
  • Silent_Eagl3 posted an update in the group Group logo of Gunpla TVGunpla TV 9 years, 2 months ago

    Happy new year folks. With a new year just starting, I have a question for Syd, Ryan and the lovely Hobbylink TV Community. What is your new years modeling resolution? Mine will be to get into more hand painting, always sucked at it as a kid, so its time to get better.

    • Happy New Year to you too! I like your resolution there @silenteagl3. For me, I will be trying my hand at airbrushing this year. I love how newer HGs are getting closer to being much more accurate to what they look like on their shows but would love to still touch them up and even go back and clean up my older HGs, like the HG Aile Strike or RX-78-2 I have.