
  • Vin.kam037 posted an update in the group Group logo of Beginner Modeler - Modeling Competition 2017Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2017 6 years, 1 month ago

    Okay tools set and now to begin!
    • So you’re using a victorinox knife as an alternative for a hobby knife? wow that’s new… never seen somebody does it lol, anyway looking forward to see the final result of ur kit

    • I actually have a hobby knife, but this knife has a story behind it. It was a moving out present from a good friend who loved modeling, but sadly he pasted away a few years ago. So when I picked up modeling, this was the first knife I used (I was novice and didn’t know any better). All and all, it is commemorating his love of the hobby and our friendship, so I want this build to have some meaning behind it.

      Yep it is different, but I will not have it any other way :P.

    • Wow… reading this makes me want to look @ the final result of your kit especially with that kind of backstory good luck 🙂

    • Thanks Meijin. I will try my best to make him proud, but I am still a novice haha. So far, most of the numb marks are clean, but with the dark colors for this kit, I will not be able to get it perfect. Well hopefully my hand painting skills are decent so it can hide some of the bad ones.

      BTW, what kit are you planning to build?

    • I am actually planning on building the 1/100 Gundam Vidar, but they’re not on stock and because my card can’t be used for paypal I had to use a payment service so I had to order in stock only items and so I’ve decided to make Best Machine Collection: General Franky from One Piece. I’ve decided to try on new challange since the only plamo I’ve built is Gunpla lol. So yeah its still on its way to my home.

    • Here’s the link if you’re curious lol

    • In regards to the card, I never heard of that issue with paypal before. But I will keep that in mind for future reference. Franky will be an interesting build. As long the product comes from Bandai, you will noticed that they use the same layout for the instructions and polycaps. My bro got some Valvrave a year ago and I noticed this.

    • Well I’ve never build anything other than Gunpla tho, so yeah I’m really looking forward to this build and yeah I’ve take a look of the manual on hobby search and yeah it does have the same layout. Well living overseas and here in my country is different regarding paypal, in my country only certain cards are accepted, but from what I’ve heard in overseas such as the states paypal registration is so easy as they accepted majority of card issued there.

    • I can confirm that paypal signup is easy in Canada. If you don’t mind me asking, what country are you from Meijin? Well it’s just past midnight over here, so it’s time to hit the sack. Hopefully the paint settles well for my kit so I can continue a schedule tomorrow.

    • I live in Indonesia and most cards here are not easily accepted and yeah hopefully that paint settles well and mind if I ask what paint do you use on your kit?

    • just wanna get some inspiration on what paint should I get bcs there are a lot of choices of paint to use :p

    • Are you referring to colors or the brand? For, color it is really up to you what you want to do. I will have to send you a private message since there theories on what works and what doesn’t. With brand, I use Testor enamel paint since it is commonly found in Canadian craft store. It is not the best brand since it leaves the model kit’s plastic with a brittle and soft feel. I will recommend Tamiya Acrylic. Again I can send you a private message in regards to this as well.

    • P.S Based on information I heard from outside source(s) the Tamiya acrylic paint isn’t actually an acrylic paint, it has too many matt agent resulting it to have lacquer like properties and lacquer paints are not good for brushes.

      correct me if I’m wrong this is what I’ve just heard from outside sources.

    • Ah testors (not available here in my country) because I’m actually planning to use AK Interactive, but the color selection of that paint is not much so I’m looking for another alternative. They have pretty decent selection when it comes to military model colors but their selection of mecha colours are super limited (they don’t even have lighter blue variations lol)

    • P.S I heard from outside source(s) that Tamiya’s acrylic paints aren’t actually acrylic as they have too much matt agent which makes their paint more of a lacuqer paint instead of acrylic.

      correct me if I’m wrong as this is what I’ve heard from outside sources :p

    • You are right. I actually worked with acrylic paint back in art class and it really different. Real acrylic you can mix with water and create a wash effect. The down side is it best for fiber based mediums like paper or a canvas. On plastic, the paint will crack and chip off (I have done it before).

    • Ironically I have a different issue in Canada where there is only bright colors and not enough military.
      Like any other paint, you can mix colors to get the right shade. Here a tip from my mechanic buddy, “the hardest part in car repairs is not fixing up the car, but matching the car’s color. You have to paint the part in one go if you are mixing colors.”

    • Exactly and the reason why I wanted to use a real acrylic paint is to try it out since I’ve never used it before. I’ve worked with lacquer paint through rattle spray cans. I wanted to try using lacquer paint with brush however it may damage the brush based on external sources.

    • Well I don’t have any issues on getting bright colours there are a lot of options of bright colours here, however the brand that I’ve been wanting to try out doesn’t have enough bright colour option. I could use the likes of Japanese paints such as Tamiya, Mr Hobby and Gaia Notes but those paints are too mainstream & I wanted to try more paint option that’s not been used much here in my country such as Ammo by Mig Jimenez, Vallejo and the brand that I’ve just talked above AK Interactive.

    • well they might be used on military but not mecha models which I will be building.

    • btw thx for the tip and yeah it’s true mixing colours to get it to match with the colours with the original is quite difficult. Well they do give u paint guide on manuals, but they’re in Japanese.