
  • Merc posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 8 years, 5 months ago

    Hello everyone. So I ran into a strange problem while trying to paint a MG Epyon EW. I primed the parts a few days ago with a 2x coat white primer and tried to put a clear gloss top coat on today but the top coat seems to be eating the primer. They are both the same brand and model of primer/clearcoat. Am i doing something wrong or does this always happen?

    • i dont know why that happend but first off why are u top coating primer you shouldnt be doing that lol it should be prime, paint, then gloss coat

      • Well i wanted to paint the parts white and the primer is the same shade of white as my paint, so when i tried to airbrush the white onto the part i couldn’t tell where i had hit and how thick it went on so i figured i could just hit it with a gloss top coat to get the desired effect.

    • well primers and topcoats just like paints come in acrylic enamel and lacour, and just like paints lacour will eat through enamel and acrylic and enamel will eath through acrylic, and even if it’s the same brand, you have to make sure it’s the same type or atleast not being used in the orders that eat through each other.

      What I suspect happened is you used an acrylic primer and a lacour topcoat. The simplest solution is just to make sure your primer is lacour that way no other paints will eat through it, but if you want to keep using the ones you have what you can do is give the primer just a light mist with the top coat, enough to stick to the primer but light enough that it’ll dry quickly before eating the primer, and then you can topcoat on top of that layer which now seals the primer keeping it safe.

    • don’t want to discourage you, ofcourse aiming to be competition worthy is a great goal but if you’re just starting with paints don’t be too critical or expect too much it takes time to develop those skill all the same I wish you the best.