
  • thwalker13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 8 months ago

    Well since I can’t post this on the forum, I have finally gotten the HG DX to stand on it’s own 2 feet. All I have to complete is the Solar Cannons. They will hopefully be finished tonight. Only sucky part is the barrel to the beam rifle has gone missing. And I have no idea where or when it did. So I guess I won’t be using that little accessory.…[Read more]

    • It looks great. Happy birthday man!

    • A fitting initial gift for your birthday. Looks well-done and very clean, especially the panel lining. Sad thing about the beam rifle though. Maybe it will be a scratch-build project later on, haha.

      Also, happy birthday 🙂

    • Happy Born Day man!

      DX is looking sharp even without the cannons. Looking forward to the full completion.

    • Thanks guys. I’m looking forward to posing this guy with all the panels open. They look pretty cool since I painted them all.

      I’m also looking forward to the next project. Whether it be the Kampfer Amazing, or my Banshee Norn.

    • I’ll just say it again, happy b-day!

    • You could always find a metal barrel, or if you have a local hobby shop look for some of the brass tubing in roughly the right size and use a piece of that. Otherwise, it looks like a pretty common barrel design, you could maybe use the barrel off another gun.

  • Bossguy posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 8 months ago

    The new Build Fighters is up and running on Gundam Info’s YouTube channel. I hear that there’s a new opening.

    • Another silly episode. Nice to see the MK II again though. I liked the appearance of the Mercurius too.

    • I liked this episode a lot more than the last one, still waiting for the K9 to be featured….

    • Just saw it. That director is a big pain in the butt. Looks like Reiji will finally get his hands on him on the next episode though. The qualifying rounds were pretty wacky, with the exception of the aiming one. I have to say, Reiji/Sei’s opponents during the race were rather nice-looking.

    • Watched it last night, was a decent episode. I gotta give kudos to Ral, glad to see he stepped up to defend Sei and Reiji. I’m also hoping that Reiji gets his hands on that director. It’s about time someone shut him up.

      Also, I like the video for new the entrance, but I don’t like the song. The 1st one was much better. And this new ending, I…[Read more]

  • ChapelMkII posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 8 months ago

    Hey guys, are there any places that still sell individual parts for kits? One of my roommate’s cats may have run off with the a hip plate for my GM Sniper II, and I’m hoping to avoid having to cast a replacement.

    In other news, I wound doing a quickie custom repaint just to have a change of pace on projects 🙂

  • thwalker13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 8 months ago

    Alright guys, I have serious question for those who were planning to participate in the Kampfer Amazing group build. Since the forums obviously are not back up yet, and the release of the K.A. is literally around the corner. Here is the question.

    Do you all want to hold the build here, or wait til the forums are back up? It doesn’t matter to me.…[Read more]

    • Hmmm, can we wait until we have the list of people who wanted to participate? I remember it being a healthy list so if it turns out to be a meager list here, then we should hold off on the grounds that it won’t be fair to those who signed up initially.

      On the other hand, we can set a minimum number of participants and if the list reaches that,…[Read more]

    • Not everyone participating in the build is here on this refuge page, my vote is wait until the forums come back up. Otherwise many may be excluded, and it would give the rest of us time to get the kit. I won’t order the kit from overseas so I’m waiting for hobbywave or GSaM to get it in.

    • I remember the list I had made from the forum thread. It was a pretty decent size. There were a lot of people wanting to participate. And the last thing that I want to do is leave people out of having some fun. I’ll give this post a few more days. See if anyone still checks this place out that wants to participate. But JMuss is right, I know not…[Read more]

      • Well, I believe I was #2 on that list, but not sure if I should join now. I also vote to wait until the forums are back up and running again. If it takes them THAT long to fix the forums then we are in some serious trouble. However, if the forums is not up by the 15th, then I think we should just consider doing it here. If it takes them that long…[Read more]

    • i’m willing to wait for the forums to come back up as well.

    • Im willing to wait as well. Who knows, I may get my crap in order by the time the fourms come back up and ill possibly have the KA lol

    • Well it would seem that the general consensus is that we should wait til the forums are open again. So, let’s wait til the the 20th and see what happens. Hopefully the forums will be up by then. If not, I suppose we will have to postpone the group build til a later date when the forum is finally back up and running.

      And not including myself,…[Read more]

      • Cool, works for me. I was checking out the review pics on the kit and it has less seamlines than I expected. The weapon binders and everything inside have them, but that’s pretty much it. Sucks that we can’t work on it yet, but it means I can start on my other handpainting project, haha.

        • I checked out some scans of the manual, seems like a solid kit. A lot of the original HGUC Kampfer was used, just like Build Mk.II, so there will be some similarities. Plus the stickers aren’t to bad. There are a lot of them, but it shouldn’t be hard to paint.

    • I’m willing to wait as well, but when was a start date ever established??? I thought we weren’t supposed to start building until everyone who signed up had the K.A. in their possession?

      • A tentative start date of Jan. 20th was proposed earlier here after the forums went down. Its an open build so anyone could join in after that date. Since not everyone who is wanting to take part is here, it’s hard to get everyones plans.

  • Bossguy posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 8 months ago

    Does anybody here have any tips with MM enamel spray cans? I’ve heard some bad things about them, but they’re my only choice for the reverse wash.

    • In my experience, the nozzle tends to clog up very easily. So you might want to clean it off after every use. Shake it well for a good 2-5 mins, and natually do the the light coat method. Enamel from cans can build up in layers and pool extremely easily.

    • Light coats would be best. Enamel paint can be pretty thick when it dries, and it’s very easy to pool the stuff up when using a can. And I’d spray around 8 inches away. If you feel like it’s covering to much to fast, you can always adjust.

      What colors are you using?

      • Thanks, man! I’m using black for the reverse wash. Those darn sleeves are annoying.

        • Which kit are you working on might I ask?

          • The HGUC Kshatriya. It’s been quite a while since I attempted to build a HG. The nubs are rather troublesome, though this kit is special. Sanding the nubs down is giving me a lot of trouble. I keep sanding divots in the plastic and it just bothers me. It makes me want to make another one after my skills have improved.

            • Yeah, I’ve done that before myself. It gets really annoying. I hope that you have some good luck with the reverse wash. It certainly does the job well.

              • Thanks. Do you have any trick to avoid sanding divots in the plastic? I’ve been doing that ever since I started sanding nubs, and it’s really getting old.

                Thanks, man! The details on the parts are actually a lot smaller than I originally thought it would be.

                • I normally use 400 grit til I get down close to the main part. Then I switch to 800 to smooth our the rest. Then to 1500 to take the roughness away. I normally try to keep a close eye on the nub when I start getting really close to the plastic. Taking a few strokes at a time til it’s almost flush, then get the rest with the 800.

                  And yeah, I’d say…[Read more]

            • Sanding down nubs takes practice. I’m still working on it myself. Often, I find myself having to sand down even more of the part to cover up a prior mistake of sanding down the nub area too much.

              Can take a looooong time to do, too.

    • Yep, the most tedious part of painting kits. The dreaded sanding. Aye, I don’t miss it. haha. Got any pics? Or are you just prepping the parts? And are you going to paint the whole kit?

  • V0LTES-V01 posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 8 months ago

    Finally, the new episode of Build Fighters is out and about!

    • Just saw it too and I share the same reaction as the characters. A pretty nice WTF moment when they revealed Sei and Reiji’s battle with the Thai champ. I loved how outrageous it was portrayed, especially the Director’s assistant’s reaction after, haha. The next episode looks like it will have another WTF moment too.

      • A WTF moment indeed my friend LOL, but in an amusing way. Well it seems that a Mario Kart rally race is up next for the elimination round LOL. I sense a Takeshi’s Castle theme going on LOL.

        • Absolute craziness I say. The head of the company is really messing with things just to get Reiji out of the competition. The next episode will be something interesting.

    • That episode was… horrendous. It seems to be going downhill if this is what we can expect, can’t believe I waited nearly two weeks for that episode. I know this series is meant to be taken entirely serious, but somethings don’t belong in gundam (won’t say it to avoid spoilers).

    • The episode was decent. I think it could have done without the whole “itchiness” part. That just seems to have been thrown in there cause the writers couldn’t think of something funny to do with the main story. It could have just been left out IMO.

      As for the baseball game, that was a complete surprise. And a pretty cool one to say the least. I…[Read more]

      • It’s possible, considering they can just use the existing RG Strike frame and change the armor around. That and it’s a main suit, haha. I didn’t think of Sei going with an RG frame, though. Looking back at it again, it did look like the SBS had an inner frame. Unless that was just the Plavsky particles giving that effect.

        It is very unusual…[Read more]

        • High Grade Build Strike (and hence, also the upcoming HGCE Aile Strike) actually does have a certain amount of “inner frame” inside the forearm. Not really made for decoration (as in MG kits) but more as a way to provide the color separation needed for the elbow and seamless assembly for the white parts of the forearm (the white areas of the…[Read more]

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