
  • Abdul Rahim Al Moustapha posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 7 months ago

    Hey All, Planning to paint a kit as part of a group build the HG Gerbera Tetra, i only have access to Revell Acrylic paints and no airbrush (ie. There are still countries like that these days), my question is after i do the painting i find that the paint covers most of the lines that needs to be panel lines, how can i go about this, painted kits without panel lines look a bit dull!! … Appreciated.

    • 1. it’s a PIA.
      2. reason it’s a pia is you basically have to thin your paint out, and then brush it on in super thin layers. while won’t be perfect, will make it easier if you avoind going over panel lines

    • Hey Fox, i usually thin the paint depending on how thick or thin the paint is already is out of the can, i cam using Water Based Acrylics from a company called Revell (They manufacture military style hobby kits out of Germany). and i usually go over the kit in multiple layers (maximum i have done so far is 3), do you think i could manually make the panel lines deeper?

      • If you only can paint by hand because of your situation, then I think the best way to avoid obscuring panel lines is to paint using only dry brushing, it’ll ofcourse be a very slow and tedious process to paint a whole kit that way but drybrushing is very good for 2 things or rather avoiding two things, not leaving brush strokes and not obstructing detail.