
  • johann cleveland posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 2 months ago

    hi guys I want to buy thing ahead for next year plamo contest and I need to fund this bad boy of a model

    • …so what was your plan/question, im confused, you want us to help fund your project, you need help choosing your kit and or choosing the direction you need to go?

      • ah I put a link what happen to the the item I need in questiont? no I chose a model I just need any help find a site that may still sell it. its the cammabd car from patlabor .this guy

        hope fully the link above it is still thier

        • Well its obviously not on hlj, list them as “sold out” (I typed patlabor ex model and yours was infact there) and no idea if they’d restock…

          Doesn’t look like an easy task, gotta search ebay or amazon and hope for the best!

    • I saw it in my local store, you can try ebay but don’t think is cheap because is EX model.. I thought you want the bigger size by Pair Dot that hlj throw out sale year ago.

      • no I want that size cause its to scale with the mg labor I got and for a full flege diroam ill be working on ,and really I cant find it for cheap , how much was it at ur store.