
  • Shane posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 8 months ago

    Hey Guys,

    I’m in the middle of building the Gundam wing, there are a lot of small pieces, and I find it frustrating trying to put them together, my hands start sweating which makes it more difficult 🙁 any tips would be great, maybe to where gloves??

    • I’d recommend tweezers for handling smaller parts, and also you don’t have to build a model all at once, if you’re starting to get sweaty or frustrated then just walk away and do some more later.

      As for gloves, well that’s up to you it’d stop sweat and your natural body oils from getting on the plastic but it’d also make gripping these small pieces harder since you’re fingers actually have rather good grip.

    • Rubber gloves are the way to go. In my case anyway. The thin type. I call them condom gloves for obvious reasons. 🙂 It helps you get the sweat off of your work in progress, damaging the paint and minor scratches etc etc. Don’t forget to wash your hands after using those before touching your models because they’re powder-coated inside for easier fit and that’ll mess your stuff even more than your sweaty hands would. Hope I did good on this one.