
  • Kenico posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 9 years, 2 months ago

    Well fellas, after 3 days of meticulous work of what goes where and what would do, and more importantly some serious surgery to the backpack, the Loftwing Gundam is Done! Essentially its the lower waist, Torso, and legs of the Shining, the Arms and Head of the Perfect Strike, and the backpack is the Shinings, but we took the Wings Backpack and wings (duh lol) and grafted them onto the Corelander, that way it has a sort of core fighter to detatch. Now all that’s left to do is get an absolute bead on the weapons loadout, some clean up (aka sanding and smoothing) work and wait for the Purple paints to come in (just ordered them lol) and well be getting this puppy up onto the web in no time!

    • This is for something completely different. For those who had been reading my requests on what was the best Styrene Sheets (pla plate) thickness for beam saber handels, I recalled Asterisk saying 3.00 mm was my best bet, anybody that can cooberate this and give me some advice on this matter Im open to suggestions.

    • also, what’s a sheet cutter? is that another word for a traditional wire cutters or are they something completely different?

      • I think you mean sheer cutter, it is similar to a wire cutter but more “fine”. Cuts extremely close to the plastic, most of the time I don’t need a razor blade to cut away nub marks.

        • Ah, thanks JMuss. Anyway, what i’m trying to do is make some custom Melee Weapons for my kits and i’ve been trying to find the right thickness to the styrene plates and according to Asterisk, 3.00mm is my best bet, anybody else agree or is there antoher thickness I should be looking at?

          • That should work fine. You can always sand it if it’s too thick or layer on another sheet if too thin.

            • Thanks d, Turns out 3.0 mm Is perfect and ill be ordering some plates of it soon.

              • Yeah 3 mm should be good for a start, it’s easy to sand it. I bought some really thin stuff years ago and I can’t hardly use it. I would have to layer it multiple times just to get a decent thickness.

    • Glad to hear that the Loftwing is coming along nicely man. Can’t wait to actually see it.