
  • Nyshiro posted an update in the group Group logo of CUSTOM GUNPLA!CUSTOM GUNPLA! 7 years, 10 months ago

    Got a new custom done….Shade Shadow Exia
    …not as clean as I hoped it would be…….:( …thoughts…..??
    • I think it looks very nice, though some chrome or silver on the edge of the blades would add a little more detail in my opinion.

    • Thanks, I’m still working on the blades…sadly I cant find any flat colors here…and Havnt had a chance to order anything yet…hence the shine on the kit…

    • ITs a NINJA! oh by the way is this RG? cause it looks sweet

    • lol thanks, but no its a basic Exia…i didnt want to risk messing up a RG…this is the cheapest HG one i could find that was decent… 😉