ill be ordering some plates of it soon.

              • Yeah 3 mm should be good for a start, it’s easy to sand it. I bought some really thin stuff years ago and I can’t hardly use it. I would have to layer it multiple times just to get a decent thickness.

    • Glad to hear that the Loftwing is coming along nicely man. Can’t wait to actually see it.

  • Bossguy posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 8 months ago

    Well, my X2 and X3 arrived today. I really am starting to get a few regrets about buying these. While the Crossbone itself is my favorite design in all of Gundam, the amount of stickers on this thing is daunting. I was originally planning on painting them, but my last paint project gave me so many troubles that I’m scared to look at the airbrush…[Read more]

    • I hear ya, sometimes these online exclusives need a ton of extra work. I’m kind of regretting what just arrived a half hour ago. My xmas present to myself showed up, but after seeing some of the reviews, i’m putting off touching it for a long time.

    • Hmmm, I say go ahead and paint them. You can’t really dwell on the mistakes of the past for too long. Eventually you’ll have to face them again. You don’t have to use the AB all the way too; Maybe leave some for handpainting so you can work on that skill. Even include some spray cans as a fall-back option.

      • Thanks, guys. If the Kampfer group build goes well, then I’ll consider painting them. If not, then I might just straight build them with stickers. Dlinker, last time I tried handpainting the Crossbone it was a disaster. I’d rather not try again on an exclusive kit, haha. I’ll save an SD for that.

        • I thought about that incident and I was going to blame the enamels you used, haha. Unless I’m remembering it wrong and you were using acrylics the entire time. Speaking of SDs, why not do a couple of those to get over your fears? Affordable, small, and you go straight to the exciting stuff quickly.

    • if you really want them to come out best then i would suggest what the others have said and save them for after you’ve logged in more hours with painting.

      • Hmm, thanks. I might try an SD some time. The only thing that turns me off on them is the amount of stickers. I will save the Crossbones for later. If I never get around to painting them I’ll sell them.

    • Wow, I’m sick for a few days and I’m so far behind. Congrats on the kits Boss and Squee, I’m slightly jealous. But I must say, after seeing a few reviews on that ReBawoo kit. I’m rather glad I didn’t buy it.

      Boss, I say you paint those kits. You know that they will be learning experience. And you’ll have plenty more after a few more kits under…[Read more]

      • Thanks. If painting the Kampfer doesn’t go well, then I’ll take that as a sign that I should hold off on airbrushing for a while.

  • Kenico posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 9 months ago

    I my brother the HGs Wing Shining and Perfect Strike for Christmas along with the rest of the 10 volumes of the Legend of Zelda Manga. I swear I saw man tears with the latter part and you know what, Totally worth it lol. On another note, any news on whats up with the Forum?

  • Bossguy posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 9 months ago

    Merry Christmas y’all. Hope you guys have a great holiday.

  • V0LTES-V01 posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 9 months ago

    Comrades! Glad to be here at this refuge with you all!

    I hope that we can all go back to our Forum soon. It’s terribly missed.

  • thwalker13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 9 months ago

    Alright guys, I thought that I would post an update for you all.

    I have been in contact with the main forum admin about the issue. It would seem that the issue is a bit serious, I do not know all the details. But GundamStore&More, M1ck3y, and even Yahoo are working hard to get the forums back up and running. So bear with us for awhile and I will…[Read more]

    • Can i start poaching members now? lol j/p

    • Thanks for the update.

    • Oh man, I hope we won’t end up losing any data from the forum. It’s good that it’s being addressed. We’ve waiting before and I think we can wait again.

    • damn hackers and their viruses. i’d string ’em up by their nether regions! thanks for the update Thwalker.

    • Just asking is there any updates on the Forums?

    • Thanks. Hope this gets resolved soon.

    • Not posting or even viewing the forum for this many days made me realize how time I spent in it. Sucks that this had to happen now during the holidays.

      • Yeah I know what you mean. I realized a few days ago just how many times I actually check the forums day to day. I’m having forum withdraws.

        • Just hang in there fellas, just have faith in the big wigs overseeing the fix will get the forum up as quickly and efficiently as possible

          • I hope so,Glad i found you guys on here though tho,be easier to check than pestering thwalker on facebook. I too am having forum withdrawals i was quite enjoying quite a few builds on there

            • It gives all of us something to look forward to, at least 🙂

              I bet everyone has a backlog of stuff they want to post.

      • we’re all gundam forums addict. just a nice place to post and look at peoples builds. share opinions without being belittled or insulted like 99.9% of other forums haha

        • I hear that, good sir. I always thought that was the hallmark of the forums. Free exchange of opinions, points-of-view, thoughts, and model kits/techniques without fear of being openly mocked or aggressively questioned.

          Not saying debates or arguments aren’t welcome, but they should be chill and not overly serious. After all, we’re not there…[Read more]

          • And that is exactly what atmosphere on the forum should Dlinker. Couldn’t have said it better myself.

            I’m going to send McGundam an email in a little bit requesting an update on the situation. I’ll get back to your guys on what I hear.

            • Good luck on that lol

              • Hey any news?

                • Not yet no, I got into contact with McGundam yesterday. She said that she didn’t hear back from M1ck3y or Yahoo at all over the weekend. She’s going to try and get with them as soon as possible. With the holiday season though, it might be difficult.

                  • Understandable. My money says that we wont be hearing anything from anyone till the 26th. Also on a lighter note fellas, Merry Christmas and hope you all have the next wonderful 48 hours 😀

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