
  • Zenki style posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 9 years, 2 months ago

    Today’s haul, 1gallon compressor,50 foot good year hose,quick disconnects (I’m a car guy not having any of this screwing stuff on bs) tamiya paints and some diorama stuff, good day I say. Still need to buy a respirator, and a pack of shop towels.. Imma be broke for the next two weeks but atleast I will be airbrushing!

    • Good haul, man. I’m with you on those quick-disconnects. Makes everything so much easier.

      Are those paints the ones you’ll use for current builds/paint jobs? I saw the pic first before reading your post and wondered right away what that plastic container with the plant was for, haha.

      • The paints are for any upcoming details on projects,gold,silver,clear red for monoeys,clear green for gundams if I ever get one with green. Flat blue for the MkII and the rest is for the diorama/ future dioramas, although I’m pretty much set on making a desert on next as it will be a piece of cake compared to a deep forest

    • That’s the sprite!

    • Have you gotten a WaterTrap Filter for it? I highly suggest you do 😀

      • Yup got it when I bought the brush. I was asking how much one was and the hobby shop owner threw one in for free. Thinking of buying a second larger one for security though,I don’t much like redoing parts.

    • I got a pancake compressor kind of like yours. Got mine from harbor freight. It works great for me!

      • It works exceptionally well and this is the walmart one lmao, keeps steady pressure and kicks on when the tank hits 70 psi, so I never have to let it catch up, I just sprayed for 2 hours no issues no wait