
  • evolfx150 posted an update in the group Group logo of Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013 9 years, 2 months ago

    I’m leaving this here just to say that I’m withdrawing from this contest.
    Despite my efforts there’s still way too much to do on my Gundam Nadleeh kit, time hasn’t been very kind with me. I don’t even want to start listing here what I need to do and what not. It’s just way too much.
    So I’ll finish this project for my own entertainment when I’ll have the time. In the near future hopefully. ^^;

    To everyone still partecipating to the contest: good luck!

    • That is so sad to hear. hope to see the kit in the future anyway.

    • Always sad to see someones project come to a screeching halt, for some reason or another, or something broke beyond any means to repair it.

      Hopefully we will see the results of your build, with less of a time crunch looming.