
  • superxvegito posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 8 months ago

    Hey guys, I am still fairly new to building kits and I am in the process of putting a flat top coat on my HG Buster. How long would you suggest for the top coat to dry before putting the kit back together? I waited 24 hours on my 1/100 Freedom but when I checked the Buster after about 2 hours it looked about the same as the Freedom did after 24 hours.

    • what kind of braind id it and how thick u put it on.

      • It’s Testor’s Dullcote and I just put a light spray on it, passing from left to right once on each side.

        • oh ..5 to 10 that stuff drys drys just as fast or quicker then primer it will just be a litte stick for a little onger at that time u cna check by tapp a side of each part on the smooths side of ur hand to see if it at all sticky*not sticky as in the paint comes off like a sticker sticky* if so put it near a fan to help it futre dry and that is that .hope this helps.

    • Testor’s Dullcote takes 24 hours to cure, You could try doing it earlier but be careful or you could leave fingerprints in the coat.

      • I figured as much. Ah well, just gotta be patient, just like I was with the Freedom. Thanks!

      • to add to that a bit, most paints for models have a 24 hour cure time. They’ll be dry to the touch in a couple of hours and I’d even say it should be safe to assemble after maybe 2-3 hours usually, but if you’re going to mask something for like another layer of paint, the masking may pull off the paint since it’s not fully cured.