
  • enamelhands posted an update in the group Group logo of Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013 9 years, 4 months ago

    • More work has been done on the base. Added sand glue mixture, more smaller pieces of wood for variety. Hand Painted the base with blacks, then dry brushed with white. Also randomly placed pigments about to add some color variety. The Titus is also pretty much done too, so the next pics will probably be the final entry. Good luck folks. Some great stuff on here.

    • Wow. Impressive…never worked on a base before :O shold try it one day too

    • Very interesting basing. Love the rock formation very alien looking, and excellent colouration to the earth,

    • Very impressive base there, can’t wait to see your model on it.

    • Top of the game. A very very impressive work, you have mastered this kind of workmanship , I’m not worthy =) the best of good luck to you my fellow enthusiast , well done

    • thanks peeps. gotta give shouts to the original master I learned a lot of techniques from: DC23