
  • iamMajesty posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 8 years, 7 months ago

    Hey there Gunpla-ers. I’ve been working on my most ambitious project and probably the most significant one at that. I have loved Gundam since I was a kid. My first kit (and first model kit in general) was the HG 1/100 Nataku EW. I had no concept back then about nippers, nub marks, or modeling in general. I don’t remember how I actually got the parts off the runners but it must have been with the use of scissor. Sacrilege I know, but I was a wee boy back then so don’t hold it to me! I still put the model together, but it was done shoddily in my opinion. Plus I lost Natakus eye piece (where the the foil eye stick would go), broke Natakus chest plate and crotch piece. Good thing Natakus kit came with the Altrons chest and crotch piece, because those had to be substitutes. Sadly, Nataku has been blind. As the years went by, I had snapped a couple of the Dragon Fangs stabilizer fins on both Dragon Fangs, snapped the peg connection on both knee armor, snapped a prong from the V fin, snapped the double beam trident in half, snapped the peg connections on the fins that are placed on the side of the head, and had tons of plastic gouges from where the plastic would break off -_-. I had done a serious number on this kit, and eventually thought of tossing it in the trash, but just kept it in its’ box. Later on in life, my love for Gundam was sparked again buy watching Gunpla kit reviews on YouTube. I would take a hiatus every now and then, but the love for Gunpla was still there. I’ve learned so much from watching Gunpla builds and modeling tutorials that I really want to start applying them. When I think about Nataku, I ALWAYS feel sad because I would think that if Nataku was sentient, it would be disappointed in the state it was in. Honestly, I never wanted Nataku in the first place. When I went to Toys R Us as a kid, I wanted to get the Wing Zero Custom, but they were out of stock and so I got the Nataku instead. SO this is my attempt at redemption. These pictures are WIP.
    • Sounds like it’s taken quite the beating, though we all have that one kit lying around (Hello MG Red Frame). It’s good to see your taking such an ambitious approach to it so I’m eagerly awaiting the result!

    • @Nick I know what you mean ahah. I have a NG 1/100 Duel Gundam and a RG 1/144 Justice, but I’m really focusing on Nataku. I picked up some polystyrene sheets and tamiya white putty yesterday to do repairs and some detailing. I finished scratch building the interior of the front skirt armor and I’m just sanding out the edges to make it all clean. This is my first time scratch building anything so it’s an intense experience. I have four skirts to fill, and I’m currently waiting for the putty to completely cure (first time using putty too). Slowly but surely Nataku is getting done. I’ll definitely be posting updated WIP pictures soon! Happy building 😀