
  • Ok so the weekend was not kind to getting any time to work on my model. Will be jumping back in tonight and should have another WIP tomorrow.

  • Bakaie posted a new activity comment 11 years ago

    nob bad on the masking job. I did a HG red frame a few weeks ago and did the paint with out using markers. did not turn out as good as i would have liked, but not bad considering. Will have to look at masking next time.

    • Thanks. 🙂 Try masking sometime. Maybe on SDs or FGs or AGs first. That’s what I did

  • Bakaie posted a new activity comment 11 years ago

    What parts did you do the revers wash on? I may have to play around with this some time and see how it turns out.

    • The picture on the left had the reverse wash done. The gunmetal parts were raise and the silver were in the valley. I did it to a couple other parts with success I just didn’t take a picture haha

  • Bakaie posted a new activity comment 11 years ago

    Nice, great idea, best of luck cant wait to see how it turns out.

  • Bakaie posted a new activity comment 11 years ago

    Looks sweet, nice job.

  • Bakaie posted a new activity comment 11 years ago

    Try Micro Set and Micro Sol. They help soften up the decal so it can bend, and reduces the shine. After it is all done it gives the decal a more painted on look. I have used it in the past on wet transfers and it should do the same for normal decals. Have not used it yet on a Gundam, but will be giving it a try on my model. I can try and do…[Read more]

    • Didn’t know there is such thing. Thank you very much for the info, that will help alot! If not with this kit, surely with future ones. I’ve had problems with foiled RG decals – some of the bended decals just pull off with no visible reason, but didn’t know how to avoid it -_- I hope I could find something in local shops

  • Bakaie posted a new activity comment 11 years ago

    Thanks for the follow up. I am going to keep washing mine from this point on. Have not got down the path of painting yet, but will prob start looking into that in the next few months. Guess it gives me a reason to get an airbrush 🙂

    • If you are not fully painting the kit, but do panel-lining or maybe even paint details directly on plastic without priming, then washing is even more important for the same reasons plus because paint is less likely to stick on an oily surface than primer is. In any case thumps up for washing!

  • Bakaie posted a new activity comment 11 years ago

    This looks amazing. A tone of fine detail. Did you do a full repaint on the kit or just some?

    • full repaint, thou I wish I could have done more with the colors but when just using spray cans colors can be very limited

  • Bakaie posted a new activity comment 11 years ago

    Looking nice, i like the color choice. Do you find air brush to be better then using a normal brush. Also what brand brush do you use. I have been looking at getting one but not sure on the difference between models and brands.

    • Thanks, glad you like it!
      Airbrushing almost always provides much better results than using a hand brush.
      I use a Badger brand airbrush, model “Anthem 155”. It’s a good beginner brush that has dual action and internal mix.
      I’m sure there are much better brushes out there than this, but it works well enough for my needs.
      Hope that helps.

  • Bakaie posted a new activity comment 11 years ago

    So I am in the Beginner comp, and read a few things about the need to wash before you build. Have you had issues in the past with non washed runners? I started to do this on my most resent build but just trying to see what would happen if you did not.

    • For me it is standard practice to wash the runners to remove the residue from the release agent. I have not had any particular problems when skipping this step. However, if you think about it, both plastic cement and primer for plastic is meant to be used on plastic, not that oily residue. Regarding the plastic cement, as it fuses the cemented…[Read more]

      • Thanks for the follow up. I am going to keep washing mine from this point on. Have not got down the path of painting yet, but will prob start looking into that in the next few months. Guess it gives me a reason to get an airbrush 🙂

        • If you are not fully painting the kit, but do panel-lining or maybe even paint details directly on plastic without priming, then washing is even more important for the same reasons plus because paint is less likely to stick on an oily surface than primer is. In any case thumps up for washing!

  • Bakaie posted a new activity comment 11 years ago

    Looks good, I do love the Red Frame,

  • Bakaie posted a new activity comment 11 years ago

    Same here, The Kit that I am working on was the first one that i did a full wash on all the runners. Not sure if it helped yet or not.

  • So i have a start of the legs. Should have the MS done this weekend and will have a start of the rest next week.

  • Bakaie posted a new activity comment 11 years ago

    Turned out nice, cant wait to see if tinished up with the big gun.

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