
  • wwh0628 posted an update in the group Group logo of Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013.Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013. 9 years, 6 months ago

    The real WIP 7 (my previous post should be WIP 6): Ok, the whole thing almost complete. The only left are left leg armor and weaponry. I replaced the beam sabers on the backpack. These two are more appealing than the previous. In the background of this picture, you can also see my MG Strike + IWSP kit. 😀 Cheers.

    • Very nice. I honestly don’t see the weathering in this picture. It seems to stand out more when the lighting is darker.

      • Thanks! Yeah, I think I need to figure out a better way to take picture. So far, I simply put or hold my desk lamp a bit close to the kit and then using my other hand to take some pictures with my decent pocket camera. I’m also thinking if I should use flash or not. I’ve tried both with mixed results. I welcome if you have suggestions especially on the lighting and background. 🙂

    • Looking good. Did you mean you replaced the beam saber handles or just the saber blades?

      • Thanks! Yes I mean I replaced the beam saber handles. This kit has two type of handles. One that was shown in my previous post and the second is what I’m using now. I think I like the second type better.

        • I agree, these look much better. A bit more realistic too, since this is a kit of the very first Gundam which should have pretty big beam saber handles (before they got more efficient and slimmed down).