
  • thwalker13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013 9 years, 5 months ago

    HG AGE-2 “Black Blade” WiP #3

    Well it’s been awhile since my last update. I’ve got a lot done on the kit, and I’m almost ready to lay down the 1st base coats. I know I’m working slow, but a full time job, a wife, and 3 kids comes 1st.

    But so far I’ve gotten the underside of the skirt armor fixed up how I wanted it, and I have the shin blades painted up. I’m working on the Beam Blades themselves now, along with getting the final parts masked up. All the parts to the kit are now smoothed out and are on rods. So once the last few parts are masked and the Beam Blades are done. It’s finally time to start painting.