
  • thebanshee13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 8 years, 9 months ago

    does anyone know how to do scratchbuilding with the epoxy putty ive seen ppl and their tutorials but id really like to see a video of it i cant really find a tutorial of someone scratchbuilding with epoxy putty or platstruct

    • what do you mean by scratch building? like making they’re own custom parts, or using the putty to alter parts?

      If’ you plan making you’re own parts, there are two options that are FAR better then using putty.
      1. If you good at sculpting at all, you can use some sculplay clay to make a part, fire it(bake it in your oven), and then make a mold of the part and do some cold resin casting to make as many as you need.
      2. Buy a 3-d printer. There are a few out there that are cheap($500 bucks US, but still cheap for a 3D printer). Use the software to render your own part creations, and just printer them out.

      Granted both of these options are more expensive then just using the putty, but if you plan on doing a lot of it, they’ll be worth more to you in the long run.

      • both custom and using putty to altar parrts

        • There are a few videos of people using putty, but it’s nothing more then them using it to fill in holes and gaps. Putty isn’t an ideal material for building parts. It does serve as a great filler, but that’s about it. When it comes to altering parts, your best friends are going to be plaplate and sand paper, as your typical tools of course. good, very course sand paper can really cut through plastic fast, so combined with pla plat you can really change the look of things.