
  • Silent_Eagl3 posted an update in the group Group logo of Gunpla TVGunpla TV 9 years, 9 months ago

    Go team Syd!! I couldn’t agree more about his reaction and thoughts about a PG Kshatriya, Especially when they don’t even have a solution about how to do the MG efficiently. Fortunately the hobby comes with people and their “wishlists”. On the other hand the Victory Gundam Would be a really fun build and a great kit to get people into the world of PG’s because there wouldn’t be much plastic involved. The more I think of PG Victory Gundam the more I think its a fantastic idea..

    • well I agree that the victory is a better choice for a PG, the Kshatriya is just too big. I don’t however agree with that thought about it not being much plastic. The victory is a smaller suit but it’s a transforming combining suit so it’s gonna have lots of mechanism and moving parts and such. and if they do something like what they did with GP-01 then you’d have V and V-dash so that’d be an entire extra core fighter. Really I doubt a PG Victory would be all that much less plastic.

      Oh another note I think Kshatriya would be a great RG kit, that line is really prime territory for those large suits. Think about it the Dendrobium is as big as a perfect grade and as expensive too in 144 scale, it couldn’t reasonably be built in a bigger scale but it can upgraded to a RG, it’d be really really expensive but doable none the less. A Kshatriya atleast isn’t as big as that thing so a RG of that is well within the realm of possibility I think.

      • I was comparing the Victory with the Kshatriya. PG’s of course stretch out the plastic but its one of the smallest Gundams as well, and will clearly use less plastic then other PG’s.

        As for a RG Dendrobium I think Bandai will just do what they did with the METEOR’s from Seed. just release the old Dendrobium unit with RG style decals and have a RG GP03 as well. RG Kshatriya should be doable as well.

        • RG Kshathriya is one simple guy and should look FANTASTIC as an RG. Hell, I don’t like RG’s and I’d rather have that than a HG kit of it. I know MG’s not gonna come any time soon, if ever.

          • I love the RG line myself. But as for the MG its not out of the question. Its just Bandai has said they cant make it due to the cost of the frame, which would have to be made out of metal to keep it stable.PG Unicorn apparently was not worth the risk either.