
  • thwalker13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 7 months ago

    An update on my Kampfer Amazing build. I just clear coated a few parts, including the head. It’s already dry to the touch and it’s looking pretty good. I’m very tempted to put together the head. I’m anxious to show it off to you guys.

    My new cannons also came in today. And just as I feared, the peg that needs to go into the backpack is to small.…[Read more]

    • Show off the head. You know you want to. I’ll show off the head on mine too so you won’t feel lonely, haha.

      For the cannons, I wonder if you can just slice the whole peg sections off from the KA’s and cement them to whatever mounts you’ll use.

      • You know you want too come on!
        Hopefully the fix on the cannons will be as easy as what Dlinker suggested.

        Either way I’m looking forward to these pictures the wait is killing me lol

    • you could try cutting sections off the runners and then sanding/gluing them to the end of the peg to try and extend them and show off that head! haha

    • What I have decided to do, is instead of using the peg the cannons came with. I’m going to glue in a piece of runner into the slot where the peg is supposed to go. Then fill it in with putty, sand it smooth, and paint it. I figure that should be a lot more secure than gluing an extension onto an existing peg. I’ll just make one for the right side,…[Read more]

  • ChapelMkII posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 7 months ago

    So, I think I might be over-extending myself here just a TINY bit:

    – Working on the KA build
    – Joined a Build Fighter Cosplay group for MegaCon 2014. Have to put together a Julio Renato costume and build/paint a K9 before March 21st
    – Have to build/paint a Star Build Strike for a friend in the same groupwho’s going as Sei
    – Stupidly agreed to…[Read more]

    • Damn man. You’ve taken on a lot of stuff. The fact that you haven’t already snapped, means you have made it farther than I would. I would have already of had a mental break down.

    • I’m betting on you snapping while you’re working on the Renato costume or the K9. Events with deadlines are usually pretty stressful, haha.

      On a serious note, that’s a ton of work you’re burdening yourself with. If you manage to pull through for each one, I’m not surprised if you’re going to take time off from anything related to Gundam or model kits.

    • the KA can be put on the back burner since the group deadline was just for the sake of having a deadline. same goes for the Ecto-1 kit, if shes not into you put it on the back burner LOL! i’ve never done a cosplay or any costume creation before so my bet is for snapping point sometime between the k9 and star build strike haha.

      • Agreed with B6. If she’s not a close friend, just some girl who isn’t into you, fuuuuuck that, make that your last priority.

        • Why even make it a priority at all?

          I say screw that, you got so much to do and they likely won’t appreciate the work your gonna be putting in so why bother

          • Lol, you guys are cold… But you’re right XD

            I’m definitely slowing down on the KA to make sure the Build Fighter kits are ready. As for the Ecto-1, that may very well be the one I go crazy with. You build Japanese kits for so long, you forget how meticulous they can be in comparison to other companies. I have to scratch-build some parts to…[Read more]

    • Oh man, I cosplayed once as Kirito, creating the Elucidator before people picked up on SAO & Before the release on Western TV/Cartoon Network and it was a blast. (Sword Creation; & (Actual Cosplay; Sad since you can’t see the full thing 😐

      & those enough we’re a bitch and I can’t even…[Read more]

  • ChapelMkII posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 7 months ago

    AHHHHHHH, GM Sniper K9 is in stock now! Sooooo many deadlines >__<

    • I’m still waiting on ggifinite to ship my kampfer, I’m starting to get a little ticked. They where supposed to start shopping them Friday,I’ve yet to get a shipping notice.+ the only shipping option was 2-3 day priority so I’m out 15$ on shipping. Going to call tommorow and see what’s up if I don’t get a tracking number by 5:00 today this is bs IMO

      • I’ve never actually dealt with GGInfinite, but I know your pain. My MG Astray Noir has been en route to me since the end of last month, and despite having a tracking number, I have no shipping status updates on the tracking info. If I don’t see a progress report by the end of the week, I’m going to write to the seller

      • I’ve heard plenty a bad experience regarding GGInfinite though I personally haven’t ordered from them.

        Though ModelGrade has been phenomenal and I’ve ordered twice from them but both over $150 for the Free Shipping. Customer Service is A+, I had to do a couple of item switches and was short a couple dollars but the owner was very helpful and…[Read more]

        • I have two of those catalogs lol. I love gundam planet, every issue I’ve had has been corrected immediately. I”m pretty much just going to order from them. I’m not too impressed with ggifinite right now.

      • I’ve bought multiple high-price items from GGInfinite and they always pulled through, no damaged goods or BS with shipping. However, they love to not include the tracking number on the shipping confirmation so I always have to hunt it down myself.

    • I’ve ordered from GGinfinite before and hadn’t had a problem. They did take their sweet time shipping out my Stein when I had it pre-ordered. But that was about it.

      • Last summer, GGI’s mail system went down which caused all sorts of problems, other than that they’ve usually been pretty good. HLJ and Gundam Planet are still the best though.

        • We’ll I just got off the phone with them and I’m actually impressed,nice guy on the phone, the preorders came in late Friday and he said that there working on getting them all out. Said there were three different models they had to deal with but my order should be shipped late today or early tomorrow. Lot of hateful reviews out there about them…[Read more]

  • thwalker13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 7 months ago

    I put my 1st layers of paint on the Kampfer last night. I painted all the gray parts and the head, along with the spikes on the shoulders. I’m going to do some detail work on the frame and head. When I get the head all done. I’ll show you guys the custom blue I’ll be using.

  • thwalker13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 7 months ago

    What you all recommend to glue a hard mounting point? I believe that I’ll have to modify the Kampfer Amazing’s binder brackets to fit the new cannons. So what would you all recommend? I don’t think the cement will hold under the stress. I’m thinking super glue.

  • ChapelMkII posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 7 months ago

    Blargh, If I had known you could only attach images in your initial post, I wouldn’t have posted earlier. The sooner the forums are back up, the better. Anyhoo, here’s the revised knife. Shortened and re-shaped the grip and gave the blade a point.

  • ChapelMkII posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 7 months ago

  • ChapelMkII posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 7 months ago

    Small update on the K.A., pics will follow in a bit. Chopped up the Zaku Amazing knifes and with a little sanding, got them to fit the Kukhri holsters included. Not feeling the look the holsters mounted the chest creates, so they’ll be migrating either to a shield or to the arm mounts. Haven’t decided yet. Also made a frustrating discovery…[Read more]

  • Bossguy posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 7 months ago

    Things are really busy here, and I’ve had almost no time to go onto the web. Here is just a picture of the Sazabi, since I’m impatient. I got a dust piece underneath a waterslide, and it’s bugging me real bad. The thing is, you can’t even see it.

  • Bossguy posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 7 months ago

  • thwalker13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 7 months ago

    Here is an update on my Kampfer. I’ve got everything but the legs and weapons de-nubbed. And I’m about to run out of rods. So, I’m going to get the frame work for the legs, and the thrusters de-nubbed. Then I’m going to paint all the gray parts and thrusters. Detail and clear coat them. That will give me enough rods to finish out the armor pieces.…[Read more]

  • ChapelMkII posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 7 months ago

    I know I’m getting a little bit ahead of myself, but I have an idea for another group build that might prove rather interesting if enough people participate. I wanna test this out though first to work out the kinks, so I am looking for either a moderator or veteran member of the forum with an open schedule to take on this endeavor with me. If…[Read more]

  • thwalker13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 7 months ago

    The Banshee Norn is finally up for Pre-Order, and the promo images look amazing. Me thinks I’ll get 2 of them.

  • ChapelMkII posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 10 years, 7 months ago

    Okay, feeling the need to be brutally honest at the moment. This is for everyone who’s got a Kampfer Amazing: I’m glad I’m overhauling this thing for the group build, because if I was building straight from the box, I would’ve probably thrown away the weapon binders simply for the piss–poor way the entire thruster pack assembly is connected. I…[Read more]

    • I haven’t came across that issue yet. I’m just getting the parts cut off and de-nubbed. I will say that I’m disappointed the kit doesn’t come with beam sabers. I mean, it used them in just the last episode. Why not include them? I’ll also say that I’m glad I’m replacing the binders. In the last episode I didn’t see the Kampfer once use the binders…[Read more]

      • How much of the Kampfer Amazing is recycled from the HGUC Kampfer? If Bandai went the cheap route, that would explain why the binders and/or backpack don’t want to stay mounted.

        • I’d say a good, 80-85%. If not more. The arms, shoulders, and backpack cover are new. The piping mounts on each side are new. And the front portion of the legs are new.

      • Yeah, that’s what I’m referring to. the polycaps the binders mount to are the only thing that go onto it, and then it’s supposed to mount to the back on the same mounts the original thrusters did. It holds fine until you attach the actual weapons pack, at which point the fit is so snug that when you position the packs, the polycaps want to move…[Read more]

    • I actually haven’t mounted the binders on mine yet, but you’ve gotten me curious. I’ll give it a try tonight and see how mine behaves. Still not sure how I’ll feel about it if the issue happens to mine.

      In terms of gripes, I didn’t like the back part of the head. It hugs the torso so much that moving the head means instant scratches to a…[Read more]

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