
  • Loganzaraki posted an update in the group Group logo of Airbrush and Gunpla!Airbrush and Gunpla! 7 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Guys

    I was wondering when your airbrushing, how much assembly do you do first and do you remove join lines, if so how do you do this?

    • Hello there.
      Me, I only build MG’s and PG’s so I’m a bit spoiled when it comes to seam lines, so I spray all the pieces before assembly. However, on a few older MG’s there are some nasty joints in the head. What I do is paint the face plate, the in- and outside of the cheek plates, glue the head with the face plate in place together and then fill in the seam lines, remove them, mask the face plate and paint the head. Some make some elaborate construction so they can attach the face plate later on.
      As for the other parts, mostly Bandai provides “panel lines” when two parts meet each other. If this isn’t the case, I scribe panel lines on the leading edges of the part so it’ll look like it’s a “natural” panel line.
      You could glue the armor pieces together, remove the seam lines and then mask off the visible frame parts, provided you have painted them in advance. Or you could spray the whole piece, then mask the armor parts and paint the visible frame parts. Hope that makes sense.
      Should there be anything that still remains unclear, please get back with us. Good luck and happy building