
  • Motoconcho posted an update in the group Group logo of Airbrush and Gunpla!Airbrush and Gunpla! 9 years, 8 months ago

    Hi guys,
    the new MG RX-78-2 ver3.0 is going in the direction of RG kits with inner frame and more armor layers with different color tones, so I don’t think is the best RX-78-2 MG kits for airbrushing.
    Which RX-78-2 MG kit is the best for airbrushing experience in your opinion? Ver 2.0, Ver.Ka or… another less famous RX-78-2 MG kit?

    • toss up imho between the oyw (1.5) and the 2.0.

      • OYW would probably be a much better choice than v1.5

        • your right. my brain keeps thinging of the oyw ver as the 1.5

          • They look similar, both follow the design of the PG, and the OYW uses the PG-style leg frame of the v1.5… But the v1.5 used a lot of v1.0 parts (the arms, for instance) while the OYW was more in line with the early v2.0 kits… So they’ve got some stuff in common but IMO there’s just no reason to buy a v1.5 any more, unless it’s for historical curiosity or something.

    • Not really sure what makes a kit “good for airbrushing”… It’s plastic, you can spray paint on it, isn’t that enough?

      • Ah… let me rephrase:
        EASY to airbrush!

        • It’s all easy once you get a hang of it. Heck, people airbrish RG kits, with it’s tiny parts and do a good job out of it too. You can eitgher do multiple shades of each white or do it all in one shade. It just takes a bit more time. Now if you want to do it as fast as you can, painting the whole kit in white after assembly would be the easiest way but like everyone else, I think you want it to look good rather than be done really fast, right? Pick the one you like the best and start from there. If you like the new 3.0, than make the cut, take the kit and tell yourself “This is what I’m gonna paint!”. There’s no easy way out AND doing it propperly with GunPla or any other branch of this hobby.

          • here here.

            it’s all practice and patience. figure out what you want to do, plan it out, then just do it. more you do, the better you’ll get.

            now i don’t paint RG’s, not cuz it’s hard, but i treat em as action figures so i’m happy just panel lining and simple clear so i can ‘play’ around with em but thats my choice.