
  • Plamobot posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 4 months ago

    I’ve heard that metallic Gundam Markers can damage or destroy parts. Has that happened to anyone here? I’ve only used them for tiny parts like v-fins, eyes, and weapon blades, and it seemed to work fine. Can anyone confirm or deny the rumor? Thanks!

    • If only used the green metallic gundam marker. But haven’t had any problems with it. I mostly used it on clear pieces but never had any damage to the plastic afterwards.

    • I used the green one only one tiny parts too. But why do you want to use it on big parts?
      You better get a Tamiya TS-20 Metallic green or if you’re airbrushing apply a coat of silver then a coat of clear green on it will give you a metallic green effect too.