
  • teetee580 posted an update in the group Group logo of What just arrived from HLJ??What just arrived from HLJ?? 7 years, 9 months ago

    The next badge. Still a GM RX-78-2 2.0(Every Gundam collection needs the grand daddy IMO) and the MG Aile Strike R.M. in private warehouse at HLJ. Damn those restocks LOL. Thanks to HLJ for creating me a backlog 😀
    • Oh, and why not the Strike Freedom Full Burst Mode? Going to do ‘Mechie Plating’ myself. With the FBM there are a lot of parts that need to be plated anyways and this way I don’t have to strip the Bandai plated parts….

    • hmm how would u go about doing the mekki plating. it seems like an interesting idea 🙂

    • @tehbanshee13, well, that’s rather simple. First a gloss black enamel in preparation for the Alclad chrome. Then a mix of 85% clear yellow with 15% orange. Used it in the past for the yellow parts on my MG Destiny and MG Nu Ver.Ka. (on the latter it was hand painted, didn’t have an airbrush at the time). The only tricky thing is not to spray too many of that yellowish mixture.
      You could also use a Tamiya Silver Leaf spray can as it doesn’t leave any big metallic parts on the surface and a clear yellow spray can should you have no excess to an airbrush or Alclad chrome. For hand painting I used Humbrol #27002. It’s an enamel which you can buff and it has no apparent metallic flakes in it as well. Use it for detailing pistons from time to time.
      If you need any help, tips or want to see some pictures of the results from either the sprayed or hand painted parts, just drop me a line.

    • thanks but i had the idea of what u meant i meant was i was curious to see if u were using that metal powder stuff for the strike freedom because that would be even nicer lol 🙂 but happy building

    • Yeah, I know the product, but I have no access to it, so Alclad Chrome will have to do.
      Thanks, to you the same!