
  • Kamui04 posted an update in the group Group logo of Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2017Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2017 5 years, 10 months ago

    Some more progress on the Idolm@ster Su-33, but in all likelyhood not gonna make it to the finish line.

    First here is are the wingtip rails, these are ones I detailed and then made copies of, compared to the original kit parts.

    Then here’s the fuselage primed. As I feared when I first laid eyes on the kit long time ago, the recessed panel lines and rivets are sharp, but very fine and shallow, guessing they’d be easily covered/filled with a few layers of paint. Well, a single layer of white primer was enough to clog them. 🙁 By the time it has the white/base coat, pearl bands and stars, clear coat, decals, and more clear coat there wouldn’t be any recess detail left. Curiously the hasegawa Su-35S which was released later than the original su-33 kit and which both share some of the sprues has deeper/wider recessed detail to account for this :/

    So comes the time consuming but careful process of rescribing/deepening all the recess detail and fixing any slips of the scriber and after a couple of days, I’m barely halfway.

    In the end all in all it will push the timeframe beyond the death line. People will argue, but you’d saved time if you cut corners or did this or that. But 1) It’s a contest, half-assed not gonna win you anything. 2) I’ve seen some builds and without a smooth, consistent white base, the white decals aren’t completely opaque and there’s color bleeding of them and the girl decals (Hoshii Miki) you apply on top. 3) I’d rather not finish than rushing it again half-assed, ending up ruining something along the way maybe the model, the paintwork or the decals taking into account these idolm@ster limited edition kits are already discontinued and most are sold out.

    • chuck a sickie, you still have the rest of the week dude

    • I don’t disagree with your reasoning, but you do realize the deadline is coming up? You might miss the deadline if you try to perfect the build. I had one month of no work due to waiting on the exhaust nozzles to arrive. Once they arrived, I fast-tracked my contest build. I’m definitely meeting the deadline.

    • Hope we get to see that Su-33 finished, that setup looks really interesting.