
  • Bossguy posted an update in the group Group logo of Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013.Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013. 9 years, 4 months ago

    WiP post #1

    Work on this kit has been rather slow due to time constraints. I have started cutting and de-nubbing the parts, and I think I already need to order at least one replacement, due to a simple mistake I made early on. I don’t think I did a great job on the nubs, but everything will hopefully work out in the end. The nubs on the torso are horrendous, and my nub removal skills could use some work. It all adds up to a bunch of headaches.

    • To be honest I cant see any nub marks. Maybe your thinking about it to much. Looking forward to seeing more progress.

    • I have like a bunch of nub marks and gouges I’d rather not talk about, but they hardly ever show up in photos. Just keep going!

    • Unless the nub marks are glaringly obvious (and by that I mean a big white mark on a dark-colored part), there’s a good chance they won’t be noticed. You’re using the hobby knife to de-nub, right?

      • Yep. I cut some divots where seams were, making a noticeable hole in the part when built. Do you think that will be a =glaring problem?

        • Hmmm, depends on how big of a hole. It maybe noticeable to you, but it might not be for someone else. I did something similar on a couple of my kits and I don’t notice them until I look for them.

          • I’m not painting the entire piece, just a select portion of it. Should I just order a new one? GK doesn’t have the kit listed, though.