
  • thebanshee13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Completed Gunpla/ModelsCompleted Gunpla/Models 8 years, 7 months ago

    FINISHED ZETA GUNDAM mega launcher sadly i didnt do anything special but finished finally word of advice to anyone painting zeta gundam its a pain in the ass
    • I think painting any Zeta-type transforming suit is a pain. Loving the color scheme, plus the amuro A looks great as well.

    • thanks the A is hand painted i tried my best but it turned out sloppy i always wonder about those pro builders that have it done painted so perfectly and how much masking did they do to acomplish that

    • Nice paint theme! You got the colors alright. 🙂 Love the Amuro A! The angle is just right and the “sloppiness” of the letter itself looks almost deliberate making it cool as hell! To me, it just looks so much better than the crisp line A some of those “pro builders” would create by masking things up.
      In the end it all comes to practice, practice and then some more practice. By the time you reach 50 or so kits you’ll get the hang of it, with things like dry brushing, bleaching, battle damage, drainage streaks, preshading, post shading coming as something you’d naturally incorporate into your every build. It’ll take that much longer to do a serious build, bumping up your build time for another week up to a month or so, depending on the build. The only problem I see here are the nub marks. Take care of those gate sprue marks with some sand paper, a file or just a plain old side cutter/modeler knife combo. On painted kits they stand out that much more. Other than that, a great effort that came out almost perfect. Cheers!

    • if ur talking about the gun ammunition parts and the mega launcher i fixed those right after the i noticed it after taking pics