
  • Jaberwak posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 6 years, 11 months ago

    Ok a stupid question. Whats the best glue to use on ABS only model ? Looking for sugetsion from experienced modelers.

    • I recommend using super glue or acetone. With the latter you can directly use it on the ABS, but it will of course run. Mixing some “old” ABS with acetone makes a great glue for it, add more to get the consistency that is too your liking. Just make sure the container you keep it in is resistant to acetone.
      Good luck and happy building!

      • Thx for reply. Done some tests using acetone (basically nail color remover) without the ABS filler. Just was wondered if there would be something easier to work with. Abaout that old ABS. How much is needed for that mix? Also if its mixed with ABS will i’ll be able to use it brush? Im a bit sceptical with super glue – knowing my luck it would stick to all the wrong places ^^
        Why does chinese brands stick to this damm ABS. Its super hard to glue but at least its godly when it comes to sanding…

        • You can add as much as ABS to the mix as you like. The more you add to the mix, the thicker it gets. You can get it to a consistency of Tamiya extra thin, normal glue and even to a thinned down putty consistency. Then you can certainly use a brush to apply it. I have to recommend getting some 100% acetone, available in most hardware stores. There are some additives in nail polish remover which can give a negative adhesion, in other words, make a not as strong bond. It works very good for cleaning your brush though (I use it for cleaning tools after working with fiberglass resin).

          As for the super glue, yes, it can be a royal pain in the butt! However, there are a few options. There is a super glue which needs to be activated with an (yes, you’ve guessed it) activator. There is also a super glue which needs to be activated with UV light (some come with the light, others need one te purchased separately). The only downside is, it won’t cure that well in places where the UV light doesn’t reach and needs to be applied in a room that is totally blocked from sunlight. There should be a few brands that produce either one or even both.
          Both glues ensure you with enough time to remove any blemishes but there is no substitute in “melting” the ABS, the exact way polystyrene glue works.
          One little tip for storing the super glue ones opened, keep it in the refrigerator to prolong its lifespan.
          Good luck and happy building!