
  • Ethicmouse posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 7 years ago

    Hello everyone,

    I’ve a question regarding kits to buy on a trip to Japan! My friends will be going on a trip to Japan soon and they asked me if I wanted any gunpla kits. The problem is that they know little about gunpla (apart from admireing me shelf :)) and I do not want to overburden them with a large box they would lose their precious time looking for.
    My question is: is there any good, obvious place to buy gunpla kits difficult to get outside of Japan (and from sites such as HLJ)?

    • Nick replied 7 years ago

      Well if they’re going to Tokyo then you can get all sorts of cool exclusive kits at Gundam Front Tokyo as well as see the 18m tall Rx-78 2.
      The prices aren’t too bad at GFT but there are a few large shops which have wide range of reasonably priced regular release Gundams, easiest to find for me was in Akihabara. But if you’re keen on Japan exclusive models then GFT would be your safest bet.

    • Of course, what Nick said is very much true, but for some more ideas I recommend checking out the YouTube channel of Mokanaman. He went to Japan last November and has some videos about this. He mentions some big places and even some little moms&pops places where you can get some really obscure kits for next to nothing. Knowing Alan he’ll be glad to be of some help should you need any more detailed information