
  • Andrew Waltfeld posted an update in the group Group logo of Airbrush and Gunpla!Airbrush and Gunpla! 9 years, 5 months ago

    I”m sure it’s been posted in here somewhere but I didn’t see it when I scrolled a decent way. I just have a few questions for someone looking into airbrushing.
    1) Any recommendation on a fairly quiet air compressor? I’m in an apartment so noise is an issue.
    2) Are all ventilation systems the same? Basically, is the fact that it’s more expensive mean it’s more effective, in your opinion.

    Thanks for the input, I’m trying to do as much research on my own to avoid asking tons and tons of idiotic questions.

    • Most of the brands have rubber feet to dampen vibration. on volume of use, I’m not sure if they vary very much, but if you are worried about the sound traveling, then maybe a smart compressor, or even a smart compressor connected to a tank might be worth looking into, since the smart compressor will only activate when it needs to supply air I know Iwata make one (and supply fittings for several brands of airbrush like Badger, and Paasche, with the unit).

      I can’t help on the booth systems unfortunately, I MacGyver’d mine together from corrugated plastic sheet, AC filter, box fan, zip ties, and Batman duct tape to save money.

      I did see a nice one that a few people use on builds via youtube, for around $75-80 though.

    • Me again. Mostly every compressor intended for model kit painting is pretty much silent as it may be. The big ones aren’t as much. HLJ holds some of them so you might snoop into some idea. With that being said, the “branded” compressors tend to cost a LOT and I’d much more willingly spend more money on a good air brush than on a brand name compressor. If it has a tank, it’s a plus. If it doesn’t, it’s life is cut that much shorter as it will need to work more for the same ammount of work. I use a PRC made cheap compressor, costed me around 100USD in a local store, worked for two years, no complaints at all. But I do own an Iwata HP-CS which, in the end costed me a lot more than a compressor but using that, compared to my cheap chinese 30USD brush that I had before, the quality of work I can pull out with the new one is incomparably better.
      As for the aspirator unit, I’ve heard stories about balls of flame and burning fumes from painting gasses etc, so more $$$ means a better (and safer) working area. Not to mention cleaner. I haven’t bought one yet but I’m saving money for it. No clue what it’ll be yet. More expensive stuff or should I bite the bullet and go for the cheap stuff. Time will tell. Or my neighbours after calling 911 after a fire. 🙂