
  • drAInbAmAgE posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 8 years, 7 months ago

    Im working on getting as much of the RG Destiny Heine ver done this weekend as possible, gotta love 3 days off. Ive done a fair amount of chrome detailing on both the frame and armor parts. Ive got the water slides on the way and, from my experience with the RX-78-2, ive decided to use chrome paint and modify the water slides to get the effect im looking for. Still trying to determine if i should use matte or gloss for the final top coat.
    • do a semi gloss coat always looks nice in my opinion lol

    • hmmm semi gloss u say? ive only done gloss and matte finishes so far. ill have to look into that

    • My vote is for matte finish on real grades as they’re supposed to be “real machines”.
      You must have more special release RGs than regular by now :P.

    • I do like the way the matte finish looks on the RGs, my RX-78-2 is a nice example of that. Yeah nick, out of the 5 RGs that i currently have, 3 are special release. Trans-am Exia, Clear Zeta, and Heine color Destiny. Ohh plus the clear Strike Freedom that my girlfriend just ordered for me will make 4 out of 6 special release.

    • wow a gf ordering a gundam for u damm u are one lucky guy lol shes def a keeper lol

    • I’d love to get my hands on the “full burst” RG SF with wings of light connecting to the dragoons.
      I myself only have 5 RGs but all retail releases so I’m a bit jelous 😛