
  • wwh0628 posted a new activity comment 10 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks for the recommendation. I definitely will look up for it.

  • wwh0628 posted a new activity comment 10 years, 10 months ago

    LOL.. I knew it! From many of your responses in this forum, I always have a feeling that you’re somewhat ‘experienced’. 😀 I sometimes have a suspicion that you might be one of the judges, sent here to watch us beginners doing the competition. LOL. But maybe I went overboard with this suspicion. 😛

    But really dude! You’re cool. Thanks for telling…[Read more]

    • Oh, thank you. You’re too kind. I wish I was one of the judges, haha. I am not the most experienced builder in this group. There are many here that have some insane talent, and have created some awesome work outside of this competition. An airbrush is an excellent investment, and If you think you’re going to get more serious with this hobby, I…[Read more]

  • wwh0628 posted a new activity comment 10 years, 10 months ago

    An amazing zaku and an amazing booster will be double amazing. 😀 I love this zaku. I want to get one, but I’m waiting if Bandai would release the MG version of this kit.

  • wwh0628 posted a new activity comment 10 years, 10 months ago

    Nice! When I built mine, I was following the manual. So I didn’t have the chance to document the ‘naked’ version of this kit. 😀

  • wwh0628 posted a new activity comment 10 years, 10 months ago

    By the way @Bossguy, now that I’m thinking and start to taking your point. I think maybe it will be much better that I spray the inner frames and the hands that were made from ABS, first with Tamiya surface primer. Then I can spray them with synthetic lacquer. Yeah, I didn’t thought about this before. But maybe for safety and to make the kit last…[Read more]

    • Haha, one of those links is the website where I discuss Gundam with other people! About your question, leave it as it is. The main frame is made out of polystyrene, so the gunmetal won’t harm the plastic. The hands however, will degrade over time. I do not suggest respraying them. Tamiya primer from a can is also a synthetic lacquer. Leave the…[Read more]

      • LOL.. I knew it! From many of your responses in this forum, I always have a feeling that you’re somewhat ‘experienced’. 😀 I sometimes have a suspicion that you might be one of the judges, sent here to watch us beginners doing the competition. LOL. But maybe I went overboard with this suspicion. 😛

        But really dude! You’re cool. Thanks for telling…[Read more]

        • Oh, thank you. You’re too kind. I wish I was one of the judges, haha. I am not the most experienced builder in this group. There are many here that have some insane talent, and have created some awesome work outside of this competition. An airbrush is an excellent investment, and If you think you’re going to get more serious with this hobby, I…[Read more]

  • wwh0628 posted a new activity comment 10 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks a lot for your answer! Yes it is very helpful. I learn new things in here.

    I will play around more with this lighting. I probably will try to get another desk lamp. I also understand about your reason on black background. Because you don’t want to have a reflective background, so you chose black instead of white. Smart! But I think it is…[Read more]

  • wwh0628 posted a new activity comment 10 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks! But I would say, Yes you can paint your kit like this. It is extremely easy. I’m also a beginner. So you can take my word. 😀 The only thing I did is just put some weathering and then seals it with a coat. And I think this is what most people here are doing. They do something with their kit and then put a coat (either flat or gloss) on top…[Read more]

  • wwh0628 posted a new activity comment 10 years, 10 months ago

    Really?? Thanks for sharing this info. It made me go for searching on Google on this matter.

    I found some stores mention that it is useful for ABS plastic. Here I show you two of these links:


    And when I went to some forums,…[Read more]

    • By the way @Bossguy, now that I’m thinking and start to taking your point. I think maybe it will be much better that I spray the inner frames and the hands that were made from ABS, first with Tamiya surface primer. Then I can spray them with synthetic lacquer. Yeah, I didn’t thought about this before. But maybe for safety and to make the kit last…[Read more]

      • Haha, one of those links is the website where I discuss Gundam with other people! About your question, leave it as it is. The main frame is made out of polystyrene, so the gunmetal won’t harm the plastic. The hands however, will degrade over time. I do not suggest respraying them. Tamiya primer from a can is also a synthetic lacquer. Leave the…[Read more]

        • LOL.. I knew it! From many of your responses in this forum, I always have a feeling that you’re somewhat ‘experienced’. 😀 I sometimes have a suspicion that you might be one of the judges, sent here to watch us beginners doing the competition. LOL. But maybe I went overboard with this suspicion. 😛

          But really dude! You’re cool. Thanks for telling…[Read more]

          • Oh, thank you. You’re too kind. I wish I was one of the judges, haha. I am not the most experienced builder in this group. There are many here that have some insane talent, and have created some awesome work outside of this competition. An airbrush is an excellent investment, and If you think you’re going to get more serious with this hobby, I…[Read more]

  • wwh0628 posted a new activity comment 10 years, 10 months ago

    Really “Lafressia”? And here I’m always thinking that the name is “Rafflessia”. LOL.

    • Everywhere I look on the web it’s called the “XMA-01 Rafflesia” – but I swear the manual says otherwise 🙂

  • wwh0628 posted a new activity comment 10 years, 10 months ago

    Yeah, those seals are terrible, which is why I decided to avoid it.

  • wwh0628 posted a new activity comment 10 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks! The weathering indeed boost the appearance of the kit. I’m really happy that I’m doing it. 🙂

    The shiny gunmetal on two gigantic hands may look strange for some others, LOL. But I think it is the proper color and I like it too. When I see this picture: http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/File:RX-78-2_(4).jpg , I just couldn’t think of any color…[Read more]

  • wwh0628 posted a new activity comment 10 years, 10 months ago

    Yes! I use Soot from tamiya weathering master set B. It is really just that, nothing else. I used q-tips and I found it very effective. I think I used up around 20 q-tips just for this, LOL. And don’t worry if you apply too much. Just like panel line marker, they are easy to remove with eraser.

  • wwh0628 posted a new activity comment 10 years, 10 months ago

    Nice, that’s the spirit! 😀

  • wwh0628 posted a new activity comment 10 years, 10 months ago

    Good luck! Will you also add the amazing booster for this kit?

  • wwh0628 posted a new activity comment 10 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks! This kit is awesome. I think it’s worth to be in anyone’s MG shelf. 😀 Even though some people regard it as the ‘bigger’ scale of the RG, but this is still an MG with all the beauties of an MG kit.

  • wwh0628 posted a new activity comment 10 years, 10 months ago

    Well, actually yes, the hands were painted with gunmetal. But then I painted them with glossy coat.

    What you see in the pictures at the third row are arms (including hands) that were painted with gloss coat. But the hands (and inner frames) were already painted with gunmetal. The three pictures in the last row are showing the whole kit that…[Read more]

    • Oh no! The paint that you were using is a synthetic lacquer, something that you should NEVER use on ABS plastic. It will make it extremely brittle over time, to the point where it will shatter at the slightest touch.

      • Really?? Thanks for sharing this info. It made me go for searching on Google on this matter.

        I found some stores mention that it is useful for ABS plastic. Here I show you two of these links:


        And when I went to some forums,…[Read more]

        • By the way @Bossguy, now that I’m thinking and start to taking your point. I think maybe it will be much better that I spray the inner frames and the hands that were made from ABS, first with Tamiya surface primer. Then I can spray them with synthetic lacquer. Yeah, I didn’t thought about this before. But maybe for safety and to make the kit last…[Read more]

          • Haha, one of those links is the website where I discuss Gundam with other people! About your question, leave it as it is. The main frame is made out of polystyrene, so the gunmetal won’t harm the plastic. The hands however, will degrade over time. I do not suggest respraying them. Tamiya primer from a can is also a synthetic lacquer. Leave the…[Read more]

            • LOL.. I knew it! From many of your responses in this forum, I always have a feeling that you’re somewhat ‘experienced’. 😀 I sometimes have a suspicion that you might be one of the judges, sent here to watch us beginners doing the competition. LOL. But maybe I went overboard with this suspicion. 😛

              But really dude! You’re cool. Thanks for telling…[Read more]

              • Oh, thank you. You’re too kind. I wish I was one of the judges, haha. I am not the most experienced builder in this group. There are many here that have some insane talent, and have created some awesome work outside of this competition. An airbrush is an excellent investment, and If you think you’re going to get more serious with this hobby, I…[Read more]

  • wwh0628 posted a new activity comment 10 years, 10 months ago

    Really cool! Then may I ask a couple of questions? Hope you don’t mind. 🙂 Do you use your camera flash? Or do you use external lighting? By the way, what do you think is better? A white background or black background? I see that you’re using black, but most others are using white. What is your consideration when choosing background?

    And by the…[Read more]

    • Hiya wwh0628,

      thanks man. Ok, let me answers your questions one by one.

      Q) “Do you use your camera flash? Or do you use external lighting?”
      A) No, I don’t use camera flash. Just like with people, on camera flash tends to flatten 3 dimensional objects. This was photographed with 2 external lights. They are just normal flurescant (cool white)…[Read more]

      • Thanks a lot for your answer! Yes it is very helpful. I learn new things in here.

        I will play around more with this lighting. I probably will try to get another desk lamp. I also understand about your reason on black background. Because you don’t want to have a reflective background, so you chose black instead of white. Smart! But I think it is…[Read more]

  • wwh0628 posted a new activity comment 10 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks for the praise! I’m really happy that the shades really comes out nicely. Feel free if you have comment or advice. I always want to improve my results. 🙂

    • Is it airbrushed? or you use a different technique? plz tell me! I’m rly curious about it

      • No airbrush here. I simply use Tamiya weathering master. Apply it on edges and lines to highlight them. After that I spray the kit with clear gloss coat. That’s it.

  • wwh0628 posted a new activity comment 10 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks! Yes, the hands also painted with clear gloss. But this still not the end result. If you have advice, you’re very welcome. 🙂

    • Okay, few. I thought you painted the hands with the gunmetal.

      • Well, actually yes, the hands were painted with gunmetal. But then I painted them with glossy coat.

        What you see in the pictures at the third row are arms (including hands) that were painted with gloss coat. But the hands (and inner frames) were already painted with gunmetal. The three pictures in the last row are showing the whole kit that…[Read more]

        • Oh no! The paint that you were using is a synthetic lacquer, something that you should NEVER use on ABS plastic. It will make it extremely brittle over time, to the point where it will shatter at the slightest touch.

          • Really?? Thanks for sharing this info. It made me go for searching on Google on this matter.

            I found some stores mention that it is useful for ABS plastic. Here I show you two of these links:


            And when I went to some forums,…[Read more]

            • By the way @Bossguy, now that I’m thinking and start to taking your point. I think maybe it will be much better that I spray the inner frames and the hands that were made from ABS, first with Tamiya surface primer. Then I can spray them with synthetic lacquer. Yeah, I didn’t thought about this before. But maybe for safety and to make the kit last…[Read more]

              • Haha, one of those links is the website where I discuss Gundam with other people! About your question, leave it as it is. The main frame is made out of polystyrene, so the gunmetal won’t harm the plastic. The hands however, will degrade over time. I do not suggest respraying them. Tamiya primer from a can is also a synthetic lacquer. Leave the…[Read more]

                • LOL.. I knew it! From many of your responses in this forum, I always have a feeling that you’re somewhat ‘experienced’. 😀 I sometimes have a suspicion that you might be one of the judges, sent here to watch us beginners doing the competition. LOL. But maybe I went overboard with this suspicion. 😛

                  But really dude! You’re cool. Thanks for telling…[Read more]

                  • Oh, thank you. You’re too kind. I wish I was one of the judges, haha. I am not the most experienced builder in this group. There are many here that have some insane talent, and have created some awesome work outside of this competition. An airbrush is an excellent investment, and If you think you’re going to get more serious with this hobby, I…[Read more]

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