
  • thebanshee13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 8 years, 8 months ago

    can someone pls help me figure out how to do a panel line wash i mixed up the enamel and the thinner and then i use the thinner to wash out the excess paint on the sides but the problem is the paint underneath the pieces are also coming off after it but im using tamiya acrylic paint and i top coated it with a semi gloss coat before i add the panel line

    • The problem is the thinner you’re using to wash off the excess is too strong. Probably also too strong for thinning the enamel paint. Then when you are applying the wash this may start to dissolve the clear coat already…. Then by using the thinner to wash the excess you’re taking away all clear coat that wasn’t dissolved and also the paint. Real thinner is used in the automotive industry to thin lacquer based paints. These are one of the toughest paints as you may know. Real thinner also dissolves plastics, even ABS.
      I made the same mistake a few months back. Because in my case of the language barrier…. I didn’t know that a ‘thinner’ in English is a ‘thinning agent’ translated so to say. So I used a real thinner, not a thinning agent. I’m thinking this is also where you made a mistake.
      A pro builder in Holland told me to start out with a light as possible agent to thin the paint. If it’s good enough to thin the paint, it’s good enough to clean the brushes and wipe off the excess paint.
      Roughly translated I use a “wash benzene”. For enamels it works great.
      Some use lighter fluid or white spirit.
      If you are not sure of what to use, I would suggest spraying some clear coat on a empty runner. Then use a cotton ear butt damped in a mild thinning agent which also thins your enamels properly and wipe it over the clear coat. If it’s safe to use you won’t see anything happen. If it’s too strong you’ll see the clear coat dissolve or being completely wiped off.
      If you try it this way you won’t risk damaging your precious paint job.
      Hope this helps you out

    • Are you using an Acrylic gloss?

      Also, don’t use a semi gloss if you’re going to do panel washing, use a full gloss. You want that top coat to be as smooth as possible to let the wash flow quicker and more freely. this will also aid in the clean up. I would also suggest that you give the top coat time to cure. While you only need to wait for it to dry, it’s best that you let it cure. try waiting a day after you apply the clear coat before you do the wash. might just fix your problem. As long as your using an acrylic gloss, and you give it ample time to cure completely, you shouldn’t have an issue. Other then that, you might try to find a different type of thinner. Try looking into Tamiya’s thinners.

      • yea im using acrlyic semi gloss over tamiya acylics

        • What brand clear coat? There are two kinds of acrylics. Water based and alcohol based. The water based is the weakest one.
          A lot of model builders swear by Tamiya X22. It’s alcohol based.
          Just change your thinning agent. What you’re using right now is just too strong for your clear coat! Trust me

          • im using modelmaster acrylic semi gloss coat im not sure if its waterbase or alcohol based whts the difference anyways

            • I did a search on the internet and found out that MM acrylics are true water based.
              According to Mokanaman on YouTube Vallejo clear coat acrylic is the weakest off all he has used. This is because it’s also a real water based acrylic. He swears Tamiya acrylic clear is the best.
              So accordingly MM acrylic is really weak. Probably the weakest of thinning agents will dissolve the clear coat.
              I would suggest getting your hands on some Tamiya or Mr Color/Gunze clear coat and spray it over the already applied MM clear coat. But be careful not to thin the paint too much. The high amount of alcohol could eat a bit through your water based clear coat.
              Then spray some on a empty runner…
              Try thinning your enamels with white spirit. A lot of model builders all over the world do this. White spirit shouldn’t dissolve the alcohol based acrylics (Tamiya and Mr Color/Gunze).
              Then you can wipe off the excess paint with the white spirit.
              Or use lighter fluid. Just experiment on an empty runner. I’m sure you’ll find something that works best for you.
              And the difference between water based and alcohol based acrylics is that alcohol based is a lot stronger.
              Also a gloss clear coat is always stronger then a satin or mat clear coat as I’ve been told.
              As you probably may have found out, there is no really easy way on solving your problem, I’m sorry
              There are a few options though;
              -Take off the paint, using oven cleaner or windex and let it soak overnight and wipe off the undissolved paint with an old toothbrush or the most time consuming and sand it off.
              -Leave it as it is and forget about the panel lines and learn from your mistakes the next time you build a model.
              Sometimes it’s all about trial and error as a learning process…