
  • JRibeiro posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 6 months ago

    So, I got an idea for my very first kit bash. HGUC Char’s Zaku and the HGBF Zaku Amazing. Gonna try to make a true Char’s Zaku II with a better paint job than the HGUC. Any Tips for a beginner?

    • Practice your brush strokes if you’re gonna paint, or learn how to use a spray can well and dont forget to topcoat it in gloss for shine in matte/flat for how you’d like the final result to look.

      But how are you gonna kit bash the 2 exactly, the old hguc really just needs a better head, and with a high mobility zaku 2 or just some of its parts…[Read more]

      • Yeah, i got the idea from rrobbert184’s video, but i want try and add something different. Either try to make a non high mobility char’s zaku with the parts. (so basically, zaku amazing’s head on char’s zaku body, with the zaku amazing’s paint job.) or a regular high mobility zaku( just a grunt). For the last one, all i would need is shin…[Read more]

        • Sorry for my delay and…lack of any others, i do advise looking at and check out the runner previews and manual scans, that might give more insight to what can and can’t be done, I had a look just now, shin matsunaga’s zaku and johnny ridden’s zaku both come with a non commander head top which you could use as a grunt (although its…[Read more]

  • ZakuYuubari78 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 6 months ago

    Hello there gunpla community. I just got a gundam kit recently and I want to custom paint it. I want to ask if anyone knows what kind of topcoat to use for applying decals and make it have a nice finish to it. I’ve researched this already, but I want some opinions on people who have done it for a while.

  • initialxig posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 7 months ago

    hello, i just got into gunpla recently, i have 3 kits right now, which are all master grades:age 2 double bullets, rx78-2 ver 3, and aile strike rm. they look awesome straight out the box, but i they would loook more awesome if painted. i dont have airbrush, so im plannin on using spry can. so my questions are,

    1. how do i paint the inner…[Read more]

    • 1. for best results clip and paint individually, but well inner frame you don’t really see too much of it except around the joints usually, not counting transforming kits. so actually you can for the most part get away with painting the parts assembled, but make sure you don’t somehow mess up the movements, just bend the joints to check ,also you…[Read more]

  • masterDS64 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 7 months ago

    Hi um…quick question, i may of asked this before ages ago when the plamo comp was on (i ducked out, still working on THAT ONE :c) but here it is…

    Clear parts, if its totally clear I know painting it with clear paint changes its color, but what if it is already colored?

    Clear green painted in clear red gonna work or fail?

    Unless anyone has…[Read more]

    • well I’ve never done this because if the part itself is green then you can’t really get rid of that, so the green will always be there, red is the complimentary color to green so if you put red over green you’ll theoretically block all light and lose the transparency altogether, though in practice you’ll probably still get a bit of light through…[Read more]

  • Hello I was wondering you can make gunpla look good when you use your hands…. I do have an air brush but I am not quite sure how to use it…… If you could help me I would be grateful . Thanks

    • …you mean…hand paint with a brush or…do you mean something else?

      *calls for an airbrush expert to help*

    • alright well first off yes you can make a gunplay look good hand brushing, gonna assume that’s what you meant, but it’s not easy. as for airbrushing since you have one it’s not all that hard to operate.

      there are a few things you’re gonna need. First a compressor, I’ll assume you already have that, now you can get better results adding things…[Read more]

  • brypla posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 7 months ago

    Hi, need some advice for painting again as i am still a little uncertain of a few things.
    1. if i were to use gloss/pearl paint instead of metallic paint, how many layers would i have to paint on my custom model to give it those kind of shine that you see in the gundams in those extreme vs game trailers.
    2. is there any spray can version for…[Read more]

  • thebanshee13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 7 months ago

    ok so ive got a sazabi ver ka and of course being that theres three different shades of red there i wanted to paint it up to have three shades of red. however the problem lies that i dont know wht colors to use my hobby store only sells tamiya testor and modelmasters so could u give me some advice on what color i need to use to paint it up the red…[Read more]

    • – what I did was three different undercoats – white, grey and black and the same red on top of each. That gave me the differentiation I needed. I dunno if that works with your spray cans, but you could experiment and see.

      • ill try that out and see what happens but before wht kinda red should i just use normal red or like madder red or somethin else

        • I don’t use spray cans so I’m unfamiliar with the colours – perhaps someone who uses cans can help you out.

          • alright thanks for the advice but if thats the case what kind of red did u use then

            • First I put down an undercoat of either Alclad gloss black, grey, or white primer. Then the red I used was Createx pearl red. I then finished with a coat of Tamiya clear red on top.

    • if you want the actual colors from the manual I did a bit of digging and found the mixes they tell you to use:

      shine red 90%
      white 5%
      orange 5%
      few drops grey

      red 2
      shine red 95%
      russet 5%
      few drops white
      few drops grey

      red 3
      russet 65%
      shine red 35%
      few drops white
      few drops grey

      on another note finding out about…[Read more]

  • brypla posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 7 months ago

    alright, this question may not be related to anything about gunplay, but has anyone here ever participated in GBWC before and when they say to take three pics of your model, does all the pics need to have the diorama in it as well or just your model only? All answers accepted

    • Why not one pic of it in your intended pose on the diorama, and 2 more from different angles while on the diorama?

      For some builds ive seen the diorama IS part of the build.

      That said I always thought for early stages you’d rock up with the build and get judged…

  • masterDS64 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 7 months ago

    Hello, got another question, this time…TITANIUM FINISH!

    No, its not touching up a kit with it, but im after the look…on a hg unicorn unicorn mode (so my hg banshee unicorn mode titanium finish doesn’t stand alone you see).

    Now I heard of doing base coats of silver and clear…but is there a clear white, never seen such a thing , so would…[Read more]

    • as far as I know clear white doesn’t exist. Tamiya pearl white I have used and it’s very translucent. In other words you’re gonna need multiple coats for it to look white, in my experience about 3 coats is pretty good, as for a titanium finish. Also it’s very sparkly, when it’s still wet if you get it into the sunlight it’s really something…[Read more]

    • Are you airbrushing or rattlecanning?

      • Rattlecanning…I can’t hand paint well either due to rubbish brush strokes so that rules that out (but if you know anyway other than air brush id like to hear any and all methods, effective or not!)

  • brypla posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 7 months ago

    Alright, i have a few questions here about painting as this is my first time trying. My questions are:
    1. is it nessecary to sand the entire kit and coat it with a layer of surface primer before painting?
    2. which tool is more recommended for painting, especially metallic paints, an airbrush or just a normal brush?
    3. is there any form of spray…[Read more]

    • 1. No it’s not really necessary. I don’t sand my kits, I just apply a coat of primer of the pieces for the paint to stick onto the piece.

      2. I would say airbrush for all of them because unless you’ve been practicing for a long time or are willing to do many hours of sitting and painting light coats of paints with a hand brush, airbrush will yield…[Read more]

    • 1. Sand where necessary, say to remove a nub mark or a moulding line. Otherwise undercoat as necessary. Some paints can go on straight, some benefit from undercoat and some require undercoat.

      2. Airbrush.

      3. Future Finish

      4. Yes, Alclad metallics need just a single (often light) coat on top of their gloss black primer to work wonderfully. They…[Read more]

    • 1. Okay, I’m going to be brief. Yes & no. No you dont need to, you can just wash your parts, to remove residue left over from manufacturing, but, it is a good habit to at least light buff every surface to increase bondingwith your paintprimer.

      Far as priming, its dependent. If your changing colors, light over dark, its a must. If its same or…[Read more]

    • but it’s a good idea, but do keep in mind that paint, including the primer on joints will increase the friction and too much friction will make parts hard to move and can cause them to break. in other words mask the joints before spraying.

      2. I’d say airbrush if you want to paint an entire piece. For details it can really depend. Raised…[Read more]

  • Josh Klingler posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 7 months ago

    I’ve had bad silvering on water decals after applying a flat topcoat. so after asking I tryed a gloss coat over top decals before flat coat and wasstill having a lil silvering. My new question is would future finish give me better protection for decals from flat topcoat.

    • I FF before and after water slides and that works fine. When I finally put a flat coat on top, to me the water-slides look totally integrated into the kit and look real.

  • mlizarraras posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 7 months ago

    Hey Guys i have a question, I am about to start my first PG of astray red frame but I am unsure if i do the panel lining on it as i have looked at lots of pics and videos and i don’t see much panel line work on it. Do I just do the little panel lining like the divets and stuff or like panel line the whole thing?

    • There’s not much in the way of traditional panel lines on the kit, but there are some indents that do benefit from some lining. I’d just do what you feel works well.

    • ok cause I usually do allot of panel lining or i just kinda follow the box art as well but from this PG astray the box art doesnt show any panel lining and just wasnt sure if people just build then as they are kinda pricey to mess up.

  • baui posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 10 years, 7 months ago

    Hey guys, I was building my MG Nu Gundam Ver. Ka and much to my surprise Bandai decided to throw me challenge. There is a runner that has a total of 8 pieces that have been affected by a molding issue (I think it’s related to the cool down time and handling). It’s definitely a runner that should not have passed in the product quality process. Any…[Read more]

    • you know i am building the same kit and one of the hands had a whole lot of extra plastic all over the fingers and the part that you use to help hold the weapons. i was able to clean up most of the extra plastic around the fingers and they work fine if a little tighter than normal, but the attachment piece was a loss. it wouldn’t rotate no matter…[Read more]

      • Thanks heaps for the suggestion and reply. Yeah that would be pretty annoying. I was actually thinking of going to gentaikits for replacement parts but it could get pretty pricey or try and reshape them myself even though it’s a little risky. But yeah Vegeta does really great work.

        Luckily I contacted the HLJ Parts department and they said that…[Read more]

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